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Episode 13: Issue Centric Elections

The Brother Nathanael Show

Episode 13: Issue Centric Elections
July 27 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ July 29, 2024


  1. The Englishman July 30, 2024 @ 2:33 am

    Thank goodness, your best stream yet, +BN. Back on track!

    Americans, youth esp. this monk is your path to Salvation!

  2. The Englishman July 30, 2024 @ 5:00 am

    Please don’t be hard on Gaynor Hopkins, our Welsh icon artist +BN.

    It is perfectly natural for a woman to desire a “Hero” in a world being shaped for the fag, soy, faint-hearted, pusillanimous excuses for men.

    Since you are an instrument of our Lord Jesus Christ, I can think of at least one woman who deems you as her “Hero”.

  3. KathJuliane July 30, 2024 @ 12:46 pm

    “They have substituted Israel for Jesus” – Rev. Stephen Sizer

    Around 80 million American Christians believe in biblical dispensationalism, which started coming to prominence during the late 1800s, thanks to Scofield, Darby, Oxford University Press, and more.

    It’s false doctrine and will take decades to overturn. (

    Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Israel On the Brink
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

    Viva Palestina!
    Free America from AIPAC!
    Israel delenda est!

  4. Citizenfitz July 30, 2024 @ 6:57 pm

    “Let us be under no illusion. The Jewish spirit, which was responsible for the alliance of large-scale capital with Marxism and was the driving force behind so many anti-Spanish revolutionary agreements, will not be got rid of in a day.” – Francisco Franco

  5. Dr. Kennedy July 30, 2024 @ 8:38 pm

    Got to disagree with you on this one, Brother.

    So far, Trump has been attacked by the jew-owned media, the jew-(partially) controlled court system, and our jew-infected financial system 24/7. Then 12 million shares of Trump stock (BEFORE THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT), are (SUPPOSEDLY), and accidentally shorted, by the (DEEPLY) Talmudic connected Black Rock.

    Yet you say, that the Evil Talmudic jews, completely control Trump. This does not add up.



  6. Ted Gorsline July 31, 2024 @ 1:41 am


    That quote by Franco, which I had never heard before, is incredibly accurate.

    I see where Israel just killed the Palestinian peace negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh in Iran. No more peace or hostage negotiations.

    The poor guy really paid the price. Grew up in a refugee camp, was jailed for years without charges, the jews killed his wife, all his children and most of his other relatives.

    The problem freedom fighters face in very poor countries is that it’s easy to find and bribe really poor people to murder on your behalf.

    Those guys in Russia that slaughtered so may people were only expecting to get about $5,000.00 and that on a promise from jew-run Ukraine that was never fulfilled. A pocket full of mumbles was all that cost jew run Ukraine to massacre Russian civilians.

  7. The Englishman July 31, 2024 @ 1:47 am

    Yet another assassination by Palestine’s arch-enemy.

    I’ve lost count of the Iranian, Hamas, & Hezbollah personnel murdered by Israhell.

    The assassination of Reich Protector Heydrich would be a good template for Palestinian retribution.

  8. John July 31, 2024 @ 9:09 am

    Brother Nathanael,

    Why are you promoting the King James Bible as the true Bible when even in its original form is a protestant Bible, that rejects the canonicity of the Deuterocanonical books.

    The Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and the Oriental Orthodox Churches recognize the Deuterocanonical books as canonical, and totally reject the corrupted King James Bible.

  9. John July 31, 2024 @ 9:31 am

    I believe the real number of Jews in the US is far higher then what the statistics tell us.

    The majority of them conceal their identity.

  10. Magda July 31, 2024 @ 10:06 am

    One way to free America from AIPAC is to not vote for any candidates that take their money.

    Except there are very, very few and none running for President.

  11. Ted Gorsline July 31, 2024 @ 1:36 pm


    That Franco quote applies to well known jews like Armand Hammer and the Koch brothers who made their money in Russian oil during the Communist period. Good examples of capitalist jews and jewish commies working hand in hand.

    The Koch bothers are apparently the money behind psychopath Nicky Haley who wants to “finish the job” of murdering Palestine children.

    The so-called jewish revolutionary spirit is nothing more than a deliberate attempt to destroy Christianity, as at the Paris Olympic opening, while at the same time pretending that jewish and Christian values are similar ala the BS coming from Ben Shapiro and his lackey Jordan Peterson.

  12. Ted Gorsline July 31, 2024 @ 2:33 pm

    The latest information says Ismail Haniyeh was killed in an airstrike on his home and not by an ambush within Iran.

    Great to see not only Scott Ritter but now Larry Johnson calling for the complete destruction of Israel.

    I agree. Jewish run states always end up being pure distilled evil. Its inevitable.

  13. KathJuliane July 31, 2024 @ 4:30 pm

    Dear Ted Gorsline,

    Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran. Within roughly the same time frame, a senior Hezbollah official, Fouad Shukr, was assassinated in an airstrike on his residence in Beirut, Lebanon.

    The strike resulted in the deaths of several Lebanese civilians, including a woman and two children, and left others wounded.


    Ismail Haniyeh Assassinated by Israel – What We Know So Far

    Palestine Chronicle | 31 July 2024

    The Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas announced on Wednesday morning the assassination of the head of its political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, after being targeted by an Israeli raid in Tehran.

    Iranian authorities confirmed the assassination and said they are investigating its circumstances.

    How did the assassination take place?

    Hamas announced in a statement issued at six o’clock this morning Palestine time that Haniyeh was assassinated after being targeted by an Israeli raid on his residence in Tehran after participating in the inauguration ceremony of the new President Massoud Bezshkian.

    The Iranian authorities later confirmed Haniyeh’s assassination without clarifying the circumstances of his targeting and said they would announce the results of the investigation as soon as possible.

    Continue reading:


    Israel Assassinates Senior Hezbollah Official, Fouad Shukr – Who Was He?

    By Palestine Chronicle Staff

    The Lebanese movement Hezbollah has confirmed that one of its senior officials, Fouad Shukr, was assassinated in an Israeli military strike on a residential building in the capital of Beirut on Tuesday.

    The Israeli army announced on Tuesday that it had carried out an airstrike targeting a senior Hezbollah leader in a building located in Haret Hreik, a southern suburb of Beirut. The strike resulted in the deaths of several Lebanese civilians, including a woman and two children, and left others wounded.

    According to a security source cited by Reuters, “the strike on the southern suburb of Beirut targeted a senior leader in Hezbollah, but his fate remains unknown.”

    News outlets reported that the airstrike was aimed at Fouad Shukr, a high-ranking Hezbollah figure.

    Hezbollah did not immediately confirm his death.

    On Wednesday, however, the Lebanese news outlet Al-Manar officially announced Shukr’s death in the Israeli airstrike.

    In a statement released on Wednesday, Hezbollah praised Shukr as “a symbol of steadfast commitment and determination to continue the jihad until the liberation of the land.”

    The statement also indicated that the group’s leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, would address Shukr’s funeral procession on Thursday.

    “Our political stance on this heinous aggression and great crime will be conveyed by the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, during the funeral procession of the martyr leader tomorrow,” the statement read.

  14. KathJuliane July 31, 2024 @ 7:01 pm


    SONAR21 | 31 July 2024

    Israel’s assassination of Hamas politburo chief, Haniyeh, in Tehran on Wednesday morning crossed a redline for Iran and Hezbollah that is likely to lead to a dramatic escalation in the war currently raging in Palestinian territory.

    Despite US denials, this attack was fully coordinated with Washington and London in advance. Not only did Zionist Foreign Minister Katz say so on Saturday, but the deployment of US and UK warships to the Med over the weekend, reportedly to stand-by for carrying out a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) from Lebanon and/or Israel.

    Apart from the United States, Israel is the only other country in the world that has bombed four different countries (five if you count Palestine) and claims to be the victim.

    That excuse ain’t wearing well. Especially in light of the recent news that the Israeli Military is investigating allegations that Zionist prison guards routinely raped Palestinian men and women prisoners.

    Here is the video of the Zionist pig justifying rape and any other depravity on prisoners. Note, there are Jews opposed to this imbecile. It is not fair to blame Jews for the outrages of the Zionists.

    Russia, with the full support of China, convened a UN Security Council meeting to discuss the latest act of Zionist terrorism — i.e., the murder of Haniyeh in Tehran.

    Judging from the remarks of the Iranian Ambassador, either the UNSC takes decisive action or Iran will exercise its right of self-defense. Since it is almost guaranteed that the UK and the US will veto any condemnation of Israel, that means Iran will strike back, only this time, Iran will not pull its punches. I think war is inevitable.

    Full story:

  15. Citizenfitz July 31, 2024 @ 7:03 pm

    I agree, John. When you count all the half jews, quarter jews, jewish converts, married to jews…. The real number is probably more like 8 – 10 percent.

    Then there are all the Christian Zionitwits.

    Yeah Ted, Franco knew the score about who was funding the republican side in Spain.

    He was a great man. Same with Portugal’s Salazar.

  16. The Englishman August 1, 2024 @ 2:51 am

    These cowardly jew rats will pay a heavy price for their atrocities.

  17. John August 1, 2024 @ 4:51 am

    To Citizenfitz – You somewhat misunderstood the point I was making. I was referring to Crypto-Jews. Many Jews changed their names long ago. Here in Australia many Jews anglicized their names when they arrived (or even before) as in the US, and elsewhere. There is no way of knowing who is Jewish and who is not.

    There are even Jews who pretend to attend Church (or a Mosque) just to disguise their Jewish identity. Many Jews are duplicitous beyond human belief. There is no way these people worship God in Heaven, but rather Lucifer/Satan. This notion might be hard for people to grasp.

    The former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would appear to have been born Jewish. Gaddafi’s Mother was said to be Jewish. Two countries that are/were vehementy hostile to Israel run by crypto-Jews. The rabbit hole goes very deep.

    I have a Jewish friend who became disillusioned with his heritage. Some years ago he was telling me how so many prominent Australians that we think off as Anglo-Christian by descent are actually Crypto-Jews. That said, you might find the 2 links below interesting:

  18. The Englishman August 1, 2024 @ 5:04 am

    All WATCH! Tyranny is in action again—post 1775.

  19. John August 1, 2024 @ 1:22 pm

    To The Englishman.

    I watched the video. One woman being attacked had a pacemaker. This will be the future facing us.

    Mayhem is coming. The end times are here.


  20. The Englishman August 1, 2024 @ 3:07 pm


    G’day, a mate of mine emigrated to Western Australia 30 years ago.

    Like we here, he is jew wise, blaming Hymie for the multitude of problems Aussies now face. Accommodation is scarce and pricey, and the cost of food + commodities like immigration of non-whites is reaching dizzy levels.

    What with Funnel-web spiders, Eastern Browns, unbearable hot summers, and successive Labour governments, it sounds like a dog’s breakfast.

  21. The Englishman August 2, 2024 @ 2:17 am

    It’s the jews, Stupids!

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