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After The Trump Shot

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After The Trump Shot
July 18 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ July 18, 2024


  1. Brother Nathanael July 18, 2024 @ 7:32 pm

    After The Trump Shot

    No sooner does Trump survive a Trump shot and says:

    “God saved me”…

    …that we get a featured Hindu speaker at the Republican National Convention invoking a demon spirit over Trump and America. [Clip]

    [“Too thakur tum peh ardaas jee-o pind sabh tayree raas tum maat pitaa ham baarik tayray tumree kirpaa meh sookh ghanayray. Ko-ay na jaanai tumraa ant. Ochay tay oochaa bhagvant sagal samagree tumrai sutir dharee tum tay hoay so aagi-aakaaree. Tumree gat mit tum hee jaanee.
    Nanak das sadaa kurbaanee. Dear Waheguru, our one true God, thank you for creating America as a unique haven on earth where all people are free to worship according to their faith.”]

    I’m sorry.

    Your demon god “Waheguru” is NOT the “one true God.”

    And no way did your demon god “Waheguru” “create” America.

    The God of the Bible—Who in the Old and New Testaments is One in Unity of Three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is the ONE TRUE GOD.

    And He it is, the God of the Bible, Who created the earth in all of its land mass throughout the world.

    Now if this woman, Hajmeet Haka Kaku, (Harmeet Dhillon), wants to go to Mumbai for an “Indian National Convention” and invoke demonic spirts that’s fine.

    But not here.

    Our country, America, is a White Christian nation.

    In this nation, America, we honor the God of the Bible, not Hindu demons.

    And it’s the God of the Bible—The One True TRIUNE God—who “saved Trump,” NOT Waheguru.

    I now call on Trump to tell us who “saved him.”

    Was it “Waheguru”—the demon spirit—or the God of the Bible? [Clip]

    [“Finally, we thank you for the Chardi Kala spirit that we have witnessed in President Trump.”]

    God forbid!

    No Hindi spirits did we witness in President Trump when he turned his head at just the right moment.

    And that right moment—ordered by “Divine Providence”—not “chardi kala,” prevented his brains from splattering all over the bleachers and his supporters.

    We got the Hanu-kaka menorah every year on the White House lawn with some Jew head of state lighting it.

    Where’s a “Nativity Scene” which honors the faith of majority White Christian Americans?

    The Jews won’t allow it.

    Hindu prayers at a public event do not belong here.

    Neither do Hanukakah menorahs which represents 1.8% of population and a ruinous population at that.

    We either have a White Christian America or a Hindu America or a Jewish America.

    I care about the children.

    Synagogues and Hindu shrines can go.

    The Church is our only choice.

  2. patrick chenal July 18, 2024 @ 8:02 pm

    Yes, the church is our only hope!


  3. Miriam Aguilar July 18, 2024 @ 8:44 pm

    Remember me as a sister in Christ.

    Your spiritual analysis is always spot on.

    Thank you for your truths and bravery in defending the true Christian Orthodox Faith.

    I am Greek Orthodox and remember you fondly, Brother Nathanael. Yours in Christ.


  4. Ted Gorsline July 18, 2024 @ 9:30 pm

    Hindus are basically snake worshippers and one sect consists of cannibals.

    The cannibal sect don’t kill people. They eat bodies they find floating down the Ganges River.

    Most of the people live in squalor. The only ones who benefit from the Hindu and Jain belief systems are the sacred cows. Even rabid dogs are sacred and are not killed, and when people get rabies they are put into cages until they die.

    This woman would get far more attention at the RNC if she appeared on stage with a king cobra in a basket.

    A minimum of 20,000 people a year are killed in India by the poisonous snakes that they revere.

    Not long ago a sports team from South Arica left the competition they were in because of all the cobras allowed to slithering around the housing compley they were living in.

    Multi culturalism’s finest hour.

    For some strange reason its mostly jews, for example Toronto’s Robert Schad, the intelligence services and jew owned rock bands like the Beatles, that are trying to insert the Hindu religion into the western world.

    I suppose its yet another attempt to divide and conquer the white Christian world.

  5. KathJuliane July 18, 2024 @ 9:39 pm

    She’s a Sikh monotheist, offshoot of Islam with some Hindu & Buddhist characteristics, originating in the Punjab region around the end of the 15th century.

    Not a Hindu polytheist or monolatrist.

  6. April July 18, 2024 @ 9:42 pm

    Thank you Brother Nathanael for calling out evil.

    Apparently, not many are willing, as I have only heard about this from Christian influencers.

  7. Citizenfitz July 18, 2024 @ 9:59 pm

    Yeah, we can publicly pray to Waheguru, Allah, Shiva, Ganesh, Gaia, Buddha, Wakan Tanka, Spiritus Mundi, Pachamama… etc, etc, etc.

    But for some strange reason we’re not allowed public prayers to Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

    I wonder why?

  8. KathJuliane July 18, 2024 @ 10:26 pm



    They mock him, laugh in our faces, and dance at our demise.

    Then they infiltrate the RNC stage, spewing Israeli propaganda to millions of Americans while you people clap, cheer, slobber all over yourselves, and virtue signal your never-failing support for “our greatest ally” while they slow march us into war with Iran.

    Because….God forbid these demons call you antisemitic.


    Must see. This is the real demonic enemy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Church, America, and all mankind. -Kj

  9. Ted Gorsline July 18, 2024 @ 10:54 pm


    I stand corrected regarding the Indian woman’s religion, although most of the others inserted into the West as culture heroes, such as those by the Beatles, are Hindu.

    Nonetheless the Sikhs had as little to do with the creation of Western culture as the Hindus. In fact they had nothing at all to do with it.

    In the last few hundred years, the two main cultures driving Western civilization have been England, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany.

    The British came up with the ideas leading to the American Constitution. Most early immigrants to America were from Germany. They made things work. In Canada they came mostly from France and Scotland.

    In India they still rely on the railway system put in place by the British more than a century ago. The same is true in Africa except that the railways don’t work any more.

  10. The Englishman July 19, 2024 @ 12:45 am

    Thank you, KJ for your objective correction.

    Not a Happy Bunny.

    Sikhs, I understand, detest muzzies, & possibly Hindus, esp. Modi.

    No doubt I will be challenged, I understand “Waheguru” is the Sikh term for God (made in man’s own image). Perhaps like with CHRISTianity Mrs Sheckter baulked.

    In Britain today, Asian Muslims are forming vast enclaves, two videos are circulating on WhatsApp of streets full of Pakistanis rioting, and having overturned Police cars. A portend of what is to come, that the British army will not suppress.

    From experience, the one fellow I would wish to watch my back would be the Loyal Sikh, who fought with Valour and Honour in two world wars.

    @Ted. I understand when India culled the rural snake population, they saw an explosion in the (four-legged) Rat population.

  11. William July 19, 2024 @ 1:45 am

    The Englishman,

    The Muslims claim the name “Allah” is their word for “God”. Their god is not The God of the Bible.

    When the Antichrist arrives he will claim to be YHVH, I AM, THAT I AM, Yeshua Ha Maschiac, and every other name Man has imaged. He will fulfill all beliefs/religions in existence, worldwide. He will claim to be all and do all for everyone; all anyone will have to do is worship him as God.

    Read 1 & 2 Thessalonians.

    The Ancient Free and Accepted Masons claim to believe in God; however, they require only to believe in a Supreme Being, i.e. any Supreme Being. I was, at one time, a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason. No more.

    People pray to Satan using various names that they claim means the God of the Bible, believing that Satan, the Antichrist is God.

    I have no idea what this woman said in her “prayer”. If she truly was/is from YHVH she would have had an interpreter to explain what she “prayed” in the language that we speak and understand in the USA, i.e. English. She didn’t do that; therefore she, and anyone agreeing with her “prayer”, is/ are FOS.

  12. Ted Gorsline July 19, 2024 @ 1:48 am

    I spent many decades in Africa and South America. The most noticeable thing is that all of these countries began to go down the drain really fast when the colonial period came to an end.

    I knew an old German forest engineer who drove across the Sahara more than 30 times. It was easy to do in 1933 because of all the French forts and good roads across the desert.

    Now it’s a real challenge and not safe. Security is why they moved the Dakar auto rally away from Africa to a desert in South America.

    They have stately old homes in Isiro, DR Congo, dating back to Belgium rule. Now they are fallen down and have trees growing out of the roofs and the country has 23 rebel groups.

    In the 1950’s if you drove from Nairobi to Tanzania you could see 350,000 wild animals along the way. Now you see 350,000 goats and cattle.

    There are many good people in these countries, but just how they are going to save their sinking ships is beyond me. Mostly they want to escape the bed they have made by going to either Europe, Britain, Canada or America.

    The problem is when people immigrate to a new land they create ghettos to feel comfortable and to try to re-establish the dysfunctional cultures they fled from. They kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

    All cultures try to recreate their home environment. I found it interesting to see English sparrows in Canada, Australia and even nesting in the Kilimanjaro Hotel in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

    The early English settlers wanted to hear familiar bird songs from over home, so they brought the birds with them.

    The Indians brought Indian crows to Dar es Salaam and they have killed off just about all the other native birds in the city. There are enough of them now to scare Alfred Hitchcock.

    I once had lunch with a Hungarian Jew named Leon in Toronto and he was the thin edge of the wedge behind bringing mass immigration to Canada which has just led to the embedding of a variety of organized crime cultures from around the world.

    In 1982 there were hardly any shootings in Toronto. Now they are a daily occurrence. The reason is multiculturalism.

  13. Jerry H July 19, 2024 @ 2:16 am

    Hello All,

    i just want to know if Trump’s assassination was real or did he/his jew handlers staged it so he can win the election? Someone please enlighten me on this subject thanks!

  14. Baja July 19, 2024 @ 7:38 am


    Christ is King!

  15. KathJuliane July 19, 2024 @ 10:04 am

    Dear Baja,

    Amen! Christ is King!

    Dear Jerry H,

    The attempt on Trump’s life was very real.

    There is absolutely no way that this could have been live stage-choreographed with live bullets targeted to within a fraction of an inch of Trump’s head, notching a hole through the top of his ear, which killed one and critically injured two others in the bleachers.

    A bullet from an AR-15 can travel at speeds of around 2800-3200 feet per second (fps) or 933-1066 yards per second. At this muzzle velocity, a bullet from an AR-15 can travel over a mile in less than two seconds.

    Shooter’s distance to Trump was about 165 yards or 495 feet. At 2800 fps, it took just 0.18 seconds (495/2800) close to 1/5th of a second, for the shooter’s round to close the distance to Trump’s head.

    AR15 bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. Trump would not have been able to hear the round being fired, if at all. What he, and we, heard was the mini-sonic boom of the bullet breaking the sound barrier as it went by.

    Nor could anyone, not even Trump himself, so precisely timed having Trump turn his head at the exact millisecond he did so to avoid having the back of his head blown out in a spectacular bloody splatter on international TV.

    Cats can react to stimuli in as little as 1/6th of a second, while humans may take as little 1/4 of a second to react. I’d guess that it took just under 1/2 second for Trump to react to the sonic pop of the bullet and the sudden pain in his outer ear after the bullet passed through it, which is a pretty good reflex for a man his age.

    In order to pull off the ‘staging’, Trump would have to have reflexes faster than a cat’s.

    It would take a lot of hours and AI just to set this up to look Hollywood-real.

    Take a look at this reconstruction:

  16. KathJuliane July 19, 2024 @ 11:16 am

    Israel’s defense establishment in shock by Houthi Tel Aviv drone attack

    Jerusalem Post on MSN | 19 July 2024

    The Israeli defense establishment is in a state of complete shock.

    Though the writing was on the wall, no one saw it coming from a couple thousand kilometers away.

    That is despite the fact that Hezbollah has managed to successfully strike Israel dozens of times with drones without being detected.

    The Houthis and an Iranian militia from Iraq have successfully hit parts of Eilat, including a naval base, using drones from late 2023 to mid-2024, without being detected.

    Israel has essentially outsourced its defense responses regarding the Houthis to the US.

    Only pre-October 7 thinking would have missed the possibility that the Houthis might attack other parts of Israel with drones.

    And now one Israeli is dead and around a dozen wounded in the heart of one of Israel’s two most important cities, Tel Aviv.

    Continue reading:


    Israel delenda est!

    Perhaps, God willing, by Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

  17. Ted Gorsline July 19, 2024 @ 12:04 pm

    The anti-drone Iron Dome is Jewish engineering.

    Jewish engineering is not German engineering.

  18. Ted Gorsline July 19, 2024 @ 1:05 pm

    Wasaga Beach on Georgian Bay in Ontario used to be a nice place to visit in the summer.

    No more. Multi cultis are setting up tent camps on the beach even through it is illegal and are defecating in the sand according to today’s Toronto Sun.

    The Liberal Party of Canada and its multi cultural agenda, driven by jews, is destroying the country.

  19. JKB July 19, 2024 @ 1:32 pm

    Dear Brother Nathanael,

    Your important video, ‘After the Shot’ is incomplete; The 2nd half is missing!

    We LOVE you, Nathanael.

    You are always a breath of fresh air.

    You speak for many of us.

    God Bless You, Bro!


  20. Grizz July 19, 2024 @ 2:14 pm

    Maga Fan, Sammy Trumpinberg

    I paid a Jew, to take my photo,
    He agreed and took my shekels don’t you know,
    He kvetched, but got job done,
    I said fight, fight, fight reaching to the sun

    ‘Cause like a picture I was standin’ there
    White line wizzing by my hair,
    All da goys became MAGA fans,
    Deep State appointed JD Vance,
    And that’s all right with me

    Israel’s, home of da chosen,
    Gotta send da goys to get the job done,
    Brandon failed, to protect them,
    Now it’s time rally round our Hebrew friends

    ‘Cause like a picture I was standin’ there
    White line wizzing by my hair,
    All da goys became MAGA fans,
    Deep State appointed JD Vance,
    And that’s all right with me


  21. KathJuliane July 19, 2024 @ 4:14 pm

    Dear Grizz,

    Vance was a Public Information Marine during his 6-month 2005 stint in Iraq, largely a non-combatant and local PR role with the Iraqis.

    “Vance was a Combat Correspondent in the Marines for four years, according to his service record provided to Task & Purpose by the Pentagon.

    “He served with the 2nd Marine Aircraft In Wing, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C. His awards included several decorations that would be typical of a Marine with a clean service record and time in service similar to Vance, including the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.”


    Dear JKB,

    +BN’s Video played through for me. Looks complete finishing at 3:49.

  22. KathJuliane July 19, 2024 @ 4:53 pm


    Arab Christians’ name for the Germanic word ‘God’, proto-Indo-European ‘guta’, is also ‘Allah’.

    ‘God’, despite many people’s admiration for the KJV, is not in the original Hebrew or Hellenic Scripture. It is a Germanic word which came into use centuries after Christ walked the earth.

    KJV is my go-to Bible, but there are translation errors in the KJV, especially in the Old Testament because they relied on the Rabbinic Masoretic texts instead of the Ellinikí Evdomíkonta (Hellenic Septuagint–LXX) which is the authorized, canonical Scripture of the Orthodox Church. The word “Greece” and ‘Greek’ are a later Latinisms for Hellas (the country) Hellene, or Hellenic, and not found in original ‘Greek’ Old and New Testament texts.

    So, I have other versions of interlinear and study Bibles, including the LXX, to struggle through, along with different Bible dictionaries, word study guides, and now even Old English resources from when the Churches of Celtia and Anglia were Orthodox prior to 1066 AD to get to the original context.

    I recall reading first use of ‘God’ entered the Christian Roman world via the Arian Christian Goths of Crimea in the 4th or 5th century AD with their translation of the Holy Bible into Gothic.

    ‘Allah’ is a Semitic cognate to Eloh or Elohim in Scripture, and actually comes closer letter-wise than English transliterations. Hebrew script, like Arabic and the other ancient Semitic languages, is an abjad writing system in which only consonants are represented, leaving the vowel sounds to be inferred by the reader.

    This contrasts with alphabets, which provide graphemes for both consonants and vowels. In the traditional form, the Hebrew ‘aleph-bet’ is an abjad consisting only of consonants, written from right to left.

    It has 22 letters, five of which use different forms at the end of a word. In the traditional form, vowels are indicated by the weak consonants Aleph (א‎), He (ה‎), Waw/Vav (ו‎), or Yodh (י‎) serving as vowel letters

    There is no ‘E’ in Hebrew script or any other vowels.

    In fact, the precise transliteration of אלהים (Elohim plural from Eloh/Alh and El/Al) from Hebrew Scripture right to left is Aleph(A)-Lamed(L)-He(H)-Yud(Y)-Mem(M) = (ALH-YM).

    The 9th & 10th century AD ‘Masoretic’ rabbis put vowel points on Hebrew consonants to indicate how word

    Hellenic word for ‘God’ is Theos in the LXX. Latin cognate is Deus.

    J. D. Vance converted to Catholicism 5 years ago, encouraged by his wife.

    It’s not publicized if their three children are baptized Catholic, which the Catholic Church would allow if the mother was not a Catholic, and a pledge was made to raise the children in the Catholic faith.

    However, the claim that Vance’s children have Hindu names is erroneous. Only one child has a Sanskrit name which can be used by Hindus, but not only.

    Ewan, the first-born son, is definitely Scots-Irish name. Second-born son is Vivek, which is Sanskrit for “discernment” or “wisdom”. It is not an exclusively Hindu name, widely used by different religions in India, and can also be used by Punjabi Christians.

    Third child is a daughter, Mirabel, which is Latin for ‘wonderful’. She was born about 2 years after Vance converted to Catholicism, so her naming may have been inspired by Vance’s own conversion. The Vances kept their children’s lives as private as possible, although now it’s certain to change with J.D.’s selection as Trump’s running mate.

    I respect the Quran as someone else’s sacred scripture for two reasons: a) that I expect Muslims to respect my Holy Bible; and b) because Muslims highly respect ‘Isa son of Mary’, the Quran identifies Him, and only Him as the Messiah, and honors Him greatly by the fact that the name of Jesus Christ is expressly written in it over 25 times.

    The name ‘Mohammed’ is mentioned only 4 times.

    The Quran also expresses highest love and respect to the Virgin Mary, considers her the best of all women, and the Quran upholds the miraculous conception and virgin birth of Jesus from Mary’s womb.

    Muslims and the Quran accord the Virgin Mary with much more respect and dignity on her own merits as well as being the mother of a prophet than many protestants, especially evangelicals do.

    I read the Quran, I see the seeds of Christ planted everywhere in it. It’s my hope and prayer that those seeds someday grow into a full Orthodox Christian faith for converting Muslims.

    Anytime some joker thinks it’s a “Christian” thing to burn the Quran they should know that they are burning Jesus’ name and that of His blessed Mother in it as well.

    In the days after September 11, 2001, along with innocent American Muslims being randomly attacked, and their mosques being arsoned and vandalized, ignoramuses attacked Greek Orthodox priests and monastics, Arab Greek Orthodox churches were arsoned and at least one in the Bay Area completely burned down that I know of.

    Sikhs were also attacked, who have been in America since the late 1800s and overall good citizens and patriotic Americans.

    The largest community is in California where Harmeet Dhillon is from. I was most familiar with the community in Northern California, who were hard-working, industrious, worked as agricultural workers, truck drivers, in the lumber industry, and were very generous about supporting the local Christian rescue mission along with local Muslims.

    At least one innocent store owner was murdered by a vengeful White man in the aftermath of 9-11. Harmeet Dhillon started out defending the civil rights of Sikhs, and has gone on to defend the civil rights of Christians and conservatives. She’s very involved in California Republican and conservative politics, where both Whites and Republicans are minorities.

    I try to live by the ‘Golden Rule’ in the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

    “Thou shalt love the YHWH thy ALH-YM with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” — Matthew 23:27-29

    I much prefer to be an informed bigot when it comes to other people’s religions than an ignorant one.

  23. KathJuliane July 19, 2024 @ 6:59 pm


    SONAR21 | 19 July 2024

    As promised, my old friend J. Lawrence (Larry) Cunningham agreed to do a Zoom interview with me today to discuss the latest developments on the attempt to murder Donald Trump last Saturday.

    Larry Cunningham did twenty years with Secret Service as an agent, in the training division, and as a supervisor responsible for safeguarding Ronald Reagan, among others. (Note — Larry headed up the Reagan detail one year after John Hinkley tried to kill Reagan.)

    Brother Cunningham and I, in the immediate aftermath of the shooting last Saturday, took a cautious approach and were reluctant to suggest this was a sanctioned assassination plot. That was then. We now believe something more sinister was afoot — a specific plot to kill Trump facilitated by persons associated with the U.S. Government.

    Here is the list of major red flags

    First, Trump’s regular Secret Service detail was put on vacation or reassigned. Someone from the Secret Service Field Office in Pittsburgh was the agent in charge. The head of that office is Kevin P. Rojek. According to his bio,

    Rojek was serving as chief of staff for the bureau’s Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch. Rojek joined the FBI in 2002, when he was assigned to the Norfolk Field Office to investigate counterintelligence issues. In 2010, Rojek became supervisory special agent of the Norfolk Field Office’s cyber and global counterintelligence squad.

    In other words, ZERO experience running protective details. Maybe he had some that is not noted in his bio, but I think that is unlikely. A Secret Service agent with experience running details normally is proud about listing his or her experience.

    Second, the Secret Service failed to conduct a full advance inspection of the site.

    Third, the Secret Service failed to lockdown the buildings that were used by the shooter to attack Donald Trump.

    Fourth, the Secret Service failed to have a “color-of-the-day” to distinguish friend from foe.

    Fifth, the Secret Service failed to deploy a drone to provide overwatch of the event site. Such a drone could have provided live video feed and would have showed an unauthorized person on the roof.

    Sixth, Crooks was identified as a person of concern at least 45 minutes before Donald Trump took the stage. Secret Service failed to keep Trump in a secure location until the nature of the threat posed by Crooks was sorted out and neutralized.

    I discuss all of these issues with Larry Cunningham. I know there is some speculation about a second shooter.

    I have one question for those pushing this story — why did the shooting stop when Crooks was killed? From the time that Crooks broke the first shot until the Secret Service counter sniper team killed Crooks, a total of six seconds elapsed. Six seconds.

  24. $PLC July 19, 2024 @ 7:49 pm

    Great video.

    The only person who seemed bothered by the Hindu nonsense was Franklin Graham.

    I enjoyed him leading everyone in prayer after pointing out that Christ was his Lord and Savior.

    By the way, Brother Nathanael, is Laura Trump a Jew?

    Lots of articles saying she is not, but she did have a Jared Kushner-officiated wedding to Eric Trump.

    I know you said Ivanka was a Jew from her mom, which is very believable after seeing her photos before plastic surgery.

  25. Dr. Kennedy July 20, 2024 @ 1:13 am

    Dear Brother: Yes, who are these (demonic) false god pushers in our midst?

    Satanic yoga and other false religions, have swept the minds of so many of the weaker sex (women), and many men, trying to yoke us to demonic energy and make the USA submit to evil.

    Me thinks God (who is JESUS CHRIST), is giving the world ONE last opportunity at redemption, before the Antichrist comes on the scene.

    Only by the providence of God (who is JESUS CHRIST), was Trump saved and I doubt Trump even knew that this Hindu pusher, would be invoking her demonic gods.

    Thank you for your video and as soon as my company is paid and I can get my head above water again, my promised donation is on its way.

    Know that you are always in our prayers and well wishes.

  26. John July 20, 2024 @ 5:20 am

    To KathJuliane –

    Sikhism has no connection to Islam.

  27. Citizenfitz July 20, 2024 @ 8:46 am

    Vance is what we call a neo-Catholic. A wars for Israel kinda Catholic. He’s also (semi) pro abortion. A phony Catholic.

    Tony Blair and Newt Gingrich are of the same cloth.

    Then you have the likes of Biden, Pelosi, Austin, Kirby, Roberts and a host of other neo-lib types. Not forgetting the Pope.

    Anymore I automatically look at public Catholics like bright red flags. Something is wrong there.

    Still, we can claim Bannon, Flynn, Alito, Thomas and some others.

  28. Magda July 20, 2024 @ 9:54 am

    They are incrementally moving us to a one world religion and govt. We’ve been well warned by those like Fr. Seraphim Rose in his book “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future”.

    This nation has been groomed to be enthralled by entertainment it’s hypnotic techniques suspend reason and erases memory making the mind receptive to whatever message they want to insert.

    It’s a much more pleasant and effective way to colonize a society. It’s known as 5th generation warfare.

    Pray for this foolish nation.

  29. The Englishman July 20, 2024 @ 10:29 am


    With Trump as President in 2025, seeing what office Michael Flynn will be offered will be interesting.

  30. KathJuliane July 20, 2024 @ 11:33 am

    Birth of Sikhism

    Professor Abdul Jaleel

    The Review of Religions, March 1993

    Sikhism is known as the religion founded by Guru Nanak who was born in 1469 A.D. It is commonly understood as a compromise between the teachings of Hinduism and Islam.

    But a careful study of Sikh traditions and relics of Sikhism lead to an irrefutable conclusion that Guru Nanak discarded the Hindu doctrines and assimilated the teachings of Islam to such an extent that Sikhism, in its pristine form, can be looked upon as a sect of Islam.

    Baba Nanak, by birth, was a Hindu. The elasticity of Hinduism makes it difficult to draw a line, crossing which a man ceases to be a Hindu. …

    But if one mixes with Muslims to such an extent that he eats and drinks with them and publicly performs religious rites of Islam, one would never be tolerated by Hindu society.

    The whole history of Sikhism shows that its founder, though born a Hindu, mixed with Muslims, joined in their prayers and performed other Islamic obligations, all in public.

    He wore none of the marks of Hindus upon him. On the other hand, he dressed like a Muslim and had all the insignia of a Muslim faqir [Sufi wiseman] on him. He passed his days with Muslim pirs [Sufi spiritual guide] and saints and ate and drank with them.

    It was a Muslim sufi he constantly turned to for advice and there is not a single instance in his life which indicated that he bowed his head to a Hindu pandit.

    Travelling through Muslim countries he reached Mecca where he performed Haj (pilgrimage) and is also known to have visited the holy city of Medina.

    His choicest friend during these travels was a Muslim, Sheikh Farid, in whose company he passed twelve years of his life.

    Baba Nanak, while on pilgrimage, dressed like a pilgrim, carried with him a stick, Quran, a prayer mat and a water jug for performing ablution. Even his first four successors are represented in pictures as Muslims, carrying rosaries in their hands.

    Guru Nanak also married in a Muslim family. This point is very important because no respectable Muslim family would have taken Nanak as a son-in-law, unless he was known to be a Muslim.

    Nanak lived in a country under Muslim rule where the marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim would on no account be tolerated. This clearly indicates that Guru Nanak was accepted as a Muslim by his contemporaries.

    Within a single generation, however, his teachings were altered, lock stock and barrel. Baba Nanak took Hindu disciples, but did not insist on their outright conversion to Islam.

    They could call themselves Hindus with their traditional life-style and still continue to be in his company.

    Nanak probably knew that those who really accepted him as their Master, would ultimately follow him in the Islamic way. There is a strong reason to believe that with Nanak’s death the influx of Muslims into his movement stopped all together.

    It was his personal charisma that drew Muslims towards him, and won their conviction that he was a Muslim saint. Accordingly, Nanak’s death was the turning point and with this, the Muslim element began to disappear.

    The movement remained in the hands of Hindu disciples, who, by lapse of time, relapsed into their old faith. The political circumstances accelerated this estrangement.

    The culmination of this can be seen from the perception of the tenth Master Guru, Gobind Singh Ji, that the power of God on the earth was symbolised by the khanda, a double-edged sword.

    From the fifth Guru, Arjun Dev, onwards, the Islamic elements started disappearing from Sikh literature including the Granth Sahib with only some of these teachings remaining in some Janam Sakhis written earlier.

    Full article:

    Clearly, I was mistaken…

  31. KathJuliane July 20, 2024 @ 12:07 pm

    Dear Citizenfitz,

    I make no judgement as to what kind of Catholic J.D. Vance is, but he is 100% pro-life, anti-abortion and has been for a long time.

    Regardless of his personal opinion about it, and originally was pushing for a national abortion ban law (removed from the current GOP platform), the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and so the question of abortion ban returned to the States.

    The law of the land says that should be looked at the level of the state. We need to use the mechanism that is supplied legally by our country and by the principles that establish our country. And right now, Trump and the GOP are just being pragmatic, because 64% of Republicans oppose a national abortion ban.

    The GOP “believe[s] that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights”—a provision that endorses the legal theory known as “fetal personhood.”

    “Fetal personhood” is the idea that preborn children have the same constitutional rights as people—a legal defense that, if endorsed by the Supreme Court, would essentially necessitate a national abortion ban.

    What appears to me to be the direction that it will go after Trump takes office again, is a long-term strategic plan to legally define “fetal personhood” — reestablishing the constitutional and civil rights of the unborn child through the courts all the way to the Supreme Court, which should then automatically result in an abortion ban nationwide.

    About 20 states have already legislatively defined ‘fetal personhood’. Anti-abortion advocates want to get a case to the Supreme Court that would lead them to uphold the legal theory on a national scale—which could be easier with a Trump-led Justice Department.

    Support for legal abortion actually increased after Roe v Wade was overturned.

    79% of U.S. voters do not want Congress to pass a national ban outlawing abortion, according to an Associated Press/NORC poll released Tuesday, including a 64% majority of Republicans.

    A 61% majority said abortion should be allowed in their state for any reason, which is up from just 49% who said the same in 2021.

  32. KathJuliane July 20, 2024 @ 12:22 pm

    Houthi targets in Yemen struck by Israeli’s military in response to previous attacks: report

    Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam said that despite the attacks, Yemen will continue to support Gaza.

    Just the News | 20 July 2024

    Multiple Houthi targets in western Yemen were hit by the Israel Defense Forces Saturday following a fatal drone attack in Tel Aviv that killed one person and injured 10 others the previous day, according to reports.

    The IDF said that its attack was “in response to the hundreds of attacks carried out against the state of Israel in recent months,” according to The Associated Press.

    Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam accused Israel of blatant aggression and said the attacks were meant to pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas war.

    Abdulsalam said that despite the attacks, Yemen will continue to support Gaza.

    Israel and Hamas have been at war since Oct. 7 when Hamas attacked Israel, resulting in about 1,200 people being killed.

    Israel delenda est!

  33. Ted Gorsline July 20, 2024 @ 1:43 pm

    The Israeli attacks on the Houthis were spectacular but that is all.

    They were made for TV. They did not hit military targets. They hit gasoline storage facilities, so there was a huge fireball but zero strategic damage.

    The interesting thing about this war is the Muslims have concentrated on hard military targets while the jews have concentrated on soft civilian targets.

    The Muslims are soldiers. The jews are terrorists.

  34. KathJuliane July 20, 2024 @ 2:04 pm

    Is this it, Ted G?


    War Monitor

    Big. Mistake.

  35. KathJuliane July 20, 2024 @ 6:42 pm


    “Kick a Cat For fun!”

    Young Israelis in a youth group launched the challenge of kicking cats as hard as possible and sharing the videos on the group.

    This is Israel. This is how it raises its children and young people on violence, terrorism, crime, and hatred.

    The children of Gaza were raised with mercy and kindness. They cut off part of their food from aid to feed the hungry.

  36. Ted Gorsline July 20, 2024 @ 10:07 pm


    Yes that is it. A huge fireball of burning gasoline that will not stop a single aerial drone attack. It might stop some motor boat drones.

    Jewish-led Israel, like Jewish-led Ukraine, seems to focus on Hollywood victories rather than real military victories. I get the feeling that Israel, like Ukraine, is slowly going down the drain.

    I guess the reason for making Hollywood spectacles is to feed America’s jewish-controlled MSM with the idea Israel is winning in order to keep Americans away from donor fatigue to keep the USA paying the bills.

    Without the support of the American taxpayer’s money, bombs and other military equipment both Ukraine and Israel would vanish like a puff of smoke over night.

    The Intel Drop has posted an interesting story about the location of a large accumulation of fertilizer in Israel.

    I think they are hinting that Hezbollah ought to detonate it to create a huge fireball, like the one the IDF created in Yemen, for propaganda purposes.

  37. Caveman July 20, 2024 @ 10:42 pm

    Thank you +BN for doing one “classical” video on this subject!

    It is the old strategy of ecumenism, an ecumenism without Jesus Christ. Didn’t they understand Jesus’ words:

    “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)

    As William accurately pointed out above, this is the “religion” of Freemasonry: believe in some “god”, no matter which one, but don’t you dare mention the name of Jesus Christ in the lodge!

    In reality, high-ranking Freemasons discover that they actually worship none other than Lucifer, as stated by Albert Pike in page 321 of his book “Morals and Dogma”.

    I hear Trump speaking a lot about God after the attempt on his life. But he should choose his people more carefully this time, those who brought the Sikh sorcerer to the RNC should be fired!

  38. Ted Gorsline July 20, 2024 @ 11:56 pm

    Dear KJ,

    Those jewish cat kickers could use their skills to do some good in Australia where they have a huge cane toad problem. Toad punting skills would probably help to clean up the environment and could become a national sport.

    The Australians are funny people. They have introduced all kinds of feral animals that do harm and very few that are helpful. Cane toads lay thousand of eggs and once they get a grip on a place their populations spiral out of control.

    The same is true of other feral animals like water buffalo and feral hogs. There are 52 million feral pigs and at least 350,000 water buffalo in Arnhemland in northern Australia. There is a good way to control their numbers

    If anybody was serious about saving the tiger they would catch a few dozen Bengal tigers from the Sunderbans marshes where the tigers already know how to deal with saltwater crocs and introduce them to Arnhemland. Unlike cane toads, tigers only have 2 off spring at a time.Its easy to control their populations.

    There are enough feral pigs and buffalo there to support a population of about 50,000 Bengal tigers, the same as originally existed in India and in addition hardly anybody lives in Arnhemland. Most of the aborigines have already moved to town.

  39. John July 21, 2024 @ 9:14 am

    To Ted Gorsline,

    Your discourse about introducing the Bengal tigers to Arnhem Land is interesting.

    I just wonder how they would cope. I am guessing that they would still have to be in a controlled environment.

  40. Dr. Kennedy July 21, 2024 @ 11:27 am

    Black Rock-linked firm caught shorting Trump stock, before the assassination attempt

  41. Ted Gorsline July 21, 2024 @ 12:56 pm

    Dear John,

    If they were wild tigers from the Sunderbans they would not need any kind of monitoring. I am pretty sure they have saltwater crocs in the Sunderbans, and if so, the tigers would have already learned to adapt to their presence.

    The only problem other than saltwater crocs that I can foresee would be possible diseases carried by dingoes. In India they already eat a food base of water buffalo and pigs so they would not have to learn how to hunt them.

    If the tigers came from roadside zoos they would have to be in a controlled environment until they learned to hunt. There are already people in South Africa doing this with tigers so the knowledge is there now.

  42. KathJuliane July 21, 2024 @ 6:56 pm


    Security group Magen Am’s staff also includes a former Navy SEAL who posted a video of waterboarding his own child.

    The Intercept | 18 July 2024

    THE LOS ANGELES City Council is considering whether to give public funds to private, armed security patrols to protect its religious communities, following a protest against the marketing of West Bank settlement properties at an LA synagogue last month that turned violent.

    In the immediate wake of the incident, city council members introduced a motion to give $1 million to several Jewish security organizations that would expand their work around Jewish schools, religious institutions, and neighborhoods.

    Magen Am, a nonprofit that runs armed patrol services and firearm training programs for the Jewish community, was named as the recipient of $350,000 in the motion.

    The group is largely made up of former Israeli soldiers, along with U.S. military veterans, according to the group’s website and social media posts, and was founded by a former MMA fighter with ties to the National Rifle Association.

    The majority of the former Israel Defense Forces soldiers in the group are “lone soldiers,” according to several reports, the term for individuals with no direct ties to the state of Israel who immigrated there to serve in the nation’s military.

    The city council has since introduced a new motion, which would give $2 million to various faith groups that want to hire additional security and does not mention Magen Am or any recipients by name. But LA activists are still concerned that city funds will go to an armed group with hard-line political stances.

    “We’re talking about essentially a private militia that can use force and detain people and has no accountability.”

    “The fact that Magen Am was even named in that original motion as a recipient of money, that exposes the intention,” said Miguel Camnitzer, an activist with Jewish Voice for Peace.

    The group is alarmed that city leaders are choosing to fund individuals who served a military that commits ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank.

    “It’s the same military that’s enacting this genocide, and we’re going to have them patrolling our streets with guns seems wild to me,” Camnitzer said. The group also notes that the new motion does not include any provisions for keeping the recipients of city money accountable to the public interest.

    “We’re talking about essentially a private militia that can use force and detain people, and has no accountability.”

    Full story:

  43. Citizenfitz July 21, 2024 @ 10:19 pm

    Gonna’ have to disagree with you re Vance, KathJ. He’s a phony.

    You’re thinking of the old Vance. The “100% anti-abortion” Vance. In the past month, he’s softened his view on abortion. He’s now holding to the Trump and the Republican party line – accepts the so-called “abortion “pill”:

    And I shouldn’t have to repeat myself on this matter, but no one with any sense believes *any* poll repeated in the MSM.

    They’ll lie when the truth would work better.

    I can say more about Vance, but life is short.

  44. John July 22, 2024 @ 4:32 am

    To Ted Gorsline:

    I hope it survives because it is a beautiful animal. Don’t forget the Asiatic lion. It now only survives in the Indian state of Gujarat. There are just a few hundred left but due to conservation efforts it is increasing in number.

  45. Ted Gorsline July 22, 2024 @ 8:06 am


    Australia could save the day with the Indian lions, too. Many years ago I went on a camel safari north of Alice Springs. There were at that time 60,000 feral camels in the Gibson Desert, enough to support some lions. Lions do well in desert areas. Australia has all kind feral animals, including horses and cattle, that could feed the big cats.

    Many years ago I met an old man from Brazil and he was trying to sell goose hunts on some islands south of Tierra del Fuego, off the southern tip of South America. He said there are some very large uninhabited islands there with large populations of wild cattle and feral horses and the climate is fairly cold. A good place to put Siberian tigers.

    There are other places that could support tigers. New Guinea is overrun with feral hogs and there are no predators. There may be more large islands. The early explorers stocked all kinds of south sea islands with pigs so they would have meat the next time they came around.

    You could stick clouded leopards on one island and other big cats on other islands. Some are large and uninhabited.

  46. John July 22, 2024 @ 12:29 pm

    To Ted Gorsline,

    I agree.

  47. Magda July 22, 2024 @ 12:36 pm

    A NON-PROFIT private security company staffed by foreign trained military? What a brilliant scheme, I mean idea.

    The quintessential Public/Private partnership. Publicly funded, privately implemented with no judicial interference.

    Only our closest ally could come up with this sort of a work around.

    This is just the kind of “out-of-the box, creative” solution Trump loves. It sounds like it was tailor made to go after those nasty citizens who criticize our greatest ally.

    Thanks KJ for alerting us.

  48. KathJuliane July 22, 2024 @ 8:12 pm

    This explains why Netanyahu is over here with his begging cup. -Kj

    Israel runs out of tanks and ammunition as economy plunges

    Electronic Intifada | 22 July 2024

    The team discusses Israel’s shortage of tanks and ammunition, as well as headlines about tens of thousands of businesses closing in Israel.

  49. MeMe July 22, 2024 @ 11:32 pm

    And it continues to get worse for the murderous occupiers of Palestine, as the various factions realize their strength is together against their common enemy.

    Are the seeds of dissent, the lies and propaganda sewn by the Western agenda interests beginning to fall apart.

    “Leading Palestinian factions met in Beijing to agree on a declaration, aiming to conciliate political parties and movements and launch a national dialogue.”

    Israel delenda est!

  50. Ted Gorsline July 23, 2024 @ 3:06 am

    More Israeli control of America.

    It’s not just Congress that’s whored out to the jews in the foreign nation of Israel.

    If you google “High alert. This is a state of emergency.” Clayton Morris tells how all of America’s 9-1-1 services are being controlled out of Israel.

    Funny how you dial emergency services at 9-1-1, and the day the jews murdered 3,000 Americans was on 9/11. It’s as if they want to laugh in your face.

  51. Jose M. Aguilera July 24, 2024 @ 4:51 am

    AMEN!!! and PAX TECUM Brother

  52. Rebel Roy July 24, 2024 @ 5:07 am

    Powerful Brother.

    And all true. A White Christian nation ruled by various demons. How much longer will God allow this? Not long I hope. He gives us truth through you. I pray He shows us the way out of this control by Satanic Jews.

    I’ve missed your articles (I don’t like audio and have never hooked up speakers. I enjoy the written word and take it in better), so I’m quite happy to have two to take in.

    As always I thank you and pray for you.

    I ask the good Lord to bless and protect you and I call upon the blood of Jesus to shield you from demon forces.

    Please pray for me.

    Take care and know you are appreciated very much.

  53. Steven Rowlandson August 18, 2024 @ 9:34 am

    Its easy to deceive when no one else can understand what is being said.

    Also there have been some reports on YouTube about the Bible being banned as hate speech and antisemitism.

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