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Episode 17: Watching You Mister Jew

The Brother Nathanael Show

Episode 17: Watching You Mister Jew
August 5 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ August 5, 2024


  1. Brother Nathanael August 5, 2024 @ 12:02 pm

    Brother Nathanael –

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  2. Warren’s Buffet -All you can eat for 99 shekels August 5, 2024 @ 12:46 pm

    Hate seeing those articles with ugly Jew faces on Wall Street every time they crash the stock market planned and on purpose.

  3. Warren’s Buffet - Jethro Bodine’s Crawdad special Friday nights August 5, 2024 @ 3:46 pm

    I’m glad to see Sting is singing in support of Brother Nathanael!

    I wonder if Roger Waters might have a supportive song, too, and also join Bro as a guest sometime.

  4. Susan j August 5, 2024 @ 5:43 pm

    Dear +BN,

    Impossible to watch the last 2 vids. They stop every few seconds. Is it something on your end?

  5. Bene Adonay Jesus August 5, 2024 @ 9:59 pm

    Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine.

    07:13: Kennedy Peace versus Israeli Conquest
    44:10: Israel’s Operation Cyanide and Plans for a Nuclear Attack on Egypt
    1:03:44: Israel’s First 9/11 and the War of Terror
    01:31:04: Do We Live in a Democracy?
    01:53:17: Israel’s Puppet Show
    01:54:19: Israel’s Second 9/11 and the U.S./Israeli Genocide in Gaza
    Follow @TruthTowerPod on X and Visit
    FAIR USE NOTICE: All third-party material appears under the Fair Use Exception to Copyright Law, 17 U.S. Code S 107.
    The Ghosts of Deir Yassin video appears with permission of Phil Monsour.

    Use these vertical dots on the right to download this documentary.



  6. Brother Nathanael August 5, 2024 @ 10:01 pm

    Susan j,

    Thank you for letting me know. Myself and many other are able to watch it just fine. How is your connection?

    If Rumble isn’t working for you, try X here:

    Or BitChute:

    Or Odysee:


  7. Bene Adonay Jesus August 5, 2024 @ 10:32 pm

    Do You Still Love Jewsies?

    Evangelical Zionists Pushing the World Into Armageddon
    For many American Christians, it will always be Israel First.

  8. Ted Gorsline August 5, 2024 @ 10:56 pm

    Funny how the jews are obsessed with blonds. Miriam Adelson and Ivanka Trump both present themselves as blondes whether it be natural or not. Just takes dye.

    The jewish girl whose name I forget, but who was known in Hollywood as the prostitute to the stars, said her clients always preferred blondes.

    Your idea of dealing with current events, in other words news, is a good idea for a show but I am glad Gordon Duff, Jim Dean and the Intel Drop keeps 9/11 alive.

    The late Bob Reguly once told me the only reason people buy newspapers is to read the news.

    One reason the newspaper business is dying because bean counters have replaced hard news with columnists. That’s because columnists are cheap and hard news reporters are expensive. They require hotel rooms and airline tickets. Columnists just require a telephone and a desk.

    Columnists just react to the world and each other. Those columnists that are clever enough with words to hold a readers attention are just what the bean counters want to fill the space between the ads because they are cheap. I know this. I was one.

    In Canada there was a columnist named Rex Murphy who became famous as a journalist. He was a good writer. He was a publisher and a bean counter’s dream come true, but he was not a journalist.

    He never broke a hard news story in his life.

  9. Ted Gorsline August 6, 2024 @ 12:25 am

    That Sting song is good, but Phil Collin’s song,”I can feel it coming in the air tonight” is perfect pertaining to the jews in Occupied Palestine.

  10. The Englishman August 6, 2024 @ 1:59 am

    You are not alone +BN, This Lady too is watching and informing the dumb Goyim.

    9/11 It seems should be consigned by the perpetrators and too by the Rehabilitates to dereliction, God forbid mankind derelicts the Crucifixion.

  11. Citizenfitz August 6, 2024 @ 8:42 am

    I remember reading/hearing about a big prostitution bust in Holo-wood around thirty years ago. Of the fifty or so prostitutes arrested, only a handful were actually women.

  12. Citizenfitz August 6, 2024 @ 8:47 am

    My kindle has gotten into the habit of seizing up on me multiple times a day. It happened before, but now it’s a chronic affair.

    My laptop has started doing it, too. Though not as often. But it never used to do that.

  13. vince August 6, 2024 @ 9:17 am

    Hey +BN another great video.

    Can you talk about Judicial Watch in a future episode? They come across as a government watchdog group and they do some good work but they constantly stick up for Israel and their crimes.

    I suspect JW is all jewed up. Are you aware of what jews are funding JW?

  14. Ted Gorsline August 6, 2024 @ 10:01 am

    Colonel Lawrence Wilkenson has just said on Judging Freedom that Hamas has reconstituted itself with new trained recruits.

    Once you start killing the families of young men, and there are many in Gaza, you ignite a firestorm and apparently that is now happening.

    There seem to be more Hamas fighters than there were at the beginning of the war.

    It would appear that Netanyahu has created a huge population of young Muslim men chomping at the bit for the chance to kill a jew.

  15. Magda August 6, 2024 @ 10:01 am

    Pray for this foolish and bewitched nation.

    Congress will do whatever the Synagogue of Satan(SoS) wants. You can be sure that the 2 presidential candidates will too.

  16. Ricck Lineheart August 6, 2024 @ 12:12 pm


    Jews keep buying Americans, [s] elections, and politicians.

  17. KathJuliane August 6, 2024 @ 3:26 pm

    Iran, Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah: REVENGE AWAITS w/Chas Freeman

    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive – 6 August 2024

    Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Israel vs. Iran

    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

    Matt Hoh: Why Haniyeh Was Murdered

    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

    Israel delenda est!

  18. Citizenfitz August 6, 2024 @ 5:42 pm

    RT is getting jewy again.

  19. KathJuliane August 6, 2024 @ 6:28 pm

    ‘We’ll die before enlisting’: Ultra-Orthodox Israelis storm army base

    The Haredi community’s call for ultra-Orthodox Israelis to dodge draft orders has hampered Tel Aviv’s enlistment efforts

    The Cradle News Desk | 6 August, 2024

    Israel released a statement on 6 August condemning the storming of a military base that day by ultra-Orthodox Jews, also known as the Haredim, who were protesting a recent government decision to enlist them into the Israeli army.

    “Breaking into IDF bases is a grave offensive and against the law,” the Israeli army said, adding that the enlistment of Haredi Jews into the military is “a critical operational need… and we are determined to continue advancing it.”

    Demonstrators from the ultra-Orthodox community stormed the Tel HaShome army base in Israel earlier on 6 August during a demonstration against compulsory conscription into the Israeli military.

    Israel’s Channel 12 News described the situation as “out of control,” with rioters outnumbering security forces and dozens breaking into the base.

    Video footage on social media shows the Haredim pouring through the gates of the military base on Tuesday.

    Continue reading:

    “All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country, Israel.”…”Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people?” — attributed to French Ambassador to the United Kingdom Daniel Bernard, 2001

    Israel delenda est!

  20. Wtc7 August 6, 2024 @ 7:07 pm


    What do you do when your leaders are for sale? Are you voting to see which candidate gets to be bribed? How do you end the FED when you can’t control your own politicians?

    These bribers have unlimited money. The answer is representative democracy is a lie. Your representatives represent themselves not their constituents. It takes a strong leader that cares about his own people to get rid of them.

    Who they don’t control they label a dictator. This is what they fear the most. This is why we are conditioned to dislike dictatorships, kings etc.

    The Protocols of Zion says a king/leader that cares about his people is the only protection you have against us! They know democracy is political theory.

    Protocols of Zion is NOT political theory. It is How to Rule using trial and error throughout the ages. They wrote it, not me.

  21. KathJuliane August 6, 2024 @ 9:50 pm

    DEI Making U.S. Military “Less Effective” at Fighting Israel’s Wars, Israeli Prof Laments

    Chris Menahan

    Information Liberation | Aug. 06, 2024

    “Wokeness” and “DEI” are making the US military less effective at fighting Israel’s wars, Israeli professor and talk show host Moshe Cohen lamented this week on Israeli TV.

    Anti-Zionist Jewish journalist David Sheen commented on X: “Here’s what they think about you: ‘In WWII 75% of those American troops killed in the war were White. Today it is about half. As part of the “woke” and “DEI” methods, they altered the army, they made it less effective, the US army is much more rusty.’ – learned Israeli professor [Moshe Cohen].”

    I guess “wokeness” ain’t all bad!

    In all seriousness, his numbers aren’t even accurate (not that he would care about our people’s deaths).

    This chart from the Department of Defense has a breakdown of US military deaths by race during Operation Enduring Freedom as of August 1, 2024:

    Whites are 68.8% of active-duty servicemembers but make up 85% of US military deaths.

    Historically, Whites made up 87% of Army inductions as of December 31, 1945 yet were “at least 96%” of US military deaths during WWII as well.

    Our military is less effective not simply due to “wokeness” and DEI but because we’ve spent the past two decades fighting Israel’s wars.

    That’s also part of the reason the US Army has seen a “sharp decline” in White recruits.

    Censored Men
    An entitled American Zionist says Americans will get drafted to fight for Israel.

    Israel currently is deliberately trying to push America into yet another war with Iran and I assure you they will not give a damn how many of our people die in that war either.

    Full story:

  22. Ted Gorsline August 7, 2024 @ 3:01 am


    The corrupt jewish government of Ukraine, with the help of the corrupt jewish US State Department, has certainly been successful at killing off most of the best, brightest, and bravest Christian men in the Ukraine.

    The physical rejects, the worst and dumbest are rejected by the army and are left to do the breeding of future generations and you ask why the girls ask, “Where have all the good men gone. ” To their graves, That’s why.

    War is unnatural selection on steroids.

    I cannot help but think that WW2, with 20,000 deaths a day, was especially devastating for the White race. The machine gun culls the best, brightest and bravest, and does not get the sick and dumb, who are rejected for military service.

    The sick and dumb marry the girls after the war is over.

    Its not the same as the kind of male-to-male combat you see in nature when two buffalo butt heads, and that drives evolution.

    It’s the exact opposite. War culls the best and brightest and leave the weak and dumb to breed.

    In some German towns 90 per cent of the men were killed during WW2 and the Hitler Youth never stopped fighting. They just ran out of ammunition. The Canadian army killed 22,000 Hitler Youth (child soldiers) at the end of WW2.

    All these wars are financed by Jewish-owned private banks who take no risks and make all the profit, while White Christians destroy their very best young men on behalf of their degenerate jewish financial masters.

    Americans are in some ways fortunate because they make such lousy soldiers compared to the more disciplined Europeans.

    Bob Reguly, who was the Toronto Star’s war correspondent in Viet Nam as well as many other wars, told me the US Army begins to fall apart with 10% casualties, probably because they are not fighting on home ground like the Germans were.

    I think it pretty clear the people who drive wars are jewish private bankers, and that for wars to end they and their descendants, to whom they pass on the financial baton, must be taken out of the loop.

    The value of private banks to a war is pretty clear. The first target the Israelis hit when they began to bomb Gaza was the banks.

    I am constantly surprised that Hamas and Hezbollah don’t focus as much military hardware on the Jewish banks as on the military targets.

  23. Citizenfitz August 7, 2024 @ 10:43 am


    The points you made at 0301 are irrefutable.

    With the exception I think of the US Civil War. Those soldiers there were excellent. Especially the Confederates, who routinely suffered 30+ percent caualties in battle. They were some of history’s best.

    If Nathan Bedford Forrest or Stonewall Jackson had been made supreme commander of Southern forces, it would have been a different war and maybe outcome. Lee, for all his virtues was an over-rated general. Grant was better.

    You might have heard this, but one of the (big) reasons we had to leave Vietnam was because towards the end more officers were getting killed by their own men than by the enemy.

    Something to consider when thinking about the next one.

  24. Ted Gorsline August 7, 2024 @ 2:08 pm


    I knew there was a lot of fragging going on in Viet Nam, but I did not know it was one of the reasons to decide to stop the war.

    I would assume the reason the Confederate soldiers were so tenacious was the same reason the Germans were so good in WW2. They were fighting to protect their homeland or motherland or fatherland or whatever name was used.

    I am constantly amazed at how competent all branches of the German military were in WW2. The only natural resources Germany had and still has is coal. They had more than 100 fighter aces with more than 100 kills.

    I know members of the German air force still put flowers on the grave of Hans Ulrich Rudel, the Stuka pilot, who single-handedly sank a battleship, two heavy cruisers, 500 tanks and 10,000 Soviet communist soldiers.

  25. KathJuliane August 7, 2024 @ 2:49 pm

    As Israel continues killing in Gaza, more torture and rape allegations surface – Day 304

    If Americans Knew | 7 August 2024

    166th Palestinian journalist killed; child malnutrition in Gaza; another evacuation order; Gaza’s official death toll is way too low; news of Israeli torture and rape of Palestinian prisoners keeps coming, keeps getting worse;

    Israel killed 12 West Bank Palestinians in 24 hours; majority of Americans don’t support sending troops to assist Israel; NY anti-masking law targets pro-Palestine protesters; VP candidate Tim Walz on Palestine; ceasefire agreement allegedly getting close; Turkey joins ICJ case against Israel; more.


    Israel delenda est!

  26. Citizenfitz August 7, 2024 @ 3:24 pm

    The FBI has raided Scott Ritter’s home:

  27. Timothy August 7, 2024 @ 4:59 pm

    +BN is doing his part.

    Together, let’s stop the Jew riggers.

  28. KathJuliane August 7, 2024 @ 5:15 pm

    Scott Ritter Statement Following FBI Raid on his home

    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom | 7 August 2024

    45 minutes ago

    Washington, D.C. – August 7, 2024 – Early this morning, the FBI executed a raid on the home of Scott Ritter, a former United Nations weapons inspector. The operation carried out at Ritter’s residence in upstate New York, involved multiple agents and was conducted without incident.

    Details regarding the purpose of the raid remain sparse. An FBI spokesperson confirmed the raid but declined to provide specifics, citing an ongoing investigation. “We can confirm that a lawful search was conducted at Mr. Ritter’s home today. This is part of an ongoing investigation, and we are not at liberty to discuss details at this time,” the spokesperson said.

    Scott Ritter is best known for his work as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq during the 1990s. He has since been an outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly regarding military interventions in the Middle East and the broader war on terror. Ritter has also been a vocal commentator on issues of international security and has authored several books on the subject.

    The raid has sparked a flurry of reactions from both supporters and critics of Ritter. Advocates argue that Ritter has been targeted for his outspoken views, while detractors point to his controversial past, including previous legal troubles, as justification for the raid.

    Ritter’s attorney released a brief statement following the raid, stating, “Mr. Ritter has cooperated fully with law enforcement and maintains his innocence. We are confident that any allegations will be proven unfounded.”

    It’s fairly obvious why Ritter is a target. However, that the “soft” US police state is becoming ever more brazen is alarming, but not the least bit surprising.

    Look what’s going on in the UK.

    The head of the CPS just told skynews they could arrest people just for retweeting protest footage. -Kj

  29. KathJuliane August 7, 2024 @ 6:29 pm

    Amb. Chas Freeman on Scott Ritter – Is Israel on the Brink of TOTAL Defeat?!

    Dialogue Works | 7 August 2024


    Scott Ritter’s SHOCKING Day

    Dialogue Works | 7 August 2024

    1 hr ago

  30. KathJuliane August 7, 2024 @ 8:46 pm

    Hiroshima – the unknown images

    On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 a.m., a bright flash set the sky over Hiroshima ablaze. A gigantic column of smoke rises above the city. The first nuclear bomb in history has just been dropped on the largest metropolis in western Japan.

    This new documentary shows this tragedy from the inside using photos taken that day.

  31. Citizenfitz August 7, 2024 @ 10:10 pm


    The morale in Nam got pretty low there at the end, and officers who tried to toe their superior’s lines often found themselves targeted. Fragging, or even getting shot in combat. Higher command had lost control of the situation.

    The Grunts and Communists came to an agreement of a sort, “We won’t shoot at you if you won’t shoot at us.” Plus, the officers who were leading their companies out on patrol were often calling in false positions. They’d go a mile or so into the boonies then kick back and hang out.

    If what some have said is true, then the Vietnam War can be considered a success: the *real* goal of our intervention was to keep Communism from spreading further into SE Asia. Especially Indonesia. If that’s true, then in a way we did win the war.

    One of the reasons for the armies of North and South in the US Civil War having such exemplary morale (along with them fighting for their homes and families – especially the Southerners) was the fact that regiments were formed from local levies… city or county, and the guys in a regiment or company often knew one another very well from before the war. They did not want word to go back to the folks at home that they’d played the coward.

    The German Army in WW2 had an algorithm showing that about 65 German soldiers were equivalent to 100 Americans. The Brits fared somewhat better, but the Russians, at the end, were rated about on par with the Germans. Something like 90 to 100.

    In his book, Tigers in the Mud, tank ace Otto Carius said he thought one Russian was more dangerous than ten Americans.

  32. Ted Gorsline August 7, 2024 @ 11:56 pm


    The way you say the Confederate armies were organized is the same way the Canadian army was organized in WW2. The regiments came from the same towns and counties. In my area it was the Perth (a county) regiment.

    Many years ago I took Colonel Merle Prebble bear hunting and fishing in Ontario to pick his brains about fighting Pierre Trudeau’s new gun laws. Merle created the Institute for Legislative Action, the political arm of the National Rifle Association.

    He was in Viet Nam and somebody told me he was General Creighton Abram’s executive assistant, but he didn’t mention it and I was unable to confirm it.

    He did however have enormous knowledge of China and the personal backgrounds of the leaders like Mao Tse Tung and Chang Kai Chek, head of the 14 K Triad. He knew who they married and who was related to whom and so forth.

    I asked him why the USA did not bomb the north into oblivion, and he said they were worried about China coming into the war because the Chinese population was so large that the only way to win the war would be with nukes.

    Funny Merle Prebble story. Since he was from the US military and the NRA I assumed he would be a good shot. We located a bear feeding on grass, probably clover, at the edge of the forest.

    It has been raining so the grass was wet and soundless so we were able to get very close to the bear, within 15 yards.

    Merle got so excited that he missed the bear. However, he enjoyed himself and kept returning to the same lodge we stayed in years afterwards, although I never saw him again.

    Merle also explained exactly how to fight Canada’s gun laws and a publisher named Dan Thomey put some of Merle’s ideas into play and ousted a guy named Ross Milne who was then the president of the Liberal party of Canada.

    However, the big frog in a little pond complex kicked in and the leaders of the various shooting clubs, called Federation, who should have fought shoulder to shoulder with Danny, became his worst enemies, self-destructed, and are still self-destructing to this very day.

    You can’t fix stupid.

  33. Ted Gorsline August 8, 2024 @ 11:43 am

    I get the impression that Iran and Hesbollah are going to adopt Russian tactics, that is keep this war going at a low level for a long time like the Russians have done in Ukraine.

    Because the jews are now leaving Israel steadily, and industry in so-called Israel is shutting down.

    I think dragging things out is not what the jew boys expected and they have begun to lose their nerve and long for the promised land of Brooklyn where they can return to their traditional roles as slum lords and slavers in the garment industry who make their money by hiring illegals, who never complain for fear of being extradited, and paying the illegals peanuts.

  34. Ted Gorsline August 8, 2024 @ 2:35 pm

    Colonel Douglas Macgregor just reported on Judge Napolitano’s “Judging Freedom” that 70 Israeli Special forces soldiers, possibly supplemented by British and US mercenaries, entered Yemen to make a commando raid and were wiped out by the Houthis.

    None left or captured. No prisoners.

  35. Citizenfitz August 8, 2024 @ 3:23 pm

    Found your acquaintance, Col. Preble, Ted:

  36. KathJuliane August 8, 2024 @ 6:30 pm

    Syrians Retaking Oil Fields From U.S. Forces IN SYRIA!

    Jimmy Dore Shore | 8 August 2024

    As President, Donald Trump openly admitted that US troops were occupying a third of Syria just to secure the oil. That has been the status quo throughout the Biden administration, but now Syrians are beginning to fight back, with Syrian forces recently liberating occupied towns and surrounding a major oil field.

    Jimmy discusses the inarguable truth about the U.S.’s plans for Syria and what we’re doing there, even though the majority of Americans have no idea we’re even there.

  37. KathJuliane August 8, 2024 @ 7:04 pm

    British Zionists with paid provocateur and Israeli shill Tommy Robinson as the megaphone of the Jew-owned Anglo-America Israel-first Islamophobia cottage industry, established after 2001, hijacked the righteous indignation of the British people over the murder and injuries of a knife-wielding 2nd generation Wales-born Rwandan Christian, spewed their anti-Hamas propaganda lies, and redirected the protesting and civil disobedience populace into counter anti-Palestinian mobs attacking Muslims. -Kj


    Anti-Muslim Crimes – Israel’s Hand in Instigating the Racist UK Riots

    Palestine Chronicle | August 8, 2024
    By Robert Inlakesh

    Whipping up Islamophobia amongst people who are already clearly racists, directing that anger towards Palestinians, is clearly part of an agenda.
    The United Kingdom’s recent social unrest has grabbed international headlines, as horrifying videos went viral of White British mobs rioting, committing arson, attacking police officers, burning down businesses, breaking into homes suspected to belong to Muslims and assaulting random people.

    However, an aspect that almost no one has focused on is how the far-right influencers who motivated these race riots are trying to link the anti-immigrant cause to Israel and how most of them are paid advocates for the Israeli war on Gaza.

    At the center of the ongoing racist riots that are taking place in the United Kingdom is the anti-Muslim campaigner Tommy Robinson.

    He contributed to sharing a made-up Muslim name for a 17-year-old British-born Christian who stabbed 3 children to death in an area called Southport, claiming that he was an asylum seeker.

    It wasn’t long before the fake name released and promoted as if it was evidence of a problem with violent Muslim Asylum seekers in the UK, was proven false, yet this key piece of disinformation was the catalyst for the riots that were to come.

    After stirring up tensions, attaching a horrible mass stabbing event to “illegal immigration” and urging something to be done about it, the likes of Tommy Robinson quickly jumped online to distance themselves from violence, but justified the riots.

    Interestingly, the first point that Robinson made in his video addressing the riots was not about illegal immigration, but about Hamas.

    Tommy Robinson offers the following opening explanation for the racist anti-immigrant riots:

    ‘Why are people angry? I’ll tell you why they’re angry – Cos’ Hamas were allowed to overtake London. Over take our capital city. Every week flying ISIS flags, Hamas flags. Calling for Jihad. The police did nothing. Nothing. Instead they arrested me.”

    He then went on to say that “your actions in the last three weeks or since October 7th, you’ve created thousands of Tommy Robinsons”.

    This comes from a man who was taken on an Israeli military tour, posed for photos in Israeli army t-shirts and on top of tanks operating on occupied territory, he even once remarked that he would fight in a war for Israel. But why is the self-described “English patriot” so obsessed with making every issue about Israel and October 7?

    Tommy Robinson rose to infamy when he co-founded the explicitly anti-Islam ‘English Defence League’ (EDL), known for racist riots and marches.

    [I believe the EDL was originally called the English & Jewish Defense League UK back in 2009, but I may be misremembering. -Kj]

    However, it is little mentioned that the co-founder of the EDL was a man named Paul Ray, who had worked for Israeli intelligence to infiltrate and spy on the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

    In a thread posted to X (formerly Twitter), well-known rapper Lowkey details the EDL’s connections to the Zionist movement, noting that “the EDL English Defence League LTD was registered on the companies house (UK government website) by former Israeli soldier Roberta Moore.

    “She was head of the EDL’s Jewish Unit, which had around 100 members. When asked whether the EDL was exploiting the Zionist Movement, she retorted, “If anything, we are exploiting them”.”

    Full story:

    Israel delenda est!

  38. Citizenfitz August 8, 2024 @ 7:31 pm

    Because all jews and no fun makes life hard for everyone:

  39. KathJuliane August 8, 2024 @ 9:04 pm

    David Miller

    What’s causing the Islamophobic riots across the UK, and why now?

    1. The riots have been instigated by the Zionist asset Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (‘Tommy Robinson’), who has been working for the State of Israel since 2009 as part of the so-called ‘counterjihad’ Islamophobia movement established by that state.

    When his organisation, the English Defence League, was incorporated in 2011, two years after its inception, it was named the English & Jewish Defence League. The Jewish Defence League, a Zionist terrorist organisation, has been a key part of violent Islamophobic street thuggery in the UK over the past decade.

    2. Yaxley-Lennon is one of the most high-profile actors in the State of Israel’s Online Influencers Programme in response to Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.

    He and others, like Oli London, Noa Tishby, Hen Mazzig, Arsen Ostrovsky and Emily Schrader (and many others) are paid to distribute Zionist propaganda, of which pushing back against pro-Palestine protests and sowing Islamophobia are two important and interlinked aims.

    3. The recent Islamophobic riots in the UK should be seen as the latest phase of the State of Israel’s war on British Muslims, who it sees as originating the protest movement in the UK.

    These riots are designed to punish Muslims for their anti-Zionist sentiment after various other methods to suppress opposition to Zionism by the State of Israel have been thwarted.

    The State of Israel’s attempts to use its assets and operatives in the British political and media class — such as Suella Braverman and Michael Gove — to thwart pro-Palestinian protests have failed. Zionist counter-protests have failed to mobilise significant numbers.

    Sporadic Zionist thuggery and the use of other assets — such as Iranian secularist extremists — have also failed to intimidate Muslims. So now the State of Israel is weaponising its cannon fodder on the white nationalist far-right, who have greater numbers than either Zionist street thugs or Iranian monarchists and secularist extremists.

    4. Finally, there are also questions about which actor authored the idea that Muslims were responsible for the ostensible triggers for these events.

    MI6 and its assets (eg Paul Mason) are desperately trying to pretend this was a Russian disinfo op. But the original stories did not come from Russia. Where did they come from?

    Pro-Israel think tank funds Tommy Robinson’s legal costs

    MEMO | 10 July 2018

    Tommy Robinson the Zionist Fraud
    The Real Enemy of Freedom of Speech

    Justice Watch | 28 May 2018

  40. KathJuliane August 8, 2024 @ 9:17 pm

    UK’s new prime minister, Keir Starmer, observes Shabbat, supports Israel and vows to fight antisemitism

    Starmer’s wife is Jewish, they’re raising their kids as Jews, and Friday night dinner is sacrosanct

    The Forward | 5 July 2024

    For the first time ever, 10 Downing St., the official residence of the United Kingdom’s prime minister, will be home to a practicing Jewish family.

    Keir Starmer, whose wife is Jewish, was sworn in Friday by King Charles III after the Labour Party won in a landslide. Though Starmer himself is not Jewish, his children are being raised Jewish and he says the family will continue to gather for Shabbat dinners while he is running the country.

    Starmer has also been a strong supporter of Israel and pledges to fight the surge in antisemitism that’s plaguing the United Kingdom.

    Full story:


    Sky News
    ‘We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material, and then follow up with arrests.’

    The director of public prosecutions of England and Wales warns that sharing online material of riots could be an offence

  41. KathJuliane August 8, 2024 @ 9:20 pm

    What the media hides.

    Scott Ritter said this about Israel

    The FBI raided his home in less than 24h

  42. Ted Gorsline August 8, 2024 @ 9:46 pm

    That’s Merle, Citizen Fitz.

    He was a very quiet, very fit man, soft spoken man from West Virginia. The way he talked reminded me of Jimmy Stewart. I introduced Merle to Bob Reguly and after that I was out of the loop as they talked and reminisced about Viet Nam.

    They got along very well.

    My cousin Sam, who was born in California, was also in Viet Nam, and I wish I had had a chance to talk to him about it. His name was Sam Gorsline and he was captain of the aircraft carrier Coral Sea in 1969, flying air strikes against north Viet Nam.

    He was also a carrier pilot and flew 83 missions in Korea. There is a good picture of him on the internet with movie director John Ford standing on a carrier deck.

    He was movie director John Ford’s favorite fighter pilot and helped Ford make a propaganda film for the Navy called “This is Korea.”

    John Ford made all the John Wayne movies, and I often wondered if cousin Sam was a role model that Ford used for John Wayne when Wayne acted as a war time pilot as Wayne was never in a war.

    In the movie “This is Korea” there is a picture of a bomb with the message on it “Welcome from Sam” or something similar. You would think the message came from Uncle Sam but actually the message came from Cousin Sam.

  43. KathJuliane August 8, 2024 @ 10:06 pm

    Quds News Network

    This Palestinian civilian was filming the bodies of those killed by Israeli occupation snipers in Gaza, unaware that the snipers were using the corpses as bait to lure more civilians to shoot.

    The footage was later discovered on his phone when his own body was found
    near the scene at Al-Kuwaiti roundabout in Gaza City.

    Most vile depraved satanic army in the world

    “Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered. But never before have I watched as soldiers enticed children like mice into a trap and murdered them for sport.”

    -Christopher Hedges, American journalist on asssignment in Gaza

    Our “Judeo-christian values” writ large.

    Israel delenda est!

  44. KathJuliane August 8, 2024 @ 11:20 pm

    Kerry Burgess

    Great idea to be childish and piss off Japan. A country holding over a trillion in US debt simply because Japan rightly didn’t invite Israel.

    Israel, a country committing genocide, that the US has handed 18 billion dollars in 2024…

    Middle East Eye

    7 August 2024

    US and UK to boycott Nagasaki bombing memorial after Israel disinvited

    The US nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 killed tens of thousands of Japanese civilians
    Nagasaki defends decision not to invite Israel to atomic bomb memorial

    The United States, United Kingom and other countries say they will send lower-level officials to ceremony that will take place on Friday.

    Al Jazeera | 8 August 2024
    Israel delenda est!

  45. Ken Crist August 9, 2024 @ 6:57 am

    Young people are our future. Great.
    I feel better all ready. Not.
    They will grow up and know who butters their bread.
    And will gladly take the bucks just like each sell out generation did since Federal Reserve.

  46. KathJuliane August 9, 2024 @ 10:25 am

    Tommy Robinson EXPOSED: Zionist-Funded Right-Wing Poser Sparks British Race War

    Stew Peters Network | 8 August 2024

    Former European Parliament member Nick Griffin is here to talk about Zionists have infiltrated Britain to turn Muslims and Whites against each other.

    Dan Lyman from Border Hawk News is here to talk about the CHNV parole program that is secretly being used to fly hundreds of thousands of violent military aged men to America.

  47. Rabbi Glickman August 9, 2024 @ 11:19 am

    You have probably noticed all the half-naked female athletes at the Olympics.

    Having the ladies prancing around semi-nude doesn’t add anything to their performances, but it does do wonders for the ratings!

    This is our doing. L’Chaim!

  48. KathJuliane August 9, 2024 @ 11:32 am

    How the ultra-right Kahanists infiltrated the US Democratic Party

    Electronic Intifada | 8 August 2024

  49. Magda August 9, 2024 @ 11:59 am

    If there are any shelf stable imports you like to have on hand like coffee, chocolate, tea, olive oil etc. now is the time to buy them.

    It looks like chess pieces are being put into place for something big. If nothing else you can count on a sharp rise in inflation and possibly shortages of imported items.

    Of course I have no inside intel, just the opinion of a frugal housewife who likes to connect dots.

  50. KathJuliane August 9, 2024 @ 12:01 pm

    End Wokeness

    Met Police Commissioner Mark Rowley threatens to EXTRADITE and imprison American citizens over online posts.

    He does not rule out Elon Musk.

  51. KathJuliane August 9, 2024 @ 12:46 pm

    On the Stew Peters Show, Nick Griffith mentioned billionaire Canadian Israeli Rabbi Raphael Shore as a major example of a major nexus of the mischievous and malicious “Judeo-christian” Uber-Israel Zionist Islamophobia Propaganda Industry network occupying and brainwashing Europe and the Anglosphere, such as Ezra Levant & Rebel Media.

    Here he is in all of his Wikipedia glory:

  52. The Englishman August 9, 2024 @ 3:03 pm

    This exalted little Tom tit, I’m referring to the current Met. Commissioner is the latest in a line of disastrous heads occupying the top job of the once infamously corrupt London Metropolitan Police.

    Then, as in politics, we get what we deserve.

    Starky hits the English chords

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