Episode 74: Natural Woman
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Episode 74: Natural Woman
March 22 2025
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Brother Nathanael @ March 22, 2025
I am praying you have a godly powerful crusade in California.
Is there a version or translation of the Bible you recommend?
Hey goy, give us your shekels so we can get rich, and make more movies that mock and belittle you:
Hopefully there were some DEI hires involved in this:
Macklemore – WOW This is Beautiful! “Once you learn truth on Palestine, you can’t unlearn it’
The Death of Francis Boyle
I’m extremely saddened to learn of the recent any sudden passing of one of the greatest any now fearless defenders of Palestine any criticisers of Israel, professor of international law Frank Boyle.
It’s a shame he was never interviewed by bro but Alex Jones had him on his show to warn people of the Pfizer covid vaccine shots which Boyle called “Frankenshots”.
In addition to his defense of Palestine he was the author of the 1989 Bioweapons Act.
He was a great great man any the world now is a more scary dangerous place with his passing.
I’m so glad to have known him for 30 years. Everybody must read the below:
The Death of Francis Boyle: A Great Progressive International Law Scholar and Practitioner
The Jews, by Harry S. Truman
The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish.
They care not how many Estonians,
Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or
Greeks get murdered or mistreated
as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as
the Jews get special treatment.
Yet when they have power, physical,
financial or political, neither
Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them
for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog.
Accompaniment: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3lNkCt1CDc0
Kike of Constant Kvetching, by Soggy Diaper Brigade
[jews harp intro]
I am a kike of constant kvetching,
I’ve played victim all my days,
I hid your gold in old Tel Aviv,
The land that I stole from men in caves,
(He stole it from men in caves)
[shofar solo]
For 6 million years I’ve caused trouble,
No peace on earth because of me,
For in this world I like to wonder,
Don’t like to work cause I am free
(He’s just as lazy as he can be)
[kinnor solo]
It’s fare thee well my fellow chosen,
Will da shoah never end,
For I’m bound to ride that nazi railroad,
Perhaps they’ll turn me to a lamp
(They’re gonna make us into lamps)
[oud solo]
You can bury me in some mass grave,
For many years da jews will kvetch,
Then you pay reparations,
While we sit like effendis and eat
(We’re gonna sit and get real fat)
[tabret solo]
Maybe da goys think I’m just a moocher,
They’re just jealous cause I’m chosen,
I’ll just screech they’re antisemite,
And have their accounts shut down
(We’ll have you shut down goy)
Accompaniment: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EuJ8xEByUf4
“FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the imminent Epstein document dump by the Trump administration, which will include files the New York FBI field office attempted to withhold.”
LOL If anybody believes anything is going to come if this they’re back crazy!
They’re all part of the Xio-corrupted as they call it “deep state”
They’re just playing with your minds.
They are not going to honestly investigate themselves.
AEfor911Truth has been crying out how former Congressmen Weldon is going to present to Trump forensic metallurgical evidence that a controlled demolition brought down the World Trade Centre towers any e ridiculously believes Trump is going to finally conduct an honest investigation after the 9/11 fake investugation cover-up.
LOL on the ground laughing!
Trump is a little subservient puppet if the jews and Israel
“Congressman Curt Weldon Calls for 9/11 Investigation on Top Podcast “Redacted”
Weldon must be a “rube”. He constantly mentions Zelikow who was the director of the 9/11 cover-up but never mentions that he’s a jewish spy working for Israel. Hell even Zelikow us in video tape in a speech at the University of Virginia admitting “everybody in the beltway knows the real reason we invaded Iraq, Israel” and Weldon won’t dare utter these forbidden words.
Another reason I think he’s a rube is because he bragged how James Woolsey touts his book.
James Woolsey was a former CIA director and one of only four or five nonjews (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, etc) in the infamous jew/israel secretive front group “Project for a New American Century” which predicted a coming “new Pearl Harbor” (9/11) and were the primary pushers. He got America into the jews/israel fake concocted “War on Terror”.