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Episode 25: Won’t Back Down!

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Episode 25: Won’t Back Down!
September 8 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ September 10, 2024


  1. Citizenfitz September 10, 2024 @ 2:45 pm

    I like your studio, Brother Nate. And your material. The intro, not so much

    Anyway, “Wear the Beanie, ‘Cuz You’re Their weenie”:

  2. annoying truther September 11, 2024 @ 5:01 pm

    People need to quit being afraid of being called a anti-Semite.

    I’m a a proud anti-Semite. But my anti-Semitism is aimed at the jews that have screwed up this country.

    If someone is called a anti-Semite they should say why they are a anti-Semite. Quit this groveling and apologizing.

    Start talking about the evils the jews do. There’s more than a handful to chose from. I would start with 911.

    If enough people do this then anti-Semite will lose it’s meaning.

  3. Dr. Kennedy September 11, 2024 @ 5:37 pm

    Dear Annoying Truther:

    So many Jews have NO Semitic blood in them, at all, as they come from Russia, Poland, Germany and other parts of Eastern Europe, etc.

    So when confronted by a Jew foaming at the mouth, calling you an anti-Semite. Ask to see proof of their Semitic blood and call them a liar.

    Have you seen this short clip? = IT’S A TRICK WE ALWAYS USE IT. =

  4. Peter Parker September 11, 2024 @ 5:58 pm


    I think I finally figured out why you are so strongly on the good side.

    It’s because you realize that you are more Austrian then Jewish.

    I see so many what I call “Euro Jews” that probably have more European DNA than Jewish. You can tell this when you see one that doesn’t look like they come from a Middle Eastern desert.

  5. Benzion Kook September 12, 2024 @ 10:38 pm

    Arabs are the Semites, dummies.

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