Episode 73: The Girl From Ipanema
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Episode 73: The Girl From Ipanema
March 14 2025
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Brother Nathanael @ March 14, 2025
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The Jew from New York City – by Amy Whine-House
Short and pale and bald and homely
The Jew from New York City goes walking
And as he swaggers the goys he beggars go, “Arrggghhh…”
Eyes like flint and hands like talons
A bloodhound’s nose for offshore hedge funds
And as he swaggers each goy he beggars goes, “Arrggghhh…”
Oy, how they hate him so madly
How they’re all dying to kill him
Yes, they’d be brewing Zyklon B
But each day when he walks down the street
He sees how the goy kiss his feet
Short and pale and bald and homely
The Jew from New York City goes walking
And as he swaggers they cry
But he doesn’t see….
Nice one Rav Glickman. I would have written something, but I was up all night wringing my hands worried about the impending goyim uprising.
I feel your pain, Rav Mortichai.
Must we suffer in silence? The goy are starting to wise up. And soon they’ll start to rise up.
Oy gevalt!
Oy gevalt! Will the oldest hatred never end?
Someone wrote this horribly anti-Semitic song and posted it… here!
Runaround Jews – by Demon and the Hellbounds
Here’s my story, it’s sad but true
About a time when I got Jewed
They took my wife, my home and my dog
And then disappeared like a London fog.
Hey-hey (whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh)
I should have known it from the very start
The Jews’ll even take your broken heart
Now listen people what I’m telling you
A-keep away from those runaround Jews, yeah
A hand in your pocket and a big brief case
Jews say hello with a can of mace
So if you don’t wanna cry like I do
A-keep away from those runaround Jews
Hey-hey (whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh)
Cham b’ibluh, Cham b’ibluh (whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh)
They’re gonna’ screw you down, yeah
Without even a reach around
View all others as sworn foes
First your money and then all your clothes
Here’s the moral of the story from a goy who learned
The Jews are waiting and you’ll get burned
Ask any fool that they ever screwed, they’ll say:
“A-keep away from them runaround Jews.”
Shofar solo… fade….