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Episode 37: Why Trump Must Win

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Episode 37: Why Trump Must Win
October 12 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ October 12, 2024


  1. Ted Gorsline October 13, 2024 @ 1:24 am

    I agree with everything you have said, but have the uneasy feeling that its already far too late to stop a rigged election.

    I am pretty sure Donald Duck or Puff Diddly Combs could easily win the next election from a jail cell if the powers that be wanted one of them in power.

    In fact, either would be a significant improvement over the current administration led by “Vegetable” Joe Biden and “Cackling” Kamala. Both Biden and Kamala seem dysfunctional.

    George the jew Soros and his open society is the money behind the flooding of America with illegals, and allegedly he occupies the same office building in Canada where Dominion voting machines is located.

    Soros’ behavior is worrisome but does show how tolerant Christians are. In most non-Christian societies, Soros and his son would have been dragged out of their limousines and kicked to death in the streets long ago.

    I guess guys like Soros is why God created the right to keep and bear arms.

  2. Mjpell56 October 13, 2024 @ 4:49 am

    Trump kisses too much jooo ass.

    Idk if we can even trust him at this point trying blame Iran for everything.

    Too many “Chosen Ones” are in his ear telling him what to do and say.

  3. Janet Chadwick October 13, 2024 @ 10:14 am

    You are totally right, Brother Nathanael that Trump has to go after the Jew vote. And he is pretending to be a Zionist.

    The higher military groomed Trump to become president and hopefully they can override an election steal by the Kamala regime.

  4. Adam October 13, 2024 @ 5:13 pm


    How do you know that he is pretending or the “higher military groomed him”?

    Just curious what the answer is. Don’t take offense please.

  5. jla October 13, 2024 @ 5:39 pm

    I agree with Mjpell56

    Trump kisses way too much jooo ass.

    Trumpstein is own by the jooos. Now I have questions about Brother Nathanael, considering he is overlooking all of Trumpstein’s jooo connections.

  6. jamie chadwick October 13, 2024 @ 6:53 pm

    The idea that “Trump must win” is a perspective held by some of his supporters for several reasons, many of which are tied to their views on policy, governance, and their belief in his leadership

    Generally believe that he represents a break from traditional politics and embodies a strong economic, nationalistic, and conservative agenda. They view him as a protector of American values, an advocate for the common people, and a bulwark against what they see as overreach by political elites and progressive ideologies.

    That being said, views on Trump’s candidacy are deeply polarized, and those opposed to him argue against his policies, leadership style, and divisive rhetoric.

    It all depends on where you stand politically and what you value most in a leader.

  7. Dennis Liam ARDELL October 13, 2024 @ 7:07 pm

    Jared Kushner was basically controlling Donald Trump during his four years as “ President.”

    Jared is a crazy Chabad Lubavitcher.

    The cretins who ruined Christmas with their giant ugly Menorahs on local, state, municipal and federal properties throughout the United States.

    Jews from ACLU, Chabad Lubavitchers, kicked Jesus, Mary, Joseph, into the gutter. They and the glorious wise men have been purged by the Jews.

    This proves who is in control of the United States.

    Not one Christian, minister or bribed, traitorous U. S. politician has lifted a finger or said one word in protest.

    Think about this.

  8. Ted Gorsline October 14, 2024 @ 1:01 am

    Trump’s great strength is that he has no loyalty to ayone except himself.

    Since he can’t run for re-election again, if he wins this time around, he has nothing to lose by stabbing Miriam Adelson in the back after he takes her $100 million bribe and grabs some jewish media support.

    Unless…the success of his business enterprises after his presidency is over, are, like Elon Musk, in the hands of Jewish bankers.

    In that case he will bomb Iran.

  9. The Englishman October 14, 2024 @ 4:04 am

    I could not finish watching Al Jazeera’s latest film on “Gaza”.

    The anger welling up in me for those who could go along with this slaughter, fellow Arabs and Muslims, without a declaration of total expungement towards these vile faeces of humanity should be their shame for all time.

    This accursed race, the jew, responsible for the very worst of ‘uman traits will never be at peace, even in death.

    Nothing less than a massive operation rounding up Amerika’s jews together with the incarceration of the whole Israhell government, pending a show trial whereby guilty verdicts are imposed on all, with mandatory “Black Cap” sentencing, will provide any sort of future for Humanity.

  10. MeMe October 14, 2024 @ 8:29 am


    You have my deepest sympathies, I completely understand. I can’t watch any more clips of the debased horror of Jews killing innocents, watching footage of children on fire and screaming for help.

    “Nothing less than a massive operation rounding up Amerika’s jews together with the incarceration of the whole Israhell government, pending a show trial whereby guilty verdicts are imposed on all, with mandatory “Black Cap” sentencing, will provide any sort of future for Humanity.”

    Well their karma would indicate to me to be exactly the same kind of justice they meted out to the German prisoners of war at Nuremberg.

    After death they should all (males) be examined to confirm their testes have been smashed beyond recognition just like they did to the German military hierarchy, and as you rightly say the verdicts pre-written, followed by a public hanging.

    Oh, and of course they must all sign a confession read out for public consumption that the holocaust (I have such trouble writing that word when it should be holohoax) was completely made up to guilt trip the gullible goy. But, I can never unsee their horror.

  11. Rabbi Glickman October 14, 2024 @ 10:35 am

    Rabbi’s Paradise – by Joolio

    As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
    Everybody runs away ’til they’re all outta’ breath
    ‘Cause I’ve been blastin’ my shofar so hard and so long
    That even G-d himself comes down and bows to me in awe

    But I’ve never crossed a goyim who wasn’t deservin’
    Treat me like a mamzer and I’ll call out my golem
    Watch where you’re walkin’ and how you’re talkin’
    Or you and your family just might just end up croakin’

    Got my anti-Semite whistle, that I know how to use
    Callin’ up my homies, G-d’s Chosen Ones, the Jews
    I’m the kind of a rabbi even other rabbis fear
    ‘Cuz I know Kabbala even better than old Schneer’

    Tell me why can’t anybody see
    The whole world is our enemy?

    Been tellin’ all my crazy lies
    Livin’ in a rabbi’s paradise
    (repeat x 3)

    Look at my situation, the Goyim I’m degradin’
    I’m not a normal man, a child of the Shoah
    Burrowing like a mole rat
    So I can peep into the mikvah

    I’m a stand up mensch with money on my mind
    Fourteen PhD’s and a Glock nine
    You sure you want to cross me?
    Then you’re crossing the red line… nigga

    Power and the money, and the money and power
    Livin’ every minute like it’s my last hour
    Rappin’ to my homies down at the schul
    ’bout what some goyim did to us twelve hundred years ago

    Been tellin’ all my crazy lies
    Livin’ in a rabbi’s paradise
    (repeat x 3)

    Tell me why can’t anybody see
    The whole world is our enemy?
    Tell me why can’t anybody see
    The whole world is our enemy?

  12. Ted Gorsline October 14, 2024 @ 2:28 pm

    Gaza is the Valley of the Shadow of Death and the monsters who have brought it on are now highly visible and on stage for the whole world to see.

  13. John October 14, 2024 @ 4:48 pm

    I’ve been following Brother Nathanael for countless years, but I will have to take exception to this talk.

    First off, there is no legitimate presidential election in the US. “Candidates” are selected and installed by the Jewish establishment.

    Yes, Cackling Kamala, would be a disaster! – a devoted Marxist and overall idiot.

    And Trump will NOT “save” the country either! He allegedly covertly converted to Judaism in 2017 and has and will support Zionism and the terrorist regime of Israel when given any authority.

    He surrounds himself with Zionist neocons and will continue to support genocide of the indigenous people of the Middle East while screwing over the U.S. taxpayer. Like Bibi, Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. He is not to be trusted!

    Summary: Boycott the phony elections, support the BDS movement, and publicly reject and protest BOTH presidential “candidates” through non participation of establishment values while supporting local, community groups that foster self determination/sufficiency and the U.S. Constitution.

  14. T Megamoly October 14, 2024 @ 5:31 pm

    Anybody who believes Trump will oppose the zionists if he is (s)elected to the White House is wishful thinking.

    He was paid the millions to support the annihilation of the Palestinians and he will do it because he knows they will kill him if he does not.

    Cackling Hoe Harris is no better, of course, but I will take anyone except zionist charlatan Drumpf.

  15. KathJuliane October 14, 2024 @ 11:06 pm

    THAAD Ain’t So Good


    14 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

    Some of you know how my mind works. When I hear the word, “THAAD,” my brain immediately registers a Porky Pig voice saying, “THAAD’s All Folks.”

    THAAD is the acronym for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense. It is essentially a large bullet that is supposed to strike an in-bound missile and break it up. It is a kinetic weapon, i.e., it does not explode.

    So Israel, who claims (mistakenly) to have the best air-defense system in the world, now wants the THAAD. If you got the best, why do you need something better?

    Hell, if the THAAD was such a great piece of air defense why didn’t we send a couple to Ukraine? Zelensky is begging for more air defense. The reason is simple — reportedly, there are only nine launchers in the entire world.

    Each launcher carries eight missiles, which means if Iran fires 100 missiles, 92% of them will be safe from THAAD.

    Then there is the reloading and supply problem. Reportedly, Lockheed Martin built only 1,000 missiles for this system. There is not a ready supply sitting around in a warehouse waiting to be sent to the front.

    Oh yeah, almost forgot. Each missile costs $12.6 million. Not exactly what you would describe as a cheap piece of ammunition. As a tactical and strategic weapon, THAAD is a bust. It is not designed for the battlefield in Ukraine, where Russia can launch 200 missiles in one attack.

    What is this really about? I believe it is an excuse to put US troops on the ground in Israel in hopes that it will deter Iran from striking near targets manned by US forces.

    It also is a tangible gesture of support for Israel by the Biden Administration, who may be playing a desperation card in order to persuade Israel not to attack Iran. From a military standpoint, this is a nothing burger.

    I discussed this and other issues related to the genocidal war against the Palestinians and Lebanese with the Judge and Nima today.

  16. Dr. Kennedy October 15, 2024 @ 1:39 am

    Glad you’re finally seeing the truth, Brother.

    Because initially you pegged Trump, as a stooge for Israel.

    We will continue to remain vigilant, while removing this ancient enemy from our midst.

  17. Ted Gorsline October 15, 2024 @ 5:19 am

    Danny Haiphong is a bright guy with good interviews.

    He is not sluggish and boring like Adam Green who reads alot of books.

    He has good interviews with an American Army Ranger vet named Greg Stoker who has combat experience and also has friends who have trained the IDF and found them unimpressive.

    Basically the IDF has a very low taste for combat or KIAs, perhaps the lowest of any military ever, meaning they are cowards.

    They are mostly frightened and lack discipline as anyone can see from their self posted behavior murdering children by shooting them in the head, torturing, murdering people in hospital beds etc, etc, etc, etc ad nauseam.

    They are just sick, like jewish culture is.

    The IDF does not like to leave the security of their tanks and armoured vehicles because the largely home made weapons Hamas uses are not strong enough to destroy tank engines or get inside the tanks to kill the crews.

    Hamas and Hezbollah seek battle. The IDF seeks safety.

    The IDF has three strengths. 1) Gag orders on mortality rates, successful missile attacks etc. 2) Enormously powerful US supplied bombs and top of the line F-35 stealth fighters. 3) Great PR from jewish-owned western media.

    Stoker says they have failed to achieve combined arms tactics and are trained for 2006 warfare whereas Hezbollah’s tactics are up to date.

    Basically, Israel is being ground down and is losing the war despite enormous financial and military and media backing from the jewish-controlled US government.

    Hopefully, the whole jewish population of Palestine will soon be backed up on the beach like the whole British army was at Dunkirk, and the Palestinians be given the chance, to give their militants the thumbs down, if they so wish.

    In my mind’s eye I see an identical scenario to the one in the film Lawrence of Arabia, where Lawrence and his rag tag army catches up to a retreating Turkish army column and Lawrence shouts out the command.

    “No prisoners! No prisoners!”

    Its in the wind.

  18. Rabbi Glickman October 15, 2024 @ 10:14 am

    The Robber – by The Jagoffz

    Hey goy, I bet you
    There’s someone out to get you
    You’ll find them anywhere
    On a bus, in a bar, in a grocery store
    They’ll say, “Excuse me.
    “Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?”

    Rob, rob, rob, rob, rob
    They call us the robbers
    Rob, rob, rob
    No one can stop us

    Once we start our robbin’
    Ain’t no way that we’re stoppin’
    We’ll say we need you
    A companion, a friend we can talk to
    We’ve made up our mind, goy
    You’re the one we’re gonna’ to stick it to

    Rob, rob, rob, rob, rob
    They call us the robbers
    Rob, rob, rob
    And no one can stop us

    We make an impression
    Then we make a suggestion
    “Come o’er to our place
    For some shekels or kiddies for free”
    We’ve got you where we want you
    Now we own you for eternity

    Rob, rob, rob, rob, rob
    They call us the robbers
    Rob, rob, rob
    And none can stop us

    Rob, rob, rob, rob, rob
    They call us the robbers….

  19. The Englishman October 15, 2024 @ 1:02 pm

    Is this what you refer to, Ted

    For all to savour.

  20. Ted Gorsline October 15, 2024 @ 2:15 pm

    @The Englishman

    Yes that is the scene. The Arab army wiping out their Turkish tormentors. It now looks like the Arab armies will soon wipe out their Jewish tormentors.

    The Hezbollah Arabs killed and wounded 54 members of the Golani Brigade yesterday, Israel’s best special farces, the same people Christian Anampour had fire a tank behind her as she posed in complete safety to try to establish her credibility as a war correspondent for CNN.

    No surprises at what is transpiring. The same thing has already happened to the jews more than 1,000 times in history and now it would seem that it will happen once again.

    The jew Einstein said the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results when the action failed the first time.

    Insanity it would seem is what defines jewish culture.

  21. Ted Gorsline October 15, 2024 @ 2:51 pm

    @The Englishman

    Thanks for putting up the Lawrence of Arabia Film. By far the finest film ever made. Nothing else even a close second. I could tell by watching it that David Lean was very familiar with the third world. I have seen scenes very similar to the one where the tribes try to keep the electricty and water running in newly captured Akaba.

    You can’t tell people about these things or you will be accused of being racist.

    Lawrence’s revolver, a 455 Webley, originally designed to stop Fuzzy Wuzzies when .38 revolvers proved inadequate, is identical to the one my grandfather carried in WW1 when he was gassed with mustard gas.

    I just sold it because I am moving back to Canada, and Trudeau has banned handguns so had I taken it home it would have been confiscated.

    The curved knife is identical to the one the current leader of the Houthis, whose last name is Houthi now carries. I am sure that when the Houthis have the jew boys trapped up against the beach they will throw away their AK-47s and revert to their traditional curved knives.

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