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Episode 11: The Optics of JD Vance

The Brother Nathanael Show

Episode 11: The Optics of JD Vance
July 24 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ July 24, 2024


  1. Brother Nathanael July 24, 2024 @ 7:19 pm

    Watch Here:
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  2. Ted Gorsline July 24, 2024 @ 10:09 pm

    You are a great guy Bro Nat and definitely on the leading edge of positive change.

    You and KJ are the best one-two punch on the internet and nothing like a combination to bring about a knock out.

  3. Frank Williams July 24, 2024 @ 11:17 pm

    I agree with you 100% Teddy boy as they say in bloody England.

    Did I ever tell you about the time I was attacked by a 20lb Maine Coon and lost? Left me bleeding bad. What an experience but I survived!

  4. Ted Gorsline July 25, 2024 @ 4:13 am

    Dear Frank,

    Sounds like you need a baseball bat and rabies shots

  5. Grizz July 25, 2024 @ 4:18 am


    Waspy frontmen controlled by Jews and Indians. India is the next frontier for Jews, but they’ll leave a stay behind network here with a Shoomer type in charge.

    Still not voting Trump.

  6. Ted Gorsline July 25, 2024 @ 5:37 am

    i see where Congress’s pimp Benny Netanyahu got 58 standing ovations.

    I read some place that George Washington only got three when he created America.

  7. John July 25, 2024 @ 6:28 am

    All of these politicians like Trump, Vance, Biden, Harris (and many others) are just mere actors.

    They are characters in a demonic play. It is all pantomime. The narrative about their background is just pure fiction. The US is run by an evil Jewish tyranny. They run all the nations of the world directly or indirectly.

    The evil Jewish tyranny are the Illuminati, and what I say has nothing to do with Dan Brown. He is just another puppet of theirs. The Illuminati are the fallen angels (Demons) and they run this Earthly domain, albeit within the limits set by God, the almighty.

    True Christians must seek to break out of this evil matrix that is controlling us.

    I know that it is a difficult challenge, but we must strive to achieve this. Our divine battle is against the evil spirits, and not against flesh and blood. Reading the Holy Bible, and especially the New Testament will strengthen us in this endeavour.

  8. KathJuliane July 25, 2024 @ 1:40 pm

    Sadly, there is nothing Johnstone wrote that I can disagree with.

    Netanyahu showed up in Congress like a Madam visiting his finest AIPAC political whorehouse that money can buy. -Kj

    Netanyahu’s Speech: As American as It Gets

    Consortium News | July 25, 2024

    You couldn’t ask for a better example of everything Washington stands for: Both houses of Congress rising to feverishly applaud one of history’s worst genocidal monsters dozens of times as he lies over and over again, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

    Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress was everything you’d expect: packed full of lies and propaganda spin, yet simultaneously very illuminating and revealing.

    The Israeli prime minister received no fewer than 58 standing ovations while speaking before both houses of Congress and spewing the most despicable lies you could possibly imagine in his conspicuously American accent. Depending on how politically aware you are, this spectacle could be perceived as either deeply un-American, or as American as it gets.

    Netanyahu repeated evidence-free atrocity propaganda about what happened on Oct. 7, falsely asserting that Hamas “burned babies alive” and killed two babies in an attic.

    He falsely claimed that Hamas “butchered 1,200 people”, pretending it’s not a well-established fact that many of the 1,139 Israeli deaths that day came from both indiscriminate IDF fire and deliberate targeting in implementation of the Hannibal Directive.

    Continue reading:


    Separation of Synagogue & State!

    Israel delenda est!

  9. KathJuliane July 25, 2024 @ 2:22 pm

    The Republican platform ignores the real causes of inflation

    Mises Institute | 23 July 2024

    By Ron Paul

    The 2024 Republican platform promises that, if Donald Trump returns to the White House and Republicans gain complete control of Congress, they will reduce inflation.

    The platform contains some proposals, such as reducing regulations and extending the 2017 tax reductions, that may help lower prices in some sectors and spur economic growth. However, the GOP platform does not address how the Federal Reserve’s enabling of spendaholic politicians contributes to price inflation.

    Other than an obligatory promise to cut “wasteful” spending, and a pledge to eliminate the Department of Education, the Republican platform is largely silent on proposals to reduce federal spending.

    The GOP’s apparent desire to increase military spending is a disappointment to those of us who hoped the increased skepticism of foreign intervention among Republican voters would dampen Republican enthusiasm for the military-industrial complex.

    The platform also opposes any reduction in Social Security and Medicare. So, the “fiscally responsible” Republicans want to increase spending on one of the largest items in federal spending (“defense”) while opposing cuts in two others (Social Security and Medicare).

    Interest on the national debt, another of the top spending items, will continue growing under a Republican government. The only way Republicans may look like champions of small government is by comparison with the Democrats.

    While it is disappointing that the Republican platform rejects fiscal responsibility, it is not surprising. President Trump increased the national debt by between seven and eight trillion dollars. While spending did explode with the covid lockdowns, the debt increased by trillions between Trump’s inauguration and the covid-inspired spending spree.

    Spending increased during Trump’s first two years in office, when Republicans controlled Congress. This is not the first time a Republican president has betrayed his promise to cut spending: Both President Bushes, as well as President Reagan, campaigned on pledges to cut spending then increased spending and debt while in office.

    Politicians could not increase the national debt unless the Federal Reserve monetizes the debt by purchasing Treasury bonds and increasing the money supply to keep interest rates low.

    The need to monetize the debt is the main reason the central bank must keep interest rates from rising to anywhere near market levels. According to Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Brian Riedl, every one percent increase in interest rates increases federal interest payments by 35 trillion dollars spread out over three decades.

    It is no coincidence that the rise of the debt-based economy with ever-growing levels of consumer, business, and (especially) government debt — along with the accelerated decline of the dollar’s purchasing power, which reduces Americans’ standards of living — all occurred after President Nixon severed the last link between the dollar and gold.

    Yet, the Republican platform does not call for Congress to pass the Audit the Fed legislation, much less create a free market in money by legalizing competing currencies.

    Of course, the platform does not endorse ending the Fed’s ability to monetize federal debt by forbidding the Fed to purchase federal debt instruments.

    It remains up to those of us who know the truth to keep spreading the message that the real key to making America great again is to make money real again by auditing and ending the Fed.

  10. KathJuliane July 25, 2024 @ 2:40 pm

    Netanyahu & the Stooges in DC

    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive

    with Ambassador Chas Freeman

  11. KathJuliane July 25, 2024 @ 6:46 pm

    Col Douglas Macgregor on Netanyahu in DC

    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive

  12. The Ghost of James Morrison July 25, 2024 @ 8:06 pm

    “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind”
    – James Douglas Morrison

    You are 50 years, at least, behind the times, and so are the goyim who listen to all the babble and bullshit force fed to them by the heinous criminals in government and the media.

    The Amerika of old, a CREDITOR nation, is long gone.

    It’s fate was sealed when the globalist zionist bankster cabal seized control of the money and credit of this nation in 1913, and has since expanded its operations to control EVERY single “central bank” in the West.

    In its place is the “new” Amerika, the world’s leading DEADBEAT DEBTOR nation, with military bases in over 125 countries in the world, whose ONLY purpose is to ensure the yids retain THEIR control at ALL costs. And AMERIKA pays those costs with its BLOOD and TREASURE.

    Soon, it will only have BLOOD to offer as the 100+ years of raping the Treasury comes to an end. Bankrupted and repeatedly and violently sodomized, like some drunken drugged up battered old whore who can’t remember its name, it’ll be time to lower the boom and finish the job.

    WWW3 will be fought, and YOU will die so that these pigs have a CHANCE of holding on to the power and glory they currently clutch in their claws.

    The BRICS nations and their independent financial system which they are furiously and relentlessly constructing is the means by which EVERY country in the world not under complete hegemonic subjugation can escape to, and that requires a massively violent response to stop it in its tracks now and forever.

    Otherwise, the Synagogue of Satan will have missed its chance for global hegemony, and in the process, leave themselves open for a massive retaliation, otherwise know as ARMAGEDDON.

    And yes, ALL roads lead to Armageddon.

    Worrying about who wins this election is the equivalent of humping an electrified barbed wire whipping post. If you’re into masochistic flagellation, humiliation, and mutilation, have at it.

    If not, get busy figuring out how to get away from the nukes, plagues, famine and violence that surely await this modern day Sodom & Gomorrah.

  13. Ted Gorsline July 25, 2024 @ 11:33 pm

    If the jew-owned American Congress wanted to give Benjamin Netanyahoo and his jewish followers more weapons, they should consider stopping the shipment of 2,000 pound dumb bombs and give them hackapicks instead.

    Hackapics are the weapons fishermen in Newfoundland once used to kill baby seals at a time when the seal population numbered about 1.5 million, and the basis of the Newfoundland economy was the cod fishery. Harp seals eat 15 pounds of cod each per day.

    Hacapicks are pointed axes and Harp seals have very thin skulls that somehow allows them to dive deeply. Death by hacapick is instantaneuos.

    If the jewish-owned Democratic Party and jewish-owned MSM wants to help Israel in its genocidal campaign by enabling the jewish-controlled State Department send weapons to murder Palestinian children humanely they have to stop the shipment of dumb bombs, which kill indiscriminantly, and give the jews hakapicks.

    After all dumb bombs work like mob hitmen, who capture a rival, put him in a coffin and bury him alive to die in horror over a period of days. Even this mob practice is far more humane than what American jewry is doing to Palestinian children because the people the mob bury alive are all adult males and not children like the jews are burying alive right now.

    In addition, aside from being buried alive, most of these babies, young children and their moms, trapped in the rubble to die a lingering death, are also injured with broken and crushed bones to add to the pain and the horror.

    The people of Newfoundland gave up their cod fishery for decades to pander to the world’s desire to stop killing Harp seal pups with hacakpics and as a result today there are 6.5 million Harp seals, eating 15 pounds of cod each per day, and still no viable cod fishery.

    The only winner of the anti-seal campaign was the British leader Brian Davies who had to flee Canada because the police wanted to arrest him, because he put his foundation’s money and assets into his own pocket, in particular a helicopter, cashed out, and moved to Florida where he now lives in a very expensive beach front property.

    The international drive for a humane value system costs the people of Newfoundland everything. If you don’t think 5.5 million harp seals eating 15 pounds of cod each every day had a negative effect on the cod recovery, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

    But if the truth be known “instant kill” hackapicks are far more humane than dumb bombs.

    By far the most humane way for American to supply the jews with weapons they desire to genocide Muslim children would be to provide them with a shipment of hackapics instead of the current dumb bombs, currently burying women and children alive in Gaza.

  14. Ted Gorsline July 26, 2024 @ 6:40 am

    I think its really worth following Whitney Webb’s site called Unlimited Hangout. She is great at connecting the dots.

    For example, I did not know that party girl Margaret Trudeau, mother of current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, was the life of the party, linked to a large birthday cake, at jewish hooligan Roy Cohen’s birthday party.

    I bet the whole dysfunctional Trudeau family feature in a lot more taped videos than even they know about. Justin has probably starred in many as yet unreleased films made at Toronto’s Four Season’s Hotel.

    Certainly the fact that a descendant of the Sammy Bronfman organized crime family is Justin’s bag man is well known.

    Some say Whitney Webb is a “limited hangout,” like the jews Oliver Stone and Seymour Hersch, whose role as “limited hangouts” is to break interesting and distracting stories that grab your attention, and then having done just that, lead you down the garden path and as far away from the heart of the real story as is humanly possible.

    I disagree. I think Whitney Webb is both bright and honest.

    As for the jews, I think Benjamin Netanyahoo is fighting hard and succeeding at making Adolf Hitler look like Mother Teresa. Jewish culture as a whole is doing its best to make the Nazi party look like a bunch of choir boys.

    The jews are succeeding at scraping the very bottom of the humanitarian scum bucket beyond any sane person’s wildest dreams.

  15. Citizenfitz July 26, 2024 @ 10:45 am

    I second Ted’s recommendation of Unlimited Hangout as a site worth following.

  16. Tiny helpless purple laughing elephant July 26, 2024 @ 3:36 pm

    I disagree with everything here.

    Since the USA 2020 Color Revolution, everything has just been a craven circus.

    I think it’s going to come down to blacks vs. Jews (since White boys don’t fight anymore, they just masturbate and play video games.)

  17. KathJuliane July 26, 2024 @ 4:58 pm

    Trump Says NETANYAHU Is Preventing Peace!

    The Jimmy Dore Show | 26 July 2024

    For decades we’ve been hearing from Israeli politicians and their Zionist apologists that they would love to make a deal but, sadly, they just don’t have a sincere negotiating partner among the Palestinians.

    The subtext being that Palestinians all want to wipe Israel off the map, so how do you negotiate with them? But now Donald Trump comes along and he realizes the truth, which is that Benjamin Netanyahu clearly has no interest in making peace with the Palestinians, and his Israeli government is the one looking to seize all of “greater Israel” as the completion of the Zionist project.

    Jimmy discusses why it makes sense that Trump would want to make a deal and what his promises of bringing peace to the Middle East suggest for what he will do as president.


    I wonder how much filthy laundry the Netanyahus lugged along with them this time?

    What a fitting metaphor for America’s forever role in cleaning up after Israhell’s perpetual global dirty messes. As mentioned by Jimmy Dore: -Kj

    Netanyahus said to bring suitcases of laundry from Israel to wash at White House

    PM denies ‘recycled’ rumors after Washington Post reports he and wife Sara repeatedly brought soiled clothes to be laundered, dry cleaned when staying at US president’s guesthouse

    Times of Israel | 24 September 2020

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, on multiple occasions brought with them from Israel suitcases of clothes to be laundered and dry cleaned while staying at the White House guesthouse, the Washington Post reported Wednesday. Netanyahu’s office said the story was untrue.

    The story reinforces earlier claims dating back a decade that the Netanyahus prefer to deal with their dirty laundry overseas following similar disclosures from a top former aide-turned-state’s witness in the Netanyahu corruption trials.

    Visitors staying at the White House guesthouse routinely get their laundry taken care of as a perk, but it usually only consists of a shirt or two, given their brief stays. “The Netanyahus are the only ones who bring actual suitcases of dirty laundry for us to clean,” the Washington Post quoted a US official as saying. “After multiple trips, it became clear this was intentional.”

    Netanyahu’s office denied the report.

    “This is recycled anonymous slander from the archives of the Israeli media aimed at blotting out the historic peace agreements brought about by Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump,” it said.

    The Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, also issued a statement, telling the Post that “these groundless and absurd allegations are aimed at belittling Prime Minister Netanyahu’s monumental achievement in Tuesday’s historic peace summit brokered by President Trump at the White House.”

    Full story:

  18. KathJuliane July 26, 2024 @ 6:18 pm

    Scott Ritter: Netanyahu Just ATTACKED America as Israel Loses War on All Fronts ft. Dan Kovalik

    Danny Haiphong | 26 July 2024

    Scott Ritter GOES OFF on Benjamin Netanyahu for suggesting to Congress that Americans protesting his visit were “Iranian proxies” and gives a sober assessment of Israel’s deteriorating military and political position as its war enters month ten.

    Author and Human Rights Lawyer Dan Kovalik also joined to provide a full analysis of what Netanyahu’s attack on America says about US politics at this stage of history


    Scott Ritter addresses Netanyahu’s speech at US Congress: Al Mayadeen Exclusive

    Al Mayadeen | 24 July 2024

    “This isn’t an honor given to Netanyahu by the US Congress, this is the US Congress obeying the commands of the man who leads the nation that owns the US Congress,” commented Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, in an interview for Al Mayadeen on Netanyahu’s speech at Congress.

    Ritter emphasized that “This isn’t so much the US Congress inviting the Israeli Prime Minister to speak, but the Israeli prime minister calling in the duties and responsibilities of the Congress that Israel has bought and paid for over the years.” He explained that every US presidential candidate “that was backed by the pro-Israeli lobby, AIPAC, won because of the money that was put on the table.”

    Consequently, Scott Ritter argued, “This is the result, where a war criminal, a man who has been accused of genocide, who has arrest warrants being prepared for him by the International Court of Justice, a man who heads a state that has been defined legally as an apartheid state, carrying out an illegal and unjust occupation, and again, genocide of the Palestinian people, has demanded an audience to the Congress that he has bought and paid for.”

    Israel delenda est!

  19. KathJuliane July 26, 2024 @ 6:52 pm

    Andrei Martyanov: Russia Destroys Ukraine’s Army– Israel Faces Humiliation Against Iran & Hezbollah!

    Dialogue Works | 26 July 2024

    Israel delenda est!

  20. Citizenfitz July 26, 2024 @ 8:05 pm

    Called my Congressmen today: @Citizenfitz

  21. The Wit and Wisdom of Joe Tzu July 26, 2024 @ 9:47 pm

    “Russian scientists create self-adapting AI”:

    And within a few minutes of being activated, the AI stunned those present when it began spouting anti-Semitic tropes such as, “Hitler did nothing wrong!”, “1488”, “The Jews killed Christ” and “Israel did 911”, among many others.

  22. The Englishman July 27, 2024 @ 5:02 am

    All you muzzie lovers.

    ” As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood”.

  23. The Englishman July 27, 2024 @ 5:57 am

    Text from above “No access” photocall via whattsapp

    Yana Mir
    I strongly suggest Indians stop migrating to
    Unless of course you are a certified Sharia
    abiding Sunni wahabi .
    Its time Indians living in #UK start planning to
    migrate back to India or head to safer places like
    Nepal, Burma and Thailand.
    @RishiSunak @pritipatel
    When Muslims uprise in Britain we will
    come Door to Door checkin•everyones
    Islamic’status. You will be given a choice
    convert to Islam It’s as
    simple as that.

  24. Rabbi Glickman July 27, 2024 @ 6:54 am

    Puff the Tragic Drag Queen – by Peter Reeder, Paul N. Fairy

    Puff, the tragic drag queen lived gayfully
    And frolicked ‘midst the aberrants in the land of Tel Aviv
    Little Jaffe Poofter loved that rascal Puff
    Who bought him chains and leather things and other naughty stuff

    Oh, Puff, the tragic drag queen lived gayfully
    And frolicked ‘midst the aberrants in the land of Tel Aviv
    Puff, the tragic drag queen, lived gayfully
    And frolicked ‘midst the aberrants in the land of Tel Aviv

    Together they would party with other bulbous males
    Jaffe liked to perch upon old Puff’s gigantic tail
    Ignoble queens and flamers bent o’er when’er they came
    Trembling fruits would shuck their suits when Puff roared out his name


    No drag queen lives forever, nor so little boys
    Painted lips and fairy rings make way for other joys
    One gray night it happened, Jaffe Poofter died of AIDS
    And Puff the tragic drag queen, Oh – he had it too in spades!

    His head was bent in sorrow, queer tears fell like rain
    Puff no longer wished to swish along the fairy lane
    Without his little Poofter, Puff was not so brave
    And Puff that tragic drag queen sadly went into his grave

    (End Chorus)

  25. Ted Gorsline July 27, 2024 @ 8:48 am

    @The Englishman

    Your message is just as likely to have come from the Mossad trying to stir the pot as from a Muslim.

    I had about 20 Muslims working for me in Tanzania. They were very helpful.

  26. The Englishman July 27, 2024 @ 11:24 am

    @Ted Gorsline

    I can confidently say there are good folk in all creeds and nationalities.

    Estimates are that in a little over two decades Muslims will account for 20% of the UK population.

    Two local churches recently are being converted into Mosques, the gravestones being smashed and used as hardcore for the car park.

    I have not worked out how to post videos from WhatsApp. The evidence is there to see, it is shocking. These people work as a collective (as well).

    The 25 quotes of Powell all those years ago are just as applicable to the U.S., Canada, and most of Europe as they are to the U.K. today.

    Take note of Powell’s last but one quote, regarding Soviet Russia.

  27. Ted Gorsline July 27, 2024 @ 1:43 pm

    @The Englishman

    Those Enoch Powell quotes are just great. Nobody uses the English language as well as the people who created it. George Galloway keeps the tradition going.

    Its truly dreadful to see what has happened to England and the rest of the Western world which is rapidly degenerating because of the parasitic power of the Jewish private banks.

    The funny thing about the jew boys is that they were the thin edge of the wedge driving multiculturalism, but by accident they have created all kinds of buzzing hives of their worst enemies, the Muslims, throughout the Western world, when their obvious plan was to use multiculturalism to divide and conquer Christian civilization.

  28. The Englishman July 27, 2024 @ 3:54 pm

    Should the prospect of a Mad Max world become ever closer, the necessity of being able to keep the “Mob” from graping you (there would be bunches of them) will become a reality.

    The Dauntless intrepid Ted G. had what must be the ultimate defence weapon concept based on a military Flame Thrower.

    Get designing it Ted, and get it patented before the Chinks start turning them out by the million.

  29. Rabbi Glickman July 28, 2024 @ 11:36 am

    Flamethrowers? This is amazing! I have just patented a new variant of Shtreimel: THE Rabbi Glickman’s Flamethrower Shtreimel®. L’Chaim!

    When a Jew finds himself in the middle of enemies the Shtreimel (which comes with the newest BAE heads up display… the one used in the F22!) will automatically lock on to, and eliminate all threats within a sixty foot radius.

    All made with the highest quality mink; and the latest digital technologies.

    I am now in the development stage and am looking for investors to turn this great idea into a great reality.

    I can promise a fifty percent return on your investment in the first year alone! L’Chaim!

  30. Magda July 28, 2024 @ 12:50 pm

    Did any of you see Trump’s speech at Turning Point Believers Summit?
    He actually says that he is NOT Christian.

    People need to start listening to what he says and stop projecting what they want to believe.

  31. Dr. Kennedy July 28, 2024 @ 8:18 pm

    Trump Ignores And Yanks Israel’s Netanyahu: Power Play Caught on Camera = Video

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