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Episode 9: Blasphemy at the RNC

The Brother Nathanael Show

Episode 9: Blasphemy at the RNC
July 17 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ July 17, 2024


  1. Grizz July 17, 2024 @ 8:41 pm

    This is the first I’ve heard of Waheguru. Pictures of Waheguru show an Indian in a robe with a white beard.

    I’ll stick with Jesus.

    What’s the nation coming to? Oy!

  2. Ted Gorsline July 17, 2024 @ 9:38 pm

    Because of you, Bro Nat, many people are now using the Jew word when such a thing was unheard of three years ago.

    The Intel Drop, Veterans Today, and many individuals now regularly use the J word.

    A few holdouts like Colonel Douglas Macgregor still use the word “donors” but even he knows the truth.

    And just ask yourself what a Sikh chant has to do with the creation of America. Nothing! That’s what.

  3. Dante Green July 18, 2024 @ 3:14 am

    Do we still think Trump is worth voting for?

    I personally haven’t seen any evidence he’s changed, as much as I respect Bro’s excellent analysis last episode.

  4. The real Opinionator July 18, 2024 @ 6:59 am


    It has been obvious since early 2017, after he bombed Syria, that he is a fraud. Everything Hillary said about him turned out to be 100% true.

  5. The Wit and Wisdom of Joe Tzu July 18, 2024 @ 7:56 am

    ”I’m getting so frustrated by the elites. I’m not talking about me now… the elites in the party. ‘Oh, they know so much more.’ Any of these guys that I think should run, run against me. Announce for president, call on me at the… at the… confusion… bubba bubba.”

  6. Catherine July 18, 2024 @ 8:39 am

    I’m well over thirty and I’m watching!

  7. KathJuliane July 18, 2024 @ 11:52 am

    Two injured Trump rally victims’ conditions improve from ‘critical’ to ‘serious’

    Washington Examiner | 17 July 2024

    Two men who were critically injured Saturday during the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump have seen their conditions upgraded, according to a hospital official.

    James Copenhaver, 74, and David Dutch, 57, had arrived at Allegheny General Hospital in critical condition, but their statuses improved to “serious condition” on Wednesday, an Allegheny Health Network official told the Washington Examiner.

  8. KathJuliane July 18, 2024 @ 4:24 pm

    Trump bombed Syria on two occasions during his presidency, in April 2017 and April 2018 for the Syrian government’s alleged use of chemical weapons during the conflict.

    Both times, he was lied to and duped by his own White House staff, National Security Council, and ultimately by British intelligence as well, whose operations they were.

    In 2017, not even 60 days into his presidency, Trump was lied to by his own Judeo-neocon national security and military advisors (National Security Advisor McMasters after Flynn was forced to resign) and duped by British intelligence which was running the Syrian White Helmet operation and staged the gassing, by the so-called White Helmets themselves.

    Trump’s strike on Shayrat Military Air Base was a set up through the Al-Nusra operation “Syrian Civil Defense” (White Helmets) with 100% fabricated gassings, to hamper the Syrian Arab Army’s fight against the US-backed proxies National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, the Kurdish National Council, ISIL, Al-Nusra (Al-Qaeda) and other terrorist groups ongoing in the Syrian Civil War trying to oust President Bashar Al-Assad, champion defender of Syrian Christians. -Kj


    Ex-Weapons Inspector: Trump’s Sarin Claims Built on ‘Lie’

    Scott Ritter takes on White House Syria attack claims.

    American Conservative | 29 June 2017

    On the night of June 26, the White House Press Secretary released a statement, via Twitter, that, “the United States has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children.”

    The tweet went on to declare that “the activities are similar to preparations the regime made before its April 4 chemical weapons attack,” before warning that if “Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price.”

    A Pentagon spokesman backed up the White House tweet, stating that U.S. intelligence had observed “activity” at a Syrian air base that indicated “active preparation for chemical weapons use” was underway.

    The air base in question, Shayrat, had been implicated by the United States as the origin of aircraft and munitions used in an alleged chemical weapons attack on the village of Khan Sheikhun on April 4.

    The observed activity was at an aircraft hangar that had been struck by cruise missiles fired by U.S. Navy destroyers during a retaliatory strike on April 6.

    The White House statement comes on the heels of the publication of an article by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh in a German publication, Die Welt, which questions, among many things, the validity of the intelligence underpinning the allegations leveled at Syria regarding the events of April 4 in and around Khan Sheikhun.

    (In the interests of full disclosure, I had assisted Mr. Hersh in fact-checking certain aspects of his article; I was not a source of any information used in his piece.)

    Not surprisingly, Mr. Hersh’s article has come under attack from many circles, the most vociferous of these being a UK-based citizen activist named Eliot Higgins who, through his Bellingcat blog, has been widely cited by media outlets in the U.S. and UK as a source of information implicating the Syrian government in that alleged April chemical attack on Khan Sheikhun.

    In the context of Khan Shiekhun, the issue (i.e., object) isn’t the physical weapon itself, but rather its manifestation on the ground in terms of cause and effect.

    Nothing symbolized this more than the disturbing images that emerged in the aftermath of the alleged chemical attack of civilian victims, many of them women and children. (It was these images that spurred President Trump into ordering the cruise missile attack on Shayrat air base.)

    These images were produced by the White Helmet organization as a byproduct of the emergency response that transpired in and around Khan Sheikhun on April 4. It is this response, therefore, that can be said to constitute the efficient cause in any examination of potential to actuality regarding the allegations of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government there.

    The White Helmets came into existence in the aftermath of the unrest that erupted in Syria after the Arab Spring in 2012. They say they are neutral, but they have used their now-global platform as a humanitarian rescue unit to promote anti-regime themes and to encourage outside intervention to remove the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

    By White Helmet’s own admission, it is well-resourced, trained and funded by western NGOs and governments, including USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), which funded the group $23 million as of 2016.

    A UK-based company with strong links to the British Foreign Office, May Day Rescue, has largely managed the actual rescue aspects of the White Helmet’s work. Drawing on a budget of tens of millions of dollars donated by foreign governments, including the U.S. and UK, May Day Rescue oversees a comprehensive training program designed to bring graduates to the lowest standard—”light,” or Level One—for Urban Search and Rescue (USAR).

    Personnel and units trained to the “light” standard are able to conduct surface search and rescue operations—they are neither trained nor equipped to rescue entrapped victims. Teams trained to this standard are not qualified to perform operations in a hazardous environment (such as would exist in the presence of a nerve agent like Sarin).

    There are two distinct narratives at play when it comes to what happened in Khan Sheikhun. One, put forward by the governments of the United States, Great Britain, France, and supported by the likes of Bellingcat and the White Helmets, is that the Syrian government conducted a chemical weapons attack using a single air-delivered bomb on a civilian target.

    The other, put forward by the governments of Russia and Syria, and sustained by the reporting of Seymour Hersh, is that the Syrian air force used conventional bombs to strike a military target, inadvertently releasing a toxic cloud from substances stored at that facility and killing or injuring civilians in Khan Sheikhun.

    There can be no doubt that the very survival of the White Helmets as an organization, and the cause they support (i.e., regime change in Syria), has been furthered by the narrative they have helped craft and sell about the events of April 4 in and around Khan Sheikhun. This is the living manifestation of Aristotle’s final cause, the end for which this entire lie has been constructed.

    The lack of any meaningful fact-based information to back up the claims of the White Helmets and those who sustain them, like the U.S. government and Bellingcat, raises serious questions about the viability of the White House’s latest pronouncements on Syria and allegations that it was preparing for a second round of chemical attacks.

    If America has learned anything from its painful history with Iraq and the false allegations of continued possession of weapons of mass destruction on the part of the regime of Saddam Hussein, it is that to rush into military conflict in the Middle East based upon the unsustained allegations of an interested regional party (i.e., Ahmed Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress) is a fool’s errand.

    It is up to the discerning public to determine which narrative about the events in Syria today they will seek to embrace—one supported by a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist who has made a career out of exposing inconvenient truths, from My Lai to Abu Ghraib and beyond, or one that collapses under Aristotle’s development of potentiality to actuality analysis, as the manufactured story line promoted by the White Helmets demonstratively does.

  9. KathJuliane July 18, 2024 @ 4:26 pm

    White Helmets staged Douma ‘chemical weapons attack’ on civilians — Russian General Staff

    TASS | April 11 2018

    On April 7, a number of NGOs, including the White Helmets, alleged that chemical weapons were used in Douma, Eastern Ghouta

    MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. The chemical weapons attack on civilians in the Syrian town of Douma was staged and filmed by members of the White Helmets organization, First Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Department Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir told reporters on Wednesday.

    “On April 7, probably the last attempt to stage a chemical weapons attack in Eastern Ghouta was made. The notorious White Helmets, who operate as part of terrorist groups, staged and filmed a chemical weapons attack on civilians in the town of Douma,” he said.

    Terrorists have failed to fake any chemical weapon attacks against civilians in Eastern Ghouta, he added.

    “During the humanitarian operation, the illegal armed units fighting in Eastern Ghouta have incessantly attempted to organize provocations involving the alleged use of toxic chemicals so as to put the blame for the use of chemical weapons on the Syrian government forces,” he said.

    “Since the beginning of the humanitarian operation in Eastern Ghouta terrorists have failed to fake a single so-called chemical weapon attack against the civilian population,” the general said.

    A workshop where militants had been loading ammunition with poisonous chemical agents has been found in underground tunnels in Syria, he went on.

    He said the militants had been plotting provocations involving the use of war gases, but all those plans had been timely exposed by the Syrian authorities and the Russian center for the reconciliation of conflicting parties.

    “For instance, on March 3 the militants’ workshop was found in an underground tunnel in Hazrama. Makeshift ammunition pieces were charged with poisonous agents there,” he said.

    On April 7, a number of NGOs, including the White Helmets, alleged that chemical weapons were used in Douma, Eastern Ghouta. According to the statement published on the organization’s website on April 8, chlorine bombs had been dropped on the city, killing dozens and poisoning many locals who had to be brought to the hospital.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry dismissed that report as fake news. The Defense Ministry added that the White Helmets were notorious for spreading falsehoods.

    Regardless of that fact, on Sunday, when asked about the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, Trump blamed Russia and Iran for supporting Assad’s regime.

    On April 9, Russian military chemists visited the site of the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, including the health facility shown in the White Helmets’ footage, but found neither cases of exposure to chemical weapons nor traces of toxic agents.


    White Helmets group members admit to staging chemical attacks in Syria, Russian study finds

    Morning Star UK – 29 April 2019

    AT LEAST 40 members of pseudo-humanitarian group the White Helmets have admitted to staging chemical attacks in Syria, according to a new study by a Russian think tank.

    Spokesman Maxim Grigoriev unveiled the results of the Foundation for the Study of Democracy’s research, which purported to show the group had faked attacks to provoke a reaction against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    “We have interviewed 40 members of the White Helmets, including those from Douma, who provided a detailed description of their methods commonly used by their organisation to fake scenes,” he said.

    Mr Grigoriev reported that one woman interviewed said that she was handed a white burial shroud in which to wrap herself and then told to lay on the ground and smear her mouth with toothpaste.

    Russia, which backs Mr Assad’s government, providing military support to the fight against jihadist groups, has long claimed the White Helmets have committed crimes in Syria.

    In February, the Foreign Ministry’s Ilya Rogachyov called for the group to be put on trial for “attempts to mislead the international community by means of fake chemical weapons attacks” which he branded “terrorist activity.”

    Earlier this month Moscow claimed to have uncovered an attempt by the group to stage a chemical attack in Idlib province and blame the Syrian government and Russian forces.

    Mr Grigoriev explained that his foundation had conducted a fact-finding mission in Syria, speaking to members of the White Helmets along with those who took part in its faked films.

    “Those people told us in detail how they had to participate in the staging for a few dollars to buy some food for their families,” he said.

    “Amar al-Mustafa Ibn Mohammad from Aleppo saw with his own eyes how they simulated a chemical attack. They brought children, laid them down, put civilians away and filmed children as if they died in the chemical attack,” Mr Grigoriev said.

    He said the survey brought into question the justification for air strikes launched by Britain, France and the US after an apparent chemical attack in Douma last April, which both Syria and Russia insist did not happen.

    Mr Grigoriev explained that the foundation had interviewed 15 witnesses at the site of the alleged attack and 40 members of the White Helmets who admitted they had staged the event.

    The White Helmets were set up in 2013 by former British Army officer James Le Mesurier.

    The organisation, which claims the official title Syria Civil Defence, strenuously denies links with jihadist groups and insists it is a humanitarian organisation which offers aid to those affected by the ravages of war.

  10. KathJuliane July 18, 2024 @ 5:02 pm

    GAZA LIVE BLOG: Resistance Attacks Netzarim | Poliovirus Spreads in Gaza | Massacre in Bureij – Day 286

    Palestine Chronicle | July 18, 2024

    Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound to warn against a possible deal with the Palestinian Resistance and calling for more military pressure.

    Israeli occupation forces targeted several areas in central Gaza, killing and wounding scores of Palestinians.

    The raid carried out by an Israeli drone on a car in the western Bekaa in eastern Lebanon this morning resulted in the assassination of the leader of the Islamic Group, Muhammad Jabara.

    According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 38,848 Palestinians have been killed, and 89,459 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.


    Israel delenda est!

  11. Grizz July 18, 2024 @ 5:41 pm

    JD Vance is an interesting character that seems to have come out of nowhere.

    Poor family, single mother, enlisted in Marines for 4 years, but only made Corporal (Hitler was a Corporal, too). Should have been Staff Sargent on average. Very few medals.

    Then Vance skyrockets, graduates Yale Law School, then politics, now Vice President. He’s a very good goy indeed.

    Vance wants to go to war with Iran for Israel.

    Vance wants antisemitism illegal.

    Some may go to war, others may go to the goyim concentration camp.

    I’ll be at the camp. If you get there, look for the lampshade near the swimming pool. That’ll be me.

  12. The Scotty July 20, 2024 @ 6:13 pm

    As long as the rotten jews die first, I look forward to a nuclear Apocalypse.

    There’s way too much evil here on earth. Born in 1951, I have seen this White country decimated by the Synagogue of Satan.

    There is no hope, except in Jesus Christ. I’ll see you on the other side.

    Welcome to the Real World:

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