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Bird Flu Kicking In

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Bird Flu Kicking In
September 28 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ September 28, 2024


  1. Brother Nathanael September 28, 2024 @ 3:44 pm

    Bird Flu Kicking In

    We got a Bird Flu kicking in.

    Why now?

    Elections 2024.

    Why this now?

    A “Bird Flu Summit” in DC October 3 rd and 4 th.

    And WHY the Jew Robert Redfield, former CDC head, give the “Plandemic” a “not if” BUT when. [Clip]

    [“And Dr. Redfield joins me live now. It’s always nice to see you, Doctor. I remember you told Chris not long ago that the Bird Flu could make COVID look like a little pandemic, which is quite alarming. I mean, is that really the case?”

    “Yes, Brian. I really do think its very likely that we will at sometime, it’s not a question of if, but more of a question of when, we will have a Bird Flu pandemic. And, uh, as you mentioned, unfortunately Bird Flu has, when it does enter humans, has a significant mortality. Probably somewhere between 25 and 50% mortality. So, it’s going to be quite complicated.”]

    Oy vey!

    This will turn the goys heads every which way.

    It starts with birds, on to chickens, then ducks, and geese, then to “mammals”—I mean cows—then SCREAM–onto the goyeem. [Clip SAME]

    [“Since 2019, we’ve had a progressive increase in Bird Flu in chickens, and ducks, and turkeys in our country. And since then, you’ve seen it now go into a number of mammals. It’s now known in over 25 different mammals. I think now with the llamas recently, its now in 27 mammals in the United States.

    “Why is that important? It is we know exactly what has to happen for Bird Flu to be infectious for humans, and go human-to-human. Scientists in 2012 actually did experiments in the lab using gain-of-function research, which I’m not in favor of, but the scientists did and they figured the 5 amino acids that have to change in a key receptor in order for Bird Flu to gain a propensity to bind to the human receptor, and then go human-to-human.”

    Of course he’s all for “GAIN OF FUNCTION.”

    He quotes it to prove that once mammals have that infectuous “Bird Flu..”

    …then it’s on to humans to humans…and then on to…HUMANS!

    Ohh, those lockdowns are coming again.

    Take Notice Mister Trump!

    Listen to the noise.

    Mail In Votes, I mean, a rigged election on steroids.

    Oh, those poor birds!

    They’re destined to die.

    But Kamala may be sitting pretty come November 5!

  2. Lloyd Trisler September 28, 2024 @ 4:48 pm

    That’s a very good video.

    And very good Jew news which is always bad news for us goy!

  3. CharlaS September 28, 2024 @ 4:59 pm

    THOSE PEOPLE poisoned wells all over Europe in the early 1300s bringing on what was known as the Black Death.

    Static in the Attic just published a video about this little-known but well documented history on YT.

    “Was This (a Grey) Retaliation for Shutting Down the Knights Templar $$$ Dynasty?”

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