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Episode 8: Trump’s History Moment

The Brother Nathanael Show

Episode 8: Trump’s History Moment
July 15 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ July 15, 2024


  1. Grizz July 15, 2024 @ 3:18 pm

    JD Vance picked as Trump VP.

    Also known as James Donald Bowman, James David Vance, James Hamel, etc…

    Bowman sounds kinda Jewy, but he looks like a goy. A good goy cause he’s Israel first.

    So Trump/Vance will be installed by the Deep State cause it’s best for da Joos right now, OY!

  2. The Englishman July 15, 2024 @ 4:25 pm


    Flip-flopping is gaining ground, all around.

  3. KathJuliane July 15, 2024 @ 5:30 pm

    Bowman and Archer are English occupational names describing the same activity.

    Bowman has the older origins, from the Old English [Anglo-Saxon] boga meaning “bow” and mann meaning “man,” and probably has more than one meaning.

    This surname continued in the north of England and in Scotland.

    Archer, derived from the Old French archier, was brought to England by the Normans. Archer first appeared in the 12th century and was replacing Bowman in the south and the middle of the country by the 14th century.

    Bowman in America often came from the German Baumann or Bauman, meaning “small farmer.”

    Bowman is not listed in this file of common Jewish surnames.

    J. D. Vance, of Scots-Irish ancestry was born in Middleton, Ohio, a steel town. The steel industry has never been a big draw for Jewish employment. Too dirty and dangerous.

    Middleton has never been attractive to Jews like Cincinatti, and other big cities were, and there was never a large Jewish community. Founded in 1903 with ten Orthodox Jewish families, it grew only to 100 families in 1956 and then declined. In 1961, it was down to 60 families.

    There is currently a small Reformed Jewish synagogue with a female rabbi. Middleton today has just over 50,000 population.

    Vance was born in 1984 into a dysfunctional, poor White family.

    Originally born Bowman from his drug addicted mother’s second husband, he and his sister were largely raised by his grandparents, last name of Vance.

    Vance’s mother and father divorced when Vance was a toddler. Shortly afterward, he was adopted by his mother’s third husband, last name of Hamel.

    Eventually, J. D. Vance adopted his grandparents’ surname.

    It’s highly doubtful that any Jews present ever married into any poor, dysfunctional, and blue-collar White families of Middleton, Ohio.

  4. Grizz July 15, 2024 @ 6:15 pm

    I know he’s not a Jew, but he’s still a good goy. A very good goy, which means he’s good for da Jews, oy!

    Sorry, I can’t cast a vote for Trump, and I’ll give my reasons. Trump has lightened up on abortion, he did the Warp Speed, and he’s taking Big Jew money.

    You can reason Trump is the lesser of two evils, but I don’t have to vote for a lesser evil and become evil in the eyes of God.

    Who’s to say what really happened yesterday? Everything we know is from the lying Jew media and da Jews think Trump is good for them now.

  5. KathJuliane July 15, 2024 @ 7:06 pm

    Hungary’s Viktor Orban meets Trump at Mar-a-Lago for ‘peace mission 5.0’

    Orban, a longtime Trump supporter, also visited Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing in the past two weeks on a self-styled ‘peace mission’ to end the Russia-Ukraine war.

    Al Jazeera | 12 Jul 2024

    Hungary’s Viktor Orban has met with former US President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida where they discussed the “possibilities of peace”, the latest stop in the prime minister’s solo run to secure a ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine war.

    Orban, a longtime Trump supporter, has visited Ukraine, Russia and China in the past two weeks on a self-styled “peace mission”, which has angered Hungary’s NATO allies.

    “It was an honour to visit President [Donald Trump] at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make peace. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!,” Orban said on X.

    Orban’s so-called peace initiative has irked many members of the European Union, whose rotating presidency Hungary took over at the start of this month.

    On Friday, Germany’s foreign ministry said Orban had already caused damage in the first 12 days of his country’s rotating EU presidency.

    “We have to see how the Hungarian council presidency continues,” a spokesperson for the ministry said, when asked how Germany planned to respond to Orban’s recent visits. “We are now on day 12 and it has already caused a lot of damage”.

    Considered the closest European leader to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Orban was in the United States this week to attend a NATO summit hosted by President Joe Biden.

    Orbán Viktor

    Peace mission 5.0

    It was an honour to visit President @realDonaldTrump at Mar-a-Lago today [July 11]. We discussed ways to make #peace. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!

    Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday that Hungary believes a second Trump presidency would boost hopes for peace in Ukraine, and that Orban hoped to bring an end to the war through peace talks involving both Russia and Ukraine.

    Trump has said he would quickly end the war, and advisers to the former president are reported to have presented him with a plan to end the conflict by, in part, making future US aid to Kyiv conditional on Ukraine joining peace talks.

    The Kremlin said on Friday that Orban did not tell Putin of his plans to meet Trump, and the Russian president did not convey any message to Trump via Orban.

    Orban’s meeting in Moscow last week with Putin in particular has vexed some NATO members, who said the trip handed legitimacy to the Russian leader when the West wants to isolate him over his invasion of Ukraine.

    Orban had travelled to Kyiv before visiting Moscow.

    Orban ‘adventurism’; NATO’s frustration
    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who said he was not informed by Orban of his onward trip to Russia, has dismissed the prime minister’s ambition of playing the peacemaker.

    “Not all the leaders can make negotiations. You need to have some power for this,” Zelenskyy told a news conference at the NATO summit.

    White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, when asked about Orban’s peace efforts, said Ukraine would be rightly concerned about any attempt to negotiate a peace deal without involving Kyiv.

    “Whatever adventurism is being undertaken without Ukraine’s consent or support is not something that’s consistent with our policy, the foreign policy of the United States,” Sullivan said.

    Two European diplomats told Reuters that NATO allies were frustrated with Orban’s actions around the summit in Washington, but stressed that he had not blocked the alliance from taking action on Ukraine. Multiple EU leaders also made clear Orban was not speaking for the bloc in his discussions on the war in Ukraine.

    “I don’t think there’s any point in having conversations with authoritarian regimes that are violating international law,” Finnish President Alexander Stubb said of Orban.

    Meeting in Beijing on Tuesday with Chinese President Xi Jinping for “peace mission 3.0”, Orban said China was key to “creating the conditions for peace” between Ukraine and Russia.

    Hungary has also diverged from its NATO allies on policy towards China, which the Western military alliance said is an enabler of Russia’s war effort in Ukraine and poses challenges to security.

    Hungary does not want NATO to become an “anti-China” bloc, and will not support it doing so, the country’s foreign minister Szijjarto said on Thursday.

  6. Grizz July 15, 2024 @ 7:25 pm

    Can You Steal the Goys Tonight, Eli Johnblatt

    There’s a calm surrender,
    Trump is on the rise,
    When the Jewish media,
    Snaps and turns the tide,
    An enchanted moment,
    Goyim filled with pride,
    It’s enough for these restless Juden
    Fill their hearts with pride…
    (yuge beautiful music buildup)

    And can you steal da goys tonight? (Tonight)
    It is who we are,
    It’s enough for this eternal wanderer,
    That we got this far

    And can you steal da goys tonight? (Tonight)
    They will fight for Jews,
    It’s enough to make Jews and goyim,
    Believe what’s on TV.

  7. KathJuliane July 15, 2024 @ 7:44 pm


    The more we learn, the worse it gets. -Kj


    Local counter-sniper team was inside building where Trump shooter climbed on the roof and opened fire: sources

    New York Post

    Published July 15, 2024, 6:41 p.m. ET

    A local police counter-sniper team was stationed inside the building where attempted assassin Thomas Crooks climbed on the roof and fired on Donald Trump, law enforcement sources told The Post.

    The building — the AGR International Inc. factory in Butler, Pennsylvania — was being used by local police as a “watch post” for snipers to scan for threats as the former president spoke onstage only 130 yards away, according to sources.

    Cops were inside, but not on the roof during the shooting, sources said.

    Crooks was able to scale the building unchallenged before firing off eight shots with an AR-style assault rifle, grazing Trump in the ear, killing one Trump supporter and wounding two others.

    The revelation comes as local outlet WPXI reported the Crooks was spotted on the building 26 minutes before he opened fire — with one cop from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit even taking a photo of the gunman before the shooting.

    Law enforcement sources said it was not clear as of Monday night whether any of the local officers — who were tasked with securing the perimeter outside the Butler County Farm Show grounds — were able to warn Secret Service agents about the gunman.

    An officer from the Butler Township Police climbed on a fellow officer’s shoulders to check out the roof of the building moments before the shooting — but backed away after Crooks pointed his rifle at him.

    A Butler City police dispatcher told The Post that the Pennsylvania State Police were charged with securing the AGR grounds.

    The state police did not respond to a request for comment on Monday.

    Continue reading:

  8. KathJuliane July 15, 2024 @ 8:20 pm


    SONAR21 | 15 July 2024

    by Larry Johnson

    Based on reports coming out late today, it looks like Chris nailed it. The local police had a three-man SWAT element inside the building where the shooter, who was on the roof, was located.

    That created some confusion for the counter snipers who were observing the shooter crawling up on the roof.

    We will have to wait for the communications to be released to know exactly what was said — the counter snipers probably were trying to confirm if the guy they were seeing was part of the group inside the building.

    Still, this is a major screw up. There should have been a Rule of Engagement (ROE) in place stipulating that no friendlies would be on the roof.

    Or, maybe, the SWAT element was supposed to be on the roof and wimped out because of the heat. I stand by my original assertion — this was either major incompetence or something darker.

    There is a document circulating on the web, allegedly written by one of the counter sniper’s, claiming he was not given permission to shoot. I have heard from other sources I trust that this is a fabrication.

    Again, we will have to wait until that man is brought before Congress and testifies under oath. Does not matter, though. Donald Trump is alive and kicking.

    Judge Napolitano interrupted his vacation to hold an impromptu roundtable with Ray and me at noon today. We discuss the attempted assassination.

    Meanwhile, back in Ukraine, President Zelensky caught a swift kick to the cojones (Spanish for testicles) with Trump’s announcement naming J.D. Vance as his Vice Presidential candidate.

    I think it is a great choice. Vance is one of the few, lone voices in the Senate to question the wisdom of continuing to pour U.S. taxpayer dollars down the Ukrainian rathole. Vance, who served as an enlisted Marine (achieving the rank of corporal) at least has the understanding of the implications of a President making decisions that can send young soldiers and Marines into combat.

    Zelensky must be in a panic. If Trump and Vance prevail, his days of grifting are over.

    This choice also has the Bush Republican crowd howling in outrage, because it marks a clear departure from the neocon vision of fighting the world and a shift to a populous message that emphasizes improving the lives of Americans in the United States, rather than squandering billions in disastrous overseas military adventures.

    Vance represents the kind of candidate that the unwashed, middle class in America have longed for.

    He was born and raised amid poverty in Appalachia and, through his own determination, attended college, graduated at the top of the Yale Law School and only entered politics in order to speak on behalf of the forgotten middle class. Best of all, he is, to use a Boston expression, wicked smart.

  9. MeMe July 16, 2024 @ 12:51 am

    I don’t buy it!

    I’ve just watched the Judge and his guests Larry and Ray talking about how this so called ‘attempted assassination’ of Trump was either incompetence or a conspiracy to assassinate, no other possibility was discussed like a false flag event! My own feeling and conclusion atm is for the latter, a false flag that is designed to promote the ‘civil war’ that is apparently desired in the U.S.

    What can be drawn into the analysis to help inform this idea?

    1. We know the ‘Deep State’ uses false flag events to manipulate the public mind.

    2. We have plenty of examples of 1. using the FAKE White Helmets who ‘stage’ events in Syria. Vanessa Beely is an excellent source of exposing their duplicitous criminality.

    3. We know how adept the media companies are at making things look real on TV and we know such materials created by them have been used for propaganda purposes extensively.

    4. Hollywood is notorious for ‘seeding’ or preparing the public mind for manipulation and gaslighting. e.g. check out how many movies from mid 2010’s on-wards promoting the use of face masks and viral fears leading up to the fake pandemic. Probably TV shows do the same but I can’t speak to those.

    5. This is only my own opinion at this point, but I believe there are two agendas being run by those interests that hide in the background and manipulate all these acts, World Depopulation and A One-World Government.

    6. I’m unhappy with Trumps reaction/response but having never been shot in the ear I’m uncertain. Shouldn’t there have been a bigger impact effect on his head when the bullet hit? Trump only raised his hand to his ear as a response, there was no visible jerking of the head (and I accept that it may be the case that there wouldn’t be).

    So could he have have a pain numbing injection beforehand and a tiny explosive charge set on his ear? Photographic images are also very easy to manipulate with modern technology.

    7. I’m also not convinced that Trump’s apparent ‘defiant gesture’ when he got to the Intelligence Services vehicle was genuine, As a successful salesman, Trump is a known manipulator of the truth and of people’s belief and I’m sure he would be more than capable of providing the acting required.

    It is all a bit too convenient for me to accept, and Trump definitely is not the guy who is going to drain the swamp and leave himself homeless!

    He is as much a swamp creature as all the rest of them.

  10. The Englishman July 16, 2024 @ 4:26 am

    ‘Twas Lucifer who saved Donald (Israhell First) Trump.

    Lord help the true Semites. Israhell is the greatest threat to the world.

    Jeremiah 13:23

    “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.”

  11. Graeme July 16, 2024 @ 6:39 am

    I’ve just read this speech, I think your audience will appreciate it.

    It’s by Benjamin Freedman in 1960. You can read it directly on the website or download an epub version for Apple Books.

  12. Grizz July 16, 2024 @ 9:12 am

    High level Jew Billy (The Schnoz) Ackman promotes Trump…

    Article reads, “Billionaire Bill Ackman endorses Trump in US presidential race.”

    Big Jew shekels inbound, OY! Trump’s going to the kosher goody room. L’chaim!!

    Sound to good to be true? Well, it is…

    Get ready to be drafted in a war for Israel.

  13. Grizz July 16, 2024 @ 10:05 am

    Brother says we should read The Bible daily, so I did today.

    I read Revelation Chapter 13.

    I won’t quote it here, but followers might want to take time to read this and pray.

  14. KathJuliane July 16, 2024 @ 1:13 pm

    Sam Husseini
    Jul 16 · husseini

    Important analysis from Francis Boyle re NATO and general geopolitics. It’s been amazing to me how rarely NATO critics mention SEATO and CENTO (aka the Baghdad Pact) — ill-fated precursors of the “strategic alliances” the US Empire is attempting today.

    It appears to me that NATO is preparing for war against the Russian Federation in the immediate future.

    JUL 16

    NATO – Official text: Washington Summit Declaration issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. 10 July 2024, 10-Jul.-2024

    Just reading through this Declaration, it appears to me that NATO is preparing for war against the Russian Federation in the immediate future.

    The NATO Declaration reminds me of Barbara Tuchman’s book The March of Folly describing the European Geopolitical Machinations leading up to the First World War. Its comments about Ukraine are delusional-detached from reality.

    Maybe NATO itself will not becoming involved in hostilities against Russia in Ukraine, but this Statement is paving the way for NATO States to get involved in hostilities against Russia in Ukraine.

    Ultimately this will prove to be a distinction without a difference. When implemented this Statement will make Ukraine a de facto NATO Member State with all the existentially dangerous consequences that would ensue from there.

    Its talking about Ukraine’s “irreversible path” to de jure NATO Membership is deliberately designed to rule out negotiations with Russia since Ukraine’s neutrality from NATO has always been the bottom line of Russia’s position, which is most reasonable. Its comments about Russia are paranoid and delusional and existentially dangerous and irresponsible.

    Since the USA IS NATO, the Biden administration did the first draft of this Statement for the other NATO States to sign on to with some minor tweaks and emendations by them. But still this Statement represents how paranoid, delusional, irresponsible, reckless and existentially dangerous the Biden administration is not only against Russia but also against North Korea, Iran and China, among others.

    As this Statement admits the European Union has finally come out of the closet to reveal itself as the Political and Economic Arms of the NATO Military Alliance. NATO is now moving into the Pacific where it is trying to replace and replicate the failed SEATO Pact.

    NATO is also moving into the Middle East where it is trying to replace and replicate the failed CENTO Pact.

    Its Pledge of Long-Term Security Assistance for Ukraine makes it perfectly clear that the United States, NATO, and the NATO States have no interest in a negotiated resolution to the situation in Ukraine with Russia despite the recent overtures by President Putin that he was prepared to negotiate.

    Although Putin’s demands were maximalist, they can serve as a basis for opening peace negotiations among Russia, the United States, and Ukraine.

    This Statement definitively rejects those overtures.

  15. Rabbi Glickman July 16, 2024 @ 6:48 pm

    Mack the Kike – by Rabbi Darrenov

    Oh the Jews, yeah, fling much shit, dear
    And they do it day and night
    Just a ca-ca has Mack the Hebe, babe
    And he holds it in real tight

    You know when the Jews crap on our sheets, babe
    Noxious gasses start to spread
    Fancy suits though has Mack the Hebe, babe
    And there’s never, never a thing said

    Now in the board room, ooh Monday mornin’, uh-huh
    Lies a ca-ca on that table round
    Someone’s sneakin’ ’round the corner
    Could that someone be Mack the Kike?

  16. Grizz July 17, 2024 @ 3:04 am

    Pennsylvania was one of the swing states of 2020 that mysteriously un-mysteriously in the middle of the night swung to Brandon. PA also has a Jewed up government including the governor being a Jew.

    That’s probably just a coincidence goy, just keep drinking your high fructose goy juice and watching net-flicks.

  17. David July 17, 2024 @ 6:16 am

    Brother, this podcast is very helpful! Please keep this series going

  18. David July 17, 2024 @ 6:25 am

    Brother, did you see at the RNC they had a Sikh come and make a public prayer on stage?

    What do you make of that?

  19. Ted Gorsline July 17, 2024 @ 8:17 am

    Biden put Trump in the bullseye.

    Previously Biden put Nordstream 2 in the bullseye.

    It seems to be projection.

  20. Magda July 17, 2024 @ 10:03 am


    “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

    It’s in our interest to use discernment when receiving anything that comes to us via the airwaves.

  21. tony July 17, 2024 @ 11:04 am

    Go against the Left Jews, which are the majority and their interests, and that’s what happens as they did with Kennedy. Even the Right Neocon Jews came from the Left, and now are Centrist .

    They function as one mind hive no matter what little differences they have.

    They will never allow Trump because he is against their many interests they have, no matter how much Trump kisses their behind. The Left Jews really have the power and all Jews are leftist. The pseudo Democrat-Democrook Party is the party 95% lead by Jewish interests. The right is 50%.

    How they silent the opposition through fake trials/pressure, gaslighting and assassination.

  22. Ted Gorsline July 17, 2024 @ 3:02 pm

    I keep hearing that the Gaza Pier, allegedly designed to bring aid to Gaza, is being taken down due to rough seas.

    I have never seem rough seas in any videos taken in the area. It has always been calm.

  23. KathJuliane July 17, 2024 @ 3:55 pm

    Trump Shot in PA | Ep 347 | THE KYLE SERAPHIN SHOW | 15 JUL 2024

    Kyle Seraphin, “recovering FBI agent” and whistleblower, not a Trump fan, goes over the assassination attempt and the Secret Service failures, but more importantly, he discusses the direction that leftist ‘chatter’ media coverage, and meta-coverage is taking.

    Because of the long-running narrative, the Left and the Right are not coming together over the incident because of 8 years of Leftist demonizing and accusing Trump of being a fascist, tyrant, a danger to America and ‘our democracy’.

    The center is freezing in place.

    Seraphin observes that Trump’s defiant core response move was the fist raise saying ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ is nervous system-wise, the equivalent of a cop or fireman running towards danger.

    Sometimes its no longer a matter of choice between two evils, and refraining from each.

    Was this gross incompetence or was it intentional?

    Sometimes you have to chose to do evil in order to stop an even greater evil.

    Civil war is in the air. Pray for America. -Kj

  24. KathJuliane July 17, 2024 @ 4:37 pm

    Israel commits three massacres in less than one hour; a survivor says, “We are killed by American missiles” – Day 283

    If Americans Knew | 17 July 2024

    With US complicity, Israeli attacks continue unabated; another Palestinian journalist killed; Gazan man with Down Syndrome attacked by Israeli military dog, left to die; Smotrich demands blatant disregard for Int’l Court of Justice ruling – if it does not favor Israel; tax deductible support in US for Israeli groups that block humanitarian aid to Gaza; US has been making secret flights to Israel; US court lets Biden off the hook in Gaza genocide; more.

    By IAK staff, from reports.


    Continue reading:

    Israel delenda est!

  25. Magda July 17, 2024 @ 8:08 pm

    It beggar’s belief.

  26. KathJuliane July 18, 2024 @ 5:54 am


    Doug Mills (born 1960) is an American photographer who has covered the White House since 1983. Mills worked in the Washington, D.C. office of United Press International, the Associated Press, and The New York Times.

    He began working for The New York Times in 2002, having previously been the chief photographer for The Associated Press in Washington, in which capacity he won two Pulitzer Prizes for team coverage. As of February 2019 he is a board member of the White House Correspondents’ Association.

    It absolutely does beggar belief that a career, Pulitzer Prize-winning, professional news photographer working out of Washington, DC offices of several major news agencies over the past 41 years, covering the White House and all presidential campaigns since 1983, long-time member, and now board member of the White House Correspondents’ Association, a news photographer member of the permanent White House press pool, would have taken a photo of President G. W. Bush in 2001 and of presidential campaign candidate Trump in 2024.

    What an astonishing coincidence…

  27. Jerry H July 20, 2024 @ 12:35 am

    i just feel like after this attempted assassination, Trump has some kind of sorrowfulness in his eyes.

    The kind of sorrowfulness the came from some kind of burden; sorta reminds me the sorrowfulness of Jesus Christ.

    Probably this time he truly feels the burden and responsibility that’s upon him.

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