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Episode 26: Breaking Up The Media

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Episode 26: Breaking Up The Media
September 10 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ September 10, 2024


  1. Ted Gorsline September 11, 2024 @ 3:58 am

    Nationalizing media won’t work.

    Jewish bribes, blackmail and murder will gain control.

    In England the BBC is nationalized and is completely jewed out.

    In Canada the CBC is nationalized and completely jewed out.

    In Germany the ZDF and DW networks, (as well as private RTL etc), are both nationalized and are completely jewed out.

    In France, France 24 is completely jewed out. They have all groomed us with the jew-as-victim narrative since as early as 1948.

    The jews are so obsessed with controlling the jew-as-victim narrative that they resort to murder when they see it slipping away.

    They have complete control of the world’s TV stations and the internet and resort to murder when they lose it. They have recently murdered 140 journalistd in Palestine, but have been murdering journalists there for decades previouly.

    I don’t think Rabbinic Judaism is a religion. I think it is an organized crime network.

  2. Pamela Smith September 11, 2024 @ 4:26 am

    I do not receive notifications of your podcasts. I would like to know when you are broadcasting so I can comment live. I suspect that many of your followers don’t receive notice so they can watch you live.

    Now that I have read Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel and finally understood why my Chassidic “friend’ was so evasive, I am entirely with you.


  3. Ricck Lineheart September 11, 2024 @ 7:18 am

    Brother Nathanael,

    You have the courage of a lion!

  4. michael September 11, 2024 @ 10:20 am

    How is anything going to get done with the media, +BN, if Donald Jerusalem Trump gets back in the Oval office?

    Netanyahu is going to immediately set up a IDF hit against US troops in Palestine, and Jewstream media whom Trump supports is going to fill the airwaves with rhetoric giving Trump his Q, to mobilize troops against Iran.

    The only change US citizens can expect with Trump in office is more executive orders to protect Christ hating Orthodox and Hassidic Jews.

    Also, Alex Jones may be a Mossad operative himself. He did an interview with Trump and said that Trump took a lot of heat from Dan Rather and others, he placing his hand to his mouth and pushes it away, the same way Jews do when telling a lie.

    Trump is the reason why there is censorship in media. I remember just before he was to leave office he held a meeting with big tech people. After he was gone, whatever was said at that meeting commenced to ban free speech during Biden.

    As for Alex Jones, he talked about the dancing Muslims in New Jersey when they where dancing Jews.

    All sent home by Michael Chertoff, when the should have been sent to Cuba for waterboarding. So Jones isn’t a good pick in my opinion. He shrugs off Israel and passive because to him, Israel having nuclear weapons means the US can’t do nothing about Israel.

  5. Citizenfitz September 11, 2024 @ 12:04 pm

    I have a better idea.

    A day of national prayer and fasting. The synagogue of satan CAN be beaten.

    But only by the Church of Christ.

  6. DR. KENNEDY September 11, 2024 @ 3:58 pm

    911 Was An Inside Job, Say Thousands of Architects and Engineers

    Web Site =

    And The Dancing Israelis of 911 =

  7. Scott Leighton September 12, 2024 @ 8:10 am

    Love ya.

    Have a song for ya by Country Joe–the Agent Orange song.

    Moved me to tears also the whole Vietnam experience album (71yrs.from Hingham, Mass now in cowtown 40yrs)

    Love ya

  8. Barb September 12, 2024 @ 11:23 am

    Nathan Rothschild said whoever controls the money printing controls the world.

    Jews do it. The entire Federal Reserve Board is jews and they have unknown control of other countries by printing their money, too. has books for sale that explain this. You can get the smallest for cheap and it says it all. Jews are called the shadow government. They don’t want to have anything to do with perhaps most of it, but just pick out what they do.

    That’s what the so called presidents, etc… do. They operate all organized crime.

    Most of you probably know this, but they did 911 as it was a faulty building and they wanted an insurance payment to cover it. We have to stop them, but how?

    Maybe most of you know this too but there was no “holocaust”. It was staged. A website was up for a while explaining all of it, but I think was taken down.

    A man from Minnesota, west of of the Twin Cities I think, wrote a book explaining it, too.

  9. vince September 12, 2024 @ 9:27 pm

    Hey +BN, you should check out Tom MacDonald.

    He’s a musician who speaks his mind. He can say things and does that no one else can because he’s 100% independent.

    He his a rapper and probably the best one out there. He’s 100X better than most others and his videos are really good. He does mix rock and pop into his music.

    He sings about this tranny crap and he made a song about the Trump shooting in one day. It was #1 song on 3 charts. He’s very talented.

  10. The Englishman September 13, 2024 @ 2:35 am

    Danke, Dankof.

    The West, namely America and England must sink in order to rid the vermin that occupies them, whether the Devil’s spawn could be vanquished in our once two great Nations is presently, extremely doubtful.

    Dankof offers the young Westerner sound advice, Head for Holy Russia.

  11. Ted Gorsline September 13, 2024 @ 6:56 am

    It would be interesting to know how Hamas recruitment is going.

    One of Judge Napolitano’s guests says it is going well. They started with 30 K freedom fighters and now may have alot more.

    Hamas is growing. Israel is shrinking.

    In contrast, Israel started with 8-9 million people and now has 6 or 7 million with the rest heading back to their promised lands of River Heights and Brooklyn with their tails between their legs.

    It sure looks like Israel can be defeated through attrition if nothing else, if Hamas can keep this war going for two years or even less.

    The child-murdering jews are proving to be the most pathetic and cowardly soldiers in the history of mankind, whereas Hamas is incredibly honorable.

    They don’t even attack Israeli helicopters coming in to recover the wounded. The jews in contrast deliberately murder doctors and destroy hospitals. Truly they are God’s loathsome people just like their jewish counterparts in corrupt Ukraine.

    Its really clear now that Israel’s existence as a genocidal apartheid state is entirely dependent on the US military supplies (500 aircraft loads and 100 ship loads so far) and on American money (half of all US foreign aid since 1948).

    America now willingly supports genocide and apartheid, and that is both leaders and both parties. Bribes work.

  12. Citizenfitz September 13, 2024 @ 10:10 am

    Kakistocracy: a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens.

    Or in the case of America, the UK, Germany, etc… a “kikeistocracy”

  13. Citizenfitz September 13, 2024 @ 10:22 am

    That Mark Dankof article at VT was good. Lots to think about there. Now, I’m gonna’ call my CONgressmen with some thoughts on the matter.

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