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Episode 19: Holding Trump’s Feet To The Fire

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Episode 19: Holding Trump’s Feet To The Fire
August 12 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ August 12, 2024


  1. Brother Nathanael August 12, 2024 @ 4:53 pm

    Brother Nathanael –

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  2. Ian August 12, 2024 @ 9:53 pm

    Bro, maybe you can feature a Jethro Tull video.

    Can you identify the three places in this video that are very humorous?

    I’ll clue you in that the first occurs at about 4 minutes. Enjoy!

  3. Ted Gorsline August 13, 2024 @ 3:31 pm

    @ Bro Nat

    You mention the persistent jewish promotion of homosexuality. Its a lot filthier and more vile than even you have inferred.

    These jewish degenerates, which includes about half the male staff of CNN are the sickest of the sick, the filthiest of the filthy, the foulest smellyist of the foul-smelling.

    There is a website called “Soft White Underbelly” which interviews the down and out.

    The site has interviewed a couple of male porn stars. You mention that you think slum lord Jarrod Kushner is a faggot and maybe his wife was impregnated elsewhere but there are lots of both ways male degenerates.

    Justin Trudeau has almost certainly had his own kids to pass on the degenerate DNA while indulging in a lot of fudge stuffing at Toronto’s Four Season’s Hotel with his black buddy. He is a sick creature.

    Anyhow these who knows what sex porn stars have explained what goes on in a film set. What they do acts as an enema and during filming they have to clean up the mess and foul smells over and over again.

    It’s pure jewish filth.

    It’s entirely jews driving this abomination and just imagine at least half of CNN’s male staff live this in this filthy way in their private lives.

    MSM is as jewish and as sick as it gets. The jews are human garbage. That is all they ever were for 3,000 years.That is all they are now and that is all they ever will, for the next 3,000 years, unless we do something about it.


  4. Boris August 13, 2024 @ 5:51 pm

    Regarding these vile disgusting elites, recommend this video I saw today.

  5. KathJuliane August 13, 2024 @ 8:03 pm


    SONAR21 | 13 August 2024 by Larry Johnson


    SCOTT RITTER: The Murder of Others
    August 13, 2024

    The U.S. has had a moral obligation to commemorate Nagasaki, but this year the U.S. refused to mark its murder of innocent Japanese by defending its murder of innocent Palestinians.

  6. KathJuliane August 13, 2024 @ 9:50 pm

    Just a little foreshadowing flashback… -Kj

    Stonewall Jackson

    Absolute insanity: Gov. Tim Walz actually had his police use paintball guns to shoot Minnesota residents if they broke “COVID” curfew by being on their porches. Check this out, people thought they were actually being shot – “Light em up”


  7. Ted Gorsline August 14, 2024 @ 2:31 am


    According to the Juxtaposition.story website the head of the Hollywood porn industry is a Jewish rabbi.

    Pussy Riot, CNN’s Christiane Anampour’s favorite “culture” group appeared on film being coached by a rabbi who had them filmed having sex with dead chickens.

    It’s really hard to understand how people end up this way.

  8. Jewish Torture Program August 14, 2024 @ 4:54 am

    Jewish parasites, having looted the Treasury, now use the military and FBI to torture us with electromagnetic weapons.

    These mentally-ill, gaslighting scum are a pestilence.

    And they parade around with their titles, lecturing others about democracy!

    Throw them out, before they kill us all.

  9. Jewish Torture Program August 14, 2024 @ 4:58 am

    “Pussy Riot, CNN’s Christiane Anampour’s favorite “culture” group appeared on film being coached by a rabbi who had them filmed having sex with dead chickens.”

    Those were actually Rabbis: they were shrunken accidentally by scalar waves. Talk about boys of Summer.

  10. KathJuliane August 14, 2024 @ 11:51 am

    Commemorated July 31/August 14

    Today the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of one of the early stars in the pleiades of new martyrs and confessors of the Communist yoke, Metropolitan Benjamin (Kazansky) of Petrograd and Gdovsk, together with Archimandrite Sergei, Yuri, and John.

  11. KathJuliane August 14, 2024 @ 1:47 pm

    NYT: Biden Admin “Reshaping the Electorate” by Processing Citizenship Requests at Rapid Rate

    Chris Menahan
    InformationLiberation | Aug. 13, 2024

    The Biden administration is “processing citizenship requests at the fastest clip in a decade” and “reshaping the electorate” ahead of the 2024 election, the New York Times reports.

    From The New York Times:
    Immigrants Are Becoming U.S. Citizens at Fastest Clip in Years

    The government has reduced a backlog of applications that built up during the Trump administration. New citizens say they are looking forward to voting in November.

    The Great Replacement shifts from a “conspiracy theory” to a demographic fact depending on whether it’s being criticized or celebrated.

    Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas threw the border wide open after Biden took power and he’s spent his entire term working to flood our country with as many migrants as possible.

    An Axios poll in April found the majority of Americans now support mass deportations but their will is being completely ignored by our occupiers.

    Continue reading:

  12. KathJuliane August 14, 2024 @ 7:11 pm

    Our Parasitic Rulers | Snordster

    The original video entitled, “The Truth IS anti-Semitic” was produced and narrated by Patrick Willis from Snordster channel and the text is from a Rebel of Oz editorial.

    Release Date: ??
    All Credit To Snordster:

    Video Source debess:

  13. Ted Gorsline August 15, 2024 @ 4:59 am

    Like Bro Nat, the jew Bobby Fisher seemed to have a whistleblower’s insight into jewish culture and values.

    Google “Chess Grandmaster Bobby Fisher’s Response on September 11, 2001.”

  14. KathJuliane August 15, 2024 @ 11:12 am

    Harris seized evidence of abortionists’ lucrative butchery of babies. Activist reveals who helped him fight back.

    Joseph MacKinnon
    Blaze Media | August 15, 2024

    David Daleiden indicated who in Congress helped bring an end to the years-long cover-up initiated by Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood.

    Pro-life citizen journalist and Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden published undercover videos in 2015 showing Planned Parenthood officials callously talking about butchering, playing with, and trafficking baby parts.

    Then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, whose various campaigns have netted substantial contributions from Planned Parenthood, evidently could not tolerate this exposé of the abortion regime’s apparently lucrative and unlawful repurposing of victims’ remains.

    After allegedly meeting with executives from the abortion organization, Harris targeted Daleiden and authorized a raid on his home, kicking off what would become a years-long effort to punish the pro-life activist and to hide his damning evidence from the American people.

    Continue reading:

  15. KathJuliane August 15, 2024 @ 11:13 am

    Trump About to Fire Campaign Managers and Return to Bulldog Trump of 2016?

    Daily Veracity with Vincent James | 15 August 2024

  16. KathJuliane August 15, 2024 @ 12:34 pm

    It’s Time to Rethink the U.S.-Israel ‘Special Relationship’

    Jon Hoffman – Cato Institute

    TIME | 24 July 2024

    s Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a joint session of Congress, Washington must finally face reality: its emphatic embrace of Israel’s war in Gaza is not advancing U.S. interests or promoting regional stability—to say nothing of the immense human toll.

    In fact, it is doing the opposite. So long as Washington refuses to change course, the U.S. will continue to confront major problems that are the product of its own policies.

    Continue reading:

  17. The Scotty August 15, 2024 @ 5:10 pm

    Thank you, Brother Nathanael, for your work on your podcasts!

    I didn’t know that Wojewski (burn in hell) died until I tuned into episode 19!

    I also appreciate your 6-point plan to end jewish power (lowercase mine!) Should there not be a number 7 to pay bounty hunters to track down and deliver illegals and other scum to deportation centers?

    I also got a strike from jewtube over my freedom of speech. Any company that does not abide by the 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech) must not be allowed to operate on American soil period!

    I am rejoicing over Susan Wojewski’s death on August 9th!!! I am praying to Jesus that she burns in hell for eternity. Susie, a member of the Synagogue of Satan deserves worse than the fiery pit forever and ever, Amen!

    I have participated in local politics, and I have observed that voting is rigged and only the rich arrogant candidates can pay off the right people to get elected. Most members of local politics are NOT one of us and are narcissists.

    In my opinion it is a waste of f**king time and money (WOFTAM) to think any person young or old can make any difference whatsoever in local politics. As the jewyorkers say fuhgeddaboudit.

    As far as presidents go, they are all installed by jews in rigged election systems to destroy us.

    The following was performed during the fascist (Patriot Act 1 & 2) years of Dumbya Bush in the 90’s:

  18. Citizenfitz August 19, 2024 @ 11:51 am

    “I am rejoicing over Susan Wojewski’s death on August 9th!!! I am praying to Jesus that she burns in hell for eternity. Susie, a member of the Synagogue of Satan deserves worse than the fiery pit forever and ever, Amen!”

    That’s a stupid thing to say. If she’s in hell, how does that help you?

    And if she’s in Heaven, how does that hurt you?

  19. Truthyteller August 20, 2024 @ 5:35 am

    Häagen-Dazs was invented in the Bronx by Reuben and Rose Mattus in 1960 (containers used to contain a map of Denmark [not Sweden] under the lid, as a tribute to Denmark’s saving of its Jewish citizens during World War Two).

    (The fake Swedish one was Frusen Glädjé which no longer exists).

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