Why America Supports The Gaza Slaughter

Why America Supports The Gaza Slaughter
By Brother Nathanael Kapner July 31, 2014 ©
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ALL THE JEW-BOUGHT political hacks of Congress and the White House were there cheering on the Jewish slaughter of Gaza.
It was a grand occasion at the National Jewish Leaders Assembly on July 28, 2014 where the main topic was the massacre of Gazan civilians by the American-enabled Israeli military.
Keynote speaker was Jew-owned Susan Rice (professionally inept and morally bankrupt) who chalked up future credits from her Jewish owners (slave trade agents) with words to mollify Jewish guilt of bloodshed in Gaza.
“In a land where, in the haunting phrase of Yitzhak Rabin, ‘parents bury their children,’ today is a time of worry for all who care about Israel. Our commitment to protect Israel’s qualitative military edge remains absolute,” Rice told her bloodthirsty audience.
One wonders if parents in Gaza can even find their dead children under the rubble left by Jewish bombs PAID FOR by America.
For in Jew-bombed Gaza, Palestinian parents don’t get a chance to “bury” their children.
And one might be tempted to ask Jew-owned, hateful-looking Rice if perhaps it’s a time to “worry” and “care” about the civilians in Gaza mowed down by Jewish bombs?
How could that be? They’re Arabs, not Jews.
For Jewmerica ONLY cares about “Jewish lives” while Palestinian cattle in Gaza are herded en masse for the slaughter.
Next in the lineup of Jewish arse-kissers, and scoring points for his future political ambitions with media & monied American Jewry, was House Speaker, John Boehner.
“In times like this, people try to isolate Israel, vomited out Boehner, “but we are here to stand with Israel. Israel’s enemies are our enemies.”
THIS IS WHY America is in trouble.
To render children, women, and elderly Palestinians in Gaza as America’s “enemies,” (for they surely are the ‘enemies’ of hateful Jews), then Jewmerica has lost its conscience and is beholden to bloodthirsty Jewish policies.
Just this past week, the Jewnited States of Jewmerica has allowed Israel, while waging its massacre of Gazan civilians, to tap a US arms stockpile to resupply it with grenades and mortar rounds.
“Stop Killing People!” is now an anti-Semitic message, according to Israel-Firster, Abe Foxman of the ADL.
And Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center whines that it is Hamas’ fault that people all over the world are beginning to passionately hate Israel.
AMERICA IS NOT its own. It’s been bought with a price. That price is selling its soul to Christ-hating, humanity-hating, neurotic, dysfunctional, detestable Jews.
Woe to your country when its rulers are Jews!
They murdered God on the Cross and now they’re murdering America!
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Brother Nathanael @ July 31, 2014
Dear Real Jew News Family,
THE SHAME OF IT ALL is that the DOG (American Jewry) is WAGGING the TAIL (Jewmerica) and BRINGING our country to absolute DISGRACE in the eyes of the world.
AMERICA IS NOT its own. It’s been bought with a price. That price is selling its soul to Christ-hating, humanity-hating, neurotic, dysfunctional Jews.
Woe to your country when your leaders are Jews!
They murdered God on the Cross and now they’re murdering America!
“Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor,” warned the wise Solomon, “he also shall cry himself and not be heard.”
Every dog has its day. Jewry’s time is coming. And it ain’t gonna be pretty.
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+Brother Nathanael @
So succinctly and honestly put.
Absolutely tragic beyond words where America finds itself.
I am ashamed to be an American, a Christian, and a human being.
Here’s the letter I sent both my Senate-whores. Please do the same or similar. It may be for naught, but you’ll feel better.
I hope you’re proud of yourself for supporting the biggest collection of thieves, murderers, liars and degenerates the world has ever known, more commonly called the Zionists, Jews, Israelites, whatever.
As this filthy scum sits on a hillside eating popcorn while they bomb the crap out of innocent people, men, women, children, for the crime of not being Jewish and being the rightful owners of land the Jews want to steal, I hope you feel a great sense of pride for what you’ve done.
Israel has a “right to defend itself”? Yeah, then so do axe murderers, bank robbers, rapists and pedophiles. Furthermore, I have more right to the Taj Mahal than these dirty lowlife have to Palestine, because my great-great-great-great grandmother once dated an East Indian.
I hope you’re proud of what you’ve done. While I am aware that so many of your constituents (and my neighbors) are FAR too stupid to know even the basic facts of how the Jews stole Palestine, the LEAST you could do is show just a LITTLE moral courage trying to awaken and educate the morons.
But I guess it’s a little late, isn’t it. The blood is on your hands, sir.
I have a suggestion: How about you make an attempt to atone for your crimes by writing a Bill to offer our military support for the liberation of Palestine, to return the land to its rightful owners? It may not pass, but MAYBE you can save your soul and start to get this country back on track.
And PLEASE stop being afraid of the most evil and vile crime syndicate and demonic cult there ever was, just because they claim to be a “race” and a “religion,” because they are neither.
When a guy named J. Christ told us the Jews were, in truth, the Children of Satan, He wasn’t doing it for his health, ya’ know.
How about you start doing your JOB and the work of GOD, not Satan?
I can’t do a damn thing to stop it.
And it’s killing me.
I can’t sleep.
I can’t concentrate on my work.
I can’t look a Jew in the eye.
I can’t do a damn thing.
And their attitude is “So, what are you going to do about it?”
It’s just killing me.
All the babies.
All the blood.
All the misery.
And I can’t do a damn thing to stop it.
And deep down I know, they’re coming after us next.
@Clarence Ozgood
Take heart.
“Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor,” warned the wise Solomon, “he also shall cry himself and not be heard.”
Every dog has its day. Jewry’s time is coming. And it ain’t gonna be pretty. +BN
We know in our souls that it is going to get worse.
That why it’s time to think about where you are going to spend eternity.
These Jews are already spoken for.
That’s not what is at stake.
Thank you Brother.
I need solace.
I can’t stop crying…it’s just too much…
Dr David Duke NAILS it!
“Stop The Jewish Genocide Of Gaza Now!”
Just added to the text: (*”detestable”*)
AMERICA IS NOT its own. It’s been bought with a price. That price is selling its soul to Christ-hating, humanity-hating, neurotic, dysfunctional, *detestable* Jews.
Dear +BN,
God bless you for this excellent Article, and thank you for showing the faces of our hawkish Congress critters and White House psychophants, especially the Black womanoid Susan Rice, who couldn’t wait to slobber all over themselves at this Jewfest.
I am truly, truly disgusted. Jews are contemptible, our sold-out political elites are pigs.
I hope and pray that the earth will open up under Tel Aviv (“Sin City on the Sea”), Capitol Hill and the White House and just simply swallow them up, never to be seen again.
I’ve never seen Dr. Duke so upset and shaken by the video he’d seen and was describing. Thanks, +BN for posting it.
Dear Clarence,
I’m crying, too. As +BN says, take heart.
First, don’t underestimate the patience, honor and courage of the Palestinian people, and know that for the most part, they are on God’s side, making every effort to cure the longstanding injustice inflicted by the West and the Zionist entity.
Not only do the various militant parties, particularly the Al Qassam Brigade (the fighting arm of Hamas) fight for their people, justice, their rights, their statehood and their land, many of them also know that they are one of the main fronts stopping Jewmerika’s Kingdom of Satan from engulfing the world.
Palestine is a serious concern with many of the truly sincere Muslim people in the world, particularly in the Axis of Resistance of Syria, Hezbollah, and Iran, and Israel keeps running bigger and bigger risks of finding itself in a big world of hurt.
The Palestinian militant resistance has already proven that it can, with low-tech means, inflict terror in the minds of the high-tech Israel Occupation Forces, and penetrate the Jews hubris of invincibility. The Palestinian fighters and many of the people are not afraid to die fighting this enemy.
The vast tunnel network flat blindsided Netanyahu and the Israeli Jews, and really bunched their knickers.
In a video linked at Angry Arab News a Palestinian man brings his wounded, bloody child to the hospital. He’s crying as he chants a warrior’s chant, and then when done, prostrates as he says ‘God is great.’
The Angry Arab wrote:
“Thursday, July 31, 2014
I know that American correspondents are just waiting and hoping for Palestinians to erupt in anti-resistance sentiments but:
He is transporting his child to a hospital and chanting for resistance.
Just like American correspondents were predicting that Hizbullah was finished in 2006 after the war–hell, Saudi and Hariri journalists assured them of that.
No doubt, an exercise in futility, because Israhell will sabotage the ceasefire, and then blame it on omnipresent, omnipotent Hamas.
What’s the old Slavic joke?…A Jew will scream for mercy as he’s beating you to a pulp.
US and UN secure 72-hour Gaza ceasefire
By Geoff Dyer in Washington and John Reed in Jerusalem
The US and the UN announced on Thursday evening a 72-hour ceasefire in Gaza and a new round of negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian representatives in Egypt after three weeks of fighting which has claimed nearly 1500 lives.
US secretary of state John Kerry and Ban Ki-Moon, secretary-general of the UN, said in a statement that an “unconditional humanitarian ceasefire” had been agreed by all parties and would begin at 8am local time on Friday.
The announcement comes after the White House intensified pressure on Israel over the loss of civilian life in Gaza, while Israel promised to keep trying to destroy tunnels built by Hamas even if there were a ceasefire.
The statement said that the pause in fighting would give people in Gaza the chance to “bury the dead, take care of the injured, and restock food supplies”, as well as repairing vital infrastructure.
The US and UN said that negotiations would start “immediately” in Cairo to try and find a “durable ceasefire”, restoring Egypt’s position as a central player in the diplomacy around the conflicts.
The talks would include Israel and “Palestinian delegations”, indicating that the leadership of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank could have a role.
Later on Thursday Mr Kerry said that the parties are expected to cease all offensive military activities, and neither side will advance beyond its current locations.
“Israel will be able to continue its defensive operations for those tunnels that are behind its lines, and the Palestinians will be able to receive food, medicine, and additional humanitarian assistance.”
He described the ceasefire as “precious time” and said: “It is a lull of opportunity, a moment for the sides and the different factions to be able to come together with the state of Israel in an effort to try to address ways to find a sustainable ceasefire and then, obviously, ultimately, over a longer period of time, address the underlying issues.”
“Obviously, while we are grateful that the violence and the bloodshed has the opportunity to stop for more than 24 hours, it is up to the parties – all of them – to take advantage of this moment. There are no guarantees.”
The ceasefire announcement came hours after the White House condemned the shelling of a UN facility in Gaza by the Israeli military as “totally indefensible”.
Josh Earnest, White House spokesman, said there was little doubt that the artillery that hit the school on Wednesday had been fired by Israel.
In the strongest criticism from the Obama administration since the start of the conflict three weeks ago, Mr Earnest said the Israeli government was not doing enough to minimise the risks to civilians.
“It is clear that we need our allies in Israel to do more to live up to the high standards they have set themselves,” he said.
At least 15 civilians sheltering from the conflict were killed when Israel shelled the school in Jabalya, northern Gaza. Mr Ban described the shelling as a “reprehensible attack”.
Earlier on Thursday, Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would continue its operation to destroy tunnels built by Hamas under the Gaza border even if a ceasefire was agreed.
The Israeli prime minister said: “We are determined to complete this mission, with or without a ceasefire, and therefore I will not agree to any proposal that does not allow the IDF [Israel Defence Forces] to complete this work, which is important for the security of Israel’s citizens.”
Speaking before a cabinet meeting in Tel Aviv, he added: “These tunnels would have enabled Hamas to abduct and murder civilians and soldiers via simultaneous attacks from many tunnels that penetrate our territory. We are now dismantling this ability.”
Mr Netanyahu said the IDF was continuing to deliver “harsh blows” and to “act with full force across the Gaza Strip”, where rising civilian deaths are fuelling international efforts to press Israel and Hamas to agree a lasting truce.
Israel began Operation Protective Edge, its military assault on Hamas in Gaza, as an air campaign on July 7. It then sent ground troops into Gaza on July 17 to destroy what it describes as extensive tunnel systems used by militants to conduct military operations.
Hamas militants emerged this week from a tunnel near a military post inside Israel and killed five Israeli soldiers, later releasing a video of the attack.
Folks, I have have to state the unpleasant truth that cowards neither get, nor deserve, respect of any any kind.
Jesus of Nazareth, +BN, many others have fought hard for the truth to be heard.
If you back down now, well, you deserve the Hell the Jews have planned for you.
Dear Clarence Ozgood,
“I can’t do a damn thing to stop it.” My sentiments exactly. Like you, I too shed tears of horror over the pictures I’ve seen.
Almost everyone I know seems to react in one of two ways –
(1) “Huh? Duh? Oh,well. What’s for supper? What’s on TV tonight?”
(2) “Serves them right! They killed those 3 Israeli boys. Hamas fired first. Israel has to defend itself.”
Makes me want to scream!
Maybe it’s to be expected, considering all the abortions in this land. After all, if you can kill your own child still in the womb – what’s the big deal in killing other people’s kids?!
Jewmerica is doomed.
But we can pray, Clarence. Now is not the time to lose faith, or else we’ve handed the victory over to the Enemy.
If the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Iraqis, and the people of the Donbas can keep on fighting to live – then we must keep on praying, for them, for the madness, for God’s will to be accomplished. He sees all this horror and will end it in His own way, in His own good time.
More than anything, this is a spiritual battle. St. Paul, in Ephesians, chapter 6, tells about our spiritual armor, modeled after the armor of a Roman soldier. But the Roman had one piece of armor that we don’t have – he had greaves to cover his shins. Our shins don’t need any covering because we should be down on them – praying.
Prayer is a mighty weapon, if only we persevere.
Why is our God allowing this horror to go on? I don’t have the answers, but I trust Him completely. That’s what faith is all about – keeping on believing in the darkness. Perhaps this is the beginning of Armageddon, and these things must be, that the Scriptures be fulfilled.
Hang in there, Clarence. It’s better that your soul is so touched, rather than your heart be so hardened or so dulled, as is true of so many others.
Don’t believe Jewmerica’s Obongo administration re any “condemnation” of Israel murdering civilians.
If Obongo and his Jew-enablers really “condemned” Israel then they would slap HARSH sanctions on Israel.
As for a “ceasefire” or “truce” these are just Jew buzz words.
The Israeli military is STILL inside of Gaza performing “tunnel” operations and planting bombs.
I do not trust a single word I read in the JEW-OWNED main stream media.
Crocodile tears just don’t get it for me aimed to please gullible Americans.
Show me SANCTIONS agains IsraHell and then I’ll believe Obongo’s “condemnation.”
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Former Jew, Now Orthodox Christian
I agree with you, 100% +BN!
“There is nothing more shameful than attacking sleeping children.” — Ban Ki Moon
UNRWA determined that three Israeli artillary shells struck the UN school. Other witnesses say 5 shells. The GPS coordinates of the school were given to Israel 17 times.
Ban Ki Moon’s statement, calls the Israeli attack “reprehensible.” (That’s pretty strong for Mr. Ban and he is visibly upset):
Camera captures moment of deadly air strike in a Gaza market
WARNING: This video contains distressing images and audio.
Israeli strikes killed 17 people, Palestinian authorities said, in a Gaza market as a TV crew was filming a crowd gathered near an ambulance.
The area of Shujai’iya has seen some of the heaviest bombardment since Israeli forces began an offensive with the declared aim of curbing rocket fire by Hamas militants.
Residents say shells and two missiles hit the area as a crowd gathered to observe a fire at a petrol station.
In the footage people can be seen and heard lying on the ground and praying as a succession of blasts cover the area in debris
Source: Reuters Length: 1min 18sec theguardian.com Thursday 31 July 2014
Video of UN spokesman Chris Gunness breaking into tears during interview on Gaza that Dr. Duke referred to:
The comments and statements of fact by our Brother are little lights in the tunnel of pitch black atrocities provoked by those nations determined to keep a land for those who were dispossessed (Jews) by Christ in His judgment upon them through Titus and his Roman Army, as prophesied by Daniel:
“And He shall destroy the city and the sanctuary with the prince who is coming, and they shall be cut off with a flood, and to the end of the war, which will be cut short, he shall appoint the city to desolations,” 9:26, Septuagint to English, true translation of O.T. used by Jesus.
This verse is contrary to all the wrong end time beliefs in our churches. Christ is over all. He shall prevail and His will is paramount. We take heart. We stand for truth in this awful battle.
Let’s not forget the alternative press is controlled too by Jews. Why is talk radio dominated by Jews too? Think of the Savage Weiner, Prager, Medved. They worship Israel. Alphabet channels, ditto. Only the vocabulary is different.
Alex Jones doesn’t go against Israel does he? Except for the USS Liberty attack of 1967. Jeff Rense is the only host I know of that rails against Zionism.
I just explained to my mother yesterday why Jews aren’t satisfied with the land they have in Israel. I told her Jews are greedy and never satisfied. Israel wants all the Palestinians gone.
I showed her a video of yours. She said, “Can’t they be happy with what they have?” Really? Jews can’t be a happy people. Greed has to be the antithesis of happiness.
Cease fire is it so the billion dollars of US armaments can be re-stocked in Israliar?
What they do to the Palestinians they will some day do to US via Noahide.
How did people miss the report Mossad leaked about teen agers 10 days before the kidnapping as a way to punish new Palestinian government, how dare they form a new government. Then the kidnapping, bodies found, immediate burial, no autopsies, did they bury rocks?
Satan worshipper Nettie got the false flag rolling; his citizens enraged with spirit of murder. Then ISIL/ISIS loud proud claimed death of the 3 teenagers. But who are they? They are not Hamas. This wholesale slaughter done totally on false pretenses. The war crime should start there.
I got that ISIL/ISIS was US and Israel and crypto-Jew Saudi family etc. That a chunk of Iraq is payoff to Saudis, what for, taking the 9-11 fall for Israel?
And all the decaying flesh stinking lies from the Zionist sup press. 1350 martyrs — when will the Lord judge?
You can be able to READ here a submissive, “humble” mason JEW Moses Seixas, asking for TOLERANCE to GEORGE WASHINGTON.
Today JEWS trait with BIGOTRY against ALL Americans.
That’s why we need today a ZIONIST CONTROL ACT in America, to totally separate any JEWS from the State and to declare any kind of Zionism manifestation illegal.
This “National Leadership Assembly” is nothing else than a desperate attempt of damage control which I call “confirmation” of Protocols of Zion….(Thanks Brother Nathanael to point to this letter).
You can be sure that soon the sword of justice will strike the warmongers, perverts, greedy, unwilling with a deadly blow.
And it is to the people with belief and justice in their heart to STOP (or at least trying to prevent) this death culture which plagued the Western people since they came from Egypt.
As God will spew those who are lukewarm. As “WE” have responsibility for the souls and world to show God’s way. And special in a extremely violent culture as America.
Because the children of Satan are not only the Jews.
AIPAC Summit in Dallas, Texas, November 2 & 3, 2014.
Any guesses as to how this will unfold? It may get to where they have to cancel this summit.
Satanyahoo is making himself a marked man, he will not be able to visit Europe and many places in the US without intense security providing a “human shield.” Everything is on the edge of blowback and the “Chosenites” just can’t see it coming.
Should God Almighty send a natural disaster or series of disasters to Dallas (tornadoes, earthquake, massive lightning strikes) somebody may get a clue as to His wrath against Israhell.
I think that all true Christians should be fasting and praying that God’s judgment would fall on the United States, Israel, and Britain.
If there ever was a true “Axis of Evil,” it is surely these 3 nations.
Their day has came before and it will likely come again:
“And he called to the man clothed with linen, which [had] the writer’s inkhorn by his side; And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.
“And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay utterly old [and] young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom [is] the mark; and begin at my sanctuary.
“Then they began at the ancient men which [were] before the house. And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain: go ye forth.”
And they went forth, and slew in the city. And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and cried, and said, Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem?
Then said He unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah [is] exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, and the LORD seeth not.
“And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, [but] I will recompense their way upon their head.” — Ezekiel 9:3b-10.
(Moshe: ‘Are you scared of the following article?’)
Natan Sharansky Exclusive: ‘European idea will die here and survive in Israel’
By Natan Sharansky, July 24, 2014
Follow The JC on Twitter
I believe we are seeing the beginning of the end of Jewish history in Europe.
What makes the situation in Europe unique in history is the fact that Europe has become very intolerant of identities in a multicultural and post-nationalist environment.
This new antisemitism is very connected to Israel — demonisation, delegitimisation and double-standards — and is now so deep in the core of European political and intellectual leaders that practically every Jew is being asked to choose between being loyal to Israel and loyal to Europe.
That insecurity is due to Muslim immigration and the rise of the classical right, which sees the Jews as the “other”.
The liberal, intellectual Europe where Jews historically felt so comfortable is now asking them to choose between Israel and “us”.
These three factors are bringing us to the situation where unprecedented numbers of Jews in the free world are moving to Israel. This year, one per cent of the French Jewish community will make aliyah.
I see this as a historical moment — as the beginning of the process of distancing Jews from Europe.
Europe is abandoning its identities, with the multicultural idea that there will be no such things as nation-states or religion. In post-identity Europe, there is less and less space for Jews for whom it is important to have both identity and freedom. In Europe, it is becoming more difficult to have both.
What is happening in France seems like a local phenomenon but it’s not. In France, the feeling of insecurity because of Muslim immigration, the feeling of insecurity because of the rise of classical right-wing antisemitism, and the feeling of insecurity because intellectuals in France are becoming more anti-Israel — these factors are meeting in the most powerful way.
Aliyah from France has been rising for a number of years. Two years ago, our annual aliyah fair, which normally attracts around 500 people, was held on election day. People went to vote and then came to the fair — 5,000 attended.
The factors that contributed to this change haven’t just arisen over the past year. There has been a growing feeling of insecurity which starts to feel permanent.
After the terrible incident in Toulouse (in 2012, when a gunman killed four at a Jewish school) for instance, we received appeals from the local community to help with security and we set up a special fund.
But this isn’t about just one incident. For more than 12 years, rabbis and teachers in French schools have told Jewish children not to go out in the street wearing a kippah.
That’s something that even Moscow and Kiev rabbis don’t say to children. The fact that this started in 2003 and 2004, during the Second Intifada, made people think it would be temporary. But it hasn’t changed and it’s not going to.
This feeling that insecurity is now something permanent is pushing French Jews out of France (although there is also the economic factor, which is putting pressure on all young French people, not just on Jews).
The French government does the maximum possible to protect the security of its citizens, and specifically the Jewish community.
In the past, when I was in the Israeli government and was warned that violent antisemitism was being transmitted by Hamas using French satellites, the French president was so shocked that he went to the French courts and they prohibited the broadcasts.
This helps to prevent one terrorist attack or another, but what’s happening in Europe goes much deeper than this.
I recently met French intellectual Alain Finkielkraut, and asked him whether there was a future for Jews in Europe. His pessimism ran much deeper than mine. He questioned whether there was a future even for ‘Europe’ in Europe — for those European values of freedom and identity in this multi-cultural, post-identity world.
Europe is abandoning its basic values of respecting identities while at the same time guaranteeing full freedom for its citizens.
On the one hand, Europe opens its gates to immigration, to people who are not asked to share its values of freedom and tolerance.
And on the other hand Europeans are rushing back towards the right-wing parties who are hostile to “the other”.
Then there is the intellectual atmosphere which asks Jews to choose between their loyalty to Israel and their loyalty to Europe.
All this creates an impossible situation for Jews. This feeling of non-belonging and disengagement is much stronger than the feeling of aliyah.
It is not our problem, frankly, but a problem for Europe and those interested in European civilisation and ensuring that European values remain. They have to question why this is happening — that so many Jews feel uncomfortable in Europe.
That more and more people are deciding to go to Israel is no doubt related to the longstanding policy of connecting every young Jew to Israel with different programmes.
Every year, we at the Jewish Agency bring in dozens of new programmes to encourage that connection. So when people decide that now is the time to leave, they already have it in mind that Israel is part of their family.
We have had to change our approach to ensure all our work is about strengthening Jewish identity and the connection to history, tradition, community and the state of Israel.
It’s all one process. If you want to have more aliyah, you must have more Jews. Where there is the choice of aliyah, people must make the free choice to be Jewish, to be connected to their community.
We cannot decide on people’s behalf where the process of strengthening their identity will stop. Some will make aliyah, some will stay in their communities, some will support Israel, some will make sure their children are bought up Jewish. It’s all part of one process. France is a good example of this process.
There has also been an increase in aliyah from certain parts of Ukraine. It’s not happening because of antisemitism or because of the Ukrainian government.
There is no antisemitic policy and the government tries to be as co-operative with the Jewish community as possible. But there is suddenly a vacuum of power in the east of Ukraine, where thousands of Jews still live, and a lot of violence, which is not connected to the Jews but during which personal prejudices come to the surface.
We had in these places a hardcore of people who do not want to go to Israel — 80 per cent of the Jews of the former Soviet Union had already left — one million to Israel, one million to the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany and so on, and the ones who stayed are the ones who had a real attachment to their homes.
But this hardcore suddenly feels very insecure because of the violence, because of the absence of power, because of prejudice — there are people who think Jews are agents of Moscow and those who think Jews are agents of America.
There is potential danger and the immediate response was that maybe it’s time to leave.
I was there when Birthright (the group that organises educational trips to Israel for young adults) was born and was its biggest supporter in the Israei government.
Apart from the ultra-Orthodox who will keep their identities, all other Jews who don’t have that connection to Israel will assimilate. If you want your grandchildren to be Jewish, you have to have some form of connection to Israel.
That doesn’t mean Israel doesn’t have to make efforts when it comes to religious pluralism — Israel should work to be more open to all types of Jews — but it isn’t that case that Israel is imposing anything on world Jewry.
It was world Jewry which discovered that it needed Israel to take care of its Jewish identity. At the same time, Israel discovered that it was very important for world Jewry to be supportive of Israel. World Jewry depends on the state of Israel for its survival and Israel depends on world Jewry for mobilising support in the struggle against delegitimisation. It’s mutual dependency.
Europe was built on the idea of nation-states, freedom and equality. After the Second World War, Europe decided that nation-states were the problem because they brought the continent two wars.
An exodus of Jews from Europe would be the first visible sign of the deep changes now happening.
It is a matter of concern for me as someone who appreciates European civilisation -— but it is not my business as the chairman of the Jewish Agency.
It’s definitely the business of the leaders of Europe, who have to think how they came to the point where Europe was once willing to give away millions of its citizens — its Jews — and now when the remnants of these Jews are willing to give away Europe.
Maybe they feel they can have more Europe in Israel, because it is Israel which is fighting to be both Jewish and democratic.
Israel is the place that is fighting for European values. Europe will die here and survive in Israel.
This is taken from an extended interview with Natan Sharansky by Liam Hoare
Last updated: 1:03pm, July 24 2014
46% of Congress hold dual nationalities. The second? Israeli.
All dual nationals must be removed from our Congress. They are there only to serve the House of Rothschild tax haven investment complex called Israel, a constant direct violation of their sworn oath to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.
This means the House of Rothschilds investment complex called Israel directly controls and orders 46% of our Congress with no required bribes or blackmail. They already work for the House of Rothschild.
This is illegal, treasonous and barbaric forced debt extortion of the USA through the US military as a tool of investment — the US taxpayer bearing the entire burden. The remaining 54% are manipulated through bribery/lobbying, blackmail and threats.
I haven’t considered myself an American for decades now.
I haven’t been represented in decades, and I don’t support apartheid Israel, and psychotic murderers like Nitwityahoo.
I don’t support the police state in Amerika and the spy grid set up by two Israeli companies.
I denounce all the whores in Congress and pray for Almighty God to crush the terrorists in Congress.
I pray for the Palestinian people and that God will quickly judge all demented sick Americans who think its ok Israel is murdering little children. I do NOT stand with the psychotic murdering whores in the US Congress.
I stand for justice, not the injustice, America now represents.
I look around at people going about their lives and I wonder why I can’t do the same, knowing that so many innocent people are being slaughtered by Israel and the United States and by extension, us, saying and doing nothing about it.
My friend thinks more about his cat than children with their brains blow out of their heads and keeps repeating the words “Israel has a right to defend itself”.
It’s all I can do not to vomit right into his stupid, brainwashed face.
My heart breaks for the Palestinians and their tears of grief for their losses. It’s unbearable to watch.
What a hold these monsters have on Western society, beyond despicable. The world sees it yet our news media, controlled by these demons, will not show this misery. It’s easy to see why.
I cannot be silent and complicit to this slaughter. My friend no longer opens his mouth about the glory of Israel. If he did, we would no longer be friends.
Yes, I would throw away a 20 year friendship, over Gaza.
********Please pray for Peace, Palestinians and Israelis******
Holy Paul says: “For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. ”
The ministry of Brother Nathanael is clearly exposing the injustice so that everybody can see it.
If you are a Christian, please help Brother Nathanael and remember the words of James the half-brother of Lord Jesus saying:
“If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be [ye] warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what [doth] [it] profit? 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” (James 2:15-17
There are very evil powers at work who cause shedding of hundreds liters of blood as sacrifice to Satan. As Christians, our task is to pray for the abolishment of these demonic bastions that are causing so much horror and distress, for the Bible says: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16)
And in addition to this, Holy Apostle Paul says: “For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds…. ” (2 Cor. 10:4).
Satan, the prince of the powers of the air and the god of this world has blinded the Jews making them believe in a false god. Holy Apostle Paul says:
“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Cor. 4:4)
For this reason, I believe it is our task to pray for heavenly intervention.
Holy Heavenly Father, God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I come to you in the name of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ, my Lord, Redeemer and God.
I bow down before you in love and worship and I am grateful that you sacrificed Your beloved Son Jesus Christ on the Cross of Golgotha to save me from the claws of Satan and give me eternal life through Him.
Father YAHWEH, I believe you are omnipotent God, you are everywhere, you see everything and you are in control of everything. There is no god equal to you, there was never a god equal to you and there will never be a god equally to you. You are the only Supreme God in the heaven and on the earth.
Holy Heavenly Father I want to bring the situation in the Middle East under your attention and ask you in Jesus name please intervene to stop the horrors and bloodshed. Please bind the demonic powers that are behind the bloodshed, persecutions and unimaginable distress and pull down the demonic bastions.
Please Holy Father, send legions of your warrior angels with flaming swords in their hands to fight and remove the evil powers responsible for the daily bloodshed.
In Jesus name I ask you to remove the blindness from the eyes of Jews so that they may see the Glory of your beloved Son Jesus and accept Him as their Lord, God and Savior so that: 1) Bloodshed and hatred can be changed into love and goodness and 2) Quarrel and hostility can be changed into peace and brotherhood.
Holy Father in the heaven I also want to pray for the indigenous Christians suffering in Iraq and Syria.
Please comfort them and strengthen them spiritually in these very difficult times. Provide them with the power of your Spirit so that they do not lose their faith and get confused amid chaos and unbearable painfulness, but no matter the circumstances they unconditionally may trust their lives to your beloved Son Jesus Christ.
Please also Heavenly Father, help your servant Nathaneal Kapner with his ministry so that it can continue to preach the truth. Please strengthen Brother Nathaneal spiritually, financially and psychically.
I thank you for this prayer and bow down before you in worship and gratefulness,
In Jesus name, Amen.
I knew the Jews would sabotage the 72-hour cease fire.
I think it lasted maybe 8 hours.
The IDF to stay on their side of the border destroying tunnels on Israel’s territory. Instead, we read that the Jews have crossed the border into southern Gaza Strip and got caught in a firefight, resulting in 2 IOF dead, and allegedly one soldier missing.
Shortly after that, Israel starts shelling again.
The White House, of course, blamed Hamas for the ceasefire’s breakdown, describing the militant group’s attack on the Israeli soldiers as “barbaric.”
Yes indeedy, black is white and up is down because the White House says so.
If Hamas is on its side of the border in the Gaza Strip, and the IOF crosses into Palestinian territory in breach of the cease fire and fires on Hamas, then Hamas is defending, not attacking, and the Jews were the aggressors.
“They murdered God on the Cross and now they’re murdering America!”
They murdered the Russia and Germany in the 20th Century and they want to murder post Soviet Russia with bloody Jewish psychopathy.
Murder and lying is their game and die Juden is their name.
The works of their father Satan they do with glee. — John 8:44.
Eternal damnation and the torment of Hellfire will be their permanent “Homeland.”
Form follows function — Jew bought American society and government=death, destruction, lies, world wide.
It’s a real a shame, that my ancestors toiled to build this former great nation, and to see now the b#tch of of Talmud bank buddies is beyond disturbing.
I’m preaching to the choir, but when will people really revolt on a large scale against them?
Will we remain cattle or shall we stampede? For me stampeding is better than being livestock.
The death toll in Gaza has topped 1,400 (70-80% civilians), with more than 40 people dying after another day of intense Israeli bombardment from air, sea and land.
The toll is now greater than in both previous rounds of fighting between Israel and Hamas. Israeli military losses are also significantly higher in the double digits.
Palestinian officials in Gaza said on Thursday that 8,200 people had been wounded in the four-week operation. Up to 80% of the Palestinian casualties were civilians, according to local non-government organisations and the UN.
Three civilians on the Israeli side and 56 soldiers have been killed so far.
Poor terrified Jewish girl in rich kibbutz near Gaza. She will make your stomach turn.
In the background, you can hear aircraft and occassional sounds of explosions from Gaza.
Boo hoo hoo!
Dana defends the IOF as being “the most humane army in the world.” “They never hurt anyone who is innocent.” “She cries for the innocent people who are not Hamas.”
She can live with the Qassam rockets, but over in her favorite picnic area, they found a tunnel, where the IDF supposedly killed 9 or 10 Palestinian fighters.
Sheesh, Dana, you nauseating self-absorbed Jewish twit. What you’re going through with unguided, wildly inaccurate, handmade rockets with small warheads is only a small fraction of what Palestinians have been suffering for the past 60+ years because of Jews.
The Palestinians are routinely getting targeted, pounded, blasted, burned and crushed with high tech precision and guided thousand pound missiles with several hundred pounds of explosives in the war heads, along with constant ground bombardments and light arms fire.
Only the Gazans have no safe rooms, no Iron Dome alarms, and nowhere to go. Up to a quarter of Gazans have been displaced because of the fighting.
Stop occupying the state of Palestine, give back what you and your people have stolen with your kibbutzes.
Meanwhile Gazan children are being bombed to pieces by your evil tribe. You’re shedding tears because you only have 15 seconds to evacuate to a safe room?
Oh, the Horror, the Horror! Absolutely no comparison to how “the most moral army in the world” lightly taps Gaza.
Under Rocket Fire, Israelis Flee Wedding in Holon.
In a video of the incident posted to Facebook, the bride and groom are shown standing under the marriage canopy, when warning sirens go off. Guests freeze momentarily, and then pick up their children and run, as explosions are heard and rockets and Iron Dome interceptors fly overhead.
There is absolutely no comparison with Jewish suffering. Just ask the Jews.
To me Hamas are the real soldiers — they go into battle out-numbered, out-gunned and facing near certain death.
By contrast the I.D.F. employs heavy artillery, F-16 fighter bombers, tanks and infantry against terrified civilians — the mark of a true coward.
Just as well these I.D.F. cowards don’t have to face a modern conventional force — they would be licked.
The Donbass people of Novorossia are the Palestinians of Ukraine.
Their blood is on our hands, too.
The extinction of the Donbass people the foremost on the Ukraine Banderite mind as essential for the purity of their nation.
Ukrainian Journalist Openly Calls for Genocide on Hromadske TV, Financed by US, Netherlands and George Soros
From Slavyangrad.org
Posted by Gleb Bazov – August 1, 2014
Preamble: Hromadske TV is now officially the Ukrainian version of Rwandan RTLM.
Just like RTLM called for the extermination of the Tutsi, calling them Inyenzi, or cockroaches, so now Hromadske TV is legitimizing the genocide of the population of Novorossiya.
From Inyenzi to Colorados, we have come full circle. Hromadske TV, this mouthpiece of Ukrainian genocide, is financed directly by US and Dutch embassies.
The blood of the population of Novorossiya is on all our hands – we have allowed this to happen. Please circulate this as widely as you can and stand witness to this Holocaust.
Bogdan Boutkevitch: “You need to kill 1.5 million people in Donbass”
Hromadske TV is Financed Directly by US and Dutch Embassies
Link at Slavyangrad.org to the Hromadske TV Annual Financial Report, 2013 – the US and Dutch embassies and George Soros (International Renaissance Fund) implicated
Bogdan Boutkevitch: It’s perfectly simple. 1.5 million people living in Donbas have to be killed.
Bogdan Boutkevitch: Ok, you ask me “How can this be happening?” Well, it happens because Donbass, in general, is not simply a region in a very depressed condition, it has got a whole number of problems, the biggest of which is that it is severely overpopulated with people nobody has any use for.
Trust me I know perfectly well what I am saying.
If we take, for example, just the Donetsk oblast, there are approximately 4 million inhabitants, at least 1.5 million of which are superfluous.
That’s what I mean: we don’t need to [try to] “understand” Donbass, we need to understand Ukrainian national interests.
Donbass must be exploited as a resource, which it is. I don’t claim to have a quick solution recipe, but the most important thing that must be done – no matter how cruel it may sound – is that there is a certain category of people that must be exterminated.
Talk about grace and composure under terrible pressure.
A Message from a Young Girl in Gaza, Palestine to Israel and the World:
“Hello. My name is M__?__. I’m 10 years old.
I’m Palestinian. I live in Gaza.
I want to tell you that I am still alive.
And I’m not terrorist, so don’t kill me.
Give me the chance to stay alive.
Again, we have to sit and watch as the Jew and his minions do their killing.
All of us write great things here and other sites all over, condemning the Israeli Jew agenda on Palestine/Gaza/and all its other entities of financial crimes.
Yet, we do nothing!! Some very weak ideas come forth, and there are those who say the Jew Agenda, i.e. Zionism, is dying.
There’s something wrong with this picture. Where is Hezbollah and other so-called “terrorists” that we are told are anti-Israel, i.e. “ISIL”, etc.
All talk and no action!
As I read that the first bodybags are send back to America, it is to hope that “WE” have a long hot summer.
Just as with everything before, it’s the same old story again. You won’t listen nor give in so you must go the way it is.
That is not by coincidence the same way the zionist Jews who are trying to get their “homeland” back. Not only this is willing by the nation of Satan but also by the people of Satan who will get the highest prize at the end.
As Jesus said, Go away from Me. I don’t know you.
“In times like this, people try to isolate Israel. But we are here to stand with Israel. Israel’s enemies are our enemies.” – John Boehner
How do you say “ass-sucker” in Hebrew?
Anyway, we’re our own enemy! Israel considers everyone else their enemy.
Remember the USS Liberty!
I’m angry…
Last night I saw on Fox News New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte say we need to openly weaponize Ukraine because of the Russian shoot down of flight MH-17.
Today on CNN former Gen. Wesley Clark, when asked if he knew Russia was behind the downing of the plane, stated that he knows Russia is behind the attack.
AS BN would say, any 5th grader would ask the question “What proof do you have?” Too bad journalists only made it to 4th grade.
Also today CNN used the banner about the Gaza War — a total misrepresentation of the word “War.” War is between two nations. CNN calling it a war is to try to make the sides equal.
Just like the “War on terrorism” should be termed “The never ending battle against terrorism,” not “War.”
I realize I’m not telling people anything new, but when you’ve had enough you have to open your mouth.
This buffoon must have spent too much time on the Hilton Beach in Tel Aviv drinking khat with the other boys, and didn’t have time to work out…
Ridiculous Israeli Army Video In Gaza-Palestine
A lot of people watched the lame stream news for so long that it becomes second nature to them, they have to unlearn this habit.
Even in England, the people I spoke to think I am nuts for saying this. Why is Bibi nutheadyahoo running this train wreck?
Don’t they have a president to moderate this bozo in Israrahell?
Tomorrow (Aug. 2) a massive rally is scheduled to take place a 1 PM across the street from the Tarnished House in Washington, DC aka District of Criminals.
I plan to attend this rally so I can add my voice in person; since, I’ve been adding it in comments on sites such as this for quite some time. This rally is sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition, as well as a number of Islamic organizations.
We don’t expect any Congress critter to attend, much less, give a speech condemning the Zionist Entity; as, we don’t have a George Galloway in Capitol Hill.
Br. Nathanael, I wish you were in this area; but, at the same time, I know you’d be safer where you are right now.
There most likely will be pro-Israhell counter-protesters at the rally site to try to disrupt our rally, but we’ll stand our ground; the Park Police gave the ANSWER Coalition a permit to hold this rally; and, now, its up to those planning to attend to arrive in huge numbers in order to arouse attention and wake up the sheeple.
As always, Br. Nathanael, your Articles are pure, priceless gems; and this latest one is no exception; in fact, it tops the charts.
As I’ve promised, my donation is coming your way.
There have already been anti-Israhell rallies in a number of US cities since the Zionist Entity launched its aggression against the people of Gaza on 8 July, 2014; and, there’ll be more to follow.
As usual, the Zio-Jewish MSM will downplay tomorrow’s rally; as, it has always done to such rallies in the past.
I only wish that the plight of civilians in the Donbass region of Ukraine were also added to the rally; as, they’re targets of the same evil forces as civilians in Gaza. Both need attention and moral support.
The civilians of Novorossiya are mostly Orthodox Christians, whom the Jews hate with a passion.
A famous German slogan goes as such: Wir schweigen nicht; which, translated into English, means: We will not be silent.
May our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, continue to bless you as you travel on your “Street Evangelism” mission and inform your readers through your blogs and videos.
They are removing the Facebook posts about this tragedy as fast as we are putting them up.
The censors are filtering out anything on the subject. This is the biggest display of Jew communism I have ever seen.
We will now add this to the list of things that must be cleansed.
Meanwhile : hundreds of pages pro IDF are littering the FB landscape.
The US supports the Israelis is whatever they do because our Christian ministers/priests have told their congregation, in a pretty non stop manner, that Jews are God’s chosen people.
Was raised Catholic, and the priest would always kiss Jew butt at Mass. Never was it mentioned who the children of the Devil were, or that Jesus beat the crap out of a bunch of Jew banksters (loan sharks), and basically that Jesus was painted as a lame ass pacifist, almost like an androgynous fairy boy with magical powers.
First of all, professional carpenters, who travel quite long distances by foot in the hot Middle Eastern desert, are probably chiseled bad asses, that could bludgeon with his fists and feet the Hell out of a group of gangsters (like Jesus did), but those priests always babbled about what a non violent sissy he was.
What about his speech about pitting brother against brother, was that wussy talk? For me, being a Christian is not about being peaceful at all, but bringing war upon those who violate the Two Laws of Christ.
If Jesus were alive today, he would enter a Christian Church in the US, and start going berserk.
If he saw so called US Christians supporting the self chosen vampires, he would probably immediately ask his Father in heaven to burn US down. Maybe what is going down now in Israel and the Ukraine is the path to this end.
Here are the brave Jew IOF for the world to see:
Even after seven years of starvation induced blockade on Gaza, the Jews had to bomb round the clock for a month, use drone warfare, then come in with tanks, mortars, body armor, grenades, and machine guns, because the Palestinians might have stones!
Somehow they keep saying it is a war, but I have not seen any babies throwing stones, or launching missiles, have you?
And if the “Hamas rockets” are so dangerous, then why are Israelis getting as close to them as they can to cheer the slaughter, while they eat and drink and bring their children to watch?
Here is the girl from Gaza.
Since this was posted on July 19, I do not know if she is still alive.
The numbers quoted are all wrong, not only because they do not count how many died days later of their wounds, but because thousands are buried under rubble and cannot be recovered while bombs are falling.
The real number must be powers of ten higher! In any case, it is tragic if there is only one person killed in their home, whether it is a baby in it’s crib (as in Florida by cops) or by the IOF anywhere — because they have no business being in Palestine whatsoever.
I admit to being paralyzed with grief.
Praying, praying, praying and observing the Dormition fast does not keep me from crying. Keeping current, though it is painful, is nothing compared to the suffering of those who are living the evil of Jew oppression. It is a moral obligation to be a witness at least.
It is as if no one remembers the Jew slaughters of the twentieth century.
Here is a list of some of the protests going on for Saturday:
“Christian Americans:
American-Ukrainian Nazi’s Torture and Murder Orthodox Priests and Believers in Ukraine.” — @WorldWarNoMore
Letter of Metropolitan Onufriya To Poroshenko Against The “Forces of ATO” [Violation of Rights of] Orthodox priests and believers | Russian Spring
[Auto-translated, but you’ll get the idea. Metropolitan Onufriya is acting head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate]
“I have to establish a violation of the rights and freedoms of believers and interference in the parishes of the Donetsk Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on the part of the military contingent, situated in the east of Ukraine,” – said in the Metropolitan’s appeal to the president Petro Poroshenko, the text of which the press service of the UOC:
“To me, as a locum tenens of the Kiev metropolitan department, addressed managing Donetsk Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion of Donetsk and Mariupol reports of human rights and freedoms of believers and interference in the parishes of the Donetsk Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
July 13, 2014 in Donetsk region Krasnoarmiysk in St. Michael’s church during the Divine Liturgy stopped by unknown armed persons in the form of khaki and their actions prevented the implementation of the service. Parishioners asked them to leave the church.
These unknown persons in the temple started asking parishioners pay the temple tax than in the temple there is a guard at the end of the conversation and promised to come back again.
On the same day, after the Liturgy of the Holy Michael Church Krasnoarmeisk Archpriest Alexander Kondratuk orally addressed to the chief Krasnoarmeiskii GO GUMVD in Donetsk region V. Fields for help in establishing the identity of the armed men that were in the temple. Priest assured help.
Archpriest Alexander evening called Head of the SBU Chervonoarmijska VV Galuzinets and asked for a personal meeting.
During the meeting, VV Galuzinets said that he was approached by the commander of the battalion ATO information department “Donbass” Kishkar Paul and said that he intends to come to the territory of St. Michael Church Krasnoarmeisk with people in masks and there to hold a conversation with the Rector Archpriest Alexander Kondratyuk, or even steal it.
At the request of the chief of the SBU, the Red Army, they agreed to resolve all issues in a personal meeting with the priest, which was held on 14 July this year in the city police department, the Red Army.
Paul said at a meeting with Kishkar arrived by unknown gunmen, one of whom was wearing a mask. Priest, questions were raised concerning the internal activities of the parish, namely how church funds are distributed than the temple is security and many other issues.
In addition, the address of the Church and the priests sounded groundless accusations.
At the end of the so-called conversation P. Kishkar noticed that he was the commander of the information department “ATO” battalion “Donbass”, has every right to go to any place, institutions and organizations and do whatever is necessary for the good of Ukraine.
Another unfortunate incident occurred July 30, 2014 in the village Krasnoarmeyskoe Novoazovskiy Donetsk region.
The house Archpriest Igor Sergienko, rector of St. Alexander Nevsky church, a car drove up with the inscription “Dnepr”, from which came a group of unidentified armed men, and also in the form of protective coloration.
Archpriest Igor in the priestly robe (cassock and cross) went to meet them. In his address he heard insults neglect to priestly rank, the question how much money he sends to Moscow and charged with aiding the bandits.
After which the same person spent ransacked the house and forced the priest to incriminate himself participating in an underground organization, and threatened to take out there, “where he confessed everything.”
Demanded that Archpriest Igor Sergienko within two days has left the territory of Ukraine and brought to the village council founding documents on St. Alexander Nevsky church donation contract with all church property and promised to return in two days.
A similar situation also occurred July 30, 2014 with Dean Amvrosievskaya District Archpriest Eugene Podgorny at the checkpoint, located at the crossroads of Amvrosievka-Beneficial-Springs Amvrosievskaya Donetsk region.
When viewed from the car Archpriest Eugene Podgorny, the priest began to [be] abused [with] abusive and obscene words and arbitrarily accused of financing “Donetsk People’s Republic”, the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and “priests-Muscovites” is the informant and spotter enemy military action.
When in the car, which when viewed from intentionally damaged, nothing was found, Archpriest Eugene Podgorny [was taken] over [to] the checkpoint, tied his hands and thrown to the ground.
[They] Began to hit with a rifle butt to the chest and back, struck his head kicked in, forcing to admit that he is an enemy spotter fire and other baseless accusations.
Cleric [was] humiliated and forced to remove priestly cross on that received a negative answer. After that, with appropriate and associated force priest tore cross shot in the head and continued to mock and to exercise psychological pressure.
Then the priest went by car to his home in the village. Springs. By putting him on the head with a bag, in a hole in the house had a ransacked than frightened wife and children, and 16-year-old son was accused of aiding and threatened to kill the bandits.
During the search took personal awards, church money in the amount of more than three thousand hryvnia and the car.
Through the intervention of parishioners and clergy Archpriest Eugene released.
According to the priest, he daily crossed this checkpoint, visiting parishes entrusted to him, as well as the constant change in the positions of the soldiers knew that he is a priest and asked crosses and icons.
To date, according to the priest, there is a real threat of violence on him and his family.
Given the above, is forced to establish a violation of the rights and freedoms of believers and interference in the parishes of the Donetsk Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the military contingent, located in eastern Ukraine.
It is important to ask you, Mr. President, to personally intervene in the situation and do everything possible to ensure that such actions by the security forces will not be repeated.”
Merciless Israeli mobs are hunting Palestinians
All eyes are on Gaza, where the death toll from Israel’s merciless bombing campaign has topped 1,700.
But back in Jerusalem, where sixteen-year-old Muhammad Abu Khudair was burned alive by Jewish vigilantes in a “revenge killing” incited by Israeli politicians early this month, right-wing lynch mobs continue to roam the streets in search of Arabs to attack.
Their most recent victims are twenty-year-old Palestinians Amir Shwiki and Samer Mahfouz from the Beit Hannina neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem. The pair were severely beaten into unconsciousness on Friday night by Israeli youths armed with iron bars and baseball bats…
Have mentioned this before, and it clearly did not sink in, but the self chosen vampires (scv) have a group mind or Egrigor called Lucifer.
This is why 2% of the population can easily control the rest, because of coherence. A laser is so effective because it has phase coherence in most all of its electromagnetic energy bundles (photons are not points), instead of having various bundles working against others.
The best way to beat the scv is to develop a coherent mind willing to confront them head on. Catholic Mass was meant to do that, but that defense was subverted, as the Christian Church was infiltrated by communists over fifty years ago.
This explains how they can “accept” behavior that is repeatedly rebuked in the Holy Bible, because God less commies have no conscience and are capable of performing any evil act imaginable (have witnessed this many times).
One technique is to set aside fifteen minute periods at several convenient times a week to silently have the followers of this website invoke a “posted” prayer requesting the Infinite Creator to manifest a particularly physical reality, like the eradication of all scv power.
This will never happen, because only the scv understand this power of Magic anymore. It is this power that the Christian Putin understands and is using to fight the scv with.
The Jews sank this video from view as it gained traction on various Palestinian and sympathetic sites by marking it private on YouTube.
It was reuploaded on July 31 by another channel. Link below.
Video: Israelis in Tel Aviv chanting, “There’s no school tomorrow, there’s no children left in Gaza! Oleh!”
29th July 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Tel Aviv, Occupied Palestine
Israelis in Tel Aviv, on 26.7.2014, the 19th day of Israel’s massacres in Gaza, cheer the genocide on: “There’s no school tomorrow, there’s no children left there [in Gaza]! Oleh!”
At 1:47 onward IDF soldiers are seen dancing, cheering and shouting around the set up granates [grenades?] to be launched on Gaza.
Hate-messages are applied to the bombs.
It’s been reuploaded here:
From International Middle East Media Center:
The words of the song have been translated for The Electronic Intifada by Dena Shunra:
Tibi – Ahmed Tibi
I wanted you to know
The next kid to be hurt will be your kid
I hate Tibi
I hate Tibi the terrorist.
Tibi – is dead!
Tibi – is dead!
Tibi – is dead!
Tibi is a terrorist.
Tibi is a terrorist.
Tibi is a terrorist.
They’ll take their papers away.
They’ll take their papers away.
They’ll take their papers away.
Olé, olé, olé-olé-olé
In Gaza there’s no studying
No children are left there,
Olé, olé, olé-olé-olé,
[Three lines, not entirely clear]
Who is getting nervous, I hear?
Zoabi, this here is the Land of Israel
This here is the Land of Israel, Zoabi
This here is the Land of the Jews
I hate you, I do, Zoabi
I hate all the Arabs.
Gaza is a graveyard
Gaza is a graveyard
Gaza is a graveyard
Gaza is a graveyard
This is not a time to lose one’s faith in Almighty God, for surely He sees the suffering inflicted on His children by the godless House of Israel.
In many ways, He is crushing their Evil Empire:
– by uprooting their paper money systems and financial gambling houses;
– by exposing their systemic abuse of children imbedded in their governments and judicial chambers;
– by illuminating their dark intentions to enslave the pious via corporate control of food, water and medicine;
– and most glaringly, he has stripped the cosmetic veneer of feigned humanity from the face of the Israelites by forcing them to openly declare their hatred of His children in Palestine.
Now the whole world can plainly see the Beast in all its horrific appearance.
A demon cannot conceal himself in the presence of God, the Father.
We tremble, Oh God, at the wrath that has been incurred by the most unfortunate followers of the archangel Lucifer. We ask that Your planet Earth be spared any more tribulation at their unclean hands.
We ask that we may become purified to assist You, Oh Lord, in any manner that You see fit to return your planet Earth to the hands of the faithful. Amen.
That is a pretty prayer.
They really think genocide of non-Jews is okay. Here is a recent article which was taken down faster than than I could get hold of it, but someone else got a screen shot:
And here is their sadism out in force. They are sweeping into Gaza to torture, murder, or take prisoner everyone they can:
John Snow is so calm–I don’t know how–, but he makes his point:
Don’t get too excited. Just a little infighting.
As soon as everyone on Capitol Hill figures out how many barrels they need for the pork, and how to rework it with cutting different deals, and then with a push from AIPAC, they will spew up “emergency aid” for Israhell.
As if the DOD opening up the US reserve ammo stash in Israhell wasn’t enough.
Senate blocks aid to Israel
In the end, the Senate couldn’t even agree to deliver emergency aid to one of the United States’ closest allies.
A last-ditch effort to deliver aid to Israel during its war with Hamas died on the Senate floor, as Republicans blocked the proposal over concerns that it would increase the debt.
After Senate Republicans blocked Democrats’ $2.7 billion border aid package, which also included $225 million for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system and $615 million to fight Western wildfires, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried to split off the Israel and wildfire money as a standalone bill, hoping to put aside the dispute over border funding and appeal to Republicans’ deep ties to Israel.
“We’ve all watched as the tiny state of Israel, who is with us on everything, they have had in the last three weeks 3,000 rockets filed into their country,” Reid said.
“Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel asked for $225 million in emergency funding so that Israel’s arsenal as it relates to the Iron Dome could be replenished. It’s clear that is an emergency, and we should be able to agree on that.”
It didn’t work.
Even though GOP leaders had vowed to pass an Israel aid bill in recent days, Republicans rejected Reid’s request. First Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) objected to Reid’s request for a straight emergency cash infusion for firefighting and Israel.
Then Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) offered an alternative that would deliver money to Israel and the West and offer commensurate spending cuts to international organizations like the United Nations; Reid blocked that.
“Our number one ally — at least in my mind — is under attack. If this isn’t an emergency I don’t know anything that is,” Reid said.
“I want to fund Israel,” replied Coburn. “I also want to make sure our children have a future.”
The stumble on delivering $225 million for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, which is used to shoot down rockets aimed at Israel, infuriated GOP hawks who’d been pushing Reid to break the Israel funding from the border bill.
“It’s an important moment for the Senate and the House to show support for Israel. All I can say that if you don’t see the need to come to Israel’s aid now, and the message that it would send now, it would be a big mistake,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
“Any person who thinks that the Iron Dome is unnecessary needs to go to the floor and tell us why, why we don’t need to help Israel right now. They’re asking for our help, they’re our best friend in the region, one of our best friends in the world. “
Jewmerica supports the slaughter in Gaza, as +BN writes, and they also support the slaughter in Ukraine.
Does half the world have to be blown to bits before people wake up?
The Jews ruling Ukraine as usual:
The Jews power is so absolute, that it is beyond comprehension to most stupid people, who have been conditioned by them 24/7, cradle to grave, since the Jews victory over the AXIS in WW2.
They thought they had it in WW1, but Nationalist Japan and Germany took them on and lost, after being forced into WW2.
The Jew wins through the power of money, unity, and deception.The atheist Jew unites with the religious, and Capitalist with the Communist.
This is the JEW/LEFT Right Matrix. The Jew even has an extra defense line with Kosher approved ‘alternatives’, like the vile Alex Jones and insipid “Tea Party.”
The Republicans and Democrats all stop fighting to jump all over themselves in support of the Jews. Does this not say it all? But continue the fight.
The Jew hates and fears defiance. Fear not loosing friends or material goods. Be strong and SPEAK!
Only Jews are allowed to kill, wound, discriminate, bribe, steal, threaten, starve, enslave, exploit, and lie.
All morality and honor is above them as a “Chosen People.”
“A Jew will cry out in pain as he kills you.” — Polish Proverb.
The last Gentile to come into the Body of Christ is probably living in Palestine.
Thanks to the Zionist dirtbag Scofield Heresy Bible the Jooze got “chosen” and that helped them get Palestinians’ land which they stole.
Too bad they didn’t all go live Australia with No Neighbors to beat up and plunder, and plenty of poisonous bugs, and other critters.
God could send a few plagues of these to the false ones.
What a good human being you are.
l am Muslim. l watch your videos.
Thank very much, keep going.
Polls show a majority of Americans still tend to sympathize with Israel.
This is true for several reasons. Obviously the Jewish controlled media is a major reason as this site clearly points out.
However the latest round of attacks by Israel on Gaza have raised some eyebrows as the very high rate of casualties of Palestinians has been reported, but all blame is placed on Hamas and their “human shield,” among many falsehoods.
But another reason is the extent that Jewish figures and culture have had enjoyed such a prominent place here in the United States.
With the large number of actors, artists, film directors, etc., Americans have a great deal of exposure to Jewish figures in popular culture.
The same cannot be said of Arab culture, which has had a far less influence on American cultural life.
It’s a disgrace to hear many famous Jews like Joan Rivers and others, (who tend to be more of the assimilated-type of American Jews) recently speak out in total defense of Israel!
Aren’t these Jews in America missing a huge opportunity, given their millions of admirers, to influence public opinion and Washington in a positive way on the Israel/Palestine issue?!
It shows how a majority of American Jews still put their tribal loyalties above human rights… SHAME ON THEM ALL!
We must accept the fact, that amidst this Jewish onslaught in Gaza, the West will remain complicit in the total destruction of Gaza and eventually all the Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank.
American foreign policy is not actually run from DC but Tel-Aviv. Russia is being publicly berated for defending its strategic interests in Ukraine, where Putin is hardly doing enough to curtail NATO in Ukraine.
Americans are a lost cause, and frankly the United States in its current condition, politically, morally and socially is getting harder and harder to defend (I’m done defending this country).
Any US citizen with a conscious can no longer morally or principally defend the government or most of his fellow countrymen. Go to any comment thread where the Israeli-Gaza crisis is being discussed and you’ll see a torrent of Americans saying, “Israel we stand with you,” “Bibi is saving Israel and standing up to Obama” etc.
With people like these inside our body-politic, the healthy cells will start to seek refuge in other nations who still have some sense of identity.
I am completely embarrassed and ashamed to be an American, to live in a country that is at the complete mercy and whims of a foreign power, a people enamoured and slavishly committed to that power or simply, apathetic; in essence a conquered nation.
The US support of terrorists in Syria, Libya and Eqypt in addition to supporting Zionist Israel is a bridge too far.
The Citadel has been breached, the lunatics are running the asylum, seek refuge elsewhere.
Poor, poor Mr. Kerry. He has tried so very hard to bring a lasting cease fire to the Palestinian/Israel conflict and failed. He has tried so hard. He must be heartbroken.
Hey Jerk Phony! How about an instant stop to all military and non-military aid to Israel?! Has this option slipped your mind? How convenient!
Even if there is a legal obligation to continue aid to terrorist Israel, initiate a stop and let those damned Jews fight to get their undeserved aid back!
The Palestinians appear to be the most forgotten people on earth. These victims are now sleeping on the gravel ridden streets probably desperate for food and even water!
Parasite Israel bombs their only power plant. Evil Israel bombs Gaza’s desalination plant. They bomb their hospitals and shelters and schools.
And this pathetic mulatto who is supposed to be representing Americans, won’t even state Israel was responsible for shelling a school acting as a shelter killing seventeen Gazans. He won’t even say Israel did it! Now that is whipped!
And 535 Representatives remain silent and even pass resolutions unanimously supporting Israel in their murderous actions!
Americans aren’t talking about this injustice, but I am. I’ll talk about Jews and their destructive nature in public, and I do!
Brother Nathanael is right. U.S. political support for this genocide shows just how much trouble we are in.
Are these politicians so incredibly selfish and cowardly they won’t say anything about this ongoing genocide putting their careers ahead of criticizing mass murder, or is there more than meets the eye?
The size of the injustice of it all makes it surreal.
Jew in NYC being Jews:
Stop saying “America” as if it represents the people.
Say “American government” or “US government” instead, or perhaps “regime.”
I for one am proud to be an American.
The people backing these horrendous deeds may reside in America, but they are not Americans — I don’t know what creatures they are!
Some estimates (outside of JewSA) of deaths in Gaza number in the low 100,000s as of today, August 2, 2014. And they are all civilians (50% are children).
Gaza does not have an army. Gaza has no military. Anyone who is fighting is desperate to resist annihilation. They are trying to defend their families while imprisoned in an area 25 miles long by 7 miles wide, for over 66 years.
Has anyone ever seen a Palestinian uniform, body armor, tank, jets, drones, nukes, warships,guns, etc.? They have been infiltrated for years by Jews who “fire” into Isrealhell and miss their target.
They not only do not have an army, but the blockade has prevented basic medicine and supplies and adequate food from coming in for seven years. Even musical instruments, like guitars, violins, horns, and tambourines are prohibited, even for schools.
In Auschwitz there was an orchestra, theater group, soccer teams, etc.
Now they do not even have radio communication in Gaza, let alone TV.
The so-called Hamas leader is hiding out in Qatar, fat and bribed, not unlike the Jewmerican Congress.
Illness is setting in due to the lack of clean water and prevalence of open sewage, as well as the extreme heat.
The Jews have poisoned wells in Palestine since the Nakba in 1948, and now they are setting the stage for a plague of typhus and cholera to wipe out anyone in Gaza who survives the carpet bombing and sniper bullets.
People were told to flee to the Rafah (a Palestinian town cut in half by the Jews) crossing into Egypt. When a group of women and children with foreign passports arrived, they found the border to be completely closed and abandoned and they were trapped by falling bombs and could not go back.
They called for help until their cell phones went dead yesterday. No one knows what happened to them.
Christ have mercy.
Apparently I am not alone in my observation about the long Jewish history of poisoning wells:
Gaza, the border invasion of Jewmerica, Ukraine, and the very real potential for a spread of the Ebola plague are all interrelated and come right out of die Judens’ black bag of kabalistic Talmudic voodoo.
A blast to the past here. Kiev back then……
To those who want to bear witness:
As if all the other methods were not effective enough to wipe out life, the Jews are using poison gas since their ground invasion of Gaza:
Army Rabbi Exhorted “God’s Army” Before They Massacred Palestinians In Shujaiya
Prominent settler and former Israeli army chief rabbi Avichai Rontzki delivered a “messianic, fiery speech” to Israeli forces prior to the devastating massacre of the Gaza City neighborhood of Shujaiya, it was revealed today.
An account of the speech appears in a new piece by Nahum Barnea, a prominent journalist at Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, and is based on remarks made by a soldier present at the time.
The soldier related that before their invasion of Shujaiya, troops were gathered to “listen to the words” of Rontzki, who “praised the miracle of God’s army.”
According to an article last week in Kipa, a religious-Zionist oriented news site, Rontzki has been performing reserve duty and “encouraging the combatants on the ground.”
The Electronic Intifada has already reported on the phenomenon of groups of Jewish mystics offering support to the Israeli forces currently shelling Gaza, as well as the Israeli army commander who declared “holy war” on Palestinians.
The anonymous soldier in Barnea’s article also recounts a similar event prior to the Shujaiya massacre:
“We got close to Kibbutz Nahal Oz and then they gathered us together. You know how it is in the army – when told to gather, you gather.
“Waiting for us was a bunch of Breslev Hasidic Jews singing “Messiah, Messiah,” dancing and bouncing around. We formed a circle around them, and a bunch of fighters danced with them in ecstasy.”
Israel’s ground assault on the Gaza Strip began late on Thursday 17 July, with tanks receiving orders “to open fire at anything that moved.”
“Over the next few days, the Shujaiya district of Gaza City was subjected to intense and indiscriminate bombardment, including 600 shells fired by an artillery battalion and 100 one-ton bombs dropped from the air.
Rontzki’s speech to Israeli soldiers recalls his time as Israeli army chief rabbi, when, in 2009, he told religious students that troops who “show mercy” towards the enemy in wartime will be “damned.”
During Israel’s so-called “Operation Cast Lead” massacre in 2008-09, the army rabbinate under his leadership distributed inflammatory publications that referred to the massacre as “a war on murderers.”
Rontzki was one of the founding members of Itamar, a fanatical Israeli settlement colony near Nablus, where has also led a yeshiva, or religious seminary.
Jews will kill their own if it advances the Zionist Nationalist interests of the Tribe.
Electronic Intifada: Did Israeli army deliberately kill its own captured soldier and destroy Gaza ceasefire?
Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Sat, 08/02/2014 – 02:01
Who really broke the ceasefire? And why did Israeli forces shell the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah so indiscriminately on Friday, slaughtering dozens of people?
Could it have been in order to kill the captured soldier to prevent him becoming a valuable bargaining chip in the hands of the Palestinian resistance?
Israel has long had a murky procedure called the Hannibal Directive that some interpret as an order to do whatever it takes to prevent a soldier’s capture, even if it means killing him in the process.
What happened? Israel’s version
Here’s Israel’s version, as reported in Ynet:
According to an announcement by the IDF [Israeli army], at 9:30 am Friday, terrorists opened fire at IDF forces in southern Gaza.
Initial information from the scene indicated that there is a chance that an IDF soldiers [sic] was kidnapped [sic] during the incident.
Israel claims that the soldiers were working to destroy a resistance tunnel and that such “defensive” activities were permitted by the ceasefire agreement.
What Israel does not dispute is that its occupation forces were carrying out operations in the Gaza Strip.
What happened? Hamas’ version
Hamas strongly disputes the Israeli timeline, and accuses Israel of violating the ceasefire.
In a military communiqué published on its website on Friday, Qassam stated:
“After its blatant aggression and violation of the ceasefire, the enemy [Israel] began to spread the lie that the resistance violated the truce.
“We confirm that over the past twenty days no Zionist soldier had any presence in the eastern area of Rafah.
“After the announcement that a ceasefire agreement had been reached, the enemy began to move in that area and at precisely 2am made an incursion 2.5 kms east of Rafah.
“This leaves no room for doubt about the enemy’s intention to violate the truce and infringe on our territory and our defenseless people.
“Faced with this Zionist advance, at precisely 7am our fighters engaged with the invading forces and caused a large number of deaths and injuries in their ranks.
In a statement early on Saturday morning, Qassam [the fighting wing of Hamas] explained how it had understood the ceasefire:
“We notified the mediators that took part in arranging the humanitarian ceasefire that we agree to a ceasefire with regard to the sites that we target in Zionist cities and towns, but from an operational standpoint we cannot cease firing toward forces that have entered the [Gaza] Strip and are operating and moving constantly.
“This means that it is possible for any invading force to encounter one of our units and this could lead to clashes.”
From Qassam’s perspective, a clash between armed combatants should not have led to a total breakdown of the humanitarian ceasefire.
So according to Qassam, the operation against the Israeli soldiers was defensive in nature and occurred an hour before the 8:00 am start of the ceasefire.
Time difference
There is a two and a half hour gap between Israel’s version and Hamas’ version which cannot be resolved with the information currently available.
But a more important question, especially if we take Israel’s account at face value, is when and why Israel started its intense shelling east of Rafah.
Rageh Omaar, the long-time BBC correspondent who is now in Gaza as the international affairs editor for the UK’s ITV News, actually traveled to southern Gaza on Friday and filed a report on the horrifying aftermath of earlier Israeli massacres in and around Khan Younis.
But an interesting observation comes from this tweet:
Rageh Omaar @ragehomaar
“Just returned from Southern gaza – got to border with Israel multiple artillery barrages whilst there an hour after supposed ceasefire”
5:29 AM – 1 Aug 2014
If Omaar is right, this would mean that Israel was already heavily shelling in the Rafah area by around 9am, since the ceasefire was supposed to begin at 8am.
And if the artillery barrages followed the killing and alleged capture of Israeli soldiers by Qassam it would also mean that the incident could have occurred before 9:30am.
At 06:44 UTC, 9:44 am Gaza time, local news agency Alray tweeted in Arabic:
“Breaking | Our correspondent: Recovery of the two bodies of Hilal Eid Abu Imran, age 23, and Moussa Hamdi Abu Imran from under the rubble of their destroyed house east of Rafah.”
Both men were later named by medical officials as among around 60 people killed in Israel’s artillery barrage.
Given that this tweet was made at 9:44am, the shelling itself must have occurred earlier, with enough time for medics to reach the shelled house, to remove and identify the bodies and for their names to be reported.
Around 10am many more reports started to come in of mass casualties from “indiscriminate shelling” on George Street, east of Rafah.
If the shelling indeed began between 9 and 10am, it would mean that Israel launched a massive and indiscriminate barrage at just about the time it says its soldier was captured.
This makes no sense if Israeli forces wanted to ensure the captured soldier’s safety. After all, he could be killed along with his captors.
And that is exactly what Qassam thinks happened.
What about the soldier?
Qassam did not comment for the whole of Friday on Israel’s assertion that one of its soldiers was captured.
Early on Saturday it issued a new military communiqué condemning the “ongoing horrifying massacre of civilians in Rafah” and reaffirming its earlier version and timeline of events.
But it has these important additions:
“We lost contact with the group of fighters that were stationed at that location and we believe that all members of the unit were martyred and the soldier the enemy says went missing was killed in the Zionist shelling, assuming that the fighters did capture him during the confrontation.
“We in Qassam have no knowledge up to this moment about the missing soldier, nor his whereabouts nor the circumstances of his disappearance.”
It is reasonable to assume that Qassam has no motive to be deceptive about this; a captured Israeli soldier is a valuable asset.
If they had him they would either boast about it or keep quiet and perhaps seek to trade information about him for concessions from Israel.
Did Israel do it deliberately?
If the Israeli soldier was killed, it is possible that it was unintentional “friendly fire.”
But again, forces that were intent on protecting and rescuing a missing soldier would be foolhardy to launch massive air raids or barrages of artillery fire in the area where he was captured.
This leaves open the question of whether Israeli forces intended to kill the missing soldier.
The Hannibal Directive
The “Hannibal Directive” captured the Israeli imagination in the mid-1980s, when ongoing incursions and occupation in Lebanon, following the 1982 invasion, confronted the Israeli army with opportunities to experience capture.
Popular understanding of this directive is phrased as “a dead soldier is better than a kidnapped [sic] one” – which was taken to mean that it would be better to kill a captured prisoner of war than have him remain alive.
The political cost to Israeli leaders from a live captured soldier could be seen during the five years Gilad Shalit’s family campaigned for Israel to secure his release and the high price many Israelis felt had to be paid: an exchange for more than one thousand Palestinian prisoners.
Evolving from an order never committed to paper, the directive is ascribed to military leaders Yossi Peled, Gabi Ashkenazi and Yaakov Amidror in 1986.
Military censorship strove to keep it hidden, and chief military ethicist Asa Kasher acted to phrase it in writing, so as to avoid its blatant illegality.
Kasher attempted this clarification again this week, saying:
“The order has parallel phrasings, for some reason, but the principle shared by them all, as expressed in one of those: ‘action must be taken, inasmuch as possible, to halt the kidnapping [sic] operation, including deploying live fire, but not in a way that could lead with high likelihood to the death of the kidnapped [sic] person, through the understanding that the value of the kidnapped [sic] person is higher than that of the kidnapping [sic].”
Recurring denials such as Kasher’s combine with extensive discussion of the directive from a rabbinical point of view, and reports in the popular press, including following “Operation Cast Lead,” Israel’s 2008-2009 Gaza invasion, about the bombing of a Gaza home where the body of a soldier was being held.
It is clear that the spirit of the directive lives on, even if there are orders in writing that prohibit it.
“Hannibal! Hannibal!”
There was much discussion on Twitter about this being the reason for the shelling of Rafah on Friday morning, including in reports from Ynet’s military reporter Attila Somfalvi, that the words “Hannibal! Hannibal!” were shouted over military communication systems.
On Twitter
Journalist Haim Har-Zahav reminisced that it took 50 minutes before the directive was put into practice on the Lebanon border, in 2006 and almost an hour in 1991, but that his own brigade took only a few minutes.
Sports commentator Ouriel Daskal stated outright: “what I deduce from what’s happening in Rafah is that there’s an implementation of the Hannibal Directive. Let’s hope not.”
Moreover, blogger Richard Silverstein reported a few days ago that another soldier was killed in Gaza under the directive.
Israeli investigative journalist Ronen Bergman confirmed in a radio interview, with respect to an earlier incident, that in Gaza the procedure “was tested in practice and apparently the soldiers acted in accordance with that directive.”
Israel has also declared Oron Shaul, a missing soldier whom Qassam does say it captured, to be dead.
Obviously, Israel is not going to come clean about such a practice.
But these indications, combined with the fact that Israel bombed Rafah so viciously make it a reasonable hypothesis that someone giving orders on Friday morning wanted the soldier dead rather than captured.
If that is the case, then it is Israel that destroyed the humanitarian ceasefire, in the process murdering dozens more innocent people and pushing the death toll from the ongoing massacre in Gaza to more than 1,600 people.
I think that we are witnessing genocide and that the number of Palestinian victimes announced in the press is much lower than the true number of victims which could reach several thousand, if one considers the extensive bombing of residential buildings, schools and hospitals by the IDF.
Rockets and tunnels are just a bad excuse for carrying out a genocide as over one third of all the victims are just innocent young children.
Shame to the “international community” which isn’t doing anything to stop this terrible crime against humanity.
Let’s not forget that the so-called “high price” for Gilad Shalit’s return: the release of Palestinians held and tortured in Israeli jails, was almost entirely “refunded” when most of those same prisoners were re-abducted along with additional family members.
This happened a few months after the media stopped coverage of the “release.”
Keeping Shalit in good care was of no particular benefit to the Palestinians who were back in jail.
Some were so ill from torture and medical experiments when initially released that they died before they could be re-arrested.
The murders in cold blood, face to face (Khuzzah):
Nothing to do with Gaza, but about the rest of Palestine:
A gang of nine Jews beat 2 Palestinians in East Jerusalem with bats, and pipes, then pepper sprayed them; their families drove them to the hospital because the police did not come or send an ambulance. They are barely alive after brain surgery, one is still unconscious.
Then, today, eighty unarmed protesters were shot with live ammunition in Hebron–that’s in the illegally occupied West Bank:
Nothing to do with Hamas or even Fatah…
You will see less about all this as even the so called alternative media repeats the Jew lies about tunnels, rockets, and ridiculously low numbers of the dead and wounded.
Yesterday, the Jews scrubbed social media so thoroughly that Facebook was not available for a few hours.
Crime Minister Nutandyahoo is paying billions so his minions will troll any sites that might differ from their propaganda, as well as using fake (but sometimes real) malware warnings to keep people away from what is really going on.
Anyone can download Malwarebytes for free, as well as free versions of Bitdefender ( best antivirus).
What did the Jew Freud call the defense mechanism that involves taking one’s own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people?
Psychological projection?
Might we have psychopathic mass projection going on out of the minds of these Jewish monsters who really do mass murder and unarmed men, women, and children projected onto the Palestinians and their various partisan militant arms, particularly the well trained and disciplined al Qassam and al Quds brigades who strike legitimate military targets only?
Media Hype and Gaza’s ‘Terror’ Tunnels
Coincidentally or not, there’s been a noticeable increase in media attention to the tunnels in Gaza, many of which lead to Israel and are used by Hamas militants for attacks. The Israeli government has said that destroying the tunnels is one of the rationales for the war.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer (7/28/14) touted his exclusive on the Situation Room:
Earlier today, CNN was the only US television network to get a look inside one of the tunnels used by Hamas to infiltrate Israel. This is an exclusive report no other American television network can bring you.
Blitzer’s guide was Israel Defense Forces Lt. Col. Oshik Azouli.
BLITZER: The IDF says the underground passages into Israel have only one purpose. From what you know, what was the purpose of this tunnel?
AZOULI: I think soldiers, they want to attack regular people, children, women, men.
BLITZER: So they wanted to go in, attack, kill Israelis.
BLITZER: But also kidnap Israelis.
He also interviewed Israeli spokesperson Mark Regev, who told CNN of the dangers of the tunnels:
A group of terrorists with automatic weapons, explosives and rocket-propelled grenades. The idea that they just pop out of the ground on our side of the frontier to murder and kidnap, that’s unacceptable.
The New York Times followed up with a piece by Jodi Rudoren (7/28/14) headlined “Tunnels Lead Right to the Heart of Israeli Fear.”
She writes that these tunnels “have lurked in the dark spaces of Israeli imagination at least since 2006, when Hamas, the militant Islamic movement that dominates Gaza, used one to abduct an Israeli soldier.”
Such attacks “have shaken the collective psyche and stiffened resolve to continue or even expand the fight.”
She goes on:
In cafes and playgrounds, on social-media sites and in the privacy of pillow talk, Israelis exchange nightmare scenarios that are the stuff of action movies: armed enemies popping up under a day care center or dining room, spraying a crowd with a machine gun fire or maybe some chemical, exploding a suicide belt or snatching captives and ducking back into the dirt.
The Times story even notes: “As part of the propaganda push, the military has also invited a few journalists underground for a tour.”
Israeli deaths, military and civilian (Intercept)
That is revealing, since the only thing missing from these nightmarish scenarios of terrorists emerging from the ground to kill innocents is any evidence that anything like this has ever happened.
The Times story quotes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying the “sole purpose” of the tunnels “is the destruction of our civilians and the killing of our children.” But have there been any such attacks?
Journalist and media critic Greg Mitchell has posed this question on his blog (Pressing Issues, 7/29/14), where he reports that CNN’s Jake Tapper responded to his queries on Twitter by noting that all of the the tunnel deaths he was aware of have been Israeli military.
Palestinian deaths, military and civilian (Intercept) Glenn Greenwald (Intercept, 7/29/14) notes that the Israel–often credited in US media with taking great care to avoid civilian casualties–has actually killed three noncombatant for every “militant.”
Meanwhile, only 5 percent of the much smaller number of deaths caused by Palestinian fighters have been civilians, even though Hamas’s disregard for innocent life is taken for granted by US journalists.
If outlets like CNN and the Times are going to give so much attention to these Hamas-built tunnels, shouldn’t they add this context to their reporting?
Or is the “propaganda push” just more effective when these inconvenient facts aren’t mentioned?
Look at who really controls America.
The Jews are giving warnings to the USA, telling us how we should act.
Decoding Mad Dog Bibsy’s dangerous, double-minded, “human shielding” legitimizations for mass murder:
Al Jazeera: On ‘human shielding’ in Gaza
The Israeli army has tried to justify striking civilian areas.
But since hi-tech states can and do kill hundreds or thousands of civilians, they have to provide moral justification for their action in order to preserve their standing in the international arena; they have to demonstrate that they are protecting the principles of liberal democracy.
It is precisely within this context that we should understand the series of posters recently disseminated by the Israeli military through its Twitter account, Facebook and blogs.
The poster “Where do Gaza Terrorists Hide Their Weapons” is a paradigmatic example, where the subtext does the speaking: Houses, mosques, schools, and hospitals are legitimate targets because they are presumed to be weapon depositories.
“When is a house a home?”
This is also the message in “When Is A House a Home?” which simply zooms in on one of the images in the previous poster, showing how Palestinians presumably hide rockets in civilian homes.
The logic is straightforward: insofar as Hamas hides weapons in houses (illegitimate), Israel can bomb them as if they were military targets (legitimate).
Within this framework, a single function (hiding weapons) out of many existing functions (home, shelter, intimacy, etc) determines the status of an urban site (in our case the house), so that the edifice’s form loses its traditional signification.
The question “when does it become a legitimate military target?” is merely rhetorical.
Its real meaning is: “All houses in Gaza are legitimate targets” since all houses are potentially non-homes.
Not unlike colonial as well as other vastly asymmetrical wars, Israel’s legitimisation for its indiscriminate bombing is premised upon a profound moral disjuncture between Israelis and Palestinians.
In the poster “Israel uses weapon to protect its civilians. Hamas uses civilians to protect its weapons”, Palestinians are depicted as barbarians who ignore the elementary grammar of international law.
Israel’s warfare is, however, not only about the re-signification of architectural structures, but also about the transformation of human beings into collateral damage, subjects who can be killed without violating international law.
This is the subtext of the poster featuring Israel’s Chief of Staff saying: “Even as we carry out strikes, we remember that there are civilians in Gaza. Hamas has turned them into hostages.”
“We remember that there are civilians in Gaza”
Again, the logic is clear. All civilians in Gaza are being held hostage by Hamas, which is considered a war crime and a gross violation of international law governing armed conflict.
This, then, provides legal and moral justification against the accusation that Israel is the one killing civilians.
Presumed human rights violations carried out by Palestinians against Palestinians – taking hostages and human shielding – thus become the legitimisation of lethal and indiscriminate violence on the part of the occupying force.
Hence, the use of human shields is not only a violation. In contemporary asymmetric urban wars, accusing the enemy of using human shields helps validate the claim that the death of “untargeted civilians” is merely collateral damage.
When all civilians are potential human shields, when each and every civilian can become a hostage of the enemy, then all enemy civilians become killable.
Not unlike colonial as well as other vastly asymmetrical wars, Israel’s legitimisation for its indiscriminate bombing is premised upon a profound moral disjuncture between Israelis and Palestinians.
More: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/07/human-shielding-gaza-2014717154428830848.html
New Vid Coming!
Working on it all day. Hope to post it, Lord willing, Sunday eve. +BN
What’s taking the mighty Israel military so long to capture Gaza?
If it is just an open air prison, shouldn’t this campaign be over with already?
I’m not understanding the agenda of this mission. Are they going to move the survivors out and that area will be officially apart of Israel? Or are they just going to kill people then pull out, and say mission accomplished and do the same thing two years from now?
No reports on the cavalry coming to save the day for the Palestinians.
Thousands of Americans rally against pro-Israel media.
As we see what’s happening to the Palestinians is what happened to the Russians from 1918-1933 and 1989-2000 (before the advent of Mr. Putin).
The Jews show a common characteristic of cunning and brutality that makes them markedly different from let’s say, the Mongols of Genghis Khan.
The Mongols on one hand, barbarians of the worst sort, would not rely on the outside “help” of others to do their dirty work for them. They, who were conquerors, did it straight forward, decimating armies of equal strength and resource.
So while their brutality was appalling their courage is still noteworthy of admiration.
Let’s take the Jew on the other hand, who lives out the motto of Mossad in everyday affairs, “through deception thou shalt wage war.”
The Jew does not confront foes of equal strength nor does he have the desire to, instead he uses proxy countries to shed their own citizens blood for the benefit of him.
Furthermore, the Jews do not believe that declarations of human rights in war apply to their foes as was evident in Russia where the people were massacred wholesale, and currently in Palestine where the people are being merciless butchered, with nowhere to run or hide, literally.
The non-killing of civilians and especially children is something we Gentiles do and invented i.e. the Geneva Convention.
Nobility and true courage are characteristics that these Israeli Jews as their predecessors do not possess. As evolutionary characteristics in this period of civilized humanity, the Jews on aggregate possess the same pattern of behaviour.
1.) Infiltrate host nation and corrupt their methods of information dissemination
2.) Get that host nation to spill the blood of their own for the advancement of Jewry
3.) Discard host nation into oblivion once host nation has been depleted of resources and manpower
4.) Always get stronger Gentile nations to fight for you wherever possible.
5.) Slaughter host populations that are in anyway resistant to Jewry, once Jewry has established firm control over host nation.
Israel bombs mosque, university, homes as Gaza death toll hits 1,712
The Jews are certainly the most cowardly people in the history of mankind.
This was first brought home to me when they killed an 85 year old blind quadrapalegic Palestinian man in a wheelchair using an Apache helicopter gunship and hellfire missiles; then they attack their allies on the USS Liberty and kill and main dozens of them; then they bulldoze peace activist Rachel Corrie to death; and now they deliberately focus on the slaughter of children.
And yet they seem unwilling to fight the Palestinians in tunnels but rather withdraw. This is a level of cowardice never before seen in the history of mankind.
Gaza Explained Easy for American Dummies
Have you been to Manhattan, New York? Gaza in Palestine (Israel) is the size of Manhattan, New York.
Have you been to West Point? I have been to West Point and Manhattan in real life. West Point is an hour by car from Manhattan, New York.
Imagine that YOU – yes YOU and your family live in Manhattan, it’s your home, you have nowhere to go to except Manhattan, and that the military center of America, with all its military might attack Manhattan with every single jetfighter West Point controls, every single tank West Point controls, with every single tank West Point controls and on top of that West Point send in all marines West Point got – and it’s all YOUR fault.
This massive overkill is a “war”? Your right to “defend yourself”?
Next time you hear Gaza on the Jew”news” — think: It’s Manhattan and West Point, we USA are killing Manhattanites with overkill.
Do YOU get it?
Where the toxic hasbarat Bibsi gets his sickening scripted repetitious rhetoric used to bury facts (and the Jew-Media as well):
The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary For Hasbara Media War
Property of The Israel Project. Not for distribution or publication. 2009.
“This manual will provide you with many specific words and phrases to help you communicate effectively in support of Israel.”
I wrote my first Language Dictionary for The Israel Project in 2003. Since that time, Israel has had three Prime Ministers, several stalled peace initiatives, found itself the victim of attack from its northern and southern borders, and has suffered greatly in the court of public opinion.
On the other hand, the daily suicide bombings have stopped, and Hamas & Hezbollah have shown themselves to be the brutal terrorist organizations that Israel has warned about. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
All of the material in this document is new or updated based on research conducted in 2008 and 2009.
Some of the language will be familiar; most of the “Words That Work” boxes come from Israeli representatives and spokespeople. But, the polling, strategic recommendations and guidance are all based on the current situation.
I hope that advocates for Israel will benefit from the massive amount of work that went into the creation of this booklet. I also hope that this will be the last Israel Language Dictionary I ever have to craft.
And remember, it’s not what you say that counts. It’s what people hear.
Dr. Frank Luntz April 2009
On behalf of our board and team, we offer this guide to visionary leaders who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel.
We want you to succeed in winning the hearts and minds of the public.
We know that when you achieve your mission that you are helping both Israel and our global Jewish family.
Thus, we offer these words with our sincerest wishes for your every success. May your words help bring peace and security to Israel and the Jewish people!
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi
Founder & President
( theisraelproject.org/ )
See: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/8303274
This was written right after Israhell’s 3-week long Operation Cast Lead War Against Gaza in 2008.
The Israel Project shut down its multi-language “global affairs unit” at the end of 2012, and the Isrealhell Ministry of Truth now supervises the international groups of Jew hasbarats, the Zionist trolls who infect the Internet with hasbara, pro-Israel propaganda, but the “Words that Work” are mostly the same.
“Stop saying “America” as if it represents the people.”
Unfortunately Walt, I think it’s safe to say “America”, because 99% of “the people” of America are responsible – either by direct chants and contributions or by choosing to be ignorant.
Don’t believe it? Try disclosing some truthful facts in a coffee shop or circle of friends anywhere in “America” sometime. You’ll soon be thankful for Brother Nate providing a place where we can gather to discuss a few forbidden truths.
Let’s be honest with ourselves – just once if possible. We are a nation that praises hired killers, because we prefer lies over truth. That is what a soldier is. He does what he’s told, right or wrong, no matter how horrific the acts. That is the fact if we can bear it.
We praised “our troops” in the Philippines in 1901 while they butchered (and undoubtedly raped) well over 1,000,000 Filipinos for population reduction;
We praised “our troops” in WWI while murdering thousands of Germans to secure the “Balfour Declaration” for Zionist Jews;
We praised “our troops” while raping and murdering some 2,000,000 Germans in WWII to protect Jewish communism;
We praised “our troops” in Korea in the 50s while murdering (and undoubtedly raping) thousands of Koreans for reasons undisclosed to this day;
We praised “our Troops” in Vietnam while bombing, raping, torturing and murdering thousands of Vietnamese, merely to line the pockets of the “military industrial complex” and protect the CIA’s heroin trade from there;
We praised “our troops” while murdering thousands of Iraqis in “Desert Storm” to protect Saudi-American oil interests while they drilled under Iraq soil along the Kuwait border;
We praised “our troops” while raping, torturing and murdering thousands of Arabs in Afghanistan and Iraq from 2001 until recently because . . . uh . . . Jews wants us to;
These are only a few sins that are indeed “American.” We prove our commitment to sin by continuing the military lies and cover-ups – after-all: “our boys wouldn’t do something like that.”
Let’s understand something – It’s not recognizing the evils of others that saves a man (or nation), but recognizing his own evils and repenting.
I don’t know what makes you “proud to be American”; however, I reckon God views us from a much different perspective. If there ever was two fat, greedy, ungrateful, lying, thieving, raping, murderous villains whose time for punishment has come – it’s America and Britain.
I can nearly hear the blood of our victims crying out to God from the ground. May He have mercy on their souls and our punishment be just and quick.
A song ya’ll may enjoy:
Sadly – you’re 100% spot on!
Kalin; You insist that you speak for everyone- don’t flatter yourself please.
There are plenty of people who have always detested war and plenty of people who know the lies of wars.
Just because the news or a few people in the media exploit the praises of such atrocities, don’t think for a minute they too represent all of us, and many of those who did praise war were lied to as of the wars purpose.
People are awakening as we speak. I know of few who want war anymore and most I have spoken with are labeling our gov as warmongers and murderers of our young men.
Remember also, many wars did indeed have a purpose beyond oil and monies. If it weren’t for the US stepping in, perhaps you would be speaking a different language and living a different culture.
And yes, I do honor our fallen vets, as They did do their jobs in good faith with the knowledge they were provided at the time. The young are easily fooled. But their intentions were honorable and they and their families suffered and sacrificed ultimately for it.
Your response was very artistic, yet not completely accurate.
BN & all:
I would like to hear how about the Arab Christians that being massacred by the same people that worship the Quran.
Yet here we are talking about Gaza as though the lives of the Arab Christian is irrelevant.
I am an Arab Orthodox Christian and upset about reading most of the comments.
Walt said: “Kalin; You insist that you speak for everyone”
Kalin says: Hmmm . . . did I say that? Don’t think so.
Exposing those that “did do their jobs in good faith” (but “their intentions were honorable”):
“When we went through the villages and searched people the women would have all their clothes taken off and the men would use their penises to probe them to make sure they didn’t have anything hidden anywhere and this was raping but it was done as searching.” Scott Camile, 24, Sgt. (E-5), 1st Bn., 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Winter Soldier Investigation, Detroit, Michigan, 1971.
“I saw one case where a woman was shot by a sniper, one of our snipers. When we got up to her she was asking for water. And the Lt. said to kill her.
“So he ripped off her clothes, they stabbed her in both breasts, they spread-eagled her and shoved an E- tool up her vagina, an entrenching tool, and she was still asking for water. And then they took that out and they used a tree limb and then she was shot.” Ibid, Camille.
“As the Red Army advanced toward her in 1945, the city of Berlin had become a city virtually without men. Out of a civilian population of 2,700,000, 2,000,000 were women. It is small wonder that the fear of sexual attack raced through the city like a plague.
“Doctors were besieged by patients seeking information on the quickest way to commit suicide, and poison was in great demand.” “Ravishing the Women of Conquered Europe”, Dr. Austin App, 1946
“In Berlin stood a charity institution, the Haus Dehlem, an orphanage, maternity hospital, and foundling home.
“Soviet soldiers entered the home, and repeatedly raped pregnant women and women who had just given birth. This was not an isolated incident. No one will ever know how many women were raped, but doctors’ estimates run as high as 100,000 for the city of Berlin alone, their ages ranging from 10 to 70.” App, Ibid
“On March 24, 1945, our “noble Soviet allies” entered Danzig. A 50-year-old Danzig teacher reported that her niece, 15, was raped seven times, and her other niece, 22, was raped fifteen times.
“A Soviet officer told a group of women to seek safety in the Cathedral. Once they were securely locked inside, the beasts of Bolshevism entered, and ringing the bells and playing the organ, “celebrated” a foul orgy through the night, raping all the women, some more than thirty times. A catholic pastor in Danzig declared “They violated
even eight-year-old girls and shot boys who tried to shield their mothers.” App, Ibid
“The Most Reverend Bernard Griffin, British Archbishop, made a tour of Europe to study conditions there, and reported “In Vienna alone they raped 100,000 women, not once but many times, including girls not yet in their teens, and aged women.” App, Ibid
“On April 27, 1946 Vatican Radio charged that in the Russian occupation zone of Eastern Germany cries of help were going up “from girls and women who are being brutally raped and whose bodily and spiritual health is completely shaken.”” App, Ibid
“The rapists did not all wear a red star. John Dos Passos, writing in LIFE magazine for January 7, 1946, quotes a “red-faced major” as saying that “Lust, liquor and loot are the soldier’s pay.”
A serviceman wrote to TIME magazine for November 12, 1945 “Many a sane American family would recoil in horror if they knew how ‘Our Boys’ conduct themselves, with such complete callousness in human relationships over here.”
An army sergeant wrote “Our own Army and the British Army … have done their share of looting and raping … This offensive attitude among our troops is not at all general, but the percentage is large enough to have given our Army a pretty black name, and we too are considered an army of rapists.” App, Ibid.
Goodrich estimated as many as 2,000,000 German women were raped by Jewish-Soviet, US & British soldiers – some 15-30 times, some to death. Cf. “Hellstorm”, Thomas Goodrich, 2010.
Thank you, Trisha. “Sadly” indeed.
More “good faith” conduct with “honorable” “intentions” of the US military:
The Philippines after the SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR:
“From the beginning, it was clear that the U.S. was measuring its colonial aims in the same racist manner as its European counterparts. President William McKinley, in an 1899 meeting with a Methodist delegation, explained that-after much nightly pacing and prayer-he had come to a conclusion:
Since the U.S. could not hand the Philippines back to Spain or turn them over to France or Germany, and since the Filipino people were “unfit for self-government,” “there was nothing left for us to do but take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and Christianize them.”
General William Shafter made clear the same year just what “uplifting” Filipinos would mean:
“It may be necessary to kill half of the Filipinos in order that the remaining half of the population may be advanced to a higher plane of life than their present semi-barbarous state affords.” International Socialist Review, isreview.org
“In its subsequent three-year war to subdue the archipelago and destroy the independence movement, U.S. forces conducted a scorched-earth policy that devastated the country and its people, the majority of whom supported the independence fighters.
“The populations of entire islands were herded into concentration camps, and hundreds of thousands were killed. One general reported that as many as 600,000 people were killed or died of disease on the island of Luzon alone-and an estimated 1 million Filipinos were killed, according to one historian.” Ibid, isreview.org
“Kill and burn, kill and burn, the more you kill and the more you burn the more you please me,” US General “Howlin’ Jake” Smith told his troops. An American congressman who visited the Philippines in 1901 reported on what these blood-curdling pronouncements meant in practice:
“You never heard of any disturbances in northern Luzon because there isn’t anybody there to rebel…. The good Lord in heaven only knows the number of Filipinos that were put under ground. Our soldiers took no prisoners, they kept no records; they simply swept the country and wherever and whenever they could get hold of a Filipino they killed him.” Ibid, isreview.org
“I have read carefully the treaty of Paris [between the United States and Spain], and I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem …. And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” Mark Twain, New York Herald, October 15, 1900.
Again, you speak for everyone when you accuse “ALL” men in the military for the same crimes a few committed. You speak for all when you say that “I” want war.
No, you didn’t say it — you don’t have to.
I wonder what kind of person you would be had you been born in those times when from birth you were taught by even your parents and society “This is the way it is.”
White children were taught to hate Blacks, young men taught duty to country and government was followed without question. Among all of this were still the people who thought for themselves and went against the grain of the masses, those awakened people would be persecuted by the public.
In fact, they still are to this day. And the actions of the people of the past is still blamed on us today.
I’m proud to be an American because I still hold the principles of what this country is suppose to represent. A country founded for the sake of freedom, God given rights, a land of opportunity — though it didn’t take long for that concept to become corrupt.
I love this country, perhaps if you hate it and it’s people so much, you should live in a country of your choice — find one better.
You just might find no matter where you go, life is not perfect or perhaps worse.
USA represents Freedom? Slave owners said all men should be Equal!
Now they will kill your dog if they even visit your house for a domestic call from your neighbors.
The Whole US politics is owned by the Jews and has been bought and paid for. Everything that is wrong with the US is because of Israel.
Everything that happened after 9/11 is because of Israel, Hollywood is Israel, the Music industry is Israel. If you said something bad about Israel you would be kicked out of Politics and made to vanish from the MSM. You wouldn’t be working in entertainment industry if you said something about Israel.
MK Ultra creates the Cultures of the US, that started with the 60’s and LSD. CIA, Pentagon Satanic groups that are tada! Israel Mossad!
And behind all this is three families that own all the major Oil Companies.
Walt said: “@Kalin
Again, you speak for everyone when you accuse “ALL” men in the military for the same crimes a few committed. You speak for all when you say that “I” want war.”
“No, you didn’t say it — you don’t have to.”
Kalin says: If I didn’t say it then why did you put it in quotes? Of course I didn’t and don’t have to because there’s plenty of folks who say it for me. I don’t even need to post anything for myself, you can do it for me.
Walt said: “I wonder what kind of person you would be had you been born in those times when from birth you were taught by even your parents and society “This is the way it is.”
Kalin says: Well Walt, you really don’t know when I was born nor what I was taught by my parents, but you do know me well enough to speak for me!?
Walt said (In part): ” . . . those awakened people would be persecuted by the public.”
Kalin says: You mean folks like me persecuted by folks like you?
Walt said (in part): “And the actions of the people of the past is still blamed on us today.”
Kalin says: Walt, you strike me as a young person who actually believes the history propaganda that my parents and I were spoon-fed by the Jewish media. Unfortunately, they still believe it.
Walt says: “I love this country, perhaps if you hate it and it’s people so much, you should live in a country of your choice — find one better.”
Kalin says: Naw, I don’t hate it or them; however, I’m ashamed of both.
Ya see if folks like me left (that would include Brother Nate and most of the posters here) and leave nothing but the phony patriot chanters here, there’d be nobody left to change anything.
They’d continue to do the same thing they’ve done for 100 plus years: keep their heads in some dark orifice while raising their children on phony, patriotic lies.
Walt said: “You just might find no matter where you go, life is not perfect or perhaps worse.”
Kalin asks: So what do you suggest, Walt? Ought we to continue to hide the truth and let Jewish lies and control continue? So far, all you’ve done here is what 99% of Americans do – lash out and hiss at those that present truth.
Kalin’s Closing Statement: Truth is fact, or “that which is”. It is unchangeable.
The eternal adversary of truth is a lie.
Truth is not always pleasant, but when it becomes our adversary it is time to examine ourselves before God delivers us “up unto a debased mind, to do the things not fitting.” — Romans 1:28
Jews shape history, views and perspectives for their purpose:
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party.
In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912; Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957.
Jewish shaping of society:
“American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief, one firmly rooted in history, that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups.
“It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an over-whelming majority of American Jews to endorse “gay rights” and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called “social issues.”–Charles Silberman, A Certain People: American Jews and Their Lives Today, 1985
Who was Emma Lazarus?
“The New Colossus,” (written by Emma Lazarus) which appears as the inscription on the base of the Statue of Liberty.
As many American schoolchildren can tell you, the sonnet begins: “Give me your tired, your poor/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Review of Esther Schor’s book “Outlaw Jew”, by Suzanne Selengut, The Jerusalem Post, November 23, 2006.
“Was Lazarus – who died tragically at 38 – a feminist, Zionist, sexually ambiguous secular Jew who struggled all her life with the underlying anti-Semitism of her peers, as Schor seems to suggest? About 120 years after Lazarus’s death, with limited records of her life, such questions are nearly impossible to answer.
BUT SCHOR certainly makes a good case for her profile. Not only does she utilize a cache of Lazarus’s letters discovered in the 1980s, she also fills in the background with historical research and careful, competent literary analysis of Lazarus’s work – both the heralded selections and the less-popular poems and essays.” Jerusalem Post, Ibid
“Lazarus’s exhortation of her fellow Americans – and herself – to work toward creating a society friendly to ethnic variety is for Schor one way in which Lazarus invents “the role of the American Jewish writer.” It is Lazarus’s belief in ethnic diversity and the need to change the fabric of the US to suit that diversity that is, for this book, her true mark on the culture.” Jerusalem Post, Ibid
“She was a fierce Jewish nationalist and Zionist whose work could be easily compared to early Israeli poetry in its symbols of the physically and morally strong New Jew.” Jerusalem Post, Ibid
I just noticed that Brother Nathanael’s amazing page really touches on everything! I don’t need to point anyone to tomatobubble.com
RealJewNews has all the info from the very beginning with all his links on the right hand side of the page!
To fix the USA you have to get rid of the Jewish Influence of Money and Politics. How could that happen when you have the Federal Reserve and Wall Street?
I see you like to post pictures of dead Palestinians.
Where are the pictures of the dead Jews?
The Palestinians only have themselves to blame for their dead children.
When you support Hamas and it’s charter, you’ve made the decision to choose death over life.
Electronic Intifada:
“Concentrate” and “Exterminate”: Israel Parliament Deputy Speaker’s Gaza Genocide Plan
Moshe Feiglin, the deputy speaker of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, has published a plan for the total destruction of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
His detailed plan, which calls for the use of concentration camps, amounts to direct and public incitement to genocide – a punishable crime under the Genocide Convention.
In a 1 August posting on his Facebook page, Feiglin, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, calls for the “conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters.”
“This is our country – our country exclusively,” he writes, “including Gaza.”
Feiglin’s posting is the text of a letter he addressed to Netanyahu.
Citizens and public authorities around the world should attempt to have Feiglin arrested and prosecuted under the Genocide Convention for his statements, should he set foot in their territories.
His abominable plan comes as the death toll from Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza reaches 1,752 people, including ten persons killed on Sunday morning when Israel once again bombed a United Nations-run school being used as a shelter, this time in the southern town of Rafah.
Feiglin, like his Knesset colleague Ayelet Shaked, has previously made genocidal statements, but these are perhaps his most specific and explicit.
Calling for mass extermination and ethnic cleansing, Feiglin now urges Netanyahu to “turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians.”
Jaffa is a major Palestinian coastal city that was ethnically cleansed by Zionist militias in 1948 and incorporated into present-day Israel.
The few thousand Palestinians who remain in the city face ongoing attempts to force them out.
As of this writing, Feiglin’s Facebook post had more than eight thousand “Likes” and had been shared almost two thousand times.
“Concentrate” and “exterminate”
Feiglin writes that the Israeli army must “designate certain open areas on the Sinai border, adjacent to the sea, in which the civilian population will be concentrated, far from the built-up areas that are used for launches and tunneling.
“In these areas, tent encampments will be established, until relevant emigration destinations are determined.”
“Tent encampments,” where the Palestinian civilian population would be “concentrated,” are simply concentration camps.
“The supply of electricity and water to the formerly populated areas will be disconnected,” he adds.
He then calls for the “formerly populated areas” to be “shelled with maximum fire power.
“The entire civilian and military infrastructure of Hamas, its means of communication and of logistics, will be destroyed entirely, down to their foundations.”
The Israeli army would then “exterminate nests of resistance, in the event that any should remain.”
“Israel will start searching for emigration destinations and quotas for the refugees from Gaza,” Feiglin writes, but “those who insist on staying, if they can be proven to have no affiliation with Hamas, will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel, and receive a blue ID card similar to that of the Arabs of East Jerusalem.”
Feiglin’s statements are crimes
The Genocide Convention defines genocide as any of a number acts “committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.”
These acts are:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Feiglin’s plan has clear genocidal intent in at least two respects: he denies that the Palestinian people exist and he defines Palestinians collectively as an enemy and target because of their religion:
“There are no two states, and there are no two peoples. There is only one state for one people.”
“The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its varieties, from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety.”
In addition to outright acts of genocide, punishable crimes under the convention include “direct and public incitement to commit genocide”; “conspiracy to commit genocide” and “complicity in genocide.”
Any fair-minded prosecutor would see that Feiglin’s statements provide ample probable cause for action under the convention.
Much more: http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/concentrate-and-exterminate-israel-parliament-deputy-speakers-gaza-genocide-plan
Thank you for your comments Kalin.
In fact, I feel sick to my stomach at the Jew instigated hatred that seems to be everywhere.
The Palestinians perish at the hands of those who murdered Him — the One who healed their sick, raised their dead, exorcised their “legion” of demons, fed them, consoled them, raised their dead to life, and who opened the gates of Paradise to all.
For all that, he was crucified, and the Jews today think it’s a big joke — making fun of Christ even on Israeli children’s programs.
Deicide is a tough act to follow, (though the murder of the Tsar and his family is near enough) but Christ said, while carrying the cross, “if this is what they do when the wood is green, what will they do when the wood is dry?”
Dear Hoff, I commend your effort to explain Gaza to idiots. Your writing is as always lucid and relevant.
I recently forwarded an email I received from a world renowned human rights activist, Orthodox Christian, and American citizen, Maria Khoury, PhD, to members of my church at her request. She lives in the West Bank since the Oslo accords. She was writing about the Dormition fast and about what is going on with people she knows.
Immediately, I was on the receiving end of hateful, pro-Israeli irrational BS and ignorance so immense, that it is nearly incomprehensible!
Some of these people were Jewish “converts” so it is not so shocking — I leave them, and their defenders, to God — but some are just plain, old Americans like this one, whom I quote:
“On 911 we received condolences and offers of help from the government of Israel and the Israeli people. The Palestinians – men, women, young and old were dancing and cheering in the streets. Guess whose side I am on. ”
I cannot even begin to answer that complete nonsense! This dolt believes that seven buildings were destroyed by two magical planes and that Palestinians were happy about it. He believes this in 2014.
The only time Palestinians dance in the streets is after receiving the Light of Christ on Pascha and even then, in recent years those celebrations are very limited by the IOF.
The Jews, on the other hand, dress in costume as the towers on Purim, get drunk and dance in the streets — the celebration of genocide of Persians.
I do not think I have to further explain to regular readers of this site, how far from the truth that and all the other comments I received were.
I was attacked for forwarding the testimony of a witness. I did not hint at my opinion — but I was attacked anyway. Why did they rage at me? I am not the author of the post, but even so?
And this is supposedly an Orthodox church and the parish of Alexander Solzhenitsyn when he lived in the JewSA, no less.
Brother Nathanael is correct, as usual, to warn us.
May God protect him and bless his work. He is almost the only one left speaking out about the Jews and naming them, rather than hiding behind the false fronts of “illuminati,” “masons,” Zionists,” or “bankers.”
Little enough to ask, to be sure. She never mentioned in this email
Here is the text of Maria’s message which incurred irrational, indefensible, hatred form people who call themselves “Christian”:
“How Many Mothers Will It Take?
Maria C. Khoury, Ed. D.
As we enter August 2014, my Church will enter a very special time of fasting and prayer for the Holy Mother of God, the Theotokos for the Holy Dormition, the Falling Asleep of the Virgin Mary (Aug 15/28).
“You gave birth to the Salvation of the world, through which we were uplifted from earth to heights…Hail! O Ever-Blessed, Pure One, shelter and strength; rampart and fortress to those who sing: “Praise the Lord all His works and exalt Him in all the ages.” (Akathist Hymn)
At this same moment in time, here in the Holy Land we have entered a slaughter of the worst kind where over 7,000 people are seriously injured and traumatized. The brutal Israeli attacks on Gaza have just turned into a massacre because over 1300 people have been killed most of them mothers and children.
Maybe this tragedy will stop if the mothers of the 59 Israeli soldiers tell Israel to stop the bloodbath right now because unfortunately the American administration is not and wants to increase military support to Israel beyond 3.1 billion annually.
Everyone says that Israel has a right to defend itself but does that mean a new holocaust for Palestinians? The churches in Gaza cannot handle any more people sleeping on the floor because the homeless and displaced are becoming over 200,000 people.
The UN is paying a very high price with the killings of several of their staff because Israel keeps attacking schools where families try to find shelter. Today (July 30) as I write this reflection another UN school was attacked killing 16 children; in the same day the attack on the open market killed 17 people including two Palestinian journalists.
This is one of the worst humanitarian disasters as Israel is using the excuse that it wants to stop HAMAS firing rockets. But it is a pretext for disproportionate military force.
How many mothers does Palestine have to give to gain freedom and uplift the siege on Gaza. HAMAS is a “terrorist” organization in Israeli eyes but it is the only resistance movement Palestine has on the ground to fight for their just cause.
Why doesn’t anyone understand that Gaza is an open air prison and the people have been asking for freedom over 47 years with the international community forgetting about them. Israel controls the boarders, the air and the sea. They have made the place a living hell on earth.
I have been very disturbed with the hate that is building in our society ever since July 8th when the violence intensified between Israel and Palestine. The signs that say “Death to Arabs” and the signs in Jerusalem that say in Hebrew “There are no innocent people in Gaza,” are shocking.
When the Israeli people hold signs in the middle of Tel Aviv that say “there are no children in Gaza,” it should be alarming to the world since we have over 250 dead kids in the last 21 days.
I am not sure how any of the children left in Gaza can ever achieve peace in their hearts when they see so much destruction around them and when we have so many examples of the five year old little girl that saw her mother and father blow up in pieces and everyone in her family died but she was one of the very few to be able to get a permit and receive medical help in Jordan.
These children are just traumatized for life. Why can’t Israel open the boarders and let all the injured receive help in the West Bank hospitals that are willing to treat them?
I am outraged that my sister in law spent two days on the phone calling everyone she knew in order to help her cousin Jeries (Jeries means George in Arabic ) get medical care while his body is 80% burned and his left leg and right foot have been cut off.
What annoyed me the most is the Israeli rules that if you are under 45 years of age you automatically cannot get a permit to travel thus his brother Anton (Tony) was not able to accompany him to the Jerusalem hospital.
Jeries has had three strokes and has less than 20% chance to survive with over eight doctors helping him fight for his life. He needs all of his family members at this critical time.
The family has no other brothers, no sisters and the mother, Jalileh was killed on the spot in the Israeli attack on their home, Sunday, July 27th making her the first Christian mother to be buried in Gaza. She is originally from Taybeh and married all her life in Gaza where life before the 1967 Israeli occupation was relatively average.
The elderly special needs father was forced to accompany Jeries to the St. Joseph’s Hospital with only a 24 hour permit where only seven children (out of thousands) were the lucky ones to get out of Gaza for medical treatment; but one of them died in the emergency room, two seven year olds are brain dead, and one in intensive care with his leg cut off.
One of the nurses said in Arabic “Where is Obama to come and see? Sister Valentine said: “How can man be so cruel and destructive?” The senior UN official said: “The world should hang its head with shame,” for letting Israel get away with human rights violations.
Jeries’ father is extremely traumatized that the only thing he could tell anyone that come from the Christian community to visit him including the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem and Archbishop Theodosius (Attala Hanna) “I am not Hamas, I am not Fatah, what did I do to them?”
He cries with every phone call and continues to talk about his wife Jalileh and the eggplant dish she was preparing when the house was bombed. He has lost everything but has a very deep faith in God.
Have you seen the evil face of Israel? How many more dead mothers will it take to see it? Does it make sense to you that 1.8 million people are locked up like in a cage.
“…incline Your ear O pure One and save us from sinking in sorrows; and preserve Your City O Theotokos from every siege of the enemies.”
I pray all of you will have a blessed Holy Dormition fast and please do not be fooled by your local media in thinking we are all terrorists.
Please pray for peace in our world so we may see the Light of Christ in a land that has seen only darkness. Have a peaceful, blessed great day today!”
I feel like you guys….sick to my stomach.
Like Mr. Ozgood said there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop it.
What call your congressperson? Nothing but bought and paid for whores that get elected in fixed elections.
Like other Americans, every year my family celebrates the 4th of July. Some fireworks, beer pizza.
This year I couldn’t go out with them to celebrate. They thought I wasn’t feeling well. They were right I was sick.
Sick about what my country has become. Once the country I loved.
Now totally controlled by, Satanic in your face Zionists. That feed filth, perversion, political correctness and endless corruption to brainwashed sheep, that believe slaughtering women and babies in a concentration camp is a “right to self defense.”
With illegals pouring over our border demanding drivers license, welfare and amnesty. While politicians cater to them and screw veterans. If I was a younger man I might move to Russia.
I only wish I had stronger faith in God.
Not all of us Americans support Israel.
The Jewish parasite is a drain on society. We give them over 11 million dollars a day! We have starving people, homeless people, and cities going bankrupted and our bought politicians care more for Israel then our own people here in the USA.
When will our people wake up and take our country back from the Zionist that are controlling it!
America, or should I say the Evangelicals support Israel, because of their heretical interpretation of Scripture.
They have no idea what the Bible really says or how to interpret it. The funny thing is they kiss so much Zionist butt each day, I think they should move to Israel and convert to Judaism, because they have definitely abandoned Christ, or never knew him in the first place.
These people have the gall to call themselves Christians and support heartless slaughter of Arab Christians (Orthodox, Catholic, Syriac) in Palestine, at least they are letting them go to the Kingdom of Heaven no strings attached through the martyrdom of God’s servants in Palestine, Syria, and everywhere else the Jews have their teeth.
Take heart because Christ conquers all just like when he conquered death and vanquished the Devil.
Before I continue to read more of what the posters have posted, I have seen pictures and the news from two news sources that are run by some good Jewish gentlemen: whatreallyhappened.com which is Mike Rivero’s site and the other is globalresearch.ca.
Both these fine gentlemen are neutral and tell the truth about what is going on.
I don’t know how Brother Nathanael has so much strength to go to a great many cities to preach and try and wake up the sheeple out there, and believe me that are plenty to wake up.
For a few years now, I have been trying to wake up my doctor’s secretary when nobody was in the room, and it was just last week I saw her so mighty upset and this wasn’t like her. She has been going through so much about what the Jews want to do to all of us.
These Zionists don’t just want Palestine and Gaza they want the entire Middle East. If you go on globalresearch.ca and type in the New Middle East you will find a map that comes up with information and you will see that the Jews are our enemy and the US is supporting them.
On whatreallyhappened.com Mike Rivero has a place where it tells you what corporations are supporting Israel and what products are made there to boycott.
All the best to you Brother Nathanael and I wish you the best. I don’t know how you do it.
I have woken up one person and she is doing the same as well. When we work on one person gradually without overloading them with too much detail and let them do the investigations for themselves, and WOW I never saw this lady react this way before.
Introduce information and write it down and let them do the research. Their eyes will open as well as their ears.
Treat people (with love) the way that you want to be treated (with love).
Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.
Live by the “GOLDEN RULE.”
Surrender your EGO to a higher level of consciousness, that is LOVE.
It is also SPIRITUALITY. Isn’t that what it’s all about?
Isn’t the above spelled out in a “holy book”?
@Joy Ann
You are absolutely correct about picking 1 person to wake up. Then move on to the next one. I continue to do this in my circle of influence.
Any amount of independent news outside of MSM should picque their interest, since most Americans at a base level know things are not right in this country. But, they have NO ONE to lead them out of all of the brainwashing and propaganda.
It’s a heavy burden for we the informed, but we must continue chipping away at all of the lies.
Again, from all the exhaustive research Ive done, this “concocted” conflict comes down to one thing (as usual) for the thieves (Jews) — money!
For the last 3 years Tel Aviv has been leasing the off-shore natural gas reserves to BG (British Gas) for an exhorbitant profit to Israhell.
This reserve really belongs to Palestinians. Israhell wants all of it. This is why IT CANNOT ACCEPT A 2-STATE SOLUTION!
Then, Palestine would legally take over, at the very least, half ownership of these natural gas reserves.
As always with these vultures, their true aims ARE NEVER what they appear to be.
Maybe the stories about the tunnels from Gaza to Israel that Israel claims to be destroying, are actually just more helpful subliminal reminders from Israel to help remind everyone about the Jewish Holocaust.
These tunnels are holes in the ground that may be related to the holeycaust from the Nazas who are now located in Gaza.
I think that the United Nations or someone should investigate and determine for sure, if all of these tunnels were actually dug from the Gaza side, or from the Israeli side.
@The Chosen Ones
“If any come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Lk. 14:26
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. {10:35} For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter againsther mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.” Mt. 10:34
Isn’t the above spelled out in a “Holy Book”?
Thank you very much for your message.
Apart from the fact that the Jews intend to completely destroy Gaza and all Palestinians living there, it is very difficult for me to know exactly what’s going on because of all the MSM and TV lies.
Would you say that all those rockets are just Israeli false flag psy ops so as to give them an excuse for destroying Gaza and its inhabitants?
Would you say that all that about the need to destroy tunnels is just more lies?
Since you have addressed me directly.
There is no question in my mind that the so-called Hamas rockets are not more than fireworks, if anything at all. In my opinion, they are fireworks launched by Israel to film and palm off as a “rocket destroyed by Iron Dome.”
The Jew police also use fireworks. In the West Bank, using them to illuminate their targets, they shot 80 people there last Friday night. In case you forgot, Hamas has nothing to do with the West Bank.
The illegal blockade of Gaza, which does not even allow pasta, water-color paints, card board, or any musical instrument, let alone building materials or metal from entering for the past SEVEN YEARS, is so tight that all medical supply and humanitarian aid ships are attacked in international waters and the people on them killed, tortured, or arrested, beaten, and deported. Even priests.
Infant formula, powdered milk can’t get in…but magically “thousands” of rockets?
Is there no ability to see with your own eyes? Even the “MSM,” even CNN, showed Jews sitting outside at the very border of Gaza, with their children, enjoying refreshments, cheering half ton bombs exploding on homes in Gaza every evening for a month.
It was the “in” thing to do.The bombs were falling 24 hours a day but the Jews, unlike the Palestinians have high paying jobs, so this was their evening “entertainment’ as they proclaimed in social media.
In my opinion, if there were even a slight chance of real rockets flying in their direction do you think they would ever do that? Because if you do, then, in my opinion, nothing I or anyone else writes in this comment section or anywhere else would make a difference, so why ask?
Not even a false flag, not even a psy-op–just Jew lies–In case you missed John 8:44, look again.
IMO, as for tunnels, any that existed after the time of the blockade in 2007 were bombed to smithereens in “Operation Cast Lead”–remember that? The Jews bragged about it.
The Palestinians are under extreme surveillance and part of that is ground penetrating radar. The drones are ever present.
In my opinion, I would not rule out tunnels dug by Israelis from their border for propaganda or to protect their own troops from their own bombs, but they don’t let any living thing get within miles of the border to even start to dig one from the Palestinian side.
In my opinion, if someone were to dig earth with his bare hands, for over five miles, then Israeli satellite and radar would detect a rodent burrow, let alone a tunnel that could fit a person, so there would not be any chance of that.
The JewSA used ground penetrating radar in Iraq and Afghanistan because it really works. The Israelis brag how well it worked in their previous attack, but did not mention it this time because in my opinion, there is no need.
A dairy farm, a UN school, a mosque, an Orthodox Christian church, a hospital, a university, a power plant, a TV and radio broadcast center, or an apartment block–rocket launchers.
If you read my other posts, you will find more detail.
You wrote: “Apart from the fact that the Jews intend to completely destroy Gaza and all Palestinians living there..”
What’s really apart from that, morally speaking?
One person described the 66+ year horror of direct Jewish oppression like this:
“It is as if a man has raped a woman and then claims he killed her in retaliation and self defense because she gave him a scratch”.
I, personally, do not think ANYONE has given Isrealhell even a scratch. But I do believe “Christ is the Judge and has revealed himself to us”.
Another example of Jew lies that people who do not think for themselves might believe:
The separation wall (illegal for over ten years but still there) is only to abuse Palestinians.
When the entire world censured Israel for building the wall, the Jews whined it was to “prevent suicide bombers” (in my opinion, in itself a load of Jewish propaganda). They claimed victory and maintain the walls — they say — because it “worked,” no more “attacks” in those places.
Well, in my opinion, the truth is that every single day, for years, hundreds of Palestinians scale those walls in order to get to work or school because the checkpoints are too dangerous.
Their work is essentially slave labor that the Jews depend on (the Haredim do not work and the other Jews do not want to do manual labor of any kind) and the Jews know they scale the walls.
The Jews know no one cares that they are lying and those who do care or know, have no power or no voice. And others merely subject to attacks from paid trolls or delusional trolls.
The proof of that is that most people refer to the situation in Gaza as a war, yet only one side is armed.
Hamas was invented by the Mossad in 1978. The so-called Hamas leadership is sitting in air-conditioned luxury in Qatar– a Jew/American colony.
Dear Laskarina
Thank you for your interesting reply.
We are so much bathing in propaganda and lies that the truth is sometimes difficult to apprehend.
I will read your other posts.
Thank you again.
It’s odd and depressing how many of Israel’s staunchest supporters are Christians, like John Hagee and others (I’ve also encountered several rather religious “Christians” of late who are fervently pro-Israel and pretend to admire Jews…) and its biggest critics are pretty secular but brilliant people like Gilad Atzmon and David Duke.
Is their any authentic Christianity left in America? Anywhere? Even the effing Popes support Israel!
I’ve often found hyper-religious people in the United States to be oddly creepy as well as amazingly gullible and naive (George W. Bush is a good example).
That’s one reason why Brother Nathanael’s website so important — to re-educate Christians in America who have been duped by Zionism.
Arab Greek Orthodox Archbishop Hanna: Aggression on Gaza Strip, Syria and Iraq, Conspiracy to liquidate the Palestinian Cause
JERUSALEM,(Aug 4 ST)_ Archbishop of Sebastia of the Greek-Orthodox Church Atallah Hanna stressed that the barbaric Israeli aggression on Gaza is not different from the terrorism exposed on Syria and Iraq, which is the product of a conspiracy by some Arab regimes, the US, and the Zionist entity aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause.
In an interview to Al-Manar TV yesterday, Bishop Hanna said that “the silence of some Arab regimes over the brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip is participation in the crime committed against Gaza and its people,” noting that the plot against Palestine and the resistance began with the so-called “Arab Spring” which is in fact “Israeli-American spring,” aims at liquidating the Palestinian cause and the destruction and dismantling of the Arab region as happening in Syria, Iraq and other areas.
He described the silence of some Arab rulers over the Israeli aggression on Gaza as “as a betrayal of Palestine, the Arab nation and Islam, Christianity, and an insult to the Arab dignity.”
However, the Israeli occupation forces continue their aggression against Gaza Strip, where number of victims exceeded thousands of dead and wounded civilians, including the latest massacre in Rafah city, against one UNRWA’s school claiming the lives of 10 Palestinians, while other scores were wounded, amid continued international silence and Arab inaction.
T. Fateh
Miqdad: Syria stands by the Palestinians against the genocidal war waged by Zionist Entity
DAMASCUS,(Aug 6 ST)_ Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Dr. Faisal al-Miqdad stressed the fateful cohesion between Syria and Palestine, stressing Syria stand with the Palestinian people to confront the genocidal war waged by Israel, at U.S. and Western support with their hirelings in the Arab region.
Miqdad expressed, in a meeting with a PLO delegation headed by Dr. Ahmad Majdalani, member of the PLO Executive Committee yesterday Syria leadership and people support to the Palestinian people‘s right to return and self-determination and establish their own independent state on their land with Jerusalem as its capital.
“Despite the difficulties experienced by Syria, we are not outside this fateful battle waged by the Palestinian people for their legitimate rights and dignity,” he emphasized.
Miqdad expressed satisfaction of the Syrian leadership for the national unity shown by the Palestinian people against the Israeli aggression.
For his part, Dr. Majdalani stressed that his visit to Syria aims to brief the Syrian leadership with the ongoing events in the Palestinian arena and ways of coordination in the face of the unilateral war waged by Israel against the Palestinian people.
He reviewed the political contacts carried out by the Palestinian leadership to mobilize support against the Israeli aggression and pressure Israel and its supporters to stop the aggression and to respond to the demands of the Palestinian people to break the siege and release the Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli jails.
Majdalani stressed the pivotal role played by Syria in the region, considering that the absence of this role will negatively affect the Palestinian issue.
On the other hand Palestinian delegation expressed satisfaction with the improvement of the situation in al-Yarmouk refugee camp, praising the efforts made by the Syrian government to ensure the success of the camp’s agreement and to facilitate humanitarian access to the population.
T. Fateh
You are most welcome.
I agree that “We are so much bathing in propaganda and lies that the truth is sometimes difficult to apprehend” as you wrote.
So much that is going on today is not on “popular” internet sites, so if you can hear directly what is going on, that can help overcome the media haze. I will post a couple of links, so that anyone can form their own opinions.
Recently, a ten year old boy in the West Bank was shot in the chest. These incidents have been happening for years, but lest someone imagine it is my opinion only, here is one place the story can be found:
(I would like to add that I have heard stories like this for years, but usually they don’t make print.)
I feel so sad that the constant terror of living under direct Jew oppression is largely unnoticed by the world, though the world will know first hand soon enough, I suppose.
Here is one example of what I mean; a child kidnapped from his neighborhood in the West Bank, his home–will they harvest organs? will he be abused? will they break his bones? who knows?:
The genocide in Gaza is recommenced by the people who have the bombs.
BAB, you had asked about the “Hamas tunnels”. I found a video of an interview with Dr.Dabour, wherein he says something about that in the course of describing his experience as a physician in Gaza:
I sincerely hope that the followers of this site will take Brother Nathanael’s work seriously as a starting point and continue to learn more on their own.
Dear Laskarina,
Thank you lots for your reply with the interesting links.
In spite of all the lies I think that I have a fairly good view of what’s going on, but I feel totally powerless.
When I try to talk to peaple about the truth they just think that I am a nut case and prefer to believe propaganda. What can one do? Can all those petitions one receives in one’s mailbox have any effect?
Thanks again for all your sympathy anyway!
The American Jews were only helping the Kurds against ISIL because the Kurds are selling their oil cheap to Israel.
In the rest of Iraq they are behind ISIL all the way until they (Jewish USA/Israel) own the leaders and assets of Iraq.
The Kurds are selling their oil cheap to Israel — ISIS lowlifes don’t get it. This makes the Kurds okay and untouchable. Okay, maybe America’s Jews can increase their ISIS proxies intellect with some state of the art bombs. Leave the Kurds alone to sell cheap oil to Israel or die (even if we finance you) — get it?