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Episode 18: Q&A Special! @ 8:30PM PT Tonight!

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Episode 18: Q&A Special!
August 9 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ August 9, 2024


  1. Rabbi Glickman August 9, 2024 @ 1:10 pm

    Do you know what your Congressmen’s favorite dessert is?


    Puddin Israel’s interests ahead of Amrica’s!

    I’m on fire!

  2. Brother Nathanael August 9, 2024 @ 4:09 pm

    Brother Nathanael –

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  3. Rabbi Nesbitt August 9, 2024 @ 5:43 pm

    This loving, diminutive Rabbi, of good name, has been given a special mission: to oversee the torture of a wayward Gentile, in the desert.

    From 1/3rd of a mile, shining a 95-100Ghz beam (IR dot) on the Gentile’s face is helpful and entertaining.

    The rest of the time, just dump RF on him until it’s over 120°.

    Roast that old boy!

    No country for old Gentiles.

  4. Citizenfitz August 10, 2024 @ 10:30 am

    Today is the 61st anniversary of the death of Sen. Estes Kefauver. “So what” you say?

    Well, Kefauver was a mover and shaker in DC back in his day. He headed a famous committee looking into organized crime in America:

    But Kefauver had a dirty little secret. He was an alcoholic and philanderer. The mobsters he was investigating knew this – and they had powerful, well connected friends. One of these was a man named Sidney Korshack:

    Although few today remember him, Korshak was one of the most powerful people in America. He was the guy who had the dirt on pretty much everyone of note in the US, and knew how to use it.

    The FBI called him “the most powerful lawyer in the world.”

    Korshak was an interesting man. Highly intelligent, loyal to his friends and family, and ruthless to his client’s opponents. As Kefauver found out.

    It’s said that Korshak arranged a meeting with Kefauver. When they sat down, Korshak pushed a manila envelope over to Kefauver, who opened it… and learned his dirty little secrets weren’t so secret after all.

    Korshak then asked him, “How far do you want to go with this?” Then he stood up, said goodbye, and left.

    The “Kefauver Committee” soon fizzled out.

    Korshak understood power, and its proper application, well.

    He is worthy of much more attention than that brief Wikipedia article gives him. He was one of the most powerful people in America, and therefore the world; but hardly anyone knows about him.

    His successors have built upon his successes. Bribery, blackmail, drugs, actresses, actors, two way mirrors, photographs, videos, bugs….

    Those are the firmament upon which the latter-day American political edifice is built.

  5. Citizenfitz August 10, 2024 @ 11:13 am

    Susan Wojcicki has died at the age of 56. Cancer.

  6. Bene Adonay Jesus August 10, 2024 @ 6:34 pm

    Over 100 Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes on school in Gaza.

    More than 100 Palestinians have been killed following Israeli airstrikes on a school sheltering displaced people in the east of the Gaza Strip, as the occupying regime presses ahead with its months-long aggression on the besieged territory.

    Palestine’s official WAFA news agency said over 100 citizens were killed and dozens injured on Saturday morning after the Israeli occupation forces bombed the al-Tabi’in school in the al-Daraj neighborhood east of Gaza City.

    Citing local sources, the agency said the occupation warplanes bombed the school while citizens were performing the dawn prayer.

    “The Israeli strikes targeted the displaced people while performing Fajr (dawn) prayers, the matter led to a rapid increase in the number of casualties,” the government media office in Gaza said in a statement.

    The media office stressed that the Israeli attack comes within the “framework of the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing against our Palestinian people in a clear manner.”

    The statement added that “due to the horror of the massacre and the large number of martyrs, the medical crews, civil defense, relief and emergency teams have not been able to retrieve the bodies of all the martyrs so far.”

    The media office censured the Israeli massacre in the strongest terms, calling on the world to condemn it and hold the occupying regime and the US administration fully responsible for the deadly bombing.

    It also renewed its call for the international community and UN organizations to pressure Tel Aviv to stop the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinian civilians and displaced persons in the Gaza Strip, and “stop the flow of blood.”

    The Israeli occupation army confirmed the attack in a statement and claimed that the school “served as a hideout for Hamas commanders.”

    Backed by the US and its Western allies, the Israeli regime launched an all-out invasion of Gaza after it was caught off-guard by Operation al-Aqsa Storm inside the occupied territories in October last year.

    Nearly 40,000 Palestinians have since been killed, most of them women and children, and upwards of 91,000 others injured in the merciless Israeli aggression.

    Israel has also been enforcing a crippling siege on the coastal territory by choking off the flow of foodstuffs, medicine, electricity, and water into the Palestinian territory.

    The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has received new domestically-made equipment, including cruise missiles equipped with highly explosive warheads capable of evading current missile systems.

    The naval force took delivery of 2,640 missile systems, drones, and other equipment in a Friday ceremony attended by IRGC chief commander Major General Hossein Salami.

    Among the deliveries are new radar-evading cruise missiles that feature high-explosive warheads, capable of causing severe damage and sinking destroyers.

    The addition also includes various types of long-range and medium-range missiles, combat and reconnaissance drones, unmanned aerial vehicles featuring electronic warfare (EW) capabilities, as well as electronic warfare systems.

    Only 210 homegrown systems out of a total of 2,654 were put on display on Friday as other strategic weapons systems could not be showcased for security considerations, Tasnim News Agency reported, adding that these systems represent some of the navy’s most advanced anti-surface and sub-surface weapons.

  7. The Ghost of Jim Morrison August 10, 2024 @ 7:08 pm

    “I’m gonna get my kicks before this whole shit house burns down”

  8. KathJuliane August 10, 2024 @ 9:09 pm

    Max Blumenthal: Netanyahu At His Worst

    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

  9. Knowname August 10, 2024 @ 10:55 pm

    Hey +BN I came across this quote by Netanyahu.

    I assume you already know about it. Being you’re back on Twitter (I’m not on it) I think it would be great if you passed this to as many people as you can. Americans really should know how this disgusting jew feels about us.

    “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off, piece by piece, until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.

    “This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them, very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

    Netanyahu recorded at Finks Bar, Jerusalem, 1990

  10. The Englishman August 11, 2024 @ 1:34 am

    “A Land Fit for Heroes”

    Nothing less than passage through the “Traitors Gate” to a re-equipped Tower of London, for the culpable Traitors of this Nation.

  11. The Englishman August 11, 2024 @ 1:44 am


    Hope you are well, and not completely despondent or, has “the cat got your tongue”?

  12. MeMe August 11, 2024 @ 7:52 am

    @The Englishman

    Yes, thanks. I’m ok and appreciate your thought.

    Having a rabid control freak that protects paedophiles is not so encouraging tho, tbh claiming a mandate that is based on 1/5th of the voting population, pah!

    The real truth is that half of the voting public voting for none of them, but it gets distorted into not counting. Sometimes tho, words are an insult to a situation and I’m feeling a bit of that.

    However, I was gladdened to see that my La Boettie post inspired some worthy writing by our own CitizenFitz on his blog.

  13. The Englishman August 11, 2024 @ 10:38 am


    Inspiring the inspirational is gratifying, Fitz like a good wine is improving with age.

    His intellections on Trump are Dead ON.

  14. Ted Gorsline August 11, 2024 @ 1:27 pm

    The story about Houthi goat herders wiping out an invading force in Yemen consisting of Israel’s very best commandos and possibly American and British mercenaries is true.

    The Intel Drop has a video of the aftermath of the battle. No prisoners. Nothing left in the desert but vulture food and shouts of Allah Akbar.

  15. KathJuliane August 11, 2024 @ 6:15 pm

    Nothing’s changed since 1948 – except now Israel’s excuses don’t work

    Jonathan Cook | 8 August 2024

    We have been lied to for decades about the creation of Israel. It was born in sin, and it continues to live in sin

    Headline: Israel army issues new displacement order from northern Gaza

    The headline above, about yet another Israeli operation to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians in the tiny, besieged and utterly destroyed enclave of Gaza, was published in yesterday’s Middle East Eye.

    When I began studying Israeli history more than a quarter of a century ago, people claiming to be experts proffered plenty of excuses to explain why Israelis should not be held responsible for the 1948 ethnic cleansing of some 750,000 Palestinians from their homes – what Palestinians call their Nakba, or Catastrophe.

    1. I was told most Israelis were not involved and knew nothing of the war crimes carried out against the Palestinians during Israel’s establishment.

    2. I was told that those Israelis who did take part in war crimes, like Operation Broom to expel Palestinians from their homeland, did so only because they were traumatised by their experiences in Europe.

    In the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust, these Israelis assumed that, were the Jewish people to survive, they had no alternative but to drive out the Palestinians en masse.

    3. From others, I was told that no ethnic cleansing had taken place. The Palestinians had simply fled at the first sign of conflict because they had no real historical attachment to the land.

    4. Or I was told that the Palestinians’ displacement was an unfortunate consequence of a violent war in which Israeli leaders had the best interests of Palestinians at heart.

    The Palestinians hadn’t left because of Israeli violence but because they has been ordered to do so by Arab leaders in the region. In fact, the story went, Israel had pleaded with many of the 750,000 refugees to come home afterwards, but those same Arab leaders stubbornly blocked their return.

    Every one of these claims was nonsense, directly contradicted by all the documentary evidence.

    That should be even clearer today, as Israel continues the ethnic cleansing and slaughter of the Palestinian people more than 75 years on.

    Continue reading:

    Israel delenda est!

  16. KathJuliane August 11, 2024 @ 8:04 pm

    Dear Ted Gorsline,

    While I don’t doubt Mcgregor’s stunning information as he’s got deep contacts inside the Israeli military and security apparatus, he, nor any of the VIPS/Napolitano gang (Larry Johnson confirms the info for one), is not using that video republished on Intel Drop as evidence for his claim for good reason.

    Mcgregor has made odd claims before that panned out weeks and months later.

    That Intel Drop video is originally one from the French-intel & Ukraine-backed, Al-Qaeda (al-CIAda) Tuareg separatist army’s devastating attack on the Mali army and Wagner units in northern Mali about the 26th or 27th of July.

    Pro-Israel/Ukrainian Productions propaganda early latched on to Russia’s Wagner disaster to crow about it:

    Al Jazeera reported this Taureg victory over Mali army/Wagner as well.

    Bloomberg wrote on August 2, “The Strategic Framework for the Defense of the People of Azawad, a coalition of anti-government groups in northern Mali, said it killed 84 mercenaries from the Russian paramilitary Wagner Group and 47 Malian troops over three days of fighting.”

    So far as I can find, neither the Ansar Allah Yemeni Army nor the Houthi leadership have claimed this event as a victory for their cause. Intel Drop published an Xwitter item from Egyptian social media news which essentially repeats Mcgregor’s original claim.

    There is some social media evidence that non-Muslims or Ukro-natsis were in northern Mali assisting the Taureg rebels.

    Since this is basically an era of ‘5th-generational warfare’ against Israel with Netanyahu & Tel Aviv, the Ansar Allah Yemenis may be keeping silence for strategic reasons of their own to keep an air of uncertainty in Israel related to the Axis of Resistance’s active psychological warfare measures on Israelis and US troops and contractors in the region as they wait for the hammer to fall in terms of Iran & Hezbollah’s retaliations for Israel’s assassinations and murders in Tehran and Beirut.

    Ansar Allah Yemenis also have a very distinctive 5-part Arabic motto that they’ve chanted for years at demonstrations and war victories instead of just the simple ‘Allah Akbar’ of most Islamic parties: “God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam”.

    As Nasrallah explained in a recent speech meant to reach Israelis’ ears, the silence and the waiting for Iran and Hezbollah’s retaliation, which will likely not be announced in advance, is part of the punishment upon the Israeli Jews, of increasing their anxiety and fear, forcing more of them to leave Israhell, and tanking even more of the already ruined Israeli economy.

    Israel delenda est!

  17. KathJuliane August 11, 2024 @ 9:27 pm

    Iraqi resistance warns US forces against using Iraq’s airspace to attack Iran

    Press TV | 12 August 2024

    Iraqi resistance forces say their response will have no limits if US forces use Iraq’s airspace to attack Iran.

    The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee issued the warning in a statement on Monday.

    “As the forces of arrogance continue their brutal and treacherous attacks against nations and their resistance fighters, they persist in their support and protection of the security of the Zionist entity at the expense of the security of the region, without regard for the sovereignty of Iraq or the nations rejecting their criminal policies,” the resistance statement said.

    “The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee is not bound by any restrictions. If the American occupation forces once again target our sons in Iraq or exploit its airspace to carry out attacks against the Islamic Republic of Iran, our response will have no limits,” the statement added.

    The Iraqi groups have been pressing for an end to the presence of foreign forces in Iraq for more than a decade after a US-led coalition invaded the country in blatant violation of international law based on false claims of it owning weapons of mass destruction.


    This followed on:

    Following a call with Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, United States Secretary of Defense Austin has ordered the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN Carrier Strike Group, equipped with United States Navy F-35C fighters, to accelerate its transit to the United States Armed Forces’ Central Command area of responsibility, adding to the capabilities already provided by the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT Carrier Strike Group.

    In Statement the Pentagon said:

    Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder provided the following readout:

    Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant today.

    Secretary Austin reiterated the United States’ commitment to take every possible step to defend Israel and noted the strengthening of U.S. military force posture and capabilities throughout the Middle East in light of escalating regional tensions.

    Reinforcing this commitment, Secretary Austin has ordered the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters, to accelerate its transit to the Central Command area of responsibility, adding to the capabilities already provided by the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT Carrier Strike Group.

    Additionally, the Secretary has ordered the USS Georgia (SSGN 729) guided missile submarine to the Central Command region.

    Secretary Austin and Minister Gallant also discussed Israel’s operations in Gaza and the importance of mitigating civilian harm, progress towards securing a ceasefire and the release of hostages held in Gaza, and our efforts to deter aggression by Iran, Lebanese Hizballah, and other Iran-aligned groups across the region.

    🔗 U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) (

  18. Ted Gorsline August 11, 2024 @ 9:27 pm


    Thanks for the information and update about the film.

    The credibility of the Intel Drop has declined for me because of your information which is always impeccable. You seem to be a one woman intelligence service.

    I often wonder if you are a committee.

    The man behind the Intel drop is Gordon Duff and while I think he has an interesting slant on things and is worth listening to, he does seems to go haring off on a tangent about 50% of the time.

    He is no Bob Reguly. That is for sure.

    Big ego seems to be Duff’s problem although he claims PTSD from Vet Nam and infers that by leaving a twisted tale, and using a lot of hints instead of assertions, that he avoids being taken down by the FBI like Scott Ritter was.

    If my memory serves me correctly, and these days it seldom does, I think Duff has also gotten visits from the FBI or some other intelligence agency but as yet has not had his electronics pinched like Scott Ritter has.

    Duff’s sidekick Jim Dean seems to be more modest in assertions and a steadier hand at the tiller. Jim is a very helpful guy.

  19. KathJuliane August 11, 2024 @ 10:09 pm

    Dear Ted Gorsline,

    I’m just a committee of Me, Myself, and I. LOL!

    Thanks for the compliment. Blush!

    I don’t know what Intel Drop is doing sometimes.

    There is grain-of-salt type stuff that they post, along with stuff that’s odd, but credible.

    And then it seems like they do pieces like on Mcgregor’s report about Ansar Allah destroying IDF special forces, and then gin it up for click-bait appeal without vetting their video sourcing. The Mali-Wagner video is now rather widespread on social media under the rubric of “Houthis destroy IDF”.

    I wouldn’t put it past the Jews to have launched that misattributed video disinfo themselves in an effort to discredit Mcgregor’s report. Of course, Tel Aviv and the IDF themselves would have plenty of motive to keep the story deeply suppressed so as not to erode the flagging Israeli/IDF morale any further.

    Starting at 00:42, you can hear the unique 5-part Houthi Yemen slogan from the deck of the captured trophy ship, the Galaxy Leader.

    Also, Yemeni Tribesmen have a rather distinctive clothing, with a longish kilt with a shirt over it rather than pants, or sometimes a thobe, even in irregular warfare battle operations, and often a suit or sport jacket over it. Many have a distinctive turban or hat as well different from other Arab groups.

    I think even in war will wear their traditional warrior knife.

    Also, videos originating from Ansar Allah media will often have as their watermark the 5-part motto written in Arabic.
    Hezbollah has published a moody new war propaganda video, meant largely for Israelis, with ‘Red Bands’ which signify vengeance. They have a high quality video art division.

    The central figure in this vid has the most ferocious eyebrows I’ve ever seen.

  20. Citizenfitz August 11, 2024 @ 10:58 pm


    I wonder like Ted: do you do all your RJN work by yourself, or do you have assistants helping you?

    Good article at Identity Dixie by Tom Shackleford about our march to Armageddon.

    Unfortunately, for most people truth only has value when it’s profitable.

    We here are a rare breed I think: we can see the obvious. Not many do.

    But sin clouds the intellect, and unfortunately the jews have been so successful corrupting mores here and everywhere, that few see the storm clouds piling up on the horizon.

    Oh well, the jews too are going to reap their whirlwind. Same as it ever was.

  21. Ted Gorsline August 11, 2024 @ 11:27 pm

    I see where the Houthis in one video that you posted have adopted the Nazi salute, from the heart to the sun.

    I guess the Houthis want to rub the jewish nose in it and after 76 years of jewish Hollywood propaganda say to them, “Your message didn’t take. We never die. Here we come!”

  22. Ted Gorsline August 11, 2024 @ 11:45 pm


    The one two combination punch at Real Jew News exists only because of the First Amendment.

    The first punch come from Bro Nat with his enormous amount of very accurate whistleblower information about the behaviour of the common, heavily inbred, jew boys.

    I can’t call the jews men because they deliberately murder children, and men never do that. Real men always protect children.

    The second punch that compliments the first is your great skill as a googler, with your very wide net that captures very good, accurate and supportable documentation.

    It is the Bro Nat& KJ combination punch versus the jew boy combination which is first of all bribes, such as Jared Kushner’s plan to buy off the Palestinians, and when that didn’t work their second punch is murder, such as they have done to people like the Canadian scientist Gerald Bull and also murder on a larger scale in places like Gaza which is genocide.

    These are the polar opposites. I think you and Bro Nat are going to win it in the long run. You have the moral high road. The jews are in the sewer.

    You and Bro Nat embody the worth of the first Amendnment of the United States Constitution.

    Jew boys embody a lust for power and control, the enslavement of others through bribery and murder.

    That is my take on it.

  23. KathJuliane August 12, 2024 @ 12:01 am

    Dear Citizenfitz,

    It’s just moi.

    Being a disabled semi-recluse for spiritual and health/impaired immunity reasons, and I don’t zone out on TV.

    I occupy my mind by doing some hobbies, reading spiritual and history books, read email newsletters I subscribe to, browse news feeds, listen to Judge Napolitano & and the VIPS podcasts, and surfing the Apocalypse on Telegram, Twitter, and other social media.

    I’m just getting over some sort of summer respiratory infection, probably ‘Summer Coof’ or something I caught at church, which slowed me down a couple of weeks.

    Speaking of Houthi media, the Ansar Allah Band just released a quality new martial video:

    Per Hansen
    yesterday at 7:31 pm

    The Ansarallah band releases “Inevitable Revenge” ahead of the Axis of Resistance’s inevitable response against the zionist entity (Subtitled to English).

    via Global Resistance

    Global Resistance TG

    Freezer burn! The Ansarullah Band drops “Inevitable Revenge” to increase the psychological warfare against the serpentine Jewish supremacist enemy and soothe the hearts of the believers!

    “We will surely throw Zionism into hell/We turn the earth lifeless under their feet/” Listen (and read) the words! Feel the music! If you’re heart ain’t racing, your heart ain’t beating!

    “Gaza’s blood won’t be in vain/And by it, victory was achieved/” Let there be no doubt that the Sarkha standard… is the ONLY standard! “The harbinger of the Jews’ doom has come.”

    Pentagon chief orders submarine to the Middle East, tells aircraft carrier to hasten its transit

    AP | 11 August 2024

    WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered a guided missile submarine to the Middle East and is telling the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to sail more quickly to the area, the Defense Department said Sunday.

    The moves come as the U.S. and other allies push for Israel and Hamas to achieve a cease-fire agreement that could help calm soaring tensions in the region following the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and a senior Hezbollah commander in Beirut.

    Officials have been on the lookout for retaliatory strikes by both Iran and Hezbollah for the killings, and the U.S. has been beefing up its presence in the region.
    Full story:

    Israel delenda est!

  24. KathJuliane August 12, 2024 @ 1:09 am

    Aug 11: ‘Axis of Resistance’ operations against Israeli occupation

    Press TV | Monday, 12 August 2024


    Press TV

    Explainer: What did Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah say in his latest televised speech?


    ‘Wait is part of the punishment’: Hezbollah leader’s speech that rattled Israeli regime

    Press TV | 07 August 2024

    By Press TV Website Staff

    In his second speech following the assassination of Hezbollah commander Faud Shukr in Beirut and Hamas political bureau leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned the Israeli regime that the response is imminent.

    “Yavaash, Yavaash (slowly, slowly),” said the Lebanese resistance leader in a speech on Tuesday as tens of thousands of people watched on a giant screen in the capital Beirut.

    “Israel’s week-long wait is part of the punishment and retaliation,” Nasrallah asserted. “The state of waiting is part of the battle and leaves a great shadow on the occupation.”

    Shukr was assassinated in an airstrike that targeted a densely-populated residential area in the southern suburbs of Beirut on Tuesday, which also killed two children and an Iranian military adviser.

    Haniyeh’s assassination came barely hours later, in the wee hours of Wednesday morning when his residence in north Tehran was targeted with a short-range projectile.

    The leader of the political office of Hamas was in the Iranian capital to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s newly-elected president, Masoud Pezeshkian.

    After the series of cowardly assassinations, both Iranian officials as well as Hezbollah vowed retaliation.

    Continue reading (with speech clips):


    Nasrallah is one of the most trusted voices by Israelis.

    What he says Hezbollah will or won’t do in various confrontational situations is such solid gold it can be taken to the bank.

    He says what he means and means what he says. He has an exceptional grasp of not only Israeli & Jewish politics and psychology, but regional and international politics as well, not to mention he always has his finger on the pulse of the Axis of Resistance, with a shrewd understanding of the Judaizing corruption within the Axis of Arrogant Weasels, particularly the US of AIPAC.

    With the Israeli Jewish media under the control of the military censor, over the years, Israelis routinely tune in to his speeches to find out what their own Tel Aviv regime and IDF are lying about, and what they can expect from Hezbollah military operations. -Kj

    Israel delenda est!

  25. Ted Gorsline August 12, 2024 @ 11:23 am


    Glad to hear you can still blush. It means your arteries haven’t seized up yet.

    That is my main worry at my age which is substantially more than yours.

  26. KathJuliane August 12, 2024 @ 2:20 pm

    Thanks to relentless Israeli press claims, Jews are on tenterhooks convinced that Iran would launch their retaliatory attack against Israel on Tisha b’Av, 9th of Av, a day of Jewish mourning and fasting when a number of disasters happened, including the First and Second Destructions of the Jerusalem Temple.

    Tisha b’Av starts tonight, August 12, at sunset, and ends on August 13 at sunset.

    Also, Tel Aviv has recalled their IDF forces from bases in Georgia and Azerbaijan due to threat of strikes from Iran.

    And, Lufthansa and other airlines have extended their suspension of flights to Tel Aviv until Aug. 21. Delta and United have also paused flights to Israel.-Kj


    “It’s Iran’s MOVE and what happens next could be nuclear war” Fmr Marine Scott Ritter | Redacted

    Redacted | 11 August 2024

  27. Citizenfitz August 12, 2024 @ 3:14 pm

    The failure of the initial SMO assault.

    Losing $300 billion in deposits in the US Federal Reserve Bank.

    The sinking of the Moskva and other large ships, with many others wrecked beyond repair.

    The deadly concert hall attack.

    The Wagner mutiny.

    The Nordstream pipelines’ destruction. The ongoing cross border missile and drone attacks on Russia.

    Russia controlling less territory now then it did at the start of the war and the front hardly changing at all over the past two years.

    Using WW1 tactics in the 2020’s.

    The various winter/summer offensives that never materialized.

    The Kerch bridge attacks.

    The deaths of scores of thousands of Russian soldiers.

    The recent Ukrainian invasion of Russia that *no one saw coming!* and which, a week later, is still there….

    How many more black eyes is Putin going to allow Russia to suffer?

    Or is he secretly member of the Tribe as some are saying?

  28. Citizenfitz August 12, 2024 @ 4:42 pm

    I don’t know how you’re able to do all you do, Kath.

    I find you scholarship and industry very impressive. Thanks!

    And Me Me, thank you too for your kind words about that blog posting I did using the article you posted here.

  29. KathJuliane August 12, 2024 @ 9:28 pm

    Catching up with my reading:

    Poll: Most Americans Oppose Sending U.S. Troops to Defend Israel

    Chris Menahan
    Information Liberation | Aug. 07, 2024


    With the US amassing aircraft carriers, fighter jets and 4,500 Marines and sailors in the eastern Mediterranean Sea to defend Israel, a new poll found the majority of Americans oppose sending US forces to defend the Jewish state from Iran.

    From Antiwar, “Majority of Americans Oppose Using US Troops To Defend Israel”:
    The majority of Americans oppose the idea of US troops being used to defend Israel if it comes under attack by Iran, according to a poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs that was released on Tuesday.

    The poll, conducted from June 21–July 1, 2024, found that 56% of Americans oppose US troops defending Israel, while 42% support the idea. Support for defending Israel is stronger among Republicans, with 53% in favor and only 32% of Democrats in favor.

    The survey also found that 55% of Americans oppose US troops defending Israel if it comes under attack by a neighboring country.

    Republicans were especially eager to sacrifice American blood for Israel in 2021 with 72% support but that number has fallen precipitously over the past three years down to 55%.

    Per usual, public opinion doesn’t matter at all as the Biden administration has pledged to defend Israel from any attack from Iran or its allies and may be sending even more troops off Israel’s coast as we speak.

    Israel needs America to fight their war with Iran and they need it now.

    Heads up, America! 9-11 2001 was to force Americans to go after Israel’s enemy, Saddam Hussein and Iraq.

    Now, Israel is threatening a “re-run of 9-11” if Americans don’t go after Iran, which is the last unfallen country on Jewry’s PNAC list of the seven enemies of Israel. -Kj

    Former Israeli PM Threatens U.S. Will Get ‘A Re-Run Of 9-11’ If It Doesn’t Fight Israel’s Wars

    Chris Menahan

    Information Liberation | Aug. 07, 2024

    The US will “get a re-run of 9-11” if it doesn’t fight Israel’s wars with Iran and its allies, according to former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

    Bennett wrote Tuesday on Twitter:

    “Iran is RIGHT NOW trying to kill US officials on American soil.
    Let that sink in.

    The only way to stop this Iranian Octopus of terror is to cut its head off. Collapse this terrible regime, just like former USSR.


    Earlier today the DOJ announced that the FBI arrested Asif Raza Merchant, 46, with murder-for-hire with the goal of assassinating an American politician or official on U.S. soil.

    He was being directed by Iran.

    Here’s the link:
    Iran’s regime is the biggest source of global terror.

    You can’t forever defend yourself merely by fighting its proxies and trying to thwart all its attacks.

    Inevitability you’ll miss some attacks, and you’ll get a re-run of 9-11.”

    In December, Bennett wrote a column in the Wall Street Journal demanding America fight Israel’s war and “bring down” the Iranian “regime.”

    Bennett also gave an unhinged interview to Fox News on Tuesday demanding regime change in Iran and calling for mass death (for which he received zero pushback from Bret Baier).

    A new poll released Tuesday found the majority of Americans oppose sending US forces to defend Israel from Iran.

    Nonetheless, the US is amassing aircraft carriers, fighter jets, attack planes, Navy destroyers and cruisers, and 4,500 Marines and sailors in the eastern Mediterranean Sea to defend Israel from Iran’s retaliatory strikes.

  30. Matt August 12, 2024 @ 9:31 pm

    Dear sister in the Lord, KathJuliane,

    I saw in your response, that you’re a semi-recluse and seam to have some interest in the apocalypse, if I read it right.

    The protestant Bible has 66 books, the Catholic has 72. In the book of Enoch, it says there, that Enoch wrote 366 separate books, that I believe, someday will be found. Just because a flawed group of men didn’t include something doesn’t mean it isn’t God’s word. I believe some of the deeper parts of God’s word are not in canonized scripture.

    Paul told the Galatians, that when they should be ready for meat, they still needed milk, Christ crucified, and that salvation comes through faith and obedience, and not through being born a jew.

    Read 2 Esdras, otherwise known as Esdras 4. In my opinion, Its ones of God’s greatest writing for the spiritually advanced. It is an apocalyptic book. It was written by the prophet Ezra around the 5th century BC.

    Ezra talks to God’s messengers, and wants a deeper understanding, and pleads for the Jewish people, who Ezra calls God’s inheritance and the chosen people.

    God is very patient with Ezra, and goes to great lengths to explain who the children of the promise are. That it’s all about believing, and loving God, and your neighbor as yourself, and that being born a Jew isn’t enough to keep you from being cast into outer darkness.

    This is the God that I serve and love, and reading the book makes me realize how good and wonderful he is, to those who love and serve him. Not so good to those who don’t.

    I can understand why the Jews didn’t include it in their Torah, and instead added the Book of Esther.

    2 Esdras goes into a lot more, the apocalypses, life after death and the unimaginable things that God is preparing for those that love him, what happens to the wicked and unbelieving souls, praying for the dead, and many questions that many of us have.

    I believe you’ll find it a blessing, and very enlightening.

    It’s in the Apocrypha, A different book will come up under a google search, so I’ve included a good link.

  31. KathJuliane August 14, 2024 @ 1:27 am

    Dear brother in Christ, Matt.

    Thank you for the suggestions!

    I’m aware of the 2nd Temple Judaism’s religious literature that you mentioned (sometimes called ‘Intertestamental’ Literature), because the Greek Septuagint (LXX), the Old Testament of the Greek Orthodox Church Bible, includes some of the 2nd Temple literature in the canon, which we call the Deutercanonical (2nd Canon) books.

    2nd Temple literature, along with the Dead Sea Scrolls which overlaps as from the same era, is on my study ‘bucket list’ to do, and I haven’t delved into it as much as I would like to.

    In the New Testament, Jesus and the Apostles sometimes quote from or refer to items from the 2nd Temple apocalyptic genre of literature, especially Enoch in relation to Genesis 6.

    Apocalyptic is a type of Judaean and early Christian lit, the bulk of which stems from the years 200 BC- AD 100, containing visions or revelations (hence the term “apocalyptic,” from the Gr. apokalypsis, meaning “a revelation of what is hidden” or “a disclosure”) from God concerning the imminent coming of the end of the present evil age and the final advent of God’s kingdom.

    In its broadest sense the term “apocalyptic” is applied to parts of the writings of the OT prophets—specifically to passages in Joel, Amos, Zechariah, and Daniel—as well as to portions of the NT (e.g. the Olivet Discourse, 1 Thess 4:13ff., and the Revelation).

    It is customary, however, to identify that specific genre of literature which came into existence during the intertestamental period, but which has remained outside of the Biblical canon, much of which is included under the heading of the Pseudepigrapha by this term.

    The Book of Daniel in the OT and the Revelation in the NT are the exceptions.

    2nd Temple literature fills out the ancient Hebrew and 2nd Temple Judaean religious/spiritual world view at the time of Christ’s Incarnation.

    The Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, which the early Christian church used as its Old Testament, included all of the Deuterocanonical books, which were called ‘Ecclesiastical books’ in Orthodoxy.

    The Deuterocanonical books, as well as Apocrypha are both of which are called collectively Anagignoskomena (“readable, worthy of reading”).

    The term ‘deutercanonical’ coined in Latin in 1566 or so, distinguished the Ecclesiasatical books from both the divinely inspired Protocanonical books (the books of the Hebrew canon) and the biblical Apocrypha literature (books of 2nd Temple Judaism origin that were sometimes read in Christian churches as Scripture, or used in commentary by the Apostolic and Early Church Fathers) but which were not regarded as canonical, but may have been worthy in some way for religious instruction.

    Canonical for the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Church and the Church of the East:

    Baruch including the Letter of Jeremiah (Baruch chapter 6)
    Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus)
    1 Maccabees
    2 Maccabees
    Greek Esther
    Greek Daniel
    Canonical only for the Eastern Orthodox Church:[23]

    Prayer of Manasseh
    1 Esdras
    2 Esdras
    3 Maccabees
    4 Maccabees as an appendix
    Additions to Psalms:
    Psalm 151

    The Orthodox Tewahedo biblical canon is a version of the Christian Bible used in the two Oriental Orthodox Churches of the Ethiopian and Eritrean traditions: the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church.

    the Orthodox Tewahedo Old Testament includes the Prayer of Manasseh, 3 Ezra, and 4 Ezra, which also appear in the canons of other Christian traditions.

    Unique to the Orthodox Tewahedo canon are the Paralipomena (Lamentations) of Jeremiah (4 Baruch), Jubilees, Enoch, and the three books of Meqabyan (Maccabees), which different from the books of the Maccabees of the LXX.

    While many of the 2nd Temple writings lie outside the canon of the Bible, they have their roots firmly embedded in the OT prophetic tradition.

    First, the authors are heirs to the prophetic view of history; alongside the Biblical writers they speak in the name of the LORD who is sovereign over the whole of human history.

    Secondly, they call Israel to repentance and bring a message of comfort and encouragement to the faithful.

    Thirdly, they draw heavily on the visionary imagery of the prophets—chiefly Daniel, but also Joel, Zechariah, Isaiah and Ezekiel.

    The Book of Enoch(1) I know is by far the most important of the non-Biblical apocalypses and throws valuable light on pre-Christian Juda’an theology. The Apostolic and Early Church Fathers made commentary referencing the narratives from Enoch and other apocalyptic literature, and so while Enoch and other Second Temple literature are “extra-biblical”, by its Patristic tradition, the Church early gave Enoch a certain authority as important religious literature.

    If I recall correctly, Enoch was being quoted as late as the 9th century by Eastern Orthodox theologians. The Enochian tradition endured long enough that it was translated into Slavonic from Greek sources about the 7th-9th century, and is now known as Enoch 2 or Slavonic Enoch, rediscovered in the 19th century.

    It contains visions of world history and the history of Israel, from the time of Enoch to the present day, and looks toward the impending end. It is by far the most important of the non-Biblical apocalypses.

    The second section of the book, the “similitudes” or “parables” of Enoch, deals with the times of judgment on the world, and gives assurance to the righteous concerning the certainty of the Messianic hope.

    The Messiah (Christos) is referred to by the title “the Son of Man”, which in turn points back to the Divine Being in the form of Man as written in the inspired Book of Daniel the Prophet.

    Jesus’ favorite designation, in referring to Himself, was the “Son of Man.” The Gospels record some seventy-eight times that Jesus used this title for Himself. For example, when He asked His disciples the question about His identity, He said,

    “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (Matthew 16:13).

    The Book of Enoch helps fill out what some of the beliefs of the day were in pre-Christian Juda’an theology.

    Although the eschatology of the NT writings is free from the mythological associations and other negative features of non-canonical apocalyptic, it does draw from the store of apocalyptic imagery and occasionally uses its literary forms.

    References to the Parousia of the Son of Man (the name itself is apocalyptic!) and the coming of God’s kingdom in the teaching of Jesus are replete with apocalyptic images, as are also references to the resurrection and the final judgment in the letters of Paul. Paul, the Apostles, and Christ of course, were all very familiar with both the Septuagint and the 2nd Temple literature.

    Juda’ans were a literate society, ever since Hasmonean Queen Salome Alexandra, widow of King Alexander Jannaeus, decreed that everyone in the kingdom would be taught to read at least Scripture.

    There are also passages such as “the little apocalypse” of Mark 13 (cf. Matt 24) and the description of “the man of sin” (2 Thess 2:3 KJV). The chief representative is, however, the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St John the Theologian, from which this genre derives its name (Revelation = Gr. Apokalypsis).

    A very excellent book I can recommend to you is The Religion of the Apostles: Orthodox Christianity in the First Century by Fr. Stephen De Young which traces the lineage of Orthodox Christianity back to the faith and witness of the Holy Apostles and their first-century Juda’an Second Temple theology and worldview, not to mention Christ Himself, and gives place and context to the Deuterocanonical books and Apocryphal religious literature which was orphaned by Western Christianity, especially Protestantism.

    The Apostles were informed not only by the living Revelation of Christ in His own Incarnation, as well Holy Scripture and Temple Tradition and Liturgy, by also by the various forms of Second Temple literature, such as the Book of Enoch, which was passed on in Holy Tradition to their disciples, some of whom became Apostolic Fathers, which was then passed on to the Early Church Fathers, and so forth.

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