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Episode 28: Israel’s Rampaging Plan

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Episode 28: Israel’s Rampaging Plan
September 16 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ September 16, 2024


  1. Ted Gorsline September 17, 2024 @ 10:14 am

    This is the best information placed anywhere on the internet today.

  2. vince September 17, 2024 @ 1:50 pm


    You have to quit complaining about your low donations. It’s not fair to compare your program to Nick F’s program. I have never listened to him but I am assuming he has been doing his podcast for a lot longer than you have.

    What kind of donations do you think he was getting when he first started? I doubt he was making what he is today. You just started your podcast and you may not have the name recognition or audience numbers Nick has.

    Give it time and the donations may start getting better. Personally I can’t donate to anyone. I have been unemployed for over a year and I am not getting unemployment or any other gov’t handouts. I am solely living on my savings, and until things change for the better I am handcuffed as to what I can spend money on because of the uncertainty of the future.

    The economy sucks now because of the jews and many people can’t donate even if they want to. Also I don’t think many people who watch you don’t know when you live stream.

    I don’t. So at the end of your show just mention when your next stream is and see if donations rise.

  3. Citizenfitz September 17, 2024 @ 2:13 pm

    The usual suspects up to their usual shenanigans:

    The way the Mossad figures things, if 100 completely innocent civilians get killed or maimed in trying to get just one guy… it was worth it!

  4. Citizenfitz September 17, 2024 @ 3:23 pm

    Good one, Bro!

    Interesting stuff. But I suspect the Jews are thinking bigger than just Eretz Yisrael. A lot bigger.

    Russia is certainly in their sights… and Putin was causing them trouble there. Something had to be done.

    IMHO, when Russia didn’t collapse from the theft of all those $billions and sanctions as expected, the Tribe quietly approached Putin with an offer: “Take it slow and give us time to finish sucking the West dry, and then we’ll move our assets into Russia, and make YOU the shot-caller of the World.” And he agreed.

    Putin may think he has a handle on things but of course, with jews you lose.

  5. KathJuliane September 17, 2024 @ 3:46 pm

    At least 8 dead, more than 2,700 injured after pagers detonate in Lebanon, security officials say

    A source told the Associated Press that the pagers were carried by members of the terrorist group Hezbollah while a separate source said the incident was an Israeli attack.

    Just the News | September 17, 2024

    More than 2,700 people were wounded and at least eight have been killed in Beirut and other areas of Lebanon after hundreds of pagers exploded on Tuesday, according to security officials.

    Iran’s ambassador was among those wounded, according to the Associated Press.

    Members of the terrorist group Hezbollah were killed after the pagers exploded.

    It is unclear who carried out the attack at this time.

    A source told the AP that the pagers were carried by members of the terrorist group Hezbollah while a separate source said the incident was an Israeli attack.

    The Israeli military has not publicly commented on the situation.


    Redacted: Here we go! Middle East about to EXPLODE, Diddy arrested, Trump Shooter groomed | Redacted Live

    17 September 2024

    Israel launched a sophisticated exploding pager strike against thousands of Lebanese and Hezbollah officials. The numbers are still coming in but right now it’s close to 3,000 people wounded and 9 killed. It’s being called “Hezbollah’s 9/11”.

    We’re also looking at stunning new details around Ryan Routh, Trump’s 2nd shooter and Diddy’s indictment.

    Israel’s state terrorist pager strike coverage starts at 5:39 with Scott Ritter.

    Reportedly, pagers exploded in London.

    None of us with cell phones or pagers are safe.

    Israel delenda est!


  6. David Mohar September 17, 2024 @ 7:03 pm

    I just gave a $50.00 donation.

    Hope it gets to you. Not savvy with electronics.

  7. KathJuliane September 17, 2024 @ 7:45 pm

    BREAKING Hezbollah Pagers Explode in Lebanon More thab 1k Casualties

    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive

    Israel Launches Major Cyber Attack on Hezbollah. Is the War About to Escalate?


    17 September 2024 by Larry C. Johnson
    We saw a first today — a massive cyber attack that resulted in the simultaneous explosion of thousands of pagers reportedly in the hands and pockets of members of Hezbollah in Lebanon. The last numbers I saw put the death toll at 11, with more than 4,000 wounded. Wow!

    Steve Bryen provides an excellent summary at Substack (I’m linking to his piece). Here are the highlights: …

    This attack, while incredibly creative, also reflects desperation on the part of the Israelis.

    It is one thing to produce one phone or pager that explodes. That could be attributed to poor production quality or a targeted assassination with a rigged device. It would not immediately raise questions about the provenance, i.e., the manufacturer. At a minimum, the Lebanese killed and wounded by these devices will have grounds for a class action lawsuit against the producer.

    But from an intel standpoint, this literally and figuratively explodes an intelligence tactic and procedure.

    This method is now compromised and Hezbollah will take new security measures to ensure this does not happen again. While Israel may have maimed or killed some Hezbollah operatives, there was no way to ensure that a civilian not involved in Hezbollah operations suffered the consequences of an exploding pager.

    This is no different then detonating a car bomb targeted at Hezbollah operatives, but also inflicts wounds and deaths on innocent civilians. If Hezbollah did this to a group of Israeli soldiers, but also killed or maimed scores of Israeli civilians, it would be widely (and correctly) decried as a terrorist act.

    I agree with Steve that this may signal the start of Israel’s campaign to invade Lebanon and fight Hezbollah. The problem with this kind of attack is that it does not cripple Hezbollah. Instead, it will embolden Hezbollah to launch more fierce, devastating attacks.

    We are going to see escalating violence and Hezbollah retaliatory strikes into Israel are likely to hit civilians as well as military targets.

    Full story:

    There are close to 3,000 casualties now. -Kj

    Israel delenda est!

  8. MeMe September 17, 2024 @ 11:47 pm

    Palestine is an occupied State and so there are no civilian Israelis, they are invading occupiers and a large number are also armed and work together as a militia.

  9. Ted Gorsline September 18, 2024 @ 2:39 am

    A Mohammed Masry, from the DOHA Institute, being interviewed on Al Jazeera, said for some time now Hezbollah has made it illegal for its prime operatives to use mobile phones. All important messages are hand written and delivered.

    That Israel would show its hand by detonating so many pagers and comm equipment at once seems to belie a state of panic. The detonations have revealed the sophistication of Israel’s electronic intelligence, but for the most part have once again killed the innocent.

    On another matter, The Chechen general, Apti Aloudinov, has explained Russia’s patient tactics in the Ukraine and they mimic exactly what Colonel Douglas Macgregor has been saying for years.

    I disagree with Cititenfitz. I do not think Putin has been compromised by the jew boys. I think he knows exactly who the perps or jewwps are and what they are up to.

    Much as I greatly admire Scott Ritter and Colonel Macgregor, they too are getting bogged down with euphemisms like “Zionist” and “donors” when the perps really are jews.

    Bro Nat is on the leading edge of calling jews jews. Nice to see some other websites like The Intel drop are now doing the same thing. The revulsion with these people keeps growing.

  10. Citizenfitz September 18, 2024 @ 9:03 am

    I just got an interesting strike at FB.

    Fourteen years ago my son was in Afghanistan with the Army, and he sent me a pic, or I sent him one, of some Afghani guy kissing a boy. They’re a bunch of weirdo pedos over there. He/I used FB to send it.

    Anyway… fourteen years later!… FB sends me a notice that my account has been suspended for a week – for “inappropriate sexual content”. They included the pic of the man and kid as the evidence.

    I really don’t care as I rarely use FB for anything more than checking FB Marketplace for things.

    The point is that FB is now combing through data, even many years old, looking for stuff they can throw at people. Just be aware.

  11. Kraig Spivey September 18, 2024 @ 9:16 am

    F— Mossad!

  12. KathJuliane September 18, 2024 @ 8:15 pm

    Israel Commits to Full-Scale War in Lebanon


    18 September 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

    Israel has been warned and its leaders apparently have decided to ignore those warnings. Madness!

    I have trained and worked with Israelis — not a lot — and learned that many of their military and intelligence leadership excel in arrogance and hubris.

    When I conduct firearms training courses for US citizens, the single most important characteristic is attitude. I can teach knowledge and skills, but if the student has a know-it-all attitude, the instruction is a waste of time.

    That is Israel — bad attitude. And the poor attitude translates into lack of knowledge and limited skills and reckless risk taking.

    A group of Washington Post reporters provided the latest update about Israeli intentions:

    “Top Israeli officials who met with a senior White House adviser warned that military action will be needed to allow thousands of residents to go back to their homes along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.

    “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Amos Hochstein, who was in Israel on Monday to try to de-escalate tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, that Israel appreciated U.S. support but would ultimately “do what is necessary to safeguard its security and return the residents of the north securely to their homes,” according to a statement from Netanyahu’s office.

    “In an early Tuesday announcement, Israel’s security cabinet also said it updated its war objectives to include “returning the residents of the north securely to their homes,” signaling an expansion of official aims that originally focused on eliminating Hamas and returning the hostages taken on Oct. 7.”

    It’s important to understand what this means. In order to secure northern Israel, the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) will have to invade southern Lebanon and expel Hezbollah.

    Let that sink in. The very same Israeli force that has failed to quell the uprising in Gaza after 11 months of slaughtering civilians on an unprecedented scale in the history of Israel, now is going to venture into southern Lebanon, where Hezbollah has erected enormous, interconnected lines of defense.

    Continue reading:

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