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Episode 10: The Trump Shot. True or False?

The Brother Nathanael Show

Episode 10: The Trump Shot. True or False?
July 21 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ July 21, 2024


  1. Citizenfitz July 21, 2024 @ 10:34 pm

    IMHO the REAL shooter was somewhere behind Crooks. Looking at Google Earth there are some taller structures and some large oak trees about 100 yards directly behind him at the time.

    Using that cheap AR, and the deficient optical device he was using (a red dot sight, not a scope) would have made a killing hit quite difficult.

    Crooks brought a range finder with him. A range finder would have been of little use with his red dot sight. He needed a scope, and would have known he needed a scope, to have a hope of putting a money shot into Trump.

    If I’m right, this would make him the patsy. Like Oswald was the patsy some years back.

  2. Frank July 21, 2024 @ 11:36 pm

    Does anyone remember this Brother Nathanael singing video?

    Very funny!

  3. Frank Willams July 22, 2024 @ 8:34 pm

    I can agree with Brother Nathanael’s view as Trump having fake blood and it could be staged.

    I was questioning things myself immediately since Trump is jewed up. He’s an actor. Hollywood can create these illusions very well. Was the young man shooter a patsy, a Manchurian candidate like SirHan SirHan and really killed?

    It seems likely.

    Was there a second shooter maybe on the several buildings behind the shooter?

    The new grassy knoll. If so, might he be wearing camouflage to appear as a part of the roof? Possibly a second shooter be using that new invisibility cloak that has been developed.

  4. Confederate patriot July 22, 2024 @ 9:35 pm

    This is almost certainly all a staged event no different than the fake moon landings.

  5. Jerry Hs July 22, 2024 @ 9:42 pm

    So, if everyone is jew’d up how is it possible to save America from the jews?

  6. Edward Mann July 22, 2024 @ 10:06 pm

    An innocent bystander died.

    Along with Trump going to Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh PA, people were injured and were in critical condition by the AR 15 used by the shooter.

  7. Flanders July 23, 2024 @ 12:30 am

    1) “And speaking of the Secret Service and the new focus on Kamala Harris, who may be the next 2024 candidate now that Joe Biden has shuffled out of the picture, there’s a lot of buzz about some very mysterious activities. These involve the cackling Veep, the Secret Service, and the J6 pipe bomb hoax. Rest assured, we are on the case, digging deep into this mystery as well.?

    2) Biden’s exit positions Doug Emhoff to become the first Jewish White House spouse

    “Emhoff was divorced when he and Harris met; he has said she “reeled off her Jewish bonafides” on their first date, including trips to Israel, fundraising for the Jewish National Fund as a teenager and the fact that her mother worked for the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, where Harris spent her teenage years.

    Emhoff and Harris married in 2014, when Harris was California’s attorney general. Her adult children refer to Harris as “momala,” a term some Jews have likened to the Yiddishism “mamaleh.” (Emhoff’s children from his first marriage do not identify as Jewish; one, the Brooklyn fiber artist Ella Emhoff, drew criticism in March when she encouraged her social media followers to donate to UNRWA, a United Nations agency that aids Palestinians and that was penalized by the United States for its alleged ties with Hamas.) —- MORE:

  8. Dum Spiro Spero July 23, 2024 @ 12:39 am

    The attack is very similar to the one carried out against Robert Fico.

    The media creates hate, and a lunatic shows up to execute it. The security forces make a deliberate omission.

  9. MeMe July 23, 2024 @ 1:23 am

    What I find most telling when questioning a story in the MSM is the degree to which they go to try to get me to believe their story.

    Such as how they try to convince the viewer of Trump’s injury being real as our Brother talks about in his presentation. As +BN rightly states, they are only there because they are already corrupt, figures like those in the video being analysed.

    Please note, Brother Nathanael, there were a number of ‘interruptions’ in the playback that actually skipped some content. the main one was when you were talking about the one to Trump’s immediate right and I think mentioning zionism.

  10. Mort July 23, 2024 @ 3:08 am

    Thank you for the insight Brother Nathanael.

    A man, who I hear is very shmart wrote, “…at this stage of parasitic divergence, it’s all nothing but political theater. Everything is calculated in such a way that no matter how it turns out, the imbalance of power is preserved.”

    I’ll fill in with a Jewish joke. Three rabbis walk into a kosher deli. They all start fighting over who is the most chosen to the point of have a stroke. They wake up at the gates of Hades. So they ask the devil who is the most chosen and the devil said you are all equally chosen.

  11. OrthoExpat July 23, 2024 @ 6:11 am

    Rumble is blocked here in Russia (hypocritically, since state run English language outlets publish on Rumble).

    Please consider redundant postings to Odysee and Bitchute.

    God bless. IC XC NIKA

  12. Rabbi Glickman July 23, 2024 @ 9:54 am

    Ach, I should be getting paid for these… and paid well!

    But I do it for free out of my deep sense of tikkun olam. For I am the rarest of all creatures: an honest rabbi. L’Chaim!

    However, if anyone wants to donate:

    I’m All Jewed Up – by Zealous Pussy

    Uh, well, a-bless my soul, what’s wrong with me?
    I’m twitchin’ like a man on a gallows tree
    My friends say I’m actin’ like I’m on drugs
    I’m in love! I’m all Jewed up
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay

    Well, my hands get shaky, and my knees get weak
    I can’t even stand on my own two feet
    Just tell me who and what I must suck
    I’m in love! I’m all Jewed up
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay

    Well, please don’t ask me what’s wrong with me
    I rub my hands with a devilish glee
    When I’m near the ones that I love best
    My heart beats hard cuz’ they scare me to death!

    When they greased my palms, what a chill I got
    I’ll do what they say, or I may get shot
    I’m here to tell you that I’ve been bought off
    I’m in love! I’m all Jewed up
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay

    My tongue’s been bribed every word I speak
    My insides shake and my knees get weak
    There’s only one cure for this soul of mine
    To serve the ones that think they’re divine

    When they greased my palms, what a chill I got
    I’ll do what they say, or I may get shot
    I’m here to tell you that I’ve been bought off
    I’m in love! I’m all Jewed up
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay

    I’m all Jewed up!

  13. KathJuliane July 23, 2024 @ 10:33 am

    Secret Service Director Cheatle resigns amid backlash over security lapses at Trump rally

    Just the News | 23 July 2024

  14. KathJuliane July 23, 2024 @ 10:50 am

    Opinion: The case for Kamala Harris — and for a Republican VP

    Harris has earned the nod and would energize voters, as would a unity

    WaPo Opinion | 21 July 2024

    Monica Hesse’s July 4 Style column, “Finally time for Kamala to fall into the race?,” discussed the suggestion that Vice President Harris might be a possible Democratic candidate if President Biden drops out.

    The vice president is well qualified. She was attorney general of the most populous state in the union and has several years’ experience as a successful senator. Her time as vice president would be invaluable in equipping her to get off to a fast start as head of the executive branch.

    Ms. Harris is in many respects the “natural” successor to President Biden, and her nomination could avoid a contentious and messy open convention. Could one seriously consider ignoring Ms. Harris’s obvious claim to succeed Mr. Biden, without provoking immense anger among large segments of the Democratic voters?

    Finally, among the very large number of voters who dislike both the current leading candidates as being too old, too White or both, Ms. Harris could be a very attractive alternative. And those who voted for Nikki Haley in the Republican primaries might find Ms. Harris an acceptable choice for them, too.
    Who else is with the VP?

    The political action committee (PAC) for former Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley pushed its support to Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential bid just hours after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race.

    The PAC, formally known as Haley Voters for Biden, now features Harris’ name, with a goal of uplifting the voices of former Haley supporters who support Harris’ White House campaign, Newsweek reports.

    The group’s leader, Craig Snyder, said in a statement they believe Harris “is best suited to defeat Donald Trump in November.” “A tough former prosecutor, the Vice President comes from the centrist wing of the Democratic Party, not its left-most fringe,” he said. “For Haley voters, all of this puts the Vice President in a sweet spot for them to register their ongoing opposition to [former] President Trump.”

    The PAC shared Biden’s endorsement of Harris on X and changed its profile header. In the post, the group encouraged Harris to “select a moderate VP.” Its Democratic gubernatorial recommendations included Roy Cooper (NC), Andy Beshear (KY), and Josh Sahpiro (PA).


    Honorary Jew and Equity Warrior Cacklin’ Kamala Harris Emhoff & Ultra-Israel hawk Nimrata Randhawa Haley ‘Unity Ticket’?

    A Netanyahu the Journalist Slayer dream ticket that the 80% of American Jews in the Democratic Party would instantly support.

    God help us. -Kj

  15. Joe July 23, 2024 @ 12:21 pm

    One needs to appreciate a basic concept of Probability Theory whereby truly unrelated events each having a probability P(i) will yield a probability outcome equal to the MULTIPLICATION of each P(i).

    Eg, the probability of being shot to the head with an AR-15 style rifle and incurring only a minor ear scratch is minuscule, let’s say P1.

    If unrelated, the probability of a photographer’s catching a flying bullet is also minuscule, let’s say P2.

    Then, the probability of the Secret Service’s overlooking an obvious intruder is as well minuscule, say P3.

    And, the probability of a photographer catching the perfect photograph of the injured Trump with the US flag behind him is also minuscule, say P4.

    And so on (feel free to add the rest of the unlikely coincidences).

    Now, the probability for the whole event is given by P1*P2*P3*P4*… where each Pi is a very small value (eg, just for argument sake, 1/1000 or 0.001).

  16. John July 23, 2024 @ 12:43 pm

    The entire US political system is a demonic setup.

    If Trump wins it is only because the Jews mandate that he wins.

    He is a Jewish puppet, just like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

    The evil Jews are the puppet masters.

  17. Magda July 23, 2024 @ 1:24 pm

    I’m glad to see that we are moving on from the original response to the Event.

    What’s unique about this event compared to others in the past, is that we are allowed or perhaps given several theories.

    On the right many are focusing on the Deep State or an Inside Job theory. Included in this belief is “It was incompetence”. Questions about the failure to protect Trump are the focus along with detailed analysis of the shooter(s), weapons, bullet trajectory, etc. Someone will have to pay, Cheatle is the obvious one along with the DEI hires. She was probably put in that position for that purpose and is just now figuring it out. I have zero doubt that this could have been pulled off WITHOUT the help of insiders, but many LE were clueless.

    On the other hand there are those who think that this was a campaign stunt. Some on the right think this too, but mostly it’s liberals who are claiming this theory. I give them credit for seeing the magic trick. But this was NOT a mere stunt. This is the catalyst that is leading the nation down a very dark path.

    Trump lied. In his RNC speech he claimed his hand was covered in blood, in the photos and video it so clearly was not. I don’t know how that could be missed. The only explanation I can come up with is that people, were and many still are, under mass hypnosis. This means that Trump is definitely part of this operation.

    My concern and I think it should be the focus going forward, is what will the outcome be? Just like 9/11 changed the world stage, for Americans it ushered in the surveillance state, the Patriot Act, DHS, ODNI,NCTC, etc.

    We need to really pay attention and look out for new repeated terminology and solutions to the perceived failures. Some will be small picture: gun control, limits on free speech. Some will have far reaching consequences, like bringing in private police or who know what else they have in mind but whatever it is, it won’t be good for us.

    I will close with a 40 second clip of how we are expected to respond to these performances. No matter how professional the shows are I beg of you to use adult discernment.

  18. Magda July 23, 2024 @ 2:35 pm

    For those of you who are open to considering whether Trump was shot or not here is a video.

    At 51:34 he examines the very same thing that I pointed out at the beginning and was ridiculed for.

  19. Joe July 23, 2024 @ 3:17 pm

    I refuse calling Jewish people “evil”. By a similar token I refuse calling homosexuals “evil”.

    I tend to see the matter more along the lines of a medical condition, a disease, an infection, a possession.

    I suggest studying the writing and videos of Harald Kautz who holds that an alien mind has taken over parts of the planet population. A possession of a technological sort.

    I admire the Jews who by their own initiative were able to get rid of the issue, such as Brother N, Harald K and I myself know a few Sephardic friends who made the jump.

  20. Joe July 23, 2024 @ 3:31 pm

    The way out of this situation is through growing intellect and discrimination.

    We need to develop intelligence and understanding and refrain from visceral reactions. There are evil individuals and there are sick individuals.

    Those who commit evil actions only because of following what the religions tenets of their heritage preach, are not evil. In their understanding, they are trying to do their best to be good.

    If their religion tells them that to spit on Christians is a religious act, are they to blame or is the teaching to blame?

    In this case the disease is of a moral order and inoculated to them. It’s a symptom and requires healing.

  21. KathJuliane July 24, 2024 @ 9:08 am

    Suppressed News.

    Protesters disrupted the Watergate Hotel last night, targeting Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad agents, and the Secret Service.

    Mealworms and maggots were placed on banquet tables, while crickets were released on multiple floors.

    Fire alarms were triggered for over 30 minutes, creating chaos to prevent rest before Netanyahu’s appearance before Congress.

    Source: Palestine Youth Movement on IG.

    Israel delenda est!

  22. KathJuliane July 24, 2024 @ 12:36 pm

    MAGA Republican Breaks With Party, Roasts AIPAC and Netanyahu Visit

    The New Republic | 24 July 2024

    Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie is openly feuding with the pro-Israel lobby ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

    The Republican representative, part of the far-right House Freedom Caucus, is the only GOP member who said he would boycott Netanyahu’s Wednesday speech.

    “Today Congress will undertake political theater on behalf of the State Department. The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell int’l opposition to his war,” Massie wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “I don’t feel like being a prop so I won’t be attending.”

    In response, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) quote-tweeted the representative’s post, slamming Massie for “standing with” progressives such as Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders “against our ally Israel.”

    Massie shot back, tweeting, “Call me anything you want. I still won’t be attending your war rally.”

    This isn’t the Republican’s representatives first time feuding with AIPAC.

    On matters of foreign policy and war, Massie often finds himself siding with House Democrats, which has earned him the scorn of pro-Israel groups. As John Nichols wrote for The Nation, “They recognize that he upends the claim that opposition to pro-Israel policies comes from ‘the extreme left.’”

    During the Kentucky Republican primary in May, the AIPAC-affiliated United Democracy Project spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on attack ads against Massie.

    He responded by addressing the effort head on, saying that the group “bought $300,000 of ads against me because I am often the lone Republican for freedom of speech, against foreign aid, and opposed to wars in the Middle East.” Massie won his primary with a massive 75 percent of the vote.

    Massie also voted against both resolutions to censure Representative Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American in Congress, over her comments about the war in Gaza. He helped to kill the initial motion to censure her, but the House passed a second motion a week later.

    Massie has since teamed up with progressive House Democrats to condemn Israel’s attack on Iran, and he was accused by the White House of “virulent antisemitism” for an anti-Zionist tweet featuring a Drake meme.

    Massie says charges against him of antisemitism are “simply not true”, and that he was aiming to squash “open-ended support” for Israel’s war and efforts to shut down free speech.

  23. Steve July 24, 2024 @ 1:47 pm

    Please return to your old format of your short but fiery sweet messages.

    They are very effective. You can still have this longer format along side if you wish.

    Just one man’s opinion. Have a nice day.

  24. annoying truther July 24, 2024 @ 2:28 pm

    +BN you need a better understanding of physics.

    When a soccer player kicks the ball in the air there is no line on the ground from start location to where it lands. Now when that bullet hit his ear the blood would have gone airborne for a few inches from the force of the bullet.

    The blood that is shown was knocked out of Trump by the fast speeding bullet. Plus the ear is at least 1/4-1/2″ off the head/face. The ear at that time could not have started to bleed. It would take at least a few seconds for it to start gushing out.

    When I cut myself by accident it rarely starts to bleed right away. Usually takes a few seconds for it to get going.

    Now we have not seen how big or the shape of the wound. Probably not a big wound judging by the small bandages covering it, so not much blood.

    Also you should find out if the whole ear bleeds equally when punctured or if some parts of the ear bleed more than other parts.

  25. Annoying Truther July 24, 2024 @ 2:34 pm

    I just got another 1 day ban from jewtube because I made a comment about the POS from Shitrael that is going to speaking in from of CONgress again.

    I said he should be brought to a guillotine. I didn’t swear in the post at all but still got a hate speech warning.

    I really hate jewtube and will be deleting my acct there soon.

    Them and jewbook are the worst offenders of free speech.

  26. Annoying Truther July 24, 2024 @ 2:58 pm

    +BN you need a better understanding of physics.

    When that bullet hit his ear the blood would have gone airborne for a few inches from the force of the bullet. The blood that is shown was knocked out of Trump by the fast speeding bullet. Plus the ear is at least 1/4-1/2″ off the head/face.

    The ear at that time could not have started to bleed. It would take at least a few seconds for it to start gushing out. When I cut myself by accident it rarely starts to bleed right away. Usually takes a few seconds for it to get going.

    Now we have not seen how big or the shape of the wound. Probably not a big wound judging by the small bandages covering it, so not much blood, especially at first.

    Also you should find out if the whole ear bleeds equally when punctured or if some parts of the ear bleed more than other parts.

    The part with the vein would bleed more than areas just by the main vein.

    You need to talk to a ear surgeon to get all the facts on ear bleeding. The blood location is not a issue with me.

  27. Mr. Magpie July 24, 2024 @ 5:13 pm

    Terrible behavior today.

    These ‘boys’ put their pants on in the South, but their brains are somewhere in Utah – probably spread out, like cactuses.

  28. KathJuliane July 24, 2024 @ 5:35 pm

    The cherry red blood on Trump’s face is arterial blood.

    The human ear, or auricle, is extremely vascular, with a very dense network of arterial branching throughout anterior and posterior sides of the auricle, directly fed by external carotid artery which becomes the superficial temporal artery.

    From Doctor’s Library (anatomy):

    D Arterial supply of the right auricle Lateral view (a) and posterior view (b).

    The proximal and medial portions of the laterally directed anterior surface of the ear are supplied by the anterior auricular arteries, which arise from the superficial temporal artery (see p.59).

    The other parts of the ear are supplied by branches of the posterior auricular artery, which arises from the external carotid artery. These vessels are linked by extensive anastomoses [arterial interconnections], so operations on the external ear are unlikely to compromise the auricular blood supply.

    The copious blood flow through the auricle contributes to temperature regulation: dilation of the vessels helps dissipate heat through the skin. (Scroll down).

    The fight-or-flight response is a physiological reaction to perceived threats, preparing the body to either confront or flee from danger. It’s also the same physiological reaction as ears turning bright red with embarrassment or anger.

    This response can cause various physical changes, including increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and heightened alertness. Red ears can occur during this response due to increased blood flow. When a person is stressed or scared, the body releases adrenaline, which can cause blood vessels to expand, leading to redness in areas like your ears.

    Basically, under the adrenaline surge while Trump was proned on the stage while the Secret Service formed the stack around him, the damaged arterial network of the outer ear bled like crazy under the adrenaline surge. As Trump was facing the stage nose down, the initial profusion of arterial ear bleeding followed gravity.

    The first thing two Secret Service agents did as soon as they lifted Trump on his feet, was wipe the side of his face with a white handkerchief to wipe away blood which had puddled in the temporal depression in front of the ear above the cheekbone, to determine how extensive the wound was, made sure there was no other entry wound into the face or temple under the blood, and if it had nicked the external carotid artery/superficial temporal artery, which would also have meant damage to important nerves and veins.

    The still photo of his ear after the agent cleared away shows a clear bloody furrow in the cartilage at the top of Trump’s ear, as later described by Rep. Ronny Jackson, Trump’s former White House physician, and whose nephew was also slightly wounded in the neck during the assassination shooting. That sort of injury may also have damaged Trump’s hearing, at least temporarily until swelling went down.

    Evan Vucci is the chief photographer for the Associated Press in Washington, DC. He’s been with the AP for almost 21 years. He’s an extremely experienced combat still photographer who has covered conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as won 2021 Pulitzer Prize for his teams’ photojournalism during the George Floyd riots.

    He’s covered Superbowls as well as covering Trump since his first candidacy over 8 years ago. AP interviewed him the very same night as the assassination attempt.

    Modern photojournalist technology is such that as Vucci was shooting photos, they were being automatically wired to an editor. He’s a master photographer, views the world through a ‘photographer’s eye’, instinctively attempting to compose his shots on the fly.

    Vucci’s camera was connected to a hotspot and automatically sent photographs back to his editor as he took them. “Just keep sending,” his editor told him.

    No doubt he has very high-end DSLR still cameras capable of shooting burst mode of upwards of 60 frames per second (if not better), or 3600 still frames in 1 minute, all of which immediately went to the AP editor.

    Fox News footage of Vucci dashing in to line up the shot with Trump’s huge American flag flying way overhead out of view of the Fox camera, which was hanging from a cable between two winches, which is characteristically Trump’s signature setting for his outdoor rallies.

    Shortly after, Vucci and his fellow media were gathered in a tent where there was no mobile phone signal. It was only 45 minutes later that Vucci first saw his photo already going viral on social media.

    In Vucci’s still photo appearing at 00:40 in his interview video at the above link, it shows a very tall, Secret Service agent with high-and-tight brunette hair gripping Trump’s left side jacket shoulder pad to steady him after getting him on his feet, while wiping blood away from Trump’s face with is right hand. Part of the handkerchief is just visible above Trump’s nose.

    It’s more than evident from the original AP photos shot by Vucci that there is still blood staining Trump’s cheek, even after most of it was wiped away by the Secret Service agent.

    The one Secret Service agent who wiped Trump’s cheek also has blood spots on his suit jacket in other photos I came across, so he must be the agent who originally huddled over the right side of Trump’s head, after Trump dropped to prone position on the stage.

    Different photographer for Politico, can still see smeared blood on Trump’s cheek after the Secret Service agent wiped it, and the furrow gouged out at the top of Trump’s ear.

  29. KathJuliane July 24, 2024 @ 8:58 pm

    Testing The Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump

    Brandon Herrera | 20 July 2024

    Today we use ballistic data and high-speed imagery to put to be some of the myths and conspiracy theories around the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

    Thank you to EuroOptic for helping us make this video happen in such short of a time!

    Brandon Herrera, “the AK Guy” is an online content creator as well as the founder of The AK Guy Inc.

    He routinely recreates historical assassinations for ballistic data.

  30. Dum Spiro Spero July 25, 2024 @ 1:54 pm

    During testimony at a Congressional hearing on Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray suggested that President Trump may not have been hit by a bullet, buoying leftists who claim the assassination attempt was overhyped or even staged.

  31. KathJuliane July 27, 2024 @ 5:13 pm

    Dr. Chris Martenson insists that because the first three gunshots sound different from the second burst of five, that proves there were two shooters.

    Why do the first three gunshots sound different from the second burst of five? Starting at 15:17.

    The sound difference is because the smartphone mike (which has a mechanical tympanic component and it usually directional) changed directions almost 180 degrees as the videographer was panning and recording the scene while also moving around on foot.

    Changing the mike direction away from the sound source changes the acoustics within in the same uninterrupted recording.

    Ole Dammegard discredits his own question about why the sky in different photos are so different with his own ‘evidence’. He is worthy of ridicule simply because his evidence shows that there were different cameras and types of cameras in use trying to “prove” some sort of sky fakery.

    The CNN video camera he takes a still from had a polarizing filter to reduce glare and sunlight. There are two stills Ole D. montaged together taken from videoed news field interviews later in the evening, one looks like right after sundown. Camera lights are being used during the interview.

    In that very same snip, the 4 White House press photojournalists for AP, NYT, etc who took still shots are shown on ground level having moved to the left stage stairway after the assassin fired his shots.

    The photographer in the light shirt and white hat is Doug Mills who caught the bullet vapor trail shot with his high speed still camera on burst mode.

    The day was mostly sunny with some clouds. Even in a better copy of the polarized video, clouds can be seen in the sky.

    Trump was facing west on stage as the sun was going down.

    Polarizing filters. Note the grey color of the lens.

    Right Side Broadcasting & NDT videoed (below) live for 5 or 6 hours using a less polarizing filter (if any) from about the same location as the CNN video camera at the rear of the rally crowd, with the color saturation more normal, but also having some white hazy glare. In these two feeds with virtually identical scenes as the CNN video camera, the sky is blue with some distant clouds.

    I transcribed the Secret Service voices from CNN’s video, which captured their voices from the podium mike.

    0:33 “Down! Down! Down!” Secret Service agent with dark brown hair is the first to dive on Trump from our left, covering his head before the 2nd burst of 5 rounds sounds out. Trump put himself down in a prone position behind the podium his head facing to our left on stage.

    0:40 Woman, “What are we doing? What are we doing?”

    0:42 USSS agent from the left, light brown hair, crew cut, possibly the team leader: “Go! Go! Go!”

    0:47 9th shot (presumably USSS counter sniper’s fatal shot of the shooter).

    0:56 USSS agent crouch walks in from the right. “Head him out to the stairs. Turn round to the stairs.” “Who is it?” Team leader: “Hold! Hold! Hold! When you’re ready. On you.” “Up.” “Move!” “Go”. “Up”. “Hawkeye’s here”. Hawkeye’s here!” (Local police SWAT officers moves to in front of the stage). “There. Get ready. There. Get ready”. “Are we ready?”

    1:17 “Shooter down. Shooter down.” “Are we good?” “Shooter’s down.” “Shooter’s down”. “Are we good to move?” “”Let’s move.” It’s clear!” (female voice)”. “Clear!”

    “We’re clear!” “Let’s move. Let’s move.” “Clear!” “Clear!”

    “Come on, Sir, come on.” Trump: “Let me get my shoes. Let me get my shoes.”

    At 1:32-1:40 playing this part of the vid in very slow motion, you can see the one tall Secret Service agent with the dark brown hair described earlier, who has a grip on Trump’s left shoulder pad, using his left hand to mop the side of Trump’s face with a handkerchief looking intently at the right side of Trump’s head.

    The podium microphone picks up what’s being said.

    There’s a second agent looking very closely at the side of Trump’s head, too. Agent #1 pulls the handkerchief away, and for a fraction of a second there looks to be a pinkish discoloration on the inside of Trump’s collar. While he was nose-down to the stage, the blood ran towards his mouth, not his neck.

    While the USSS agents begin to lift Trump up on his feet, one very tall agent boosts him up from behind lifting from under his armpits, his shirt and jacket are somewhat disheveled exposing the inside of the collar, which may have brushed his face while scrunched up during the manual lift.

    Agent with the very dark hair says “I got you, sir. I got you.”

    “Trump says ‘Wait! Wait! Let me get my shoes!’ Agent says, ‘Hold that on your head, it’s bloody.”

    (The handkerchief. In another video from the back bleachers on the backside of the stage, Trump can be seen accidentally dropping the handkerchief, briefly watching it fall, below.)

    “Sir, we got to move to …”(inaudible).

    Trump: “Let me get my shoes on.” “Ok, one shoe’s there. Get the shoe.” (female voice). “Watch out”.

    Trump “Wait, wait, wait!” (Fist pump). Mouths ‘fight, fight, fight!”

    “We’ve got to move. We’ve got to move!”

    At 4:41 in this video from ‘The Fugitive Crime’ Channel, they’ve found a very clear still photo of the USSS agent with bloody handkerchief mopping Trump’s face to quickly evaluate the extent of Trump’s wound.

    NTD video camera: 9:55-10:00 can clearly see the bloodied handkerchief in the USSS agent’s hand.

    Handkerchief drop – 1:24, videoed from back bleacher behind stage.

    The pesty ‘photoshopped’ flag keeps showing up in numerous photos and videos.

    Jabin Botsford, photojournalist for the Washington Post, had turned his ‘smart glasses’ videocam on, and captured himself using his still camera on burst mode. He also videoed the other three press photographers gaggled with him doing their work, Evan Vucci (AP; blue shirt), Doug Mills (NYT; white hat, light shirt), Anne Moneymaker (Getty Images), who snapped the tightly framed, sobering image of Trump scrunched down on the stage surrounded by Secret Service agents as blood dripped down his face.

    As Botsford moved around, his ‘smart glasses’ video captured clear blue sky which had some clouds in the scene as he changed direction. He also captured that pesty ‘photoshopped’ flag strung up between two cranes on a cable blowing in the wind numerous times. Botsford also took the photo of one of Trump’s shoes left behind on stage, and what is probably the dropped, rumpled handkerchief.

  32. KathJuliane July 27, 2024 @ 5:16 pm

    I have questions about Ole Dammegard, a neo-gnostic “dualist” Raj Yoga instructor who solves endless numbers of conspiracy theories by matching “kharma” points –self described as “Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peacemaker Ole ‘Arjuna’ Dammegard, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, and adopted by the Apache Nation (given the Native Indian name Wiyakpayela Wanzi, meaning Bright One).

    He claims to be an “adopted” member of ‘the Apache nation’, but even if such existed from the Apaches which would be extremely rare, granting full tribal membership into a tribe co-equal with proven blood pedigrees as registered members of the band, he never says which of the registered Apache bands he was adopted into or the adopting family’s name.

    Most tribes require a 1/4 blood quantum – that is, you must be at least one-fourth Native American, or else a legally adopted child of a registered blood. If he was adopted into a tribe, then he should be able to publish a photo tribal card. If he was ceremonially awarded honorary membership by a tribal council of elders, or has some sort of honorary supporter membership, that’s not an official membership in a tribe. In the USA & Canada, a tribe will not just give anyone membership, especially if they have no actual community ties to them, or do not understand the culture and traditions.

    There are 13 registered Apache bands found in Oklahoma, Arizona, and New Mexico. Some of the American Indian nations do occassionally give honorary citizenship for local allies who have notably worked to advance First Nations/American Indians civil rights, health, societies, culture, and economies.

    Some Native American communities have initiated online ‘Honorary Member’ donor programs, but actual adoption into any First Nations tribes is extremely rare, if it occurs at all.

    Historically, apart from any of Ole Dammegard’ (who himself looks more South Asian than he does a Scandinavian, even with his light hair and blue eyes) claim of “adoption”, honorary tribal membership among Apache tribes is a rare and exceptional recognition bestowed upon individuals who demonstrated extraordinary dedication, service, or contributions to the tribe’s well-being.

    This practice was not a formalized process, but rather an informal acknowledgment of an individual’s value to the tribe. Honorary memberships are granted to outsiders, such as non-Native American allies, traders, or missionaries, who had provided significant assistance to the Apache people during times of crisis or struggle, but not tribal adoption.

    For example, individuals who helped the Apache resist forced relocation, protected them from violence, or facilitated trade and cultural exchange might be recognized with honorary membership.

    He nicknames himself ‘Arjuna’, which is Sanskrit, not Apache. Arjuna was a legendary ancient prince of the Kuru Kingdom and is a Hindu demigod, companion to Lord Krishna. When Ole D was “adopted” by this alleged generic Apache nation, he states he was “given the Native Indian name Wiyakpayela Wanzi, meaning Bright One”.

    There are online English-Apache dictionaries, and neither part of this alleged adopted name comes back as derived from an Apache dialect.

    In fact, the “Wanzi” part of the name comes back most often as either an African name, or a South Asian or Southeast Asian name.

    For someone so tuned in to First Nations/American Indian culture that he was allegedly adopted by the entire generic Apache nation, that he claims this was a ‘native Indian’ name is peculiar in that he neither says it is a specifically Apache name, nor uses the American Indians preferred exonyms as “American Indian,” “Native American” or “First Nations”.

    “Native Indian” to an American Indian (and most Americans) would mean a native of the Indian Subcontinent. Most of the First Nation/American Indian tribes are Christian, conservative and very patriotic.

    On Ole D’s ‘Light on Conspiracies’ press page, he has poached the work of the legendary commercial painter and award-winning fine artist James Bama who depicted Native Americans and cowboys in Wyoming, an image of Bama’s oil painting titled ‘Young Plains Indian’ for a meme, with a caption claiming to be a message from ‘Apache Nation’.

  33. Taffy July 28, 2024 @ 8:23 am

    Normally I like listening to you. But now I’m really disappointed with you.

    Because of this conspiracy about the blood on his face, is a load of bollocks. He simply wiped his face. Nothing more, nothing less

  34. Benzion Kook July 28, 2024 @ 9:17 pm

    Yeah, Trump is basically a Jew stooge, too.

    58 standing ovations for genocide you paid for.

    Demonic indeed.

  35. Michael August 23, 2024 @ 10:21 am

    Trump has been found guilty of 34 counts of fraud. But because the courts of New York didn’t put him in jail, Donald Jerusalem was able to pull off a 35th fraud with the aid of what I call Wailing Wall Studios.

    To make the Trump assassination appear legit, some US citizens had to die. We now live in a time where Judaism can and will kill even its own citizens if the benefits to do so is worth the loss. The Jews murdered Israelis on October 7 last year to pave way to genocide Gaza and get control of all the Gas and Oil fields that belongs to Palestinians not Israel.

    And now this, an attempted assassination that left a firefighter dead, a gunman who most likely was led into temptation, just like those aircraft flyers on 911 by Judaism’s IDF, and then given a clear path to the rally to try and shoot Trump. This is what happened. Trump is a scoundrel.

    He is not above reproach so that he should be in the Oval Office a second time.

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