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Episode 20: 6 Point Plan To End Jewish Power

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Episode 20: 6 Point Plan To End Jewish Power
August 15 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ August 15, 2024


  1. Jonathan BaldBlatt August 15, 2024 @ 10:39 pm

    All that power and money, and he can’t add a single hair to his head.

  2. Magda August 16, 2024 @ 12:55 pm

    The schools are completely infiltrated, from Kindergarten teachers all the way up to the Superintendents. The teachers attend mandatory workshops on the “gender spectrum”.

    About 7 years ago I helped out a private school Kindergarten and noticed even then they had changed their language. The teachers no longer called the children boys and girls but “friends”. At the time I thought it was odd but didn’t give it much thought.

    Then about 2 yrs ago one of the teachers happily told me that she was learning so much from attending workshops on the “gender spectrum”. No surprise, the Principal’s daughter identifies as a boy.

    The Superintendent in our county has a son who thinks he is a female. I don’t need to point out that these 2 families belong to a certain ethnic group. Because they are in positions of power they can make the whole district conform to their perversions.

    The first thing the Bolsheviks did was to replace the teachers with ones loyal to their mission, which, of course, is to destroy the family.

  3. MeMe August 16, 2024 @ 10:32 pm

    The problem with ending Jewish influence/power is not a simple matter as well exposed by David Miller in his series of articles on Jewish influence and representation in Western society.

    “Jews as a whole, on average, on aggregate – on every metric examined above – are not discriminated against. Jews are the most privileged minority group – more privileged on average than “white” people, of which they (mostly) form a subsection in the UK. They’re proportionally over-represented in all areas of British public life – especially at senior levels. With that privilege, given the starkly hierarchical nature of UK society, comes the power to make economic, political, and cultural decisions.”

    “…what we are pointing to is the disproportionate power of Zionists since Zionists make up an overwhelming majority of British Jews, and since those with anti-Zionist views, as appears to be the case, are largely excluded from elite positions.”

    And, as the data clearly shows in the article they are over-represented in all areas of wealth, political and social influence.

    “For example, a 2010 report from the National Equality Panel provided data on hourly wages broken down by gender and religion:

    This shows a dramatic advantage for both women and men who are Jewish, in excess of Christians and indeed all other groups. It also shows a marked disadvantage for both women and men who are Muslim.”


    “For example, in the [UK] civil service, there is an officially sponsored network for Jewish staff. All the evidence of its activities suggests a strong attachment to Zionism. Zionism, lest we forget, is an intrinsically racist ideology which sees Jews as superior to non Jews and which is fanatical and ideological in protecting its perceived interests.”

    How do we get to such a situation? Because as +BN rightly says, the Jews network with each other and they keep that hidden from the rest of us.

    It amounts to unfair privilege of which the Bolshevik Jews did a masterful job in Russia, creating the nightmare that was Stalin’s anti-human communism and the unconscionable slaughter of MILLIONS that followed.

    More articles to come.

    The data on the Jews and ‘discrimination’ in the UK.–discrimination–in-the-uk

  4. KathJuliane August 17, 2024 @ 12:01 am

    Oh, so you hate the Antichrist and all of his minions?

    Have you said your prayer against him this morning? -Kj

    Prayer for Deliverance from the Antichrist
    St. Anatoly the Younger of Optina (+1922)

    Deliver me, O Lord, from the deceptions of the God-hating and evil antichrist, whose coming is at hand, and shelter me from his snares in the secret desert of Thy salvation.

    Grant me, O Lord, strength and courage to firmly confess Thy Most Holy Name, that I may not abandon Thee because of fear of the devil, and that I may not deny Thee, my Saviour and Redeemer, nor Thy Holy Church.

    Grant me, O Lord, tears and lamentation for my sins, and spare me, O Lord, in the hour of Thy Dread Judgement. Amen.



    Orthodox Canonist

    Christian Martyrs Simeon and Dmitry (The Holy Vorobyov brothers).

    A snapshot of the persecution against the Church, led by the Judeo-Bolsheviks under the Talmudic leadership of Joseph ‘Stalin’ Jughashvili during the 1930s.

    The brothers, Simeon and Dmitry, were born in the village of Klyuchevoe, Maksatikhinsky Uyezd, Tver Province, into a devout peasant family led by Michael Vorobyov. Their main source of income was farming, and they lived primarily off the land.


    Dear MeMe,

    That’s a great find from David Miller. He’s an excellent geopolitical analyst for all things Judeo-Zionist. -Kj

  5. MeMe August 17, 2024 @ 3:11 am

    Dear KathJ,

    Thank you for your generous words. Yes indeed, I find him to be a great resource and champion of serving the Truth.

    I wonder if from your own great capacity for the same you could clarify or simply confirm my understanding, that it was roughly 10 – 12 thousand New York Jews, Trotsky et al, that with Jew financing sailed to Russia and were responsible for the revolution of 1917?

    I was sickened to read the details of the Bolshevic slaughter particularly of Christians, how they would lock them inside the church and then burn it down with them inside laughing at the screams.

    Or the even more disgusting treatment of the native Ukrainians during the real holocaust, the Holodomor of which inhuman depravity and cruelty I will not elaborate, but they are incidents so disgusting I wish I’d never learned of.

    To me it is obvious where the idea of a right to rape one’s victims originates within the IOF and the murderous colonial settlers of the West Bank. All cut from the same satanic cloth.

    I think the saying “Not all Zionists are Jews, but all Jews are Zionists” is hard to argue against.

  6. Magda August 17, 2024 @ 10:05 am


    Thank you for that lovely prayer.

    I’ve been praying something along those lines, in my own words, and it wasn’t nearly as eloquent as the one you posted.

    Much appreciated!

  7. Victor August 17, 2024 @ 4:28 pm

    Dear Brother Nathaniel,
    End jewish …

  8. KathJuliane August 17, 2024 @ 4:40 pm


    Identity Dixie | 16 August 2024
    Padraig Martin

    I can think of no greater traitor to his people than the outrageously silent King Charles, who has said nothing while his nation is destroyed at every angle.

    The British police not only allow, but tacitly contribute to the kidnapping, rape, and murder of young, White British children. The government protects the freedoms of ultra-violent imams to declare statements of anti-White and anti-Christian hatred, while imprisoning White Christian Britons.

    The collective war against Anglo-Saxons by the British government is nothing short of demonic.

    Great Britain, however, enjoys a robust revolutionary history. In fact, the American Revolution was not a unique event in British history. It was the culmination of a British struggle for rights and national identity that began well before 1066.

    Britain’s Celtic ancestors fought the Romans and secured an interesting autonomy. British lords forced the Magna Carta in 1215. The War of the Roses was a bloody contest over the future of the Isles.

    The myriad of revolutions and internal struggles that Britain endured throughout its history are inspiring. The 17th century deeply impacted the sociological and political identity of the American colonies. That foundational Anglo belief in a codified right to the enjoyment of law and rule by consent led to Lexington in 1775.

    By nature, Anglo-Saxons are revolutionaries with a deeply wedded cultural belief in God given rights. Yet today, the British government is at war with the British nation. I do not mean the political boundaries or physical population of Britain. I mean the very racial, ethnic, and cultural construct that made Great Britain a unique contributor to world history.

    Last week, some pathetic traitor who leads the London police threatened my American right to not only support a British revolution that returns the rights and native ownership of Great Britain to the British nation, but he also protects and defends Islamist rape gangs. He is, by definition, vile, subhuman scum. I dare him to come after those of us who unequivocally support every car overturned… every rock thrown… every building burned… as the British Nationalists reclaim their revolutionary heritage and stamp out the traitors who call themselves’ “government.”

    May God bless EVERY British Nationalist who reclaims his God given right to a government that represents him – not some other tribe(s).


    Our own Citizenfitz dropped in to Identity Dixie! -Kj

    No British nationalist groups will prevail until they remember the Jews’ terrorist attacks against the British in Mandatory Palestine and the despicable bombing of the King David Hotel, and jettison their affection and attachment to Jewish nationalism (Zionism) and Israel.

    Identity Dixie also missed the decades of the Englishmen’s armed resistance to the Franco-Norman occupation under William the Bastard in 1066 carrying the papal banner after the last Orthodox King Harold Godwinson fell at the Battle of Hastings, which became known as William’s ‘Harrying of the North’ led by Edgar AEtheling, supported by Alba (Scotia) and Vikings (Danes).

    Even worse for Brittania, the usurper king William imported the first Frankish Jews into England from his native Rouen. Before that, Brittania was completely Juden-free.

    Englishmen = Anglo-Saxons, but historically the Old English never referred to themselves as such, which is something of a 19th century conceit. In their own literature they called themselves Ænglisc (“Englishmen”) in pre-1066 Kingdom of Englalande, whether they were Angles, Saxons, Norse, or Danes under the autarchy of the Orthodox English kings.

    The hundreds of Ænglisc and Viking Danisc refugee Englishmen who sailed to Byzantion (Miklagarth) in 350 ships, after the Harrying of the North and the Papacy’s legitimization of the Norman conquest, to eventually found their Nova Anglia in Pencheneg-held Roman Crimea, and also settled in Ionia, to serve generation after generation in the Roman Imperial Varangian Guard. This essential contingent of the Roman Army became known as the Enklinobarangoi.

    It is said that as late as 14th century the English had managed to keep their ancient language intact and passed Old English down to their children.

    “14th c. De Officiis records that, at Christmas, these Varangians wished the Emperor length of life, and that after 300 years after their ancestors set out on their extraordinary journey, they did so in their native tongue, that is English”.

    I once came across a Russian linguist who specialized in the etymology Russian place names. She wrote that these very old place names could only be translated coherently from Old English. She surmised that these places were originally Anglo-Saxon settlements. Possible if the Roman English had spread out from their New York in Roman Crimea-Kj

    Anglo-Saxon Varangian Guard (Byzantine [Roman] Empire)

    Old English Song – Harold Godwinson | The Skaldic Bard

    Wake up, King Harold Godwinson, last king of Orthodox Englalande! Wake up, the Englishmen of Old!

    Dear MeMe,

    I caught your question and will work up a reply.

  9. KathJuliane August 17, 2024 @ 5:37 pm

    Dear Magda,

    The holy Optina Elders have become like my family.

    I believe were a great inspiration and the spiritual glue which guided and comforted the White Russian Emigre community, the New Martyrs of the Bolshevik Terror & Communist Yoke and a wellspring for many of the faithful clergy and laity of the Orthodox Church throughout the Soviet Era.

    The perfectly well understood the Antichrist spirit, the Jewish revolutionary spirit, and the world system he has been building.

    I say St. Anatoly the Younger’s prayer at my morning & evening prayers.

    I find that it is a very clarifying and powerful prayer.

    Given that he is a New Martyr of the Communist Yoke, witnessed WWI, the political upheavals and the destruction of Imperial Russia, the Judeo-Bolshevik Red Terror, the Russian Civil War, and the Martyrdom of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Royal Family and Dynasty, that prayer is witness to the rebellious, destructive, and perverse satanic power of the Jews and their Antichrist system they keep trying to build in order to “repair the cosmos”.

    As Citizenfitz reminds us, time for prayer, fasting and repentance.

    Trio Mandili – Psalm 50
    Translation from Aramaic

    A Psalm of David

    Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy kindness:
    According to the abundance of thy mercies, blot out my transgressions.
    Wash me thorughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
    For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.
    Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done what is evil in thy sight:
    So that You are justified when You speak, And blameless when You judge.
    Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
    Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being,
    And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.
    Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy kindness:
    According to the abundance of thy mercies, blot out my transgressions.
    Music: Padre Seraphim Bit-Kharib

  10. KathJuliane August 17, 2024 @ 7:13 pm

    UK in Grip of Top Down Starvation Policy

    21st Century Wire | 17 August 2024

    Julian Rose

    After three months of relentless rain from March to the end of May 2024 covering much of the productive land in the UK, farmers found themselves months behind getting their Spring crops in the soil.

    Many of these farms are already suffering a dangerous nutrient deficit; soils depleted after four to five decades of agrichemically dependent monocultural mining operations that have reduced the top six inches of soils – normally alive with microscopic insects and worms – to little more than dead matter entirely dependent on synthetic nitrate fertilisers and toxic pesticides to grow anything other than weeds.

    But these chemical inputs are becoming increasingly expensive and coupled with yields that are no longer sufficient to bring in profits, a large proportion of commercial UK arable farmers are on the edge of bankruptcy.

    Government subsidies have kept them afloat up till now, but that is changing. Now the payment emphasis is on ‘increasing biodiversity’ by introducing nature friendly schemes on farms largely devoid of such features.

    A good thing, you might say, but land taken out of food production means more food has to be imported from somewhere else in the world.

    A food security issue is looming. ‘Food security’ means following an agricultural policy which ensures that a nation state is broadly capable of feeding its own people.

    The UK was running at 60% self-sufficiency home production figure for most of the past two to three decades. It dropped to around 45% five years ago and this year (2024) that figure has fallen to just 32%.

    The implications of this are serious indeed. A leading world nation state relying on close to a 70% import position in order to feed a population of some sixty million is a massive no, no.

    Add to this some six decades of government backed agribusiness land management policies based on pharmaceutical inputs replacing soil nourishing crop rotations, farm yard manures and diverse mixed cropping regimes – and a huge crisis looms just around the corner.

    The foods that appear in the nation’s supermarkets and hypermarkets all come from soil deficient practices, whether home produced or imported. Many also come form hydroponic systems that drip soluble nutrients into vast water containers in which the plants are grown. No soil involved at all.

    The modern consumer is therefore ingesting – and attempting to digest – a toxic, vitamin depleted and largely lifeless diet, thus storing up a dangerous cocktail of health problems both now and for the future.

    The red lights should be flashing for all those dependent upon such a disastrous food and farming policy to continue to feed themselves and their families.

    This brings me back to the most immediate issue: our one or two year window of opportunity to either get this ship turned around – nation state by nation state most probably – or find a way to join together in building arks of pro-ecological agriculture robust enough to support land based and village/small town communities.

    An action in which all become involved in mutually supportive efforts to ensure a practical way forward.

    All the evidence points to a planned democide – in which we the people are the target zone – already under 24/7 CCTV, digital and satellite surveillance and subject to mind controlling EMF radiation increasingly coupled to the all-pervasive electromagnetic computing matrix known as The Cloud.

    Continue reading:

  11. KathJuliane August 17, 2024 @ 9:14 pm

    Agni Parthene in Old English (Greek hymn)

    The Skaldic Bard | 16 August 2024

    Here is my translation and performance of the beautiful Greek hymn Agni Parthene in Old English.

    My first video upload as the Skaldic Bard was this hymn in Old Norse, and I thought to complement it with its cousin language Old English; though it is a (relatively) modern hymn, one can imagine the Anglo-Saxon and Norse Varangians in Constantinople being immersed in melodies such as this one during the Middle Ages.

    I made this version a little more upbeat as a) an experiment for fun, and b) to try to capture the virile energy of the Germanic tradition. I’ve also used an authentic Old English cursive font this time without diacritics.

    I hope you enjoy.


    Agni Partheni, O Virgin Pure, is a Greek Marian hymn composed by St. Nectarios of Aegina in the late 19th century, first published in print in his Theotokarion in 1905.

    In Orthodox churches, it is considered a paraliturgical hymn and therefore only to be used outside of liturgical services.

    However, it is sometimes performed by some choirs as a recessional after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy during the veneration of the cross and receiving of antidoron.

    Selected verses from the poem including the refrain were set to Byzantine musical notation by the Simonopetra Monastery of Mount Athos in Greece.

    The result was the hymn “Virgin Pure” in Byzantine Greek. The monastery published the work in a book titled Psaltirion Terpnon (Literally, “Hymns from the Psalter”).

    The music may sound familiar to Western Christian ears…

    Moving up to the 20th century, the hymn was first set to its current music in the 1970s by Hieromonk Gregory of Simonopetra Monastery.

    On a pilgrimage to Jerusalem during the Christmas season, he happened to hear a Western choir sing What Child is This? to the tune of Greensleeves, composed in 1580.

    He was drawn to the song and found it fit the text of Saint Nectarios’ poem. He adapted the melody to Saint Nectarios’ poem, and it quickly spread throughout the Eastern Orthodox world.

    The hymn has been translated into many languages, including English. It is most commonly performed as a concert piece in Greece, and as a recessional hymn after liturgical services in parishes throughout the United States, particularly services dedicated to the Theotokos, such as the Akathist during Great Lent.

    The explosion in popularity has been attributed to St. Nectarios Metropolitan of Pentapolis and Wonderworker of Aegina becoming a popular modern-day saint in Greece and Egypt, and all over the Orthodox world.

    Onward, Christmen! St Olaf Song (Old Norse)
    The Skaldic Bard | 26 February 2023

    Here’s a song I wrote and performed again in Old Norse. Part four of my Sagas in Song series, this one is from Snorri Sturluson’s Saga of Saint Olaf – the saga is enormous, almost 300 pages, so it was quite interesting having to condense it.

    The refrain is based on St Olaf’s famous warcry: “Onward, onward, Christmen, Crossmen, Kingsmen!”, as recounted in the saga.

    He performed many miracles in his life and his body didn’t decompose after his death, leading to his official recognition of Sainthood.

    Onward, Christmen!

    Israel delenda est!

  12. KathJuliane August 17, 2024 @ 9:48 pm


    SONAR21 | 17 August 2024

    by Larry Johnson

    If you take a look at the front pages of the Washington Post and the NY Times you will discover that the “big news” is all-things Kamala Harris and the decline of Donald Trump.

    I haven’t seen this kind of desperate propaganda campaign since the glory days of Pravda under the Soviets. Not one word about the brewing crisis between Iran and Israel.

    A brief mention of the Palestinian fatalities at the hands of the Israeli Occupation Force and when it comes to Ukraine and Russia, only the NY Times is beating the drum about the amazing Ukrainian victory.

    Continue reading:

  13. Steven Rowlandson August 18, 2024 @ 5:29 pm

    Hey Nate,

    If you think the attack on the word of God is outrageous get a load of this.

    The Devil and his associates are running riot.

    Too many of the tribe are behaving badly these days. I can’t imagine that God is going to let these outrages slide without a response.

    The Bible has many examples of disciplinary action taken to put an end to good times for bad people.

  14. Comments blocked. August 18, 2024 @ 6:09 pm

    FBI and jewish ears are ringing.

    Truth must be unbearable.

  15. Jezziqa August 18, 2024 @ 6:45 pm

    You seem to be mixing a lot of far right propaganda into the alleged rape statistics.

    The far right populists are by design fabricators and peddlers of lies since the beginning of time, that is their business model.

    The UK far right is quite strong just now and has made a resurgence with Zio puppets Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson, and they are fully backed and funded by Izrahell. Watch their shows how they support Izrahell’s genocide on GBN news.

    Remember, Ben Yahoo’s party are far right.

    The agenda is to create tensions within UK to gain support for genocide and wider war. That way they can drag Europe into the wider war and sit back and enjoy life while Westerners and Easterners can die for ‘god’s chosen’.

    Also, in terms of actual real facts and crime stats, have a look at UK police statistics by race and crime in UK, and you will be in for a pleasant surprise to know that White British are number 1 across the board for all crimes in UK. But far right propagandists will not mention because their handlers need them fighting the wrong enemy, such as war victims who have fled because their families have been blown to bits by western meddling.

    Remember war on fake terror by the Sept 11 inside job displaced 37 million people who had to flee their countries since 2001. So you should be blaming the right people and not the victims.

    As for the far right to now blame the migrant crises which West caused by only focusing on individual crimes while ignoring White crimes is actually despicable, and an insult to intelligence. A quick search always debunks far right propaganda. By the way far right are authoritarian bootlickers and will turn a country into a mafia state for the rich in no time.

    Trump is the same. He is the American puppet playing his role for his best friend Ben Yahoo (who is also best pals with his son in law Jared kushner) in Izrahell.

    Same JARED who wants to give Trump, his father-in-law, the prime real estate in Gaza which is genocide pending beachfront property.

    Trump is pro genocide, and the fact that he wrote in his book that he is a Zionist jew and no one has picked up on it, just shows how stupid far right MAGA and Christians that support him are. Anglo-Saxons are the favourite goyim because they are the ultimate patsies.

    Give White man a Black man to blame and he will not see the real enemy.

  16. Ladybird Gomphers August 18, 2024 @ 11:22 pm

    For four years, I’ve watched people talk about voting as if it was real.

    People saw Joe Biden get the 81 million, and said “this is completely fake,” then said “well, we just have to vote harder next time.”

    No one has explained this to me, which leads me to believe that all of these people talking about the polls and Trump’s message and the Kamala honeymoon and what’s going to happen in the debates are all basically mind control victims.

  17. Ladybird Gomphers August 18, 2024 @ 11:32 pm

    2020 was a color revolution, paid for by violent, greedy jews.

  18. MeMe August 19, 2024 @ 1:08 am

    ‘The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita’

    “A Masonic blueprint for the subversion of the Catholic Church”

    “This document describes the Masons* diabolical strategy to destroy the Church by infecting her leaders with Liberal ideas. In this way, Catholics would be promulgating Masonic ideals under the mantle of seemingly legitimate Catholicism.

    “The book describes how far the plot has succeeded, and it includes an appendix detailing the aims of Freemasonry, as well as Leo XIII’s denunciation of that society.”

  19. MeMe August 19, 2024 @ 8:03 am

    In order to begin to change things such as +BN’s goals stated above, I think some people power is going to be needed.

    In simple terms those points made all rely on the full Rule of the Law, which is clearly what is missing in the Zionist Occupied West. I’m not sure about other countries, but the UK and US share quite a lot of common points in their constitutions, some passages are copied word for word in the US Declaration of Independence from the English Declaration of Rights. The overall commonality they share is the basic Law on how we live together as human beings, in PEACE.

    A great example came to me today while listening to former congresswoman McKinley. She teaches political science subjects in Bangladesh and often refers her students to their constitution.

    At one point she said to a student, read that and tell me if that describes the life you are living (and that present tense form of ‘living’ i.e. the moment right now is important in this matter).

    Does your Constitution describe the kind of life you are living? Hahaha. (the student instantly rejected such an idea and began to relate all the violations they’d personally experiened (as can we all!)

    What is the point of this?

    A restoration of Nullification by Jury, it is the Law but of course violated by the criminal Judges who deny or obfuscate this power of the people.

    The Definitive Classic Work on
    Lysander Spooner,
    U.S. lawyer (barrister-at-law).

    Quoting presidents, prime ministers, chief justices, judges, lawyers and learned historians in support, TRIAL BY JURY shows how Annulment-by-Jury (Jury Nullification) is the only effective (peaceful) Safeguard of Democracy. Jurors find the Not Guilty Verdict to annul prosecutions of unjust laws or whenever the conviction and punishment of the accused would be unfair.

    If a juror feels that the statute involved in any criminal offence is unfair, or that it infringes upon the defendant’s natural God-given unalienable or Constitutional rights, then it is his duty to affirm that the offending statute is really no law at all and that the violation of it is no crime at all, for no one is bound to obey an unjust law.”

    “That juror must vote Not Guilty regardless of the pressures or abuses that may be heaped on him by any or all members of the jury with whom he may in good conscience disagree. He is voting on the justice of the law according to his own conscience and convictions and not someone else’s. The law itself is on trial quite as much as the case which is to be decided.”U.S. Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone, 1941-1946.
    (Emphases added.)

    But that is only a ‘half’ of the full corrective nature of this aspect of our Law. The most wonderful part, imho, is that the person who wrote the poor, faulty or plain wicked legislation gets taken to court for Misprision of Duty type offences. haha.

    Our Law is wonderful if only it were applied.

  20. Citizenfitz August 19, 2024 @ 12:36 pm

    Dear friends, with all respect to Brother Nathanael, I have an even better plan for ending jewish hegemony in America… and the world.

    Satan is an extremely formidable adversary. Extremely. And having taken satan for its liege lord, jewry has, through his agency, become very powerful. But Christ is more powerful still.

    The Synagogue of Satan can be overcome ONLY by the Church of Christ.

    Hence, my simple prescription for ending Satan’s hegemony:

    1. Prayer. Fasting. Almsgiving.

    Think of it this way: even if you are the only one in the whole world doing it, then you will be the only one in the whole world to get the blessing it confers.

  21. Citizenfitz August 19, 2024 @ 3:10 pm

    This one is very funny: a jew-owned reporter is forced to apologize to his jew-owned audience for showing a jew-owned nazi on his jew-owned network.

    And they say Satan doesn’t have a sense of humor.

  22. KathJuliane August 19, 2024 @ 4:26 pm

    “No Quota, No Language Test” – Putin Invites Families with Traditional Values to Move to Russia

    If your country persecutes you because you have traditional Christian values, then President Vladimir Putin has just rolled out the red carpet

    Fr. Joe’s Newsletter – Moving to Russia | AUG 19, 2024

    MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Russia will provide assistance to those who do not accept destructive neoliberal attitudes in their countries that contradict traditional values. A decree on preferential treatment when relocating to Russia as humanitarian support was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    As noted in the document, the opportunity to apply for temporary residence in the Russian Federation is given to such foreigners “without taking into account the quota approved by the government of the Russian Federation and without submitting a document confirming knowledge of the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of legislation.”

    The reason may be rejection of the policies of their countries, “imposing destructive neoliberal ideological guidelines that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.”

    The list of values ​​has already been established by the Fundamentals of State Policy in this area, while the list of states that impose unhealthy attitudes on their citizens will have to be compiled by the government of the Russian Federation.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has ordered to begin issuing three-month visas in September for applications on moral grounds.

    In February, at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives forum, Putin supported the idea of ​​Italian student Irene Cecchini, who proposed simplifying the move to the Russian Federation based on cultural, traditional and family values. The head of state agreed with Cecchini’s words that in order to determine what kind of people come to the country, an individual approach is needed.

    Source: TASS (Russian)

  23. KathJuliane August 19, 2024 @ 6:12 pm

    Executive Order on providing humanitarian support to individuals sharing traditional Russian spiritual and moral values

    The Kremlin | 19 August 2024

  24. KathJuliane August 19, 2024 @ 8:51 pm


    SONAR21 | 19 August 2024
    by Larry Johnson

    I had not considered the implication of the Kursk operation as crossing a “red line” until I heard Scott Ritter discussing the matter with Nima. The role of the United States and other NATO allies in planning and supplying Ukraine with intelligence, weapons and some troops (in the form of “mercenaries”), is a casus belli. Pure and simple.

    Since the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in February 2022, the NATO countries have been continuously poking the bear and acting more provocatively towards Russia as the defeat of Ukraine looms on the horizon.

    Besides providing Ukraine with a stream of ISR (i.e., Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) data used to conduct attacks on Russian troops and civilians, NATO has sent HIMARS, 155 artillery, drones, tanks, armored personnel carriers and F-16 combat aircraft. Russia has tolerated these proxy attacks, content to destroy the weapons systems without resorting to launching counter attacks on the NATO providers.

    Russian patience may have reached its limit. The Ukrainian incursion into the Russian region of Kursk, complete with troops on the ground, including foreign “mercenaries”, marks a dangerous escalation by the United States and NATO. …

    Continue reading:

  25. The Englishman August 20, 2024 @ 1:50 am

    Successive Tory and Labour Zio government’s immigration policies have led to the ordinary Englishman’s rage when at last he opens his eyes and sees the ugly proximity of all that is alien to him.

    I believe the root of the tragedy is the population’s indifference to Christ, He, our Lord and Saviour, not figuring in our everyday doings.

    With a vengeful judiciary, protesting citizens of the future will realise they might just as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

    Time to learn Russian, and take up President Putin’s generous offer. Were I young, I would be there in a shot.

  26. The Wit and Wisdom of Joe Tzu August 20, 2024 @ 6:29 am

    “I’ve said it before, when you appeal to people’s fears and anxieties you can make a lot of change.”

  27. KathJuliane August 20, 2024 @ 7:11 pm

    “Keyboard Warrior”: British Crackdown Results in Three-Year Sentence Over Anti-Migrant Postings

    Jonathan Turley | 20 August 2024

    Three years ago, we discussed the conviction of a British man for “toxic ideologies,” under the draconian laws criminalizing inciteful or dangerous speech. The erosion of free speech appears to have only accelerated in the UK.

    As is often the case, the attacks on free speech increase during periods of unrest, anger or fear. With the recent anti-immigration riots, British authorities have used their laws to round up a large number of citizens expressing anti-immigrant views and some have already been convicted.

    Those cases include Wayne O’Rourke, 35, who has been sentenced to three years in prison for “stirring up racial hatred.”

    As I have previously written, the riots were triggered by false reports spread online about the person responsible for an attack at a Taylor Swift-themed dance event that left three girls dead and others wounded.

    Despite false claims about his being an asylum seeker, the alleged culprit was an 18-year-old British citizen born to Rwandan parents.

    The government and news outlets were quick to challenge these accounts, but violent riots have raged across the country, including such despicable acts as burning immigrant housing.

    There is no question that the government should crack down on such violence and arrest those engaging in criminal conduct. However, the government immediately pursued those who were expressing hateful or inciteful views.

    In my book, “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” I discuss the collapse of free speech protections in Europe and the United Kingdom specifically.

    That discussion includes the case of Nicholas Brock, 52, who was convicted for his collection of racist and extreme right material in his home.

    Detective Chief Superintendent Kath Barnes, Head of Counter Terrorism Policing South East (CTPSE) acknowledged that others might collect such items for historical or academic purposes but Brock crossed the line because he agreed with the underlying views:

    “From the overwhelming evidence shown to the jury, it is clear Brock had material which demonstrates he went far beyond the legitimate actions of a military collector…Brock showed a clear right-wing ideology with the evidence seized from his possessions during the investigation….We are committed to tackling all forms of toxic ideology which has the potential to threaten public safety and security.”

    That “commitment” is evident in a slew of arrests after the recent riots.

    The United Kingdom is an example of what I describe as a pattern of “rage rhetoric” becoming “state rage” in these periods of unrest.

    Continue reading:


    Jonathan Turley is an American attorney, legal scholar, writer, commentator, and legal analyst in broadcast and print journalism, who has written extensively in areas ranging from constitutional law to legal theory to tort law.

    He’s appeared many times as an expert constitutional law witness in congressional hearings. He’s a professor at George Washington University Law School. -Kj

  28. Rebel Roy August 20, 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Very smart plan, Brother.

    I agree.

    And the good Lord willing these 6 points will come about.

    Thank you for all you do.

  29. RIchard Wilcox August 23, 2024 @ 12:12 am

    I love you, Brother N.

    God Bless You!

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