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Trump’s Vintage Put Downs

Elections 2016

Trump’s Vintage Put Downs
By Brother Nathanael Kapner August 10, 2016 ©

TRUMP’S ART OF THE DEAL may be a best seller but can’t come close to his ‘art of the put down.’

As Andrew Bacevich, a conservative Catholic, puts it, “the essence of American politics has been transformed into theater like some sort of (un)reality show.”

“Trump’s a fresh thinker,” says Bacevich, “yet his version of fresh tends to be synonymous with wacky, off-the-wall, ridiculous, or altogether hair-raising.”

Take Trump’s recent dig at Bernie Sanders for endorsing Hillary at the Democratic National Convention.

Trump’s off the wall barb, though failing to cut to the core of Bernie’s betrayal, had some snake oil in it so as to “raise” some of Bernie’s hair:

“What was amazing to me was when Clinton was talking about Bernie last night and the camera was on him, he was angry. It almost looks like Bernie has buyers remorse, like he shouldn’t have made the deal.”

Buyers remorse is one thing but viewers remorse is quite another, and that’s how Trump sized up Bill Kristol who worked overtime hoping to skewer Trump’s nomination:

“Why do you put this guy on television? He’s got no credibility. Said I won’t run, said if I run I won’t do well, if I do well or this or that. He looks like such a fool. Bill Kristol is a loser.”

And Trump’s no loser, that is, when he enters a boxing ring with mismatched contenders.

Trump’s right jab and left hook to Michael Bloomberg after trashing him at the DNC had NYC’s former Jewish mayor down for the count. Here’s the right jab:

“I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy. I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin, he wouldn’t know what the hell happened.”

Trump’s left hook followed in a Tweet:

“Little Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president, knows nothing about me. His last term as Mayor was a disaster!”

THE ULTIMATE DISASTER FOR MANY, a Hillary presidency, is ominously looming.

Trump’s warning speaks to the heart (and hands) of his gun rights supporters:

“It will be a horrible day if Clinton were elected. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

If it’s not a threat, it’s Trump shooting off at the mouth again, which sometimes can be so totally politically-incorrect that it scares people. (See Trump’s clarification Here.)

Yet even staunch ‘second amendment’ pundits like George Will…who long before Trump’s latest gaffe denounced his Republican loyalties due to Trump’s ascendancy…would rather have the Bill of Rights torn to pieces by Hillary than see Trump in the White House.

“This is not my party,” whined Georgie Will to the Federalist Society, after the Republicans awarded the nomination to Trump.

Sounds more like Leslie Gore’s, “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to,” turned into, “I don’t like the cupcakes so I’m outta here.”

But Trump wasted no time giving the ‘party-departer’ a piece of his mind:

“George Will, one of the most overrated political pundits, who lost his way long ago, has left the Republican Party. He’s made many bad calls. You know he looks smart because he wears those little glasses. If you take those glasses away from him, he’s a dummy.”

And when it comes to looks, Trump was not too kind to former primary rival, Carly Fiorina:

“Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?”

Fiorina’s voice, in Trump’s ears, is just as bad as her face:

“I just realized that if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache.”

But the put down award goes to Trump’s barb aimed at Arianna Huffington. It’s politics down and dirty:

“Huffington is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

AND ANOTHER DECISION—election rigging notwithstanding—is left to every voter to decide who will make the best president.

There’s Hillary Clinton whose screech can shatter glass.

Or Donald Trump whose barbs might make nightly news a “wacky” good time.

That’s what elections are all about. You can’t please everyone, but rest assured, one group will be pleased.

Both Trump and Hillary are giving the Jewish Lobby everything it wants.

Clinton’s been in Jewry’s pocket since day one.

So Trump ups the ante by vowing to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, defying international law, which declares East Jerusalem part of Israel’s military occupation.

Trump goes further by promising US recognition of Israel’s planned annexations of key territories throughout the West Bank, again in defiance of international law.

And Trump’s a “law and order” man?

Hillary’s shriek or Trump’s put downs? No matter, the Jews always get their way.


Thank You Servants Of Jesus Christ

For More See: Will Trump Defy The Jewish Lobby? Click Here

And: Trump Ransacks Hillary’s Foreign Policy Click Here

And: Elections For Jews Only Click Here

And: Hillary’s Inner And Outer Circle Click Here

And: Gen Allen’s Insane Democrat War Cry Click Here

And: The Futility Of American Elections Click Here


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Brother Nathanael @ August 9, 2016


  1. Brother Nathanael August 9, 2016 @ 11:35 pm

    Many THANKS To The Servants Of Jesus Christ!

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    Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael

  2. Brother Nathanael August 9, 2016 @ 11:36 pm


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  3. Brother Nathanael August 9, 2016 @ 11:37 pm

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  4. Brother Nathanael August 9, 2016 @ 11:40 pm

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  5. jimko August 10, 2016 @ 12:28 am

    You might put Bill Burr’s comedy bit on Hillary’s voice link — it’s on You Tube. Very funny guy.

    Thanks Br Nathanael–I enjoy your insights!

    Blessings on you!!

  6. T W Huning August 10, 2016 @ 12:47 am

    It’s the quadrennial bout of mass psychosis.

    Can you say Johnson-Weld?

  7. Moody900 August 10, 2016 @ 1:37 am

    Hello, Brother.

    I just want to say that your one of the best men ever.

    I am of Palestinian Muslim origins, but i do respect Christianity and her people in their struggle for peace and recognition.

    We all know that Trump is a hack who keeps lowering his head to his Jewish bosses at AIPAC and etc, but why do those of white nationalism like David Duke, Andrew Angelin from the Daily Stormer and etc tout the deception that Trump is some kind of a white hero, and that all the Jews in America and elsewhere in the world are against Trump?

    Please, answer as soon as possible.


  8. Zionien August 10, 2016 @ 3:44 am

    Hello BN+!

    I love your posts, such a treat to look forward to! Trump sure is a character! I think a lot of his Jew buddy Andrew Dice Clay rubbed off on him!

    Bill Kristol IS a worm, I agree! You know, Trump wouldn’t be the first POTUS who promised IsraHell a rose garden and reneged later.

    But most importantly, you are soooooo right in saying “No matter – Jews always get their way”. Down right disturbing the influence/control a foreign “country” has on OUR election processes!

    WHY ON EARTH Do we American CHRIST-ians allow & tolerate this!?!?!?

    Will be sending a check soon. God Bless +BN!

  9. Brother Nathanael August 10, 2016 @ 4:12 am

    Trump And Putin Connexion Debunked @

    Good read! +BN

  10. neil August 10, 2016 @ 4:28 am

    Hi Brother Nate,

    You know that most ‘good’ people won’t run for public office, so we get ugly wannabe actors/news anchors.

    Trump is just pulling back the curtain to expose the Wizard of Oz…good riddance to all those political losers.

    I think that you know, that if Trump didn’t make any kind of ‘deal’ with the puppetmasters, he’d be on the Clinton/Obama accidental death list. So he ‘gave’ them some desert they already occupy, desert that’s an ocean away from America. He gave them nothing in America.

    PS: Long Live Palestine

  11. Andrew John August 10, 2016 @ 5:21 am

    Brother Nathanael,

    You said i.e. quoting Trump: “It will be a horrible day if Clinton were elected. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.” Then you said ” If it’s not a threat, it’s Trump shooting off at the mouth again, which sometimes can be so totally politically-incorrect that it scares people.”

    Sir, The Second Amendment was exactly created for exactly just this reason. To keep tyranny from spoiling DeJure Law, i.e. Romans 13:1-6.

    Now you could have a point on the otherhand because the Second Amendment deals mostly with posse comitatus. The ruling authorities must deputise a militia to support its mission, i.e. remove and arrest criminal government for trail including those complicit and behind the scenes.

    But the problem is the separation of Church and State..The only Church! The bride of Christ and whom’s Holy Mother is also the Mother of this Ecclesia that being the mystical body of Christ. Thus, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ.

    Trump’s problem is that he is a Secularist and therefore by DeJure Law ipso facto impotent regarding Natural Law and the Law of Nature’s God. In other words He’s a nobody, just another criminal of the serpent and scorpion type.

    He talks a good talk from what I hear but his fruits are wicked.

  12. Chris August 10, 2016 @ 6:31 am

    They’re both property of the Babylonians-Caananites “who call themselves Jews but do lie”.

    Trump worships the Caananite beast, and would’ve never gotten rich without doing so.

    They’re both walking nightmares.

  13. Ft. Nolan August 10, 2016 @ 6:55 am

    You might say we are dealing with a “wishbone operation” in that both limbs lead back to a common origin.

    You could also call it a “pincer movement” in that both ends are being brought together to inflict discomfort on the squirming mass caught between those pincers, all you need to see is the motive force actuating those pincers.

    But then, Brother Nathanael has been relentlessly exposing that motive force!

    Here’s a scenario: Hillary gets elected. Thirty days later, a stroke cuts her down. William Henry Harrison is no longer the shortest acting President.

    Six months later, President Kaine suffers a heartattack. He reluctantly resigns from office. The question you have to ask is… who is waiting behind Kaine? (You could also ask, did I fire five shots or six?)

    Here’s another scenario: Donald Trump is elected President. Thirty days later, a recently paroled John Hinckley succeeds in assassinating Trump.

    Vice President Pense takes over, six months later, he is implicated in a Black Swan event leading him to reluctantly resign from office. Who is waiting behind Pense?

    Everything I learned about politics, I learned from watching professional wrestling. Living in the DC area as a teenager helped as well.

    Were Donald Trump to succeed with becoming POTUS, I would recommend building a wall around the District of Criminals before building any walls along our southern border.

    The heart and mind may be in the right place, but the hands and feet are intent on getting dirty.

  14. The English Man August 10, 2016 @ 7:04 am


    It is most heartening to view RJN family & followers comments.

    The many published show a genuine love & goodwill towards the site’s creator.

    But then it was the Bard of Avon who pointed out:-

    “The Presence Of A King Engenders Love Amongst His Subjects & His Royal Friends.” Well (KJ is the Oueen.)

    RJN Is King!

    P.S. A VIP Birthday is coming sooon.

  15. Santiago Ramirez August 10, 2016 @ 7:10 am


    Humankind requires the best of its best to defeat the Jewish scheme, and that best of the best requires inclusion of all kinds of different faiths and wills.

  16. Mike B. August 10, 2016 @ 8:00 am

    Trump is a smart!

    Why, you may ask? Because he is trolling the bottom feeders who can not stand the thought they will have no power in a Trump Presidency.

    It is imperative he cleans out the old guard before he goes to the White House so he will be aware who he can trust and who would be a Judas.

    When I ask myself why Trump says what he says there is only one conclusion, (the very reason he is where he is today), He is not Establishment.

    Establishment like Bill Kristol are scared to death Trump will never allow him access.

    Their futures are far more uncertain with a Trump President. The Rats are running for cover, so to speak.

  17. Wally August 10, 2016 @ 8:29 am

    Hey Brother,

    What is your opinion regarding Turkey and Russia revitalizing relations?

    With Turkey and Russia signing this new natural gas deal, it seems as though something behind closed doors has happened that caused Erdogan to jump ship from NATO/Washington into Russia’s arms. Perhaps the coup was a warning to Erdogan?

    What is your opinion regarding this recent development?

  18. BN For President 2016 August 10, 2016 @ 10:14 am

    No doubt the Jew pandering is a disaster. But this is nothing new. As Douglas Reed wrote:

    “Objection from non-Jews must not be tolerated. In the condition of the Western press today, in the third quarter of the 20th century, this rule is enforced almost without exception.

    “Thirdly, 1956 saw a presidential election held, for the seventh time under the direct, and for the third time under the open pressure of the Zionists in New York. The election campaign became a public contest for “the Jewish vote”

    And, in Reed’s opinion:

    “In those years the little state misnamed “Israel” proved to be something unique in history. It was governed, as it was devised, set up and largely peopled, by non-semitic Jews from Russia, of the Chazar breed.

    “Founded on a tribal tradition of antiquity, with which these folk could have no conceivable tie of blood, it developed a savage chauvinism based on the literal application of the Law of the Levites in ancient Judah. Tiny, it had no true life of its own and from the start lived only by the wealth and weapons its powerful supporters in the great Western countries could extort from these.

    “During these years it outdid the most bellicose warlords of history in warlike words and deeds. Ruled by men of the same stock as those who wielded the terror in Poland and Hungary, it daily threatened the seven neighbouring Semitic peoples with the destruction and enslavement prescribed for them in Deuteronomy of the Levites.

    It did this in the open belief that its power in the Western capitals was sufficient to deter the governments there from ever gainsaying its will, and to command their support in any circumstances. It behaved as if America, in particular, was its colony …”

    The Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed, 1956

    Exactly 60 years ago America was dealing with the same things. I just hope DT is either faking it, or gets an education. What else can you do, right?

    But this quote is pretty funny:

    “Huffington is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

    You can say one thing for sure about DT – he doesn’t take s- from anybody.

    I got the Zio ties thing, bad, but I like his spunk. I like the fact he doesn’t care how it sounds. I like how it doesn’t matter if speaking his mind ‘costs’ him the election. I’d be happy to see him go down being real than to play the polished calculating political game – the Zio issue, as noted, notwithstanding.

    He is not the ultimate hero, of course, but I think the cause of +BN will have a greater chance of succeeding with DT in the WH vs HRC.

    And it wont happen over night. All we need is a crack in the door. An opening. After all, we are talking about total dominance of the banking, media, courts, govt and education. That is the whole show.

    I don’t think it can work to have someone stand up and say, in one fell swoop, “OK, I am going to wipe out reality as you know it” and expect that to rue the day.

    Try not to be discouraged, +BN. You are saying the right things. Keep the faith. Help is on the way.

  19. KathJuliane August 10, 2016 @ 11:05 am

    Dear +BN

    Thanks for yet another bitter-comic Article.

    Some of Trump’s put downs are classic barbs, and rightly pin some powerful people’s ears back or else gives them a hotfoot, but others are just petty meanness.

    He was off the mark with Bernie Sanders when he said:

    “What was amazing to me was when Clinton was talking about Bernie last night and the camera was on him, he was angry. It almost looks like Bernie has buyers remorse, like he shouldn’t have made the deal.”

    Naw, Dumpf. Bernie always looks like a grumpy old Jew because he is a grumpy old Jew. As the Jewish Forward wrote:

    Of Course Bernie Sanders Is Grumpy, It’s His Genetic Imperative

    Certainly there is no denying that Sanders husbands his grudges.

    It’s been reported that he has a “deep grudge” against Connecticut governor Dannel Malloy. And that he harbors truckloads of rancor against Barney Frank.

    The former can be easily explained by recalling that Governor Malloy has repeatedly accused Sanders of being soft on gun control and by the fact that 75% of everyone dislikes Malloy.

    As for the latter, Frank and Senator Sanders have been trading insults since George H.W. Bush was in office, so that might be a habit rather than a development.

    But we must keep in mind that for aging Jewish men, grudges are unavoidable.

    Admittedly, Sanders does not always come off as a patient man, as someone who knows how to respond politely to requests.

    But we must remember that this is the eventual lot of all Jewish men, that we will respond dismissively, even harshly, whether we’ve been asked to concede an election or to pass the horseradish.

    How can we expect Sanders to be gracious about something as important as the presidency when Jewish men of a certain age find it impossible to be gracious about small portions at the diner?

    How can we expect Sanders to be gracious when so many of his young followers don’t realize that “Feel the Bern” actually refers to his prostate?

    Other than trying to discredit Sanders and his movement, his political opponent who then cast his lot and his movement to Hildebeast, or attempting to publicly skewer his fellow Jew Yorker Bloomberg, who is far more “bigly” a billionaire than Dumpf will ever be, The Donald is remarkably silent when it comes to criticizing Israel or Jews in general.

    (By the way, still waiting to see those tax returns you promised to show the public, Dumpf.)

    Oh, I forgot. He’s in-laws with the politically powerful, shadowy, modern Orthodox Jewish Kushner real estate dynasty and the Likud Party West of New Jewsey and Jew York. And as Jackie Mason said,

    “Trump has been saying a hundred times, at every debate and on the street corners, every place you go and every time you say hello to him, he tells you how much he loves Israel.

    “Israel is his favorite thing. His daughter married a Jew. She even converted to Judaism, and he himself is miserable that he isn’t Jewish. He spends all of his life worshiping Judaism. He forgot he was a gentile thirty years ago.”

    We have to read about Trump-Jewish/Trump-Israel relations in Jewish news while Dumpf is busy entertaining and distracting the masses with his WWE political reality show.

    One thing is clear though, as +BN has stressed time and again, Jews will win no matter which side will lose, and it matters not who plants their butt in the White House of the United States of Israel.

    Trump’s Israel Adviser Visits Jerusalem, Meets With Officials From Prime Minister’s Office (August 9)

    In parallel to David Friedman’s visit to Israel, one of Netanyahu’s advisers sent to United Stated to meet with Hillary Clinton’s campaign advisers.

    David Friedman, Donald Trump’s advisor of Israel affairs, visited Jerusalem this week and met with senior officials from the Prime Minister’s Office.

    A senior official in Jerusalem said that parallel to Friedman’s visit in Israel, one of Netanyahu’s advisers went to the United States for meetings with advisers of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

    Friedman, a 57-year-old American Jew, has worked with Trump for 15 years, during which served as his lawyer. He specializes in real estate and bankruptcy, and represented the tycoon in legal battles over Trump’s Atlantic City casinos.

    A few months ago, during the election campaign, Trump declared that Friedman, together with the legal adviser of the Trump concern, Jason Greenblatt, would serve as his advisers for Israel affairs.

    Various media reports in the United States and Israel mentioned Friedman as a leading candidate to be the American ambassador in Tel Aviv should Trump, the Republican nominee, win the U.S. presidential elections.

    A senior official in Jerusalem, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the diplomatic sensitivity, remarked that several months ago Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set a clear policy by which Israel would maintain absolute balance in its contacts with representatives of the two presidential nominees.

    Netanyahu, who during the U.S. presidential elections in 2012 acted in a way that was perceived as him interfering politically on behalf of Republican nominee Mitt Romney and against the incumbent, President Barack Obama, he is interested in avoiding giving the slightest impression of interference.

    “The prime minister’s directive was clear – if we meet with one side we have to meet in parallel with the other side,” said the senior Israeli official. “We track every few meetings to ensure there is no advantage to one side.”

    The senior official added that when Friedman sought a meeting with Netanyahu’s advisers during his visit to Israel, he was given an immediate positive response. However, in parallel the PMO asked the Hillary Clinton campaign that same day to meet with her advisers.

    According to the senior official, one of Netanyahu’s advisers left a few days ago for the United States to meet with the Democratic nominee’s advisers while the meetings with Trump’s adviser go on in Israel.

    The senior Israeli official remarked that Friedman’s meeting in the PMO dealt with a diplomatic-security briefing, during which Israel’s positions on various issues were detailed.

    Two months ago, the prime minister’s emissary, Yitzhak Molcho, held a round of similar briefings in the United States with senior officials in the Trump and Clinton campaigns.

    The main issue Molcho stressed in those briefings was Israel’s opposition to any international move on the Israeli-Palestinian track in the United Nations Security Council, and that Jerusalem expected the United States to veto any proposals brought to a vote.

    Friedman met in Israel with members of the Israeli chapter of Republicans Overseas, headed by Marc Zell.

    Friedman received in the meeting an overview of preparations by Zell’s group to encourage American-Israelis to vote for Trump in the American consulate in Jerusalem and the Israeli embassy in Tel Aviv.

    Organization representatives say they believe that the majority of 300,000 eligible voters in Israel support Trump. [In other words, expat US citizens, or dual-citizens].

    Friedman is not involved directly in the election campaign, but he is very close to the Republican candidate and has direct access to him.

    Friedman takes part mainly in issues related to Israel and the Middle East, and he was one of the people who worked with Trump on his speech at the AIPAC conference in Washington earlier this year.

    Firedman [sic] is identified with the rightwing in Israel. He is involved in philanthropy in Israel, a large part of which relates to the West Bank settlements.

    He serves as president of the pro-settlement American Friends of Beit El, which in recent years has given millions of dollars to the settlement.

    In an interview he gave to Haaretz in late June, Friedman predicted that if Trump would win he would support annexation of parts of the West Bank to Israel.

    He noted then that Trump is not expected to adopt the position by which a Palestinian state is in the national interest of the United States, which his two predecessors, Obama and George W. Bush, held. According to him, Trump is not worried by the prospect of a binational state.

    “No one knows how many Palestinians live there anyway,” he said then.

    Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer, is known for his close ties with the settler community in the West Bank.

    He heads the American Friends of Bet El Institutions, which raises money for project in the settlement and is a regular columnist in Arutz Sheva, a right wing radio outlet.

    Dov Greenblatt, another of Trump’s Israel and Middle East advisors and who works(-ed) for Trump as a real estate attorney, is an ex-settler who did guard duty over imprisoned Palestinians, according Haaretz.

    America First? Really?

  20. KathJuliane August 10, 2016 @ 12:06 pm

    The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) and it’s Israel Lobby Archives is very smart and a national treasure. It’s worth bookmarking and going to again and again.

    It’s also worth supporting IRmep and joining their specialist efforts.

    IRmep is where I first read the declassified internal Justice Department files obtained through FOIA which detail the efforts of President John F Kennedy, and his brother, Robert F Kennedy to compel the Zionist Organization of America (now AIPAC) to openly register and declare its activities as an Israeli foreign agent.

    From their About page:

    The Institute for Research Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) is a Washington-based nonprofit organization that studies US-Middle East policy formulation.

    Founded in 2002, the Institute became an independent private non-profit tax-exempt organization in 2003.

    IRmep’s Center for Policy & Law Enforcement files Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to create warranted transparency and reveal the functions of government.

    It also examines how balanced and vigorous law enforcement can improve trade, economic development and America’s international standing.

    IRmep’s Israel Lobby Archive documents and exposes little known initiatives, providing citizen access to behind-the-scenes activities of one of the most harmful forces driving policy formulation in the US political process.

    Annual conferences educate thousands of Americans about factors that continue to produce tragic failures in regional policymaking.

    8/9/2016 IRmep released a press statement:

    Lawsuit aims to block U.S. foreign aid to Israel – Conference Call

    Washington—A lawsuit filed Monday in the D.C. federal district court challenges U.S. foreign aid to Israel.

    IRmep’s Center for Policy and Law is holding a conference call briefing about the lawsuit August 11 at 10AM EST.

    Register online to receive the conference call phone number, access code and briefing materials at:

    Registration closes 9PM on August 10.

    The U.S. is finalizing a ten-year memorandum of understanding which will reportedly boost aid to $4-5 billion per year.

    The director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) in the suit challenges the authority of the president and U.S. federal agencies to deliver such foreign aid to Israel.

    Such aid violates longstanding bans on aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs. Since the bans went into effect U.S. foreign aid to Israel is estimated to be $234 billion.

    The lawsuit reveals how in the mid-1970s during investigations into the illegal diversion of weapons-grade uranium from U.S. contractor NUMEC to Israel, Senators Stuart Symington and John Glenn amended the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act to ban any aid to clandestine nuclear powers that were not NPT signatories.

    Symington clarified the legislative intent of the amendments: “…if you wish to take the dangerous and costly steps necessary to achieve a nuclear weapons option, you cannot expect the United States to help underwrite that effort indirectly or directly.”

    The Obama administration follows precedents established since the Ford administration by ignoring internal agency and public domain information that should trigger Symington & Glenn cutoffs and waiver provisions governing foreign aid.

    The administration has gone further in criminalizing the flow of such information from the federal government to the public.

    In 2012 the Department of Energy under U.S. State Department authority [Hillary Clinton’s watch–Kj] passed a secret gag law called “Guidance on Release of Information relating to the Potential for an Israeli Nuclear Capability.”

    The gag law and related measures promote a “nuclear ambiguity” policy toward Israel. The primary purpose of the gag law is to unlawfully subvert Symington & Glenn arms export controls, the suit alleges.

    IRmep won unprecedented release of a Pentagon report about Israel’s nuclear weapons program through a 2014 lawsuit. A 2015 IRmep lawsuit dislodged CIA files about the NUMEC diversion.

    Also on IRmep’s home page, they have linked a Consortium News article:

    VP choice Pence dodged Israel nuke question [in 2011] – 7/21/2016

    Being a journalist based in the Washington, D.C. area, I try to ask tough questions of political figures when I can. Perhaps my favorite question is some variation of “do you acknowledge that Israel has nuclear weapons?”

    I’ve asked this of many political figures and virtually no one has given me a straightforward response. But the most surreal — almost comical — response came from Donald Trump’s VP pick in 2011.

    At the time, he was a congressman and vice-chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia:

    Question: You’ve also served on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Do you know that Israel has nuclear weapons?

    Pence: [long pause, looks down] I’m — I am aware that Israel is our most cherished ally. And I strongly support Israel’s right of self defense and to take such actions as are necessary to secure their homeland as much as we take actions to secure ours.

    Question: Do you think it increases or decreases U.S. credibility around the world when U.S. government officials can’t even acknowledge that Israel has a massive nuclear arsenal?

    Pence: The American people support Israel. I call Israel our most cherished ally and I will continue to stand — without apology — for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and strong cooperation with our most cherished ally in a very volatile part of the world.

    He was utterly incapable of engaging on the issue of Israel’s nuclear arsenal. His passionate attachment to Israel has become a mantra and no inconvenient facts need enter the equation… More

    Watch Pence and other U.S. government officials respond to The Center Public Integrity’s Sam Husseini questioning them about Israel’s nuclear weapons on Youtube.

    America First? Really? Aw, come on, you’re joking, right?

  21. Zionien August 10, 2016 @ 3:49 pm

    What Mike B. said^.

    But also – really – Think of the genius involved in Trump’s wording and the stupidity of the DemoncRATs playing right into his hand. See if Trump simply said ” You 2A people have the most to lose”, they would have just deflected and minimalized it under the rug.

    Instead the LiberAholes /demoncRATs are giving him all this FREE Killary press exposure, effectively validating his point while showing Americans the obnoxious hair spitting political correctness wording of the left geared to shame/blame but “secretly” fueled by fear of das Depends-wearing frau-worm Killary who is secretly looooosing!

  22. tim jones August 10, 2016 @ 4:11 pm

    You hit it again Brother N:

    The Jews always get their way. They almost got a 5th Jew on the US SUPREME COURT (Garland).

    If Clinton wins you will see 7 on the Supreme Court…

  23. DaveE August 10, 2016 @ 5:43 pm

    Jews are pragmatic people, for the most part. They’ve learned how to analyze a situation, the risks, the benefits and the costs, before jumping on board.

    Installing Hillary as POTUS is one very, very risky operation for Jewry. Everyone will know, immediately, what went down.

    Then, the consequences could be utterly brutal. At minimum, secession. America can’t take out Jewry’s BIG problem, Russia, if America doesn’t exist as a country.

    Or, people might be so angry that Jew-hunting might become the year-round national pastime, no permit required. It’s certainly within the realm of possibility and I’m sure all their “game-theory” models say so.

    And for what benefit? So they can teach Killary to be their New Obama? Doesn’t sound like an effective cost / benefit tradeoff, to me.

    Nah, Jewry is going to stick with Obama. Anything else is simply too risky. Whatever plan they have to implement Martial Law will happen before Jan. 20.

    They’ve already thrown Killary under the bus, but they’re playing up the election drama for maximum distraction and misdirection potential.

    Which is good news for people like me who are utterly sick and tired of “G_d’s Chosen” so-called “people”. Sooner is much better than later.

  24. Brother Nathanael August 10, 2016 @ 6:39 pm


    You wrote: “What is your opinion regarding Turkey and Russia revitalizing relations? With Turkey and Russia signing this new natural gas deal, it seems as though something behind closed doors has happened that caused Erdogan to jump ship from NATO/Washington into Russia’s arms.”

    My reply: Erdogan did not jump ship from Nato/Washington into Russia’s arms, no, not at all. In fact, he’s using his “restoration” with Russia for political leverage with Jewmerica.

    And, no “broken relations” have been fully “mended” yet, only a couple of stitches have been made.

    Erdogan went hat in hand to beg for restoration of relations. Turkey is something of a beggar, having no energy resources of it’s own, and a major part of its economy is tourism, especially from Russians and agricultural products marketed to Russia.

    After all, Erdogan made the penitential pilgrimage to Moscow, not Putin traveled to Ankara.

    However, it’s clear that Putin, while desiring a restoration of trade relations, has put Erdogan on a kind of probation, and there will be a stepped 3-year medium term “programme of trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation for 2016–2019” as expressed in the joint press conference of the two leaders after their “talks in the narrow format” between Putin and Erdogan.

    A couple of Putin’s statements in the partial Kremlin transcript of the narrow format talks are rather nuanced. Furthermore, the partially translated Kremlin transcript shows that Putin, committed to regional stability, has no great love for Erdogan or his actions.

    Putin has always refrained from politicizing economic cooperation.

    However, Putin said to Erdogan in their talk, “At the same time, despite the very difficult political situation in Turkey, your visit today shows that we all want to resume our dialogue and restore our relations for the benefit of the peoples of Turkey and Russia.

    I know I was one of the first to call you and give support about overcoming the internal political crisis caused by the attempted coup. I would like to repeat: it is our position of principle that we always stand up against any attempts to revert to unconstitutional actions.

    In this regard, I would like to express hope that the Turkish people will overcome this problem, under your leadership, and that order and constitutional legality will be restored.”

    News conference following talks with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

    Putin essentially said that the current situation in Turkey under Erdogan’s open dictatorship is not constitutionally legal according to Turkey’s own constitution which frames a democratic republic.

    In any case, Turkey isn’t leaving NATO or dumping it’s “European” identity, so the “unnerving of the West” is just mostly hype.

    Erdogan’s priority is simply restoring the status quo that Turkey enjoyed before he stupidly shot down the Russian aircraft to push a diplomatic crisis, and his pan-Turk Grey Wolves murdered the pilot, hoping to push the EU and NATO into some sort of confrontation with Russia. (Erdogan strongly opposed Crimea’s accession to the Russian Federation, siding with Ukraine and the Ukrainian Tatars.)

    I’ll try to write more on this issue later.

    +Brother Nathanael Kapner
    Member, Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia @

  25. Brother Nathanael August 10, 2016 @ 7:18 pm


    You wrote: “Why do those of white nationalism like David Duke, Andrew Angelin from the Daily Stormer and etc tout the deception that Trump is some kind of a white hero, and that all the Jews in America and elsewhere in the world are against Trump?”

    Not all Jews are against Trump. I witnessed 17,000 Jews jumping up and down for Trump at the AIPAC convention last March.

    But the Jews who make up the substance of Jewmerica’s military/industrial/security “deep state” and their accomplices in the Jew-Stream-Media, want Killary so as to maintain a seamless control of foreign and domestic policy. The Obama road segways right into the killing fields of Killary.

    Jews have always voted “Democrat,” and only of late, with the neocon Jew infiltration of the Republican Party, (they are essentially Democrats…and they have taken total control of the Democratic Party also), have Jews voted Republican.

    Jewry controls BOTH parties. We have a one party system and the Libertarian Party without Rand Paul’s influence has been compromised.

    Trump is a bit of a maverick, a bit unpredictable, and for that reason Jews rally around Killary and trash Trump on TV and in the press. Killary’s on a short Jewish leash, Trump, a longer one, for now.

    Again, not all Jews are against Trump. See My Video: “Layers Of Jewish Power” @

    As regards Andrew Anglin et all, I suppose they don’t apply a moral yardstick beyond their noses. The Palestinians have been given a raw, rotten deal, and the injustices done to them must be spoken against by all morally-minded people.

    Dr David Duke has his own reasons for supporting Trump and I am not sure what they are. Has he ever clarified them? I do know that he is not happy with Trump’s pro-Israel stand.

    That said, Donald J Trump is certainly in my prayers. +BN

  26. Seek The Truth August 10, 2016 @ 7:42 pm


    Obama in 2012, Hillary in 2016, female Big Foot in 2020.

  27. Zionien August 10, 2016 @ 7:56 pm

    Trump is a rascal!

    He’s shaking things up. Hell, he’s FED up, like US all!

    He’s a hard worker and I can tell he does have a real heart and he’s a real guy, and negotiator. Killary on the other hand, not so much at all!

    She’s a narcissist, opportunist, “secretly” gay, liar, con-woman, Jew shill, gun grabber, hot head screeching pant suit wearing Puppet!

    And if anyone thinks that Bill will be leading from behind the curtain – think again – he’s suffering from dementia!

  28. Joey August 10, 2016 @ 9:03 pm


    Are you not disgusted by the fact that both Trump and Hildabeast are based out of Jew Yuck City? And we all know who runs Jew York.

    Also – what are the odds of a military coup in Jewmerica?

    Seems like the only thing that might possibly salvage this mangled corpse of a Country from the Zionist establishment NWO vampires.

  29. Brother Nathanael August 11, 2016 @ 1:17 am


    You wrote: “What are the odds of a military coup in Jewmerica? Seems like the only thing that might possibly salvage this mangled corpse of a Country from the Zionist establishment NWO vampires”

    NO, there will NOT be a military coup in Jewmerica. Obama took care of that a long time ago when he purged the patriots from military leadership.

    (See my Video: Will A New Napoleon Arise? @

    The Goy Generals have a cushy job, thrive on wars they don’t fight, and get their paychecks from the JEW-S Treasury which is no less than a subsidiary of the Jew-owned Federal Reserve Bank.

    The Pentagon is gearing up for multi-front wars once the “deep state” (read: total Jew control) gets their Killary to do their bidding as “commander-in-chief” of wars where only the goys die young; where generals get fat pensions and life-time post career jobs at Raytheon; where neocon Jews stay in power; and Bibzy gets the wars he needs for his Greater Israel ambitions.

    This is one of the reasons the military/industrial/security Jew boys are telling their synagogue buddies at CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, (all JEW-OWNED), that a Trump presidency would put America’s security at “risk.”


    No one is scarier than the Queen of Wars, Killary Clintonstein. She’s the deep state Jew boyz gal where their power and control continues its seamless influence uninterrupted.

    If she gets in, (and it is my belief that the electronic voting apparatus already has an algorithmic program written into the system that’s coded to give Hillary Rodham Clinton the votes by a slim majority…and a slim majority so that no one gets too upset for her “slim” win over the very popular Donald Trump. (Donald Please Take Notice)

    And look out, the nastiest Jew of them all, Victoria Nuland (born Nudelman) will easily get Secretary of State and the Jews can all shout, “Let the wars begin.”

    A new JEW-INFESTED think-tank called Center for New American Security (CNAS) — whose leader Robert Kagan is Nudelman’s FAT JEW hubbie — just mapped out a war plan targeting Syria and Iran (and on to bigger and more frightening things) for their gal Killary to implement.

    I hope to either do an Article or Video on this wretched, and very scary JEW-INSPIRED scheme.

    Nothing can be more scary and JEW-DOMINATED than a Killary presidency.

    +Brother Nathanael

  30. Wally August 11, 2016 @ 3:08 am

    Hey Brother,

    What about Trump? He has said some things that are a cause for concern too.

    Granted he is much more unpredictable and the Jews would much rather get Hillary in. But what happens if he gets elected instead, will he make a difference?

  31. Joey August 11, 2016 @ 3:47 am

    Some new and interesting info – can’t wait to see it published on here.

    It sounds like a newer variation of Neocon PNAC Ziowar plan to invade Iran so they can have Planet Rothschild implemented as only 3 or 4 countries now don’t have a Rothschild bank. Libya was a recent one but now they’re kosherly fleeced too.

    Venezuela and Norh Korea will be next for a spook-run coup or outright USSA invasion to make them Kosher usury slaves as well. I wish God would just cut down the Illuminati bankers once and for all.

    Hillary is an evil demon. The Zionist Bilderberg servants of Satan have chosen her to be their next US electoral shill so they will throw the election via electronic voting fraud.

    The excellent documentary “Hacking Democracy” shows how even a mid level IT guy can alter e-voting outcomes with basic equipment.

    Once Jewmerica moved from paper votes to electronic, the game for voters really was over.

    I haven’t voted in the last election or this one because it’s all rigged. I despise fat loudmouth creep Alex Jonestein and recognize his disinfo wars for what it is but one thing he did say and is right about is that like Obongo who was at Bilderberg in 2007, Hildabeast was there in 2015 and will be the next Telepromter reader for the Synagogue of Satan/House of Rothschild.

    You’re more spiritual than me – what will it take to get God to save us or inspire us to save ourselves from the NWO Illuminati creeps?

  32. Citizenfitz August 11, 2016 @ 8:37 am

    Why Do People Hate the Jews…?

    It seems the re-emergence of “anti-semitism” in the world today is due to the *lack of unity* found among Jews.

    You can’t make this stuff up!

    While the article does admit that Jews have pulled up short in their divine mission there’s no mention of the REAL reason for Jew hating: their rebellion against the Almighty, culminating in the murder of Jesus; and a predatory corporate “semitism” – which persists down to the present day.

    The author of the article, Michael Laitman is a Kabbalist….

    Towards the end of the world Jews WILL get their spiritual mojo back – when they finally confess that Jesus is the Messiah.

    But for now it’s the same as it ever was.

  33. Half Jew Raised Catholic Praise Jesus August 11, 2016 @ 9:11 am

    Hillary Clinton’s emails show conclusively that she was selling her political powers to foreign interests.

    What’s even scarier than this, is the fact that this wasn’t part of the evidence she was hiding from the Justice Department when she deleted 33,000 emails.

    It seems to me she’s basically confessed to a serious crime, in an effort to hide something far worse.

  34. Half Jew Raised Catholic Praise Jesus August 11, 2016 @ 9:20 am

    Hillary gave guns to al Qaeda and they killed a quarter million people in Syria. What she has DONE is much worse than the stupid things Trump SAYS.

  35. Citizenfitz August 11, 2016 @ 9:43 am

    To all:

    Tramp may be up to his eyeballs in Jews but that’s not enough for the Jews. Hence, the negative press he’s getting.

  36. Half Jew Raised Catholic Praise Jesus August 11, 2016 @ 10:05 am

    Hell Victoria Nuland would be the LEAST scary option. Imagine Secretary Samantha Power. Or Secretary Huma Abedin.

  37. Steven August 11, 2016 @ 11:07 am

    The real test for Trump is not whether or not he can put down Hillary.

    The real test is can he put an end to the NWO agenda and clean up the financial mess america is in?

  38. The English Man August 11, 2016 @ 11:46 am


    Dana Rohrabacher on RT’s Worlds Apart.

    He has put your “gay lover” “President” feet first into a wood chipper.

    I like the Cut Of His Jib.

  39. Ted Gorsline August 11, 2016 @ 2:25 pm

    Here is a dot worth connecting.

    A company called is being accused in the Canadian Media today of supplying military vehicles to various rebel groups in the Middle East.

    The company is owned by a man named Guerman Guterov. Guterov means ” good rabbi” amongst German Jews.

    It smells like the Jew boys are now using Canada as a base for providing military hardware to various terrorist groups. All part of the same Jewish destablilization of the Middle East.

  40. benzion kook August 11, 2016 @ 10:22 pm

    Bottom line: politics are bulls**t, taken seriously by fools, and not important.

    What is important is who wins WW3, which will kill more people than WWII, thanks to Jews, but II will have killed a higher percentage of what’s left.

  41. Moody900 August 12, 2016 @ 8:31 pm

    @Brother Nathanael

    Honestly, he never said his reasons on why he supports Trump, but I suspect that he has the same reasons as Andrew in the Daily Stormer.

    Speaking of which, mind if I ask on what’s your opinion on David Duke and Andrew Anglin?


  42. Brother Nathanael August 12, 2016 @ 9:49 pm


    You wrote: “…mind if I ask on what’s your opinion on David Duke and Andrew Anglin?”

    Andrew Anglin slandered me viciously on his website. Not that I ever go to his site, I was told about it by others. I have nothing to do with the man and quite frankly from what I’ve been told about his web content, it’s sounds like crappy, low-rent, sensationalist, self-interested shoddy journalism.

    As for Dr David Duke, I respect the man. He is absolutely correct on giving no credence to the ridiculous “Khazar theory” just as Dr Kevin MacDonald does.

    They both are “racial evolutionists” and understand very well that the roots of the Jewish race are traced through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and have not been interrupted and detoured away by a small tribe in the Caucasus in the 9th Century AD.

    (Albeit, as “racial evolutionists” he and Dr MacDonald believe that the racial DNA of Jews can never be altered, even through Orthodox Christian baptism which makes a man “a new creation” indwelt with the Holy Spirit, equips the baptized person with the potential to internalize the kingdom of God within him and bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. )

    That said, Dr David Duke is very outspoken about Jewish control and thus I salute him for that. He has a mission also to protect and advance the interests and perpetuity of the white race and that is his unique trajectory, of which, I respect him for fighting for a cause “he believes in.”

    This is something very rare in our society that someone “believes” in something he deems important and fights for it as his cause. As he explains it, there is nothing “supremacist” about it but tries to explain the importance of it in a reasonable way.

    (My own feelings is that it’s a hopeless cause since most whites couldn’t care less about their extinction, have no idea of their history vis-a-vis European roots, and are so overfed and overly-entertained that they have lost their ability to discern what’s even happening to them. They will be very happy in the FEMA camps with Dunkin Donut concession stands, Wide Screen TVs, and plenty of fries.)

    Now, Jews also “believe” in something and fight for it with their money, political influence, bribes, blackmails, and all sorts of misdemeanors and capital crimes.

    Jews “believe” in protecting their own perverse interests at the cost of lives, property, virtue, morality, and ethics.

    They are children of the devil and do his works: murder, lies, and destruction. I didn’t say it, Jesus did. +BN

  43. Moody900 August 13, 2016 @ 7:52 am

    Br. Nathanael,

    Do you think that Trump may become another Putin of the West in the near future?

    Trump seems to be very friendly towards Russia and Putin, and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump revived the old Christian West which is unfortunately being suppressed by Jewish cultural Marxism.

  44. DaNieltheLion August 14, 2016 @ 10:58 pm

    I am no antisemitic nor am I racist, I judge men by their strength of character and their actions.

    I do however hold much disdain for the political correct culture. I believe it to be a dangerous tool and deflects the true nature of domestic and world issues. It is also extremely unproductive. ..

    I can’t help but get excited when Trump calls these establishment politicians and mainstream media groups out on their BS, and it’s quite obvious to me that Mr. Trump is being made out to be a circus act through the democratic liberal narrative.

    I’m not sure that America being allies with Mother Russia would in any way benefit the Zionist elites and their nefarious NWO agenda, so in the timeless American tradition of choosing the lesser of the two evils, I’m casting my vote on MR. Trump.

    God Bless !

  45. Bill Coogan August 17, 2016 @ 8:09 pm

    Brother, you mix humor and Truth in a very human way.

    By the way, I do remember with fondness Leslie Gore’s, “It’s My Party”…good memories of those days of our youth.

    The Bible’s predictions will play out no matter who wins the election. Satan continues to rule this world until Christ, Our Redeemer, comes back and brings His Kingdom to us.

    As St. Paul said, ‘the hidden agendas of evil will be revealed in the end times.’

    Are we not in those times? Christ be with us.

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