How The US Military Turned Evil
Joe Cortina/Ex Green Beret Interviews

How The US Military Turned Evil
Interview With Joe Cortina – Ex Green Beret
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2012
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
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JOE CORTINA IS AN EX GREEN BERET, a former airborne special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander.
Joe Cortina’s subsequent experiences as an intelligence investigator and anti-terrorist adviser brought him to such hotbeds of turmoil as the State of Israel, adjacent Middle East nations, and Central America.
Joe Cortina’s Web Site, “My Name Is Joe Cortina,” is a showcase of crimes committed against humanity by the Jewish global elite. Here.
Br Nathanael: What evidence is there that the US military has turned evil?
Joe Cortina: It can be seen in the way the military teaches our sons about defending our nation.
Br Nathanael: How so?
Joe Cortina: The purpose of our military was and always has been to DEFEND our country from foreign aggressors.
But, it has turned from its true purpose to aggression, terrorism and imperialism. What we are now doing is pure aggression — the opposite of defense.
All of the serial wars of the past three decades have been wars of aggression — all fought for the security of a foreign power who is our mortal enemy, morally, culturally and economically.
Br Nathanael: What foreign power?
Joe Cortina: Israel and its Jewish agents here in America who are loaded with money, more than enough to buy all of our politicians. Even the military is led by the nose by the Jews.

Br Nathanael: What has changed in our training that has made the US military an army of aggressors?
Joe Cortina: I have had substantive experience in training our sons in the military especially at basic levels and skills.
What we taught our young men when I was commander of E-5-2 and what is taught today to these same entry-level ‘grunts’ are ethically, morally diametrically opposed.
We are no longer training young men on how to DEFEND our nation but on how to aggress upon and terrorize innocent people who are the enemies of our real enemy, Israel, and the Jews who force Congress to support it.
What we are doing has absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with the safety of the American people.
As matter of fact, our insane irrational provocations and endless aggressions in our wars for the Jews have made the world more dangerous than any period in my lifetime.

Br Nathanael: What it is in the current training that is so radically different than your own experience as a Green Beret in the 1960’s?
Joe Cortina: The entire Basic Training Manual has been altered by our Jewish masters with their ‘war on terror hoax’ so as to make terrorists and murderers out of our boys.
I saw exactly what my own son went through who recently completed Basic Training in the army. What I saw should be a wakeup call to every parent of our young trainees.
The criminals who now run the show, I mean Jewish neocons, AIPAC, and the Jewish-owned press, have prompted the military brass to teach our sons to invade private homes, terrorize the occupants, render them without any means of defense, and if a private—yes, a private—deems it necessary, to murder all the occupants.
And I’m talking about murdering civilians—NOT professional military personnel.
Br Nathanael: You use the words “terrorists” and “murderers” to describe our soldiers. Those are pretty serious accusations.
Joe Cortina: Murder is the taking of the life of an innocent human being without cause and with malice and forethought.
This EXACT crime — MURDER — has been committed countless times by our own sons in the past decade. Much of that murder has also included terrorist activity by pure definition.
I am more than text-book experienced with terrorism and all that it entails.
I have hunted terrorists, interrogated terrorists, and investigated terrorist atrocities of the most violent nature in Central America with Salvadorian Special Forces as an adviser at the formal request of their government.
I know what terrorism is. And our sons who serve the Jews—NOT our country—have become just that, terrorists.

Br Nathanael: Is there documentation of these terrorist activities committed by our soldiers and the military?
Joe Cortina: Yes.
There have been more war crimes committed by what I call sociopathic criminals in the US military in these wars against the enemies of Israel than in ALL of the wars we have engaged in for the past century.
Reports of US troops, disgracefully—mostly US Marines—men I have trained and for whom I USED to have the greatest respect have committed crimes that are so off the scale in sadism and evil against unarmed, helpless civilians that they would rival some of the brutality of the Stalin era.
Br Nathanael: How are these crimes reported?
Joe Cortina: Mostly by survivors of terror themselves revealing the crimes to journalists.
Other reports come from US soldiers with a guilty conscience such as Brandon Bryant, a US Air Force drone operator, who could no longer live with himself when he realized the drone he was operating killed a young boy in Afghanistan.
Keep in mind that statistics show us that less than ten percent of these atrocities ever come to light.
This means that for the hundred or so we actually know about there are probably thousands more where the evidence—I mean corpses—were ditched in canals or shallow graves or burned beyond recognition or covered up by soldiers sworn to secrecy who committed the murders.

Br Nathanael: What about the rumors of suicides in our military today? Wouldn’t this prove that our soldiers don’t really make good “terrorists” after all?
Joe Cortina: It’s a two edged sword.
According to many accredited news sources including Reuters, CBS, NPR, and ABC, suicide rates are steadily increasing.
This is an ugly fact that every parent should know who thought it was so patriotic of their sons to go overseas to ‘defend our country’ when in reality they murder innocent people and destroy centuries-old cultures for the greater glory of Israel and their godless Jewish agents here in America.
Br Nathanael: You say suicides are actually increasing along with the war crimes? Is there some sort of correlation?
Joe Cortina: Of course. You can’t just take a decent, sensitive, moral kid like my son and turn him into a serial murderer of innocent human beings without serious repercussions.
In the last few years parents have lost more of their sons from suicides than have been killed in combat.
Let that disgrace of a nightmare sink in next time you see some Jew ‘special’ on TV that glorifies our wounded warriors or sells another Jew-created ultra-evil war game (Jews run the Toy Industry by the way) that makes murder of innocent people look like fun.
Every day, one more young man who decides he can no longer live with the guilt of the horrors he either saw or committed himself blows his brains out.

Br Nathanael: Is there a correlation between these so-called ‘lone gun’ shooting sprees such as what occurred last week in Sandy Hook and US military violence?
Joe Cortina: Without a shadow of doubt.
Young boys have seen the murders of innocent children by our Jewish masters in Israel with full support from our Jew-led government, Jew-run schools, and our Jew-owned media. They have also seen the same atrocities committed by our own military in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Iraq.
We have become a culture of death where murder of the innocent is sanctioned and glorified. No wonder then that our youth go on shooting sprees gunning down innocent children. Our military has set the example.
We have totally lost our Christian base. Jews have taken over our country, our military, and our culture.
Br Nathanael: How then can Jewish influence in our country be stopped?
Joe Cortina: It has to begin with the military.
If some military leader—like Fox Fallon who called Patraeus an “ass kissing little chicken shit” because he kowtowed to the Jews—has the guts to stand up to the Jews then he would be hailed as one of our country’s greatest heroes…

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For More See: Depleted Uranium–’Dirty Bomb’–Now In America Click Here
And: Jewish Imperialism & The US Military Click Here
And: US Military Trains To Clear Civilian Homes Click Here
And: All Joe Cortina Interviews Click Here

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Brother Nathanael @ December 20, 2012
Dear Real Jew News Family.
Joe Cortina and I worked on this for 3 days running. I think Joe speaks AUTHORITATIVELY don’t you?
Surely, the Jews who control the military have ruined our nation and turned it into, (just like Joe says above) a “culture of death.”
Will the US military begin the “blockade” against Jew control? Certainly, the White House and the Congress aren’t doing it…
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+Brother Nathanael
Good article as usual.
However, the title should have said ‘turns more evil’ – just nitpicking.
Not only has the training been oriented toward something apart from defending our Constitution and our way of life, but the filth culture of the Talmudic owners and manipulators have managed to rot most of the population into the grotesque freaks like Petraeus, Sinclair, James Amos, Allen, and tens of thousands of others of all commissioned and enlisted ranks.
For the amoral nothing is repugnant.
You might look up the Tail Hook Report from the early ’90’s. Gleamy-eyed, prancing, gnomish scum wearing the rank insignia of officers in the Navy and Marines. I knew some of them personally – nothing was exaggerated.
The US of A as we knew it is dead and gone. Ahead lies the challenge of survival of the moral individual and the eventual carving out of a place for him to inhabit.
You could certainly find plenty to deal with on this topic Bro. Nat.
I’m sending you some more support.
Merry Christmas to you and Thank You.
ONE must wonder if at some time a governor will lead in secession or if a ranking general will attempt a coup.
However, it seems to me more likely that say a governor of Texas could speak to some key Texas commanders and generals, and there must be a few, and then make the announcement that Texas is seceding.
A huge percent of the Marine Corp are Texans, and presumably other branches are well represented by Texans (and other Southerners that would prefer to support Texas in a secession move).
Further, no doubt if it looked credible, then a few other states would follow, perhaps the western ones first with Alaska, and then probably some of the Southern States like Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
One can never be sure; but in the meantime I would encourage all to have at least an “assault style weapon” with some 30 round clips before they ban them, and at least one handgun, and have at least 1000 rounds for each.
Merry CHRISTmas to all !!
List of parties to the Geneva Conventions
Nuremberg principles
I always wondered why Americans have this crazy respect for “men and women” in uniform.
Now I understand it is part of conditioning the masses to believe that what these “uniforms” do is an honourable thing.
The plain fact of the matter is (Jews or (imagine?) no Jews) is that what the people allow to be done to others can only rebound on themselves in any respect.
Take factory farming, vivisection and all the cruel ‘necessities’ of ‘science’ and we see that precisely the same is done to human beings. The means never ever justified the ends.
Since the dawn of MeJah! people have witnessed displaced people terrorised by war starving to death in refugee camps throughout the world and yes, they’ve been moved to donate to ease their own suffering as the witness. But never moved enough to ask who, where, why and how this could be in an abundant planet.
Who benefits?
They do not realise they are watching their future unfold. For 15 years we’ve had a universal library of knowledge available on the internet, few have asked the questions, sought the answers and now, it too is being attacked.
A marvelous piece of intelligence gathering has served its purpose and the majority of people in USA Corp and the West will die as they have lived, sooner than they could ever imagine, in total ignorance.
The difference in this era after some 6000 of ‘the plan’ is there is a one way ticket out with NO RETURN.
The elegance of this masterpiece is that the Bankster Zionista Mafioso can say that the population voted for their own demise with every programme watched, film and CD bought, every tax paid without question, every order obeyed without thinking.
And the most programmed race on the entire planet are the ‘Jews’ themselves so I wonder what or who is running their show.
The evil power is so great, God or Gods power given to men can only stop them now. Whether spiritually or physically.
For the life of me I can’t understand man wanting such power on Earth, when it lasts only years and decides their future for perhaps an eternity.
We have been given all we need on Earth for all to have their needs, yet a few decide to make that impossible — for the time being.
I just don’t get it!
Israel is a very small country.
It must expand in order for it to survive. Not just because it’s small. But because it’s also evil.
The next two years could be the end of Israel because it can’t expand its borders; yet, that’s the only way it can survive.
All we have to is let Israel wither on the vine.
For God’s sake don’t overthrow the U.S. government. Just sit back and enjoy the show.
“A huge percent of the Marine Corp are Texans, and presumably other branches are well represented by Texans (and other Southerners that would prefer to support Texas in a secession move).
Further, no doubt if it looked credible, then a few other states would follow, perhaps the western ones first with Alaska, and then probably some of the Southern States like Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.”
The end of this won’t come from the politicians, it will come from the military and the spooks finally getting tired of being used, and shoving the goobernment’s head up it’s posterior just before it is cut off.
They will lead the way and the people will rally around them.
The only end of this is the end of the “United States” and a return of the power to the individual rather than the collective.
I have always enjoyed your talks between you and Joe. I even like reading Joe’s blog every now and then.
That being said: I feel the U.S. military has become the new “terrorist” of the world. These soldiers have become thugs for hire by Jewish interest, and their Free-Masonic cohorts.
I hope one day that the majority of our soldiers who are currently serving, wakes up one day to the U.S. impending problem with Zionist Jewry.
After what happened at Sandy Hook, Barack Obama will stop at nothing to take away more of our rights, i.e. the Second Amendment, to fully disarm us and turn the country into occupied Palestine.
The President and the Zionists will let no tragedy go to waste, as Rahm Emanuel would put it.
The United States of America has become an satanic army against the known world for the interests of supremacist Judaism!
Great article Br. Nathanael and Joe! Out of all people Joe, you have the authority to put the military in their place.
Something that people have to know is that the military and the special Black Ops/CIA groups are also controlled by their false god, Satan and his demons, underground.
To the black ops forces that work in the underground devil bunkers, non-humans run the show. Listen to the interviews of Col. Greg Rinchich, former cosmic level security chief to Dulce and S4, about what he saw that went on in the Military Industrial complex and underground. It’s repulsive.
Humanity has to deal with the Jews and their false god Satan and his legion of materialized demons, called grays, reptoids, giants, Pleiadians, and Arcturians. We should not worry because Christ our God and Archangel Michael are keeping Satan’s demons underground.
Humanity just has to do their part in arresting criminal Jews, but that hasn’t happened and will not happen until Christ Returns and pounds the Jews into Prostration.
Here is a quote from Col. Greg Rinchich, ina recent interview: while doing his regular rounds as security in the Dulce base, Br. Greg passed by a group of “Pleiadians,” known as advanced “extra terrestrials” that claim to be from the Pleiades star system, and claim “progenitors” of the human race to the deceived New Agers and believers in positive aliens.
These Pleiadians then turned around and told Br. Greg “Karma, Karma, Karma! You humans will believe in anything (meaning the false dogma of the Satanic cults of the east, such Buddhism and Hinduism).”
The Pleiadians continued “We have never been to the Pleiadies, nor could we ever travel there! You think you are a hero because you can kill us.”
Br. Greg responded, “Yes, I am a hero (Br. Greg used to kill a Pleiadian that got out of protocol everyday).”
The Pleiadian responded “When we had the war in heaven, we lost because we were outnumbered. Now, we are no longer outnumbered.”
Peace and protection of Our God Jesus Christ+
The Monk
“When we had the war in heaven, we lost because we were outnumbered. Now, we are no longer outnumbered.”
No. You Pleiadians lost because you are stupid and worthless. Numbers are meaningless.
Great interview as always Br. Nathanael and Joe Cortina.
Great job on exposing our military for what it is. This can be summed up in one word: ANTI-CHRIST.
If a military coup were possible it would only work if the citizens were informed.
Alas, the military has given itself over to the Children of Hell like those vipers Carl Levin and William Kristol (anti-Christ Jew Trotskyite Bastard).
I call him Trotskyite because if you go far enough into Neo-Con Jew history, the Neo-cons are descended from Trotskyites who joined the Republican Party and incorporated the concepts of Trotsky into a supposed “right-wing” platform.
The ideas of permanent revolution, social revolution, and political revolution are alive and well in Neo-Con circles.
Although these values have morphed into a more right-wing Republican approach, though still baring the scars of Trotsky: Born Anti-Christ Jew LEV BRONSTEIN.
The Gospel of John chapter 8:44 basically as we all know sums up the Jews.
A Blessed Nativity to all!
He is Born! Glorify Him!
(Servant of Christ and his Church)
WHY do you think the CRIMINAL JEW MAFIA SUPREMACISTS want to take your High Powered Rifles????????????
You are going to need HIGH POWERED RIFLES to take down the JEW FEMA DRONES which are going to INVADE and attack America.
You are going to need HIGH POWERED RIFLES to take down the JEW FEMA GUARDS at the FEMA Camps when you go to rescue your family.
Every Law Abiding Citizen should be given a FREE GLOCK 17 to fight off the ever increasing world criminals.
Some ground swell is what’s needed. I think it’ll happen.
Why This Fight.
Chuck Hagel versus the Israel Lobby: a battle that must be won.
By Justin Raimondo, December 21, 2012
5 GUNS every American should own…
You are going to need HIGH POWERED RIFLES.
Frank DePinto
Chattanooga, TN
Jews brought on to themselves the Holocaust in 30s Germany for the same behaviors there they have been committing in America, but, I believe it has been 10x worse in America.
They are in the American bloodstream, like bacteria, the politics, media, economics in America; and they have lead us to 5 wars in the Middle East, which they did not do in Germany.
I think as starters, there can only be some type of movement to declare Jews in America, ‘threats to national security,’ treat them as we did the Japanese during WWII. Take them at least out of the government, our courts; and encourage them to leave America.
Thanks for pointing out all the wrong these Jews do BN. Would there not have to be a non-Jew hand on the other end to seal the deal ?
We spend countless hours here doing all this research while trying to convince ourselves of how bad these people are. There is nothing that will change.
They have given us our modern American culture — Music, Movies and Entertainment. Even the style trends in our clothes…Levis, Calvin Klein etc. and the list goes on. Try abandoning all that is Jewish and there won’t be much in the way of fun or health.
I will be working my way through medical school one day and know that they are even over-represented there. I going to do my best to represent my people and work on myself.
I will be the best I can be and not worry about these Jews and what they do. These people don’t get ahead because they are stupid. They work hard in my school, I see this with my eyes. They are smart and always represented at the top of the class in all areas of study.
I’m not ready to blame them for every ill of our country when I see our kind out not living up to our side of what we need to do to get on top.
God willing one day I will get there.
“I will be the best I can be and not worry about these Jews and what they do. These people don’t get ahead because they are stupid. They work hard in my school, I see this with my eyes. They are smart and always represented at the top of the class in all areas of study.
I’m not ready to blame them for every ill of our country when I see our kind out not living up to our side of what we need to do to get on top”.
But “your kind” doesn’t teach that the others are Goy beasts to be used as servants or butchered as their Talmud does, does it?
If I can leave just one thought – one planted seed – one disturbing FACT in the minds of every Parent, Aunt, Uncle, Brother, Sister who read this article – it is this:
SHOW SOME CONCERN FOR THE CRIMINAL TRAINING YOUR BELOVED SONS ARE NOW SUBJECTED TO. Do NOT be bullied into being told you don’t know what is best for the souls and well being of your OWN children.
If at this late stage of the game — if you do not know the difference between right and wrong — God help you and allow Jew mentality evil double -speak to turn your beloved sons into soulless Godless, sociopathic necrophiliacs for IsraHELL — you may as well out a bullet in their heads before they leave home!
Our Jew-trained military is now evil to the core.
How many more dead sons and murdered defenseless civilian children will it take for you as a father to go to that filthy animal in uniform that wants to come to YOUR child’s school and preach the glory of dying for IsraHELL AND MURDERING INNOCENT civilians as thrilling exciting and glamorous?
The absolute prime offender of ALL Jew Hate Games, the #1 favorite of your son ( as it was with my own sons), is CoD ( CALL Of DUTY ).
It is advertised 24 -7 today on every Jew owned Talmud-vision network. The Jews who sponsor this super violent abysmal filth rate it only M – for “MATURE” .
Can you imagine the audacity of these Christian hating filthy reptiles? “MATURE”? So as to make your kids feel like real men instead of the imbeciles they are to even watch that tripe?
When and IF your sons ever come home — not in a pine box or as a vegetable — ask him how “MATURE” he felt when he blew the brains out of a terrified 5 year old child to please his Jew masters – as I saw in IsraHELL every day of the week.
If one of those parasite recruiter pieces of human filth comes to your school or church or community, you might consider doing what I do when I see them — I look then SQUARE IN THE EYES and tell them they are NOT WANTED or WELCOME in MY community.
You might be surprised at the reaction of these young men whose fathers were not even BORN when I trained their grandfathers to D-E-F-E-N-D this nation, and not D-I-S-G-R-A-C-E it!
Also look at the advertisers products who PAY for the CoD filth ads on TV. When you walk into ANY store who sells such garbage, tell the manager in a nice, polite BUT LOUD Voice so ALL their customers can hear your righteous outrage as a parent or big brother – “DROP THE PRODUCT OR LOSE MY BUSINESS!”
IT DOES WORK! Now go do something you can be proud of! FIGHT THE BASTARDS BACK!
“And the most programmed race on the entire planet are the ‘Jews’ themselves so I wonder what or who is running their show.”
I wouldn’t ask that question if I were you.
If you saw the thing as it really is, most people wouldn’t be able to live with that knowledge.
Most people’s dealing with the Jews is very limited. They go to their jobs, come home and only know what their told to believe on TV. Like good little dumb goys are supposed to do.
If you deal in business with millions of dollars it seems like they’re everywhere and then you see what they do.
I agree with you and don’t think the Jews are stupid either.
They can get control of a court docket through being or controlling the presiding judge. They can then direct any civil case with significant dollars to the desired Talmudic Jewish judge, who then in turn can legally redistribute the Goyim’s wealth to the chosen ones, and rightful owners as listed in the Talmud.
I can’t entirely say what they do in the medical field; I’ve read some of the horror stories though.
Like this one where they’ve taken 25,000 Ukrainian children into the Occupied Territory to harvest their organs. It’s generally done without anesthesia to these live children so the organs won’t be damaged.
Israel is the number one country in the world for organ theft and the Jews have even stolen organs from tourist.
I would make a sincere effort to avoid a Jewish doctor. Who cares how well he does in school, if he’s going to steal your organs or use your blood in a satanic sacrifice or intentionally inflict harm.
They’re a very deceitful and dangerous people.
Joe Cortina is correct that the US military is evil, but he is incorrect in his assertion that the evil in the US military began with Jewish/Israeli influence during the past few decades. The USA’s murderous Phoenix Program in Viet Nam was not conducted under the influence of the Jews or Israelis.
More than 100 years ago, during the Philippine/American War (1899-1912), the troops of the US military routinely committed atrocities against civilians.
“I don’t know how many [Philippino] men, women, and children the Tennessee boys did kill. They would not take any prisoners.” – Leonard F. Adams, of Ozark, in the Washington Regiment.
Consider also the atrocities committed during the USA’s Indian Wars, and during the various US Imperialist military campaigns of the 20th Century.
Funny how everyone wants to blame Civilian guns (legal under the second amendment) for every shooting.
Sandy Hook wasn’t done by a civilian. It was orchestrated by the JEWS and their anti-Christ CIA. Don’t go blaming video games, blame the MKULTRA operations the Black Ops sector of the CIA is performing on autistic kids with mind altering drugs.
Lanza himself may have been a JEW (as I stated before of Italian extraction) and he had mental illness he was a prime candidate for a CIA operation: Impressionable, young, and ripe for drug induced mind control by the Satanic US Tyrants.
They threw God out of Amerikan life and traded Divine Life himself (Jesus Christ) for worship of Satan at the alter JEW Government.
Why else have the Christ-hating Jews been thrown out of every country they set foot in. They are a thorn in the side of Amerika. Edward Longshanks (Edward I of England) threw the Kikes out, come on Amerika wake up and throw the Devil’s children out of this once great “nation.”
To JKnTX: The Devil is the father of the Jews. Read John 8:44 in the Holy Scriptures.
Christ God bless you all!
(Servant of Christ and his Church)
“The Phoenix Program was designed to identify and “neutralize” (via infiltration, capture, terrorism, torture, and assassination) the infrastructure of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLF or Viet Cong).
Historian Douglas Valentine states that “Central to Phoenix is the fact that it targeted civilians, not soldiers”.
“Talk about war being “hell,” this war beats the hottest estimate ever made of that locality. Caloocan [in the Philippines] was supposed to contain seventeen thousand inhabitants.
The Twentieth Kansas swept through it, and now Caloocan contains not one living native. Of the buildings, the battered walls of the great church and dismal prison alone remain.
The village of Maypaja, where our first fight occurred on the night of the fourth, had five thousand people in it at that day, — now not one stone remains upon top of another. You can only faintly imagine this terrible scene of desolation. War is worse than hell.” – Captain Elliott, of the Kansas Regiment, during the Philippine-American War, 1899-1912.
“I agree with you and don’t think the Jews are stupid either.
They’re a very deceitful and dangerous people.”
There is a vast difference between intelligence and deceitful cunning…
“To JKnTX: The Devil is the father of the Jews. Read John 8:44 in the Holy Scriptures.”
Read it MANY times, I was raised in the Lutheran church.
“Consider also the atrocities committed during the USA’s Indian Wars, and during the various US Imperialist military campaigns of the 20th Century.”
Being part American Indian I find this laughable. Who financed them?
If you dig down to the roots of it all, just whom and their money do you find?
Is there any link between the father of Lanza and Obama?
They both have the same young girls in their arms!
“The Twentieth Kansas swept through it, and now Caloocan contains not one living native. Of the buildings, the battered walls of the great church and dismal prison alone remain.
The village of Maypaja, where our first fight occurred on the night of the fourth, had five thousand people in it at that day, — now not one stone remains upon top of another. You can only faintly imagine this terrible scene of desolation. War is worse than hell.” – Captain Elliott, of the Kansas Regiment, during the Philippine-American War, 1899-1912”.
You neglected to mention they were fighting whom? Moros.
Those guys are still around and they are Muslim to the core. They used to wrap their genitals with wet leather which shrank as it dried and then ran killing everything in sight with a bolo.
Found the following article, “MK-Ultra Links to the Sandy Hook Assault” article on Rense. Author paints the guilt across a broader landscape.
While to a certain extent that is likely true, don’t you see the Talmudic tribe assuming the leading, driving force role for this staggering criminal behavior and depravity?
Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if kikes were the ones powering much of this forward. Here’s the link:
“Is there any link between the father of Lanza and Obama”?
Is a frog waterproof?
“Joe Cortina: It has to begin with the military.”
That is exactly were it will start, and with the Spooks as well.
THEY have the final choice: Stand up and fight for your country and freedom or watch it all go down the drain and you along with it.
The choice is your’s brothers and sisters, make it a wise one.
Dear Telemachos,
There is no known link between Lanza and Obama. I think you are confusing fathers.
Lanza is the father of the dead suspect, Adam Lanza, and ex-husband of Adam’s mother, the late Nancy Lanza, the forgotten FIRST victim of her son, Adam.
Robbie Parker, not Lanza, is the father of the dead 6 year old, Emilie Parker.
Obama went to Newtown, CT to speak to the grieving families and the community members, and of course to stump his pet anti-gun agenda.
Afterwards, there was a local reception and Obama was photographed with the young brothers and sisters of other grieving families who lost children besides the Parkers, as well as members of the community.
The girl in the black and red dress being held by Obama looks just like Emilie Parker because she is one of Emilie’s two sisters.
The other blond girl in the Obama photo looks like the youngest Parker daughter, about two years old. They all look like “peas in a pod.”
The Parker family photo was taken just before the massacre probably as a family Christmas photo, and the baby of the family is wearing the same kind of dress with a black jacket, too.
If you are overseas, an annoying Americanism is to dress all of one’s kids alike for Christmas for photos.
All three girls probably had the same Christmas dresses, but the middle daughter didn’t wear the black jacket with it. Americans do that, they dress their kids, and often themselves, alike in identical or matching clothes.
So, the middle daughter with Obama is wearing either her own Christmas dress, this time with a black jacket which was missing in the Parker family photo, or far less likely is wearing Emilie’s dress because she wanted to wear her older sister’s favorite dress. Kids do that when they miss a sibling.
All kinds of government conspiracy theories abound, which are not impossible, and the Jew-controlled press actually adds to the confusion with their own sloppy ethics and idiotic reporting, however, does anyone remember one very likely motive?
Adam “may have snapped because his mother was planning to commit him to a psychiatric facility, according to a lifelong resident of the area who was familiar with the killer’s family and several of the victims’ families.
Adam Lanza, 20, targeted Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown after killing his mother early Friday because he believed she loved the school “more than she loved him,” said Joshua Flashman, 25, who grew up not far from where the shooting took place.
“Flashman was told Nancy Lanza had begun filing paperwork to get conservatorship over her troubled son.
Flashman, a U.S. Marine, is the son of a pastor at an area church where many of the victims’ families worship.”
I read (in the Jew York Daily?) that Flashman was then chastised by his father, the pastor, for passing on “hearsay” to the press, and urged the press not to publish the “hearsay,” even though the police were seriously looking at this as the motive.
At least one other separate neighborhood source also told that Nancy Lanza had come to the realization she could no longer handle her son alone.
She was caring for him full-time, but told friends she needed help. She was planning to have him involuntarily hospitalized, according to the source, who did not know if she had taken formal steps.
So why would this aspect be quashed?
Adam Lanza does NOT make a good case for gun-control, but drives directly into the heart of Liberaldom, who happen to believe that mentally ill people have the constitutional right to be crazy and disordered in public and not insitutionalized, even for their own protection.
Liberals even promote the mentally disordered person’s right to refuse their psyche meds.
If Adam’s motive for the shooting at the school was indeed his anger because his mother had begun the legal process to involuntarily commit him, then what Liberaldom doesn’t want is for Americans to really take a look at the legal steps that one must go through to have a clearly disturbed individual placed in a psychiatric facility.
Adam Lanza was more than just a “troubled kid” he was in high school. This is someone who should have been placed in a psychiatric hospital both for his own safety and to protect society from him.
A remotely normal adult is not going to shoot up a class of first graders because he believes that his mommy likes them better than him.
I have always felt from my experience in Public Safety having to deal daily with calls from either the mentally disturbed or their frustrated and desperate families who have struggled for years in the revolving door of the mental health and social programs, that the legal system needs to allow for a more pro-active approach to situations like this.
It is very difficult to commit someone, even if they clearly need to be off the streets. The only immediate action his mother could have hope for would have been a 72-hour commitment and then only if he posed an active threat to either himself or others.
Even so, the chances are that some liberal do-gooder psychiatrist or social worker would just cut the person loose, after getting them back on their meds, only to see them again next week.
Up until the massacre, no one considered Adam to be either a danger to himself or others, but it seems that he stayed a recluse at home, with his mother. It had been at least two years since Adam had graduated from high school, and even his own brother, Ryan, had no contact with him since 2009, when Adam was 17 years old.
If his mother, while trying to keep matters quiet and private as normal people still try to do, and was attempting to gain conservatorship over her adult son through the courts in order to have him institutionalized, then Adam had slipped considerably and there would be medical and psychological documentation to back it up, or she’d never get it through the courts.
The court records are sealed if they exist, and the police, regarding this as a possible motive, would have to go through a separate court procedure to get a judge to overrule the sealed court records.
But, none of this fits Obama’s agenda as the king of Liberaldom to take away the right for Americans to own firearms. In my opinion, Adam Lanz broke apart along existing psychological scorelines, which his mother had been trying to deal with for a long time.
He was 20 and living at home, but she had no authority over his life even though he was sinking far lower than he was in high school.
One of his old classmates was interviewed and described him as a “goth” in high school. Afterwards Adam spiraled further down into a nihilistic, angry, self-destructive world view, which did nothing for what appears his condition to have been some form of autism, and extreme anxiety and depression.
That is my take on why this tragedy is being spun the way it is. Liberaldom certainly doesn’t want people with mental problems and maladaptive socially confined for their own protection.
Dear Justin,
Numerous Italians and Sicilians have the last name, and are no indication of Gentile of Jewish ethnicity. Lanza and its spelling variations are related to other names, like Lancelot.
In Italian, the name Lanza means “noble and eager” and is related to medieval chivalry. It was first recorded in Bergamo, Lombardy in the late 12c. as a surname; it comes from O.Fr. lance (12c.), from L. lancea “light spear, Spanish lance” (It. lancia, Sp. lanza), possibly of Celt-Iberian origin.
The French word spread into Germanic. Lombardy was named for the medieval Germanic Lombards who ruled Italy and Sicily for a time.
Lance corporal (1786) is from obsolete lancepesade “officer of lowest rank” (1570s), from O.It. lancia spezzata “old soldier,” lit. “broken lance.”
“Lanza and its spelling variations are related to other names, like Lancelot”.
Brotherhood all the way. And this was no “lone shooter.”
It had been at least two years since Adam had graduated from high school, and even his own brother, Ryan, had no contact with him since 2009, when Adam was 17 years old.”
Then how could he be carrying his brother’s ID???
“In Italian, the name Lanza means “noble and eager” and is related to medieval chivalry. It was first recorded in Bergamo, Lombardy in the late 12c. as a surname; it comes from O.Fr. lance (12c.), from L. lancea “light spear, Spanish lance” (It. lancia, Sp. lanza), possibly of Celt-Iberian origin”.
Like the “Spear of Destiny” perhaps, wielded by the Roman who pierced the side of Christ on the cross?
The father in that photo, Robbie Parker, is the same guy who gave that talk in front of the press, and was laughing and smirking before he took 2 deep breaths and sighs to get into character.
Your pictures show the deceased daughter of that man in the arms of Obama. It makes all of this even more eerie than it already is.
Adam Truesory
“Joe Cortina is correct that the US military is evil, but he is incorrect in his assertion that the evil in the US military began with Jewish/Israeli influence during the past few decades. The USA’s murderous Phoenix Program in Viet Nam was not conducted under the influence of the Jews or Israelis.”
I have read a book by New Zealander ‘Phil Young’ written over 20 years ago — ‘The Great Secret’. In it he shows clearly how much Jewish influence was very much involved in both sides of the Vietnam war and the Korean war. Of course you and I ain’t supposed to suspect the Jews are we!
He named names and made a very strong point of Talmudic Jewish influence and their plans for our future.
My memory of exact details in his book eludes me but the Jews did a great job of demoralizing the western world in those 2 wars which could have been easily won by America within weeks, not given up on after years.
Actually Lanza is a surname used by Jews from Sicily.
Click the link below and scroll down until you find the surnames starting with “L”.
Thank you, BN; Thank you, too, Joe Cortina, for exposing the evil that’s been in the US Military; also, in the CIA.
The interview BN had with you has exposed a great deal of the atrocities committed against innocent, defenseless civilians, both in the Middle East and in Central Asia.
Yes, Organized Jewry has been behind a vast majority of these horrors, well before the establishment of their evil state in 1948.
However, it was in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the WTC in New York and the Pentagon in the Washington, DC area – mainly by Mossad agents, with the complicity of the George W. Bush Regime, that begat the horrors in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
In those attacks, nearly 3,000 people – mostly Americans, but also a significant number of Brits, Argentines, Germans, etc. – were slain.
The fact that since that terrible day, IDF trainers were brought in to train US forces in the art of brutal, sadistic murder of innocents as young as under one year old, without showing any remorse. But, therer’s a big problem with this; that is, that most soldiers and Marines do have a conscience; and, that conscience comes back so strongly that a high number of them commit suicide.
The fact that suicides in the military exceed combat deaths supports the fact that recruits have been bombarded with anti-Muslim propaganda, mainly by IDF trainers who had spent much of their military years brutalizing Palestinian civilians.
The US Government is also guilty of bringing these evil, sadistic IDF trainers in to twist the minds of our young recruits. It has an awful lot to answer.
“My memory of exact details in his book eludes me but the Jews did a great job of demoralizing the western world in those 2 wars which could have been easily won by America within weeks, not given up on after years”.
In 1945, the American army under Patton alone could have had the Reds running hell bent for leather back to Moscow in less than a month.
There would have been no Korea and no Vietnam, now you know why he was killed.
You can’t blame everything in US history on the Jews. The Jews weren’t responsible for the Anglo conquest of North America.
It wasn’t wasn’t just the Moros who fought for Philippino independence; it was Philippinos from all over the Archipelago.
By a conservative estimate, 800,000 Philippinos were killed by US troops, compared to only 4,165 US troops who died in the war. 75% of those 4,165 died from disease, not from action.
@ robertvnik:
Sure there was Jewish influence on the two World Wars. Maybe also Viet Nam and Korea — particularly when we consider the war profiteering. A lot of WASPs were war profiteers also.
The fact remains that the US government’s conduct of the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War, and other conflicts were brutal and injust in the extreme, and financed by both WASPs and Jews.
One look at three “opening on Xmas” movie advertisements on TV, shown non stop and on almost all channels, should convince anyone how degenerate US society has become.
One involves a toy stuffed bear, with a sailor’s mouth of course, fornicating a cash machine in front of people and smoking crack with four attractive hookers. The second involves two most foul, self chosen vampires (redundant), Billy Crystal and Bette Midler, defecating upon whatever is left of any decent Goy societal behavior.
The third involves a forty year old man who needs Viagra to have sex with his attractive wife, while he insists she stare at a magnified image of the inside of his rectum. All of this blatant obscenity is somehow conveyed in just three short commercials!
This torture has caused me to drop all TV service, as the overall rot of this and all the other crap is way too much to deal with, as even ESPN and the Food Network are becoming obscene.
The obsession kids have today with illiterate texting, ultra violent video games, pornography, monsters and zombies, and endless inane conversation on tumor inducing cell phones is beyond belief.
If you told me as a kid what US society would become in 2012, you would have been looked upon as an escaped insane asylum inmate. Humanity cannot survive such perfidy.
“You can’t blame everything in US history on the Jews. The Jews weren’t responsible for the Anglo conquest of North America.
It wasn’t wasn’t just the Moros who fought for Philippino independence; it was Philippinos from all over the Archipelago.
By a conservative estimate, 800,000 Philippinos were killed by US troops, compared to only 4,165 US troops who died in the war. 75% of those 4,165 died from disease, not from action.”
Go back to school junior. Whom do you think financed all these wars? Why is it that the Moros are still fighting the government?
Ball is in your court.
Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite! .
@ AdamTruestory:
“The fact remains that the US government’s conduct of the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War, and other conflicts were brutal and injust in the extreme, and financed by both WASPs and Jews”.
You are talking about some of my people (Indians) so I have a full right to tell you your are full of BLEEP.
There is NO such “fact” as you claim.
Dig down deep as to funded it all, be honest about it- you will find “the Chosen” at the end of the lowest turn to the pit.
Cortina is right it has to be the military that leads America out of her enslavement, yet none of them ever speak out until their pensions are secure and they are retired, but at that point they only influence their retired peers.
There must be the young officers and enlisted refusing to be the tools of the worlds thieving murderers or nothing will ever stop. Kissinger called them “dumb, stupid animals”, are they?
c) Crimes against humanity:
Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.”
If this is a shield for criminals, perverts and those in solidarity with criminals and perverts then I am against this law as it is an obstruction of justice. You can not have criminals and perverts shielded by international law and have a society that works.
In fact I would state that up to now national and international law has shielded criminals and perverts and the world is going to hell in a hand basket because of it. The defence of vice in the name of international law is no virtue.
Many people do not believe that the shooting in Connecticut was the result of a lone, crazed gunman for many reasons.
One reason is that there were at least 3 or 4 guns found onsite and rapid fire shooting which for one gunman would not have allowed enough time for recharging.
This suggests other shooters or professional hitmen, with Lanza set up to be the patsy.
In fact, Lanza may not have fired a single shot while the “pros” killed his mother, the school children and the relative. Lanza was found killed himself with a mask on. Some people speculate Israel was behind it as a terror sponsor because of the UN vote supporting Palestine.
“Cortina is right it has to be the military that leads America out of her enslavement, yet none of them ever speak out until their pensions are secure and they are retired, but at that point they only influence their retired peers.
There must be the young officers and enlisted refusing to be the tools of the worlds thieving murderers or nothing will ever stop. Kissinger called them “dumb, stupid animals”, are they”?
My late father was a USAF Lt. Colonel and he told me the Green Berets were the most dedicated, on-point group of soldiers he had ever had the honor to serve with.
They trained him in jungle survival in Panama. He air dropped them elsewhere. I suspect the Seals are much the same.
This is nearing a boiling point; these people are getting tired of being used and told to stand aside while others murder their own countrymen.
How much longer will they allow it? I don’t know, but I hope God gives them the highest wisdom and guides their hands and actions.
For as long as America had a draft, American had a standing army ready to defend the American people.
But when our military went all out, to a volunteer military service, back in the 70’s the Jews turned it into a mercenary army, with better pay and benefits.
And I am sure even the oath was changed, from the protection of our Constitution against Foreign and “Domestic” Enemies to Shoot first and ask questions later.
That is why the chances of our military ever standing its ground against foreign enemies more likely never will happen.
Our kids are too stupid to even process in their minds what it takes to be a real man of God. That is why God has permitted for evil to invade our Republic, as America lost her first love in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Nobody can serve two masters, so there is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian.” An individual is either a Jew or a Christian, period.