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My Six Point Plan To Ban The Jews

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My Six Point Plan To Ban The Jews
September 18 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ September 18, 2024


  1. Brother Nathanael September 18, 2024 @ 11:11 am

    My Six Point Plan To Ban The Jews

    The Jews love to ban anyone who attacks their brand.

    But the sh#t has hit the fan.

    I got a Six Point Plan to turn the ban onto Yid Land.


    End The Jewish Fed.

    Printing money out of thin air has got to end.

    Ron Paul hit a wall.

    But Thomas Massie—not Rand—has picked up the ball.


    End The Jewish Monopoly of The Media.

    Jews own it all.

    It’s time for their information lies to fall.


    End Jewish Censorship.

    The ADL, led by Jonathan Greenblech, scours the internet with a gag in their hand.

    No algorithm can stop a million of us saying what we see.


    End Jewish Money Out Of Politics.

    Simply register AIPAC, ADL, and the Legion of Demon Jewish Lobbies as agents of a foreign entity, IsraHell.

    JFK tried to do it, and they killed him.

    The ain’t gonna kill me.


    End Jewish Presence In Education.

    The AFT is run by Jewish lesbian Randi Weingarten.

    She created CRT.

    White Christian Americans will make her fall to her knees.


    End Mass Immigration.

    Revoke all H 1b Visas.

    Send the Hindus home like a bad disease.

    Revoke the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.

    All who arrived and born here thereafter must be deprived of influence and their anti-Christian issuance.

    It’s my Six Point Plan.

    Oh the sh#t is gonna hit.

    Right between the lips, hips, brow, and brain of every single Yid.

  2. Mjpell56 September 18, 2024 @ 12:19 pm

    @ +BN

    Good plan, but how do we do it man??

  3. Renata September 18, 2024 @ 12:44 pm


    I think it is exaggeration as I Have read so many valuable book by intellectuals of that tribe.

  4. Chris Kelly September 18, 2024 @ 3:17 pm

    YES! YES! YES! You are an inspiration to all human beings.

    God Bless you! I will support your mission.

    How can we begin to fight for these awesome goals you have outlined? Is Massey a good man like Ron Paul was?

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  5. James September 18, 2024 @ 3:26 pm

    The New Fed will be BlackRock under Donald Trump.

    No lessening of godless jewboy extortion under Trump.

    BTC to replace the USD via BlackRock, but the same Hive will rule.

    May God help His own.

  6. Andrew. September 18, 2024 @ 3:47 pm

    I think you better figure out how to deal with the CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS first.

    They greatly outnumber the jews and love them very much.

    I was having dinner when I read your plan and almost choked, not funny! If Trump gets in, you’ll get thrown in the hoosegow for talking like that. He has already said that, you might even get deported.

    Go visit Edward Snowden, Putin has a special plan for traditional Christians and you belong to the right religion.

    The U.S. is dead, hated around the globe. Putin has a much better New Global Plan.

    I’m going to hang around and observe the show, better than anything on Netflix, new actions every day, many subplots, never a dull moment.

    What is more stimulating than not knowing when the entire country will be incinerated? That is the only way you will get your wish for your 6-point plan.

    US = FUBAR

  7. Michael B September 18, 2024 @ 4:10 pm

    Dear Brother Nathanael.

    I love it man, I love it. We must learn to live again.

    The 6P Plan would work well once the brainwashing is replaced with real consequences like Borla and the Freeloaders modified mRNA clot shots to wake up people in mass worldwide all at once to go after the problems you just identified.

    In case you were unaware, there is a new documentary entitled, “The Ark and the Darkness,” worthwhile viewing as education has been hiding the simple promises of the Creator and his power to make good on a promise in that the next flood would be made of fire if some among us today do the amalgamation of man and beasts again like they did before the first flood.

    Once people see the truth they can also break the mind control that is stopping them from naming their common enemy.

    Is there a list of names so people target fewer people by mistake, Brother Nathanael? Thanks.

  8. CarolABinkley September 18, 2024 @ 4:12 pm

    To Mjpell56:

    If we could count on a fair election, we might still be able to vote in people who could, and would, do it!

  9. Mike Miller September 18, 2024 @ 4:46 pm

    Followed you long time, Brother

    Very good List you have, but LOL, no disrespect, but that’s easier said than done for the average American, especially me. Put broke and homeless 3 times, and a fourth will happen in December. USMC..out in 73.

    My opinion? What is paramount at this time is the accelerated awakening of the people.

    After all, UNITY Destroys Marxism “101′ where people need to be divided.



  10. Simon September 19, 2024 @ 1:00 am

    God bless!

  11. Simon September 19, 2024 @ 1:03 am


    Move to Orthodox Christian countries.

  12. Rebel Roy September 19, 2024 @ 1:51 am

    Great, Brother.

    I really like your plan and it must be done.

    You are a genius inspired by God.

    I miss your columns as I read, but don’t have sound.

    Thank you for all you do, you are appreciated.

    Your reward in Heaven will be great because you care about decent people not being led astray from the Father and His Son Jesus.

    I trust all you say because you call upon the blood of Jesus.

    Nothing you have ever said can be shown to be false or embellished.

    My feeling is that this world is soon coming to an end I am not sad nor scared.

    Keep calling out the Devil Jews who separate people from the Lord.

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