Israeli Bloodshed Under Cover – A Book Review
History Articles, Zionist Agenda Articles

A Review Of
“What I Saw That Day – The Attack On The USS Liberty”
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2010
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Zionist News (SM)
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Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856
Order “What I Saw That Day” Here
CONTACT The Authors @
THE UGLY TREE BEARING THE BITTER ZIONIST FRUITS of violence and oppression did not just spring up over night.
The roots of this bloody business run deep, and in particular, to a specific event that took place 43 years ago this past June 8th. What this reviewer, Brother Nathanael Kapner, is referring to, is one of the darkest days in American history when a United States ship — the USS LIBERTY — was deliberately attacked by the Jewish state, resulting in the deaths of 34 Americans and the wounding of 174 more.
The US government, owned lock, stock and shekel by the same Jewish interests intent upon bankrupting America through an interminable series of devastating wars today, warned the survivors of this act of war never to speak about it, threatening them with prison or of being killed if they did.
It was only after 30 years that the captain of the USS Liberty, Commander William McGonagle, came forth in 1997, saying, “It’s about time the American government provided the crew members of the Liberty and the rest of the American people the facts of what really happened and exactly why the Liberty was attacked by Israel.”
Yet, in spite of McGonagle’s insistence, the United States government and its Zionist-controlled military persist in its cover-up.

The alleged co-conspirators of the plan to annihilate the ship and crew of the USS Liberty were US President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban, Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan, and Israeli Labor Party Secretary Golda Meir. Their purpose was to create a “false flag” vis-a-vis the attack on the USS Liberty during the Six Day War with the blame laid on Egypt.
Thus the Zionist-controlled West could justify a US-Israeli attack on Gamal Nassar’s Egypt and drive out the Cairo-centered Russians who were gaining influence in the Arab world.
One survivor however, Phil Tourney, more concerned about his country than the threats leveled against him, has made it his personal mission to defy those orders demanding silence. In addition to doing many hours of radio shows per week where he describes in terrifying detail the events he witnessed that day aboard the USS LIBERTY, Tourney has also recently co-authored a new book detailing the events of that day and the subsequent cover-up.
Entitled, “What I Saw That Day — Israel’s Holocaust Of American Servicemen Aboard The USS LIBERTY And Its Aftermath,” the book is truly a must read if ever such a description exists.
While several books have been written on this topic, none approach it from this very human, critical, up-close-and-personal point of view as Tourney’s account does. A few excerpts from the work will suffice in giving the reader a taste of what it contains…

PHIL TOURNEY BEGINS HIS EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT with both the alarm and dread of a real life horror story- – –
“Once on the main deck, we were not prepared for what we were about to see…Nothing but human remains strewn about the place – blood, hunks of flesh and fragments of bone.”
Along with my fellow crewman Rick Aimetti, in between volleys of machine gun bullets and rockets, we would dart out from safe cover, grab the wounded one at a time, drag them across the deck and throw them down the hatch. Others down below picked them up and took them someplace where they could be treated. It took us about fifteen minutes to clear the decks of those who were alive and could be saved…”
IN DESCRIBING THE MOMENTS WHEN THE SHIP was awaiting the blast of an Israeli torpedo that would result in the instantaneous deaths of 25 US servicemen, Tourney describes it thus- – –
“As I crouched there, waiting for the explosion, my talk with God was short but sweet – ‘Lord, if this is the way it’s gotta be, then it’s gotta be. I’m sorry if I ever disappointed you…’
As the seconds peeled away like minutes, I waited for the blast. When the explosion came, it was literally deafening. Being directly above it by a mere eight feet, my eardrums were blown out, something I live with to this day as a reminder of what happened.
The ship was picked completely up out of the water by the explosion. When it came back down it bounced like a ball that had been tossed onto the pavement.
Now, with what I had left of my hearing, I could hear new sounds, namely the moaning and groaning and wailing — not of wounded men, but rather — of a wounded ship as metal gave way to the rush of sea water within the compartment directly below me.
That the ship had not blown up meant the torpedo had not hit the engine room, for if it had and all that cold sea water had hit the boiler running at full bore, we would have gone up like a stick of dynamite.”
WHEN RETELLING HOW HE CARED FOR THE WOUNDED, the images painted by Tourney are equally stark- – –
“I turned to see one of my fellow enlisted men, Gary Blanchard, lying on a table right next to me in a puddle of his own blood that seemed to get bigger second by second.
His first words to me were to ask that I remove his socks, saying his feet were on fire. I did as he asked. His next words were to ask if he was going to make it. I could do no more than shake my head ‘no.’
Doc came over and unbuttoned Blanchard’s shirt. I figured he was going to examine Blanchard’s wounds, although I could see there weren’t any – at least in the front. A second later however when I saw that scalpel in Doc’s hands, I knew what was coming.
Doc started at his chest bone and cut him open all the way to his groin. As fast as he opened him, Blanchard was on his way to a better place. Doc, seeing that Blanchard was gone, put two or three stitches in him to hold his guts together and then moved on, because there was so much more work for him to do.”

THE EXCERPTS ABOVE are but a small sampling from a mountain of very moving testimony from this highly-decorated American war hero.
What makes this 222 page book by Phil Tourney so important, (in addition to detailing an overt act of war against the United States by the Israelis,) is that he makes the connection between the past and the present.
In doing so, what the reader is inevitably left to conclude is that all of America’s ills regarding the Jewish lobby’s power in shaping Middle East policy today stems from the fact that when Americans were being attacked and murdered on the high seas by the pirates of the Mediterranean — namely Israel — the government of the United States did nothing to prevent the attack nor punish the murderers.
In sum, this is the kind of book that can be handed to the most propagandized American who believes that Israel is America’s only ally in the world. What the book does in short order is demolish that illusion like shaking someone awake from a bad dream.
But I must caution those who do buy this book. If you begin your reading before going to bed, you will still be up by morning turning the pages until you get to the shocking end…
Order “What I Saw That Day” Here
CONTACT The Authors @
CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist!
Support Brother Nathanael! HERE
Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856
Brother Nathanael @ July 5, 2010
Dear Real Zionist News Family,
I just got back from my time in Idaho with Mark Glenn where he lined me up to speak at a large Conference with two speeches, one them, the keynote address.
The response was simply FABULOUS!
The two speeches will SOON be available on DVDs at
Stay Tuned!
I had a chance to read the book, “What I Saw That Day,” while with Mark and like I wrote at the end of this review — BEWARE! — You CANNOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN!
Start it EARLY IN THE MORNING and NOT Before you go to bed… You WILL be up all night long TURNING THE PAGES until you get to the SHOCKING END.
To order the Book, “What I Saw That Day,” Click:
For the Audio Version CLICK:
You are ALL going to GET your MONEY’s Worth Out Of This Book!
With Much Love In Christ, +Brother Nathanael
The Vision Of The Brother Nathanael Foundation
I will be going to the lawyer, Seth Murphy, tomorrow, Tuesday July 6, to put the finishing touches on the official rendition of The Brother Nathanael Foundation.
It should be up and running by the middle of this month.
ALSO — a NEW Website for the Foundation, (not a Blog), will also be up and running soon.
Catch The Vision!
1. We will begin LITIGATING against the ANTI-CHRIST Hanukkah Menorah on the White House Lawn every December and Get It TAKEN DOWN!
2. We will begin DEMANDING equal time and MORE over the Christ Hating Jews who have TAKEN OVER the public square with their Hanukkah Menorahs and Lesbian/Homosexual Memorials and Gay Parades.
3. Brother Nathanael’s Street Evangelism will be SUPPORTED by a Legal Team on staff of The Brother Nathanael Foundation.
4. We will work keep JEW CENSORING hands OFF the Internet and KEEP THE INTERNET FREE!
5. We will support Candidates who STAND UP to the Murderous, War Mongering Jews.
6. We will begin our OWN Media outlets to bring FACTUAL NEWS to the American people who are being DENIED this by the Freedom Hating, Censoring Jews.
7. We will start an education program to bring WHOLESOME sexual ideology to Public School Students and DRIVE the Pervert-Promoting ADL Jews OUT OF THE SCHOOLS!
8. We will begin a Publishing arm that will publish JEW-CENSORED Books Like Solzhenitsyn’s “Two Hundred Years Together” which incriminates the Jews responsible for the Soviet purges. See: “Jewish Censorship For A Brave New World” @
We Are Going To FIGHT THE JEWS Now AT THEIR OWN GAME! Getting involved Politically, Legally, and Media Operations – to DEFEAT the Jews BEFORE they TAKE OVER THE WORLD and our VERY SOULS and the SOULS OF OUR CHILDREN!
Yes, The Brother Nathanael Foundation is about to begin.
I WILL need your Financial help to make the VISION for The Brother Nathanael Foundation Happen!
Will You Then Please Consider Making A Donation To This MUCH NEEDED Cause?
There Is A Donation Feature Button At The Top & Bottom Of This Article. Or Simply Click:
Donations For The Brother Nathanael Foundation May Also Be Safely Sent To:
(Make Out Check To “Brother Nathanael Kapner” and write in Memo “Brother Nathanael Foundation”) And Send To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
I am Ready, Willing, and Eager, To STOP THE JEWS. Let’s do it together!
With Much Love In Christ Our Precious Saviour To ALL of the Real Zionist News Family,
Your Ever +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
*** Check This Out ***
Our Site, Real Zionist News, will VERY SOON be adding a Brand New Feature — “BroTube” — a regular “VideoCast!” Yeah!
The speeches I gave at the Conference with Mark Glenn were SO SUCCESSFUL …. and as I and Mark were viewing and listening to the DVDs we DECIDED to do it RIGHT HERE on Real Zionist News.
Stay tuned. Coming to a Real Zionist News article near you SOON!
+Brother Nathanael
People – I NEED Your Help!
The numbers of donations just keep on dwindling and dwindling.
BUT – the articles I put out and the HITS we get, just keep on increasing and increasing.
Will You Then Please Help Me Out Financially?
I do need financial help to keep OUR site, Real Zionist News online, and to meet my living expenses as a Russian Orthodox Christian monk living in the world and doing PUBLIC ministry. (I am with ROCOR and a parishioner of Our Lady Of The Sign Cathedral in NYC.)
Will you then please consider helping me financially? (Donations are now at a very low “dribble” and this is VERY DISCOURAGING in light of the very hard work I do and the LONG HOURS preparing these articles.)
To run OUR site, I have to pay for: A Dedicated Server; Legal retainer; Web Manager; Computer Technician: Anti Hacking Software; Multiple Domain Names To Prevent Pirating; Research Materials; News Subscriptions Services; etc.
There Is A Donation Feature Button (which hardly anyone clicks on) At The Top & Bottom Of This Article. Or Simply CLICK:
It’s FAST and SECURE! (Pay Pal BANNED me and Click & Pledge is the ONLY Company That Promised Me They Won’t Cow To The Jews)
Or Donations May Be SAFELY Sent To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner
PO Box 1242
Frisco CO 80443.
Many Thanks In Advance!
With Much Love In The Lord Jesus Christ Our Precious God And Saviour,
Your +Ever Brother In Christ, Nathanael
I found this to be very important, I had to post it again.
Just for a moment, I want you to consider the possibility that maybe 99% of the terrorists in the world are manufactured fakes, a bloody theater to serve the interests not of fringe groups, but of entire nation-states?
So who are the terrorists really working for?
Israeli Mossad Role in Turkey Coup Plot Revealed
Israel funded “terrorist” groups through BCCI
AMIA was Mossad False-flag Operation
Mossad Agent killing Oz Tourists to steal their identity to use in fake Al-Qaeda operations
‘Mossad capable of US attack’: US Army officials
Iran hangs “terrorist” linked to Mossad
Montreal Averts Israeli Mossad Terrorist Attack
Israeli Mossad = al Qaeda?
Judiciary starts work on case of Mossad-linked terror group
Assassins caught on video reveals possible Mossad-Fatah link
Mossad funded Abu Nidal through BCCI
Mumbai: The Mossad Angle
Hamas Was Founded by Mossad
Israeli officer sells weapons to terrorists in Iraq
Revealing information on Mossad terrorist acts worries Europeans
Mossad and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
Group that took credit for “Bandini Bomber” linked to Mossad.
MARRIOTT BOMB: Mossad pulls off another false-flag operation
Mossad Exposed in Phony`Palestinian Al-Qaeda’ Caper
Mossad orchestrated Christmas Day bomb plot
British Broadsheet Links Mossad to 9/11
How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11
A Look at the Mossad’s Assassination Squads
Army Captures ‘Terrorist Ring’ Working for Mossad
Lebanon’s Army captures Israeli Mossad ‘Terrorist Ring’
A bumbling Mossad hand suspected in Dubai assassination
Mossad stealing passports in Australia and NZ
Mossad supporting “Radical Muslim” groups.
Mossad-Linked Cell Arrested in South Lebanon
Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing
Mossad-backed terror network in Lebanon
Mossad was found to be propping up ‘Islamic terrorist’ groups in mid-east.
Mossad implicated in a coup plot in Turkey, a NATO country
Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle
Mossad linked to “Jundollah” attacks, and kidnapping of Iranian border guards
Mossad behind Hindu terror group
Israeli Mossad Links To World Trade Center Attack
Abu Nidal – Mossad terrorist
‘Terror’ group in Iran linked to Mossad, CIA
Attack On US Embassy In Yemen Linked To Mossad
Mossad Black Ops and False Flags
Mossad linked to “Crotch Bomber”
Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report
9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: “Our Purpose Was To Document The Event”
Only people actually arrested on 9-11 were Israelis
Mossad Link Found to One of Key 9-11 Hijackers
Bush Administration Ignores Mossad-Al Qaeda Terrorist Link
Al Qaeda are really Mossad
Mossad linked to Ergenekon plot
Hezbollah infiltrated by Mossad, does Israel’s bidding. Attacks when Israel needs excuse to invade Lebanon
Is Hizbullah a Mossad front?
Israel tricked the US into attacking Libya
When Israel attacked the USS Liberty they tried to frame Egypt for it.
The Lavon Affair: Israel has a history of faking terror attacks.
Israel creates and aids terror groups.
If HAMAS is so bad why did Israel create it? To demonize Palestinians?
Israel stages all these “terror” attacks to trick America into hating Israel’s enemies.
Greetings in the Lord Jesus, +BN,
Welcome back, and glory to God things that the conference went well for you and RZN.
Eagerly awaiting the new ‘BroTube’ to hear your speeches to the good people up in Idaho.
Will definitely pick up a copy of Tourney’s book, too. Should be a must read for every true blue American.
God bless you dear brother!!
“Catch The Vision” “The +BN Foundation”
The prospects for the future of RNZ are looking outstanding! Prayers are going up from this quarter for discernment, inspiration, guidance and protection as you move we move ahead in the vision.
We really can’t just sit around and read about it, and watch it happen. With the +BN foundation coming on board we now have an opportunity make a response to Christ haters. To hell with the roll over and play dead act!
I have listened to Mark’s podcasts with the esteemed author who you are hi-lighting. The gentleman is a true hero, and understands treachery first hand. He, no doubt, like many others knows all about the so called “official version” of things, that we spoon fed continuously over ziomedia.
On the subject of treachery +BN, there are no more treacherous, therefore dangerous, agencies today than the Zionists and the traitors who are now at the helm upon our own ship of state.
What, in your opinion, will they do if they see America really waking up? I think confession and surrender are beyond their capabilities.
It may be too frightening a question to contemplate or answer. Do you think that mayhem, across the board, initiated by them would be their response? Neocon William Kristol is hyping nuclear war with Iran, claiming that none would dare retaliate for fear of escalation.
Could it be that they would try a version of the Israeli so called Samson Option, and bring the whole down on themselves and the rest of America too?
Hi Everybody –
At 1 AM this morning I added a VERY IMPORTANT addition in the first section of the article.
Please RE-READ! +BN
Here’s two more perspectives:
Dear Friends –
Because of Time Constraints with SO MUCH going on, I NO LONGER doing ANY MODERATING on this Comments Section.
I now have a “Moderating Team” and I have instructed them that Comments must STAY ON TOPIC.
If your comment was deleted it was either because your comment was OFF TOPIC or SLANDEROUS. No Ad Hominems are allowed! +BN
True Jews, use your “Satanic witness” button against the Satanic Jews.
It’s easy. It works like a television remote.
On encountering a Satanic Jew, you are welcomed as a Jew. Mention the work “Bible”, and see the reaction: “how nice, this nice Jewish boy actually studies the Bible, even with the mezuzah on the door, we can’t even name the five books of Moses.”
NOW, press the button!!! Tell them that you read the New Testament, and that JESUS CHRIST is your Lord and Savior!!! THE DOORS OF HELL ARE OPENED!!!! HOWLING DEMONS ARE RELEASED!!
But no problem, our Lord says “behold I come quickly.” Because you have on the shield of faith, the darts of these Satanic Jews are quenched. Shake the dust off your feet, peace returns to you. You simply pressed the “Satanic button”.
UPDATE! The Brother Nathanael Foundation UPDATE!
Dear Real Zionist News Family,
I just got back from the lawyer, Seth Murphy, and we put the finishing touches on “The Brother Nathanael Foundation.”
The OFFICIAL PAPERS for a Non Profit Corporation (yet not a Tax Exempt entity as we will be involved in political contributions to politicians standing up for Christian values) WILL BE READY by the end of this week.
Then I will SET UP a Bank Account and FINISH the Web Site with my Web Manager (not a Blog) and WE ARE READY TO ROLL and FIGHT the Jews AT THEIR OWN GAME.
I will keep everybody posted.
In the meantime, SLANDERS against me are still coming in NOW THAT WE ARE AT THE THRESHOLD of starting SOMETHING BIGGER THAN ALL OF US PUT TOGETHER.
A person I thought was a “friend” took an EMAIL of mine (a PRIVATE EMAIL to him ) and Plastered it on an Internet site to SLANDER ME. This is pretty low stuff — DISHONEST and UN-CHRISTIAN of him!
I simply told him IN THAT ***PRIVATE EMAIL*** that he was WRONG on an issue and this he could not countenance. This is what wicked pride is all about: full of malice and vengeance. May Christ Forgive This Person! (I do and I promised to forgive him which he LEFT OUT when posting my private email to him.)
But let us move on and WORK TOGETHER!
As I mentioned above, HITS ARE UP! BUT, numbers of donations keep on declining.
If it wasn’t for a FEW contributers out of tens of thousands of readers every week then I would have had to shut down our site, Real Zionist News, a long time ago…
Our Site, Real Zionist News, now gets 897,000 page visits per month and we are moving in the 4 million Hit range as we approach our 3rd anniversary.
Will you all then Please consider making a Donation either to The Brother Nathanael Foundation (by mail until I get the Donation Button set up for it) or for RZN expenses @
Donations May ALSO Be Sent To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner OR The Brother Nathanael Foundaion; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
I hope to have The Brother Nathanael Foundation BANK ACCOUNT up and running by early next week. Yeah!
Excerpts from the book — What I Saw That Day.
Just read every word. After reading this even the Jew-harlot John Hagee will despise the Jew. Yes he will, just read every single word.
After reading this not one single TRUE American patriot can ever consider a Jew or Is-real-hell to be an ally USA. Only a retard would say out loud that the Jew is a friend.
All, God bless.
Bro Nate, you know, I would re-post this BBC documentary “Dead in the Water” — USS Liberty (Geeh, I wonder why there is no American documentary?)
Great documentary, please view the whole thing if you can?
A little over an hour.
“Catch The Vision” “The +BN Foundation”
I just want to express two observations. It must be said though initially that no one loves the Jews, because they are the Jews.
Nor does anyone love the Jews because they love God and believe that the Jews are His chosen. The Jews are, as a collective, the most hate able and hated peoples on earth!
People fear the Jews! There is no love or respect involved. And the Jews wish to be feared. The reason people fear the Jews, is because they know that the Jews are treacherous. They might even be better named the Treacherors, as most of them are not Semitic Hebrews.
The second observation concerns those Gentiles that laud the Jews. They don’t love the Jews. Every one of them to the man, or woman admire the Jews methods. That is because they themselves admire treachery, deceit, and every travesty of against goodness as an end to a goal.
“Loose The Mongoose” “The +BN Foundation”
Yes, I discussed this same topic with Father Joseph, on another thread.
I said, most Goy hate the Jew, and have utter contempt for them, but they fear them like Satan himself, so their fear, outweighs their contempt. He agreed, fear was a greater motivator.
But, I would say, there are more than 2 categories??
Like you mention, you have the sycophants that can’t kiss their @ss enough, and they admire their diabolical clever nature.
Another category is the Zionist Christian Zealot. This blind imbecile thinks the Jews have been anointed from the beginning of time, so they get a “free pass” like the teacher’s pet. So every vile, diabolical act they do, the world looks the other way.
The last category is the COMPLETE BRAIN DEAD “useful idiot.” This goyim gem is utterly in the dark. They have little idea, or clue who Jews really are, and even less of Zionists?
The worst thing is, they could care less either? As long as they get to watch American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, old Seinfeld episodes, they already saw 30 times, laughing at the same stupid puns or whatever.
This mindless Zombie should appear in George Romero’s next sequel???
Bro Nate,
Like with Dr. Kevin Mac, I corresponded a few times with Phil Tourney about 3 years ago?
One day I emailed him, one or two times. I guess he got busy, he didn’t return my emails anymore?
That was his email then, but don’t know if he still has it?
I would love for you to interview him, the dude is a fantastic guy.
Phil on YouTube clip:
“Catch The Vision” “The +BN Foundation”
RE: D.W.C.
Hello WC thanks for the links. I’m downloading the documentary now.
If The U.S. had known of the LIBERTY when it happened, things might be different today. I was in the U.S. Army at the time. I had just returned from Vietnam on April 21 preceding.
We had no clue that it ever even took place. I have watched the Jew and it’s effect on society here for decades. It has only been in the last few years that more folks have discovered.
D.W.C. I look at the whole thing as a war. The opening shot was fired at the head of JFK. Every stinking thing they did from that day on was a battle. Every court decision in their favor. Every new TV show that took the morality one step further into the quicksand.
Every Jew gain, no matter how small, was really a battle. Only the Spiritually Discerning knew that a war was even going on.
The final battle of the war was on Sept. 11, 2001. That was Zion’s Hiroshima. The bailouts were their booty of war. And, now we ARE an occupied country. Zionist OCCUPIED!
Every time I see a Jew smile, after all they have done, well I guess you know! I don’t know if America can ever come back really DWC.
Even if the news story broke nationally tonight that the Jews killed Kennedy; attacked the Liberty; blew up the World Trade Center; faked the intelligence for the Iraq invasion; and, have used and exploited America, and every American in it —
Some high mystic shamid like Kissinger would appear in an interview, and garble a lot of political double talk; which in essence said “so what?” and that would be the end of it!
Folks like the RNZ family are pockets of resistance in an occupied land.
“Loose The Mongoose” “The +BN Foundation”
“Catch The Vision” “The +BN Foundation”
It has occurred to me that some may perhaps wonder at the slogan I have used at the underneath my comments, “Loose The Mongoose.”
This came about primarily out of a dialogue between D.W.C. and myself on a previous page.
Our Lord called the Jews a brood of serpents. The Mongoose is the natural born enemy of the serpent. And with all the encounters between the two, the Mongoose is always victorious.
It is symbolic of the battle between the +BN Foundation, the Mongoose; and the Zionist Jew, the Serpent.
After watching this very short clip, the nature of the slogan will be completely understood.
“Loose The Mongoose” “The +BN Foundation”
“Catch The Vision” “The +BN Foundation”
RE: D.W.C.
Thank you again sir for that outstanding link to the British documentary. I just finished watching it. It is obvious that the Liberty attack was intended to be a “false flag” that would induce the U.S. to nuke Egypt.
It’s just too damn bad that the U.S. didn’t nuke the perpetrators there and then. The world would be a better place today.
We should make June 8th a National Holiday every year. On that day every year the U.S. should exhume LBJ up out of his grave, shoot him, and bury him again.
The only bad thing thing about the documentary is you have to watch the Jews lie.
Every time I see a lie faced Jew, it makes me want to ……….
“Loose The Mongoose” “The +BN Fundation”
My contribution for The Brother Nathanael Foundation is in the mail.
And I will purchase Tourney’s book. THANKS!
“Catch The Vision” “The +BN Foundation”
Hello D.W.C
In attempting to identify the players on the world stage today with the actors as they are given to us in The Revelation, I arrived at the following equation.
The Beast = The United Sates
The False Prophet = Christian/Zionism
The Harlot = Zionist Israel
I think in this equation you will find that all the evil ones mentioned in Revelation and all the evil ones we see active today are all present and accounted for.
“Loose The Mongoose” “The +BN Foundation”
A small donation has been made.
Whilst I have no interest in religion, I do believe in justice and doing what is right.
I have been reading your posts for over a year and I think that you are doing a valuable service.
I could only afford a small amount and I know you will use it wisely.
Keep doing your good work please and showing us what is going on.
I’ll try to donate again in a few weeks. Keep well and stay safe.
Let’s SUPPORT our Brother, ok?
Hi all, who love the Truth. Remember Jesus told us “I am the truth” in John 14:6.
We live in a world, just as apostle Paul did, where missionary SUPPORT is needed, by the family of Truth-lovers.
Exposing the darkness requires letting LIGHT shine on the hidden works of darkness. That again is John 14:6 and Ephesians 5:11. And this takes MONEY.
2Co 9:7 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver.” Paul quotes Proverbs 14:21 here.
God loves GIVERS! Wow!
Read this: Paul said they supported him, and GOD in turn blessed them!
Php 4:16 For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity.
Php 4:17 Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.
Php 4:18 But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.
Php 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Let’s SUPPORT Brother Nat’s DRIVE to get that so-called “menorah” [it’s not even a true menorah LOL] out of our nation for good!
Pic of giant MONSTROSITY with Rahm “EmanuEl”
Does any else believe the Cold War was a bunch of bankster funded bull?
Look at the “Russians” (can you hear the paranoia in a human voice from the Cold War era when saying that term). Who funded them? Who led them? Who were the main party members? Who created the Communist ideology? All of us RZN readers know it was the “Jews”/Khazars.
These Neo-Cons and Neo-pinkos are the same bankster controlled puppets for the banksters.
Politics are a joke. It reminds me of a local Congresscritter I saw speak a few years ago for a 4th of July function talking about how great America is, our patriotism, etc. Yet, this guy doesn’t have the guts to vote in favor of auditing the fed like most of the AIPAC errand boys posing as our leaders in the District of Corruption.
The cold war was a Jewish bankster gang war to use the masses blood and capital to further build these N(J)ew World Order.
All this bull out here is the Hegelian dialectic. Just a trick to get over on the masses. Thank you exposing this disgusting event in Zionist controlled AmeriKas history. A real leader would never stand for such abuses. They are all puppets for big Jew money.
Donate To The Brother Nathanael Foundation Online @
OR – Checks and Money Orders Can NOW Be Made Out To “The Brother Nathanael Foundation” And Mailed To:
Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
ALSO — The Brother Nathanael Foundation
Website “Preview” While Under Construction Will Be Coming Soon!
Stay Tuned.
I AM EXCITED! +Brother Nathanael
Take A Peek At The Brother Nathanael Foundation Website (Still Under Construction) @
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Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
I AM EXCITED! +Brother Nathanael
Greetings in our Lord Jesus, Bro Nathanael,
I’m excited, too. May Christ reward you for your labors, bless the new endeavors, and all those who are helping you!
Looks like the +BN Foundation is moving right along in answer to prayers, and the new site is beginning to shape up in this sneak preview @ both and
“Loose the Mongoose” is quite fitting as a subtheme for engaging in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s battle with the serpents of the Synagogue of Satan. (ht Luta!)
I can hardly wait to begin to take the fight to a new level to take back the Constitution and restore ‘Christian America.’
Bring on the Bro Tube!
May I post this link…
Jews and Nazis and Why. Then and Now
RE: USSA Today –
I believe it USSA; and I will tell you why.
American Jews funded the Russian Revolution. Loeb, Schiff, Khun, were the Rothchild’s operatives in the U.S. to insure their success. The NY Synagogue’s most notorious radicals then traveled to Russia to personally oversee the outcome.
The entire incentive was an international Jew enterprise. The Same sponsors were funding the The Third Reich and the allies. It was a chess game, and Rothchild’s international Jew Cabal played both sides of the board.
If you take the fact that the U.S. is now a Zionist controlled country; and trace it backward through history, you can easily mark many of the Jew operations that took place to achieve this desired goal.
The Jew end run after WWII, in which Russia was our ally, was the subversion and eventual take over of the U.S. in bloodless war.
Russia became a dictatorship, and on the surface an “atheistic” stronghold. However under the facade the Jews were the driving force. Atheism became their herald against Christian Culture.
This is where Hegel comes in. The Hegelian Dialectic is often oversimplified as: creating a problem, implementing the solution, thereby reaping the desired end results. We have seen this formula applied more numerous times than we could possibly list.
However, this is an adaptation founded on Hegel’s ideas. He theorized, that objective truth could only be had by way of the following formula. Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis. The resulting Synthesis, then would become a new Thesis.
The formula would then be applied to the new Thesis. An Antithesis must be developed to challenge the new Thesis. And again, the melding of the two, or the Synthesis arrived at becomes truth; and the new Thesis, and on and on.
It is, in fact, easily identified as a process of degeneration, used primarily to attack absolutes.
With Hegelian thinking installed into the education system, and the critical thinking process, it would engender social revolution, in favor of the overthrow of moral absolutes. Here is an illustration of how the Hegelian Dialectic is used in debate and dialogue.
Thesis – Abortion is murder. Antithesis – abortion should be allowed to save the life of the mother. Synthesis – Abortion is murder, except in the case of saving the mother’s life.
The New Thesis – Abortion is murder, except in the case of saving the mother’s life. The New Antithesis – Abortion should also be permitted in cases of rape or incest. The Synthesis – Abortion is murder, except when done to protect the life of the mother, or in cases of rape and incest.
The Thesis now becomes – Abortion is murder, except when done to protect the life of the mother, or in cases of rape and incest. The New Antithesis – is Abortion should be permitted if the birth of the child would cause an unbearable financial burden on the parents.
The Synthesis – Abortion is murder, except when done to protect the life of the mother, or in cases of rape and incest, or would cause an unbearable financial burden on the parents. This becomes the new Thesis.
No one in their right mind would buy into Hegel’s mischief. But when you must absorb and pass tests in the application of the philosophy to graduate a higher education curriculum, it is easy to see how the infection is spread.
With the “Cold War” on the table in public view, all the time the U.S. funding the Atheist Communist Regime under the table, out of sight, the Hegelian theory moved along.
Thesis – Christian America. Antithesis – Atheistic Communism. Synthesis – Agnostic Socialism.
“The cold war was a Jewish bankster gang war to use the masses blood and capital to further build these N(J)ew World Order.” is true.
“Catch The Vision” “The +BN Foundation”
This is what Joe Cortina was talking about our soldiers in Iraq??
This soldier leaked video to the Press of indiscriminate killing in Iraq.
Now, they want to charge him for a crime?
I read another article, where it said the men had a conversations in the helicopter, and it seemed like it was a game to them, or like they were shooting rats on a street??
The level of desensitivity is almost alarming, and you wonder why we have high school and grammar school shootings??
They have been programed Luta, my friend, by the (Thank you Ike) Zionist Military Industrial Complex!
It would SEEM like most people would react against Israel and Zionism after learning about the USS Liberty.
BUT consider 2 Timothy 4:
“The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate to themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.”
Then Paul continues and speaks to ministers such as Brother Nathanael:
“BUT you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”
Most of us cannot do the specific types of work that Brother Nathanael is called to do.
BUT we CAN participate in this ministry by financial and prayer support.
AND, as we put our finances and prayers into true Christian work, hopefully our hearts will also be drawn closer to Christ.
And as enough of us draw closer to Christ, perhaps Light will overcome darkness in this place and time.
Dear Digusted White Christian,
The atrocities you’ve heard about vs. civilians in Iraq by US Armed Forces and the atrocities vs. the Palestinians are but carbon copies of the atrocities committed by civilians vs. civilians on a daily basis throughout every last nation-state of our contemporary World.
Donning a military uniform does not give anyone ‘license-to-kill’. The spiritual vocation of SOLDIERS and those in the Armed Forces throughout the nation-states of our World is first and foremost to ESTABLISH PEACE in the quickest mode-way possible by less-than-desirable means.
These acts of atrocity committed by the US Armed Forces and those of the IDF are simply extentions of the immorality and atrocious spiritual natures of their respective governmental leaders and commanding officers.
And the atrocious behavior and conduct of the leaders and commanding officers of the UK, the USA and Israel are but the extension of the peoples living in the UK, USA and Israel.
Our entire Human Race has a problem – a HUGE spritiual problem. And it is this – that an Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent GOD is Seeing and Witnessing ALL that is going on simultaneously throughout our contemporary World.
He is Seeing and Witnessing what is going on throughout the governments of our World, throughout the civil societies of our World and throughout the Church.
And with each passing day that He Himself does NOT directly intervene or interfere in the Affairs of Mankind, He is simultaneously extending His Divine MERCY upon the entire World while at the same time allowing Mankind to receive its ‘natural PUNISHMENTS’ at each other’s hands.
God is STILL affording our entire Human Race the opportunity to STOP, to HALT, to REMEDY these moral defects and this spiritual corruption throughout the nations and states of our contemporary World.
It’s up to each individual man and woman throughout the World, their Governments, their Civil-Social NGOs and the Church to VOLUNTARILY act upon all of this spiritual IMMORALITY and CORRUPTION.
– Fr. Joseph
So very true, Fr. Joseph.
Related topic and same MO as the US Liberty concerning the Mari Mamilla Massacre and Israhell’s military investigation:
Foxes invade hen house and slaughters the chickens.
Foxes’ tribe conduct a military investigation and, surprise, surprise, found that the foxes did nothing wrong in killing the chickens except to justifiably defend themselves from the very same chickens which were under attack.
The investigative report, however, does find fault in that the foxes treated the chickens more like chickens, and failed to recognize that the chickens were actually terrorists.
Via New York Times:
“An Israeli military investigation into its naval takeover of a Gaza-bound flotilla six weeks ago found that it was plagued by errors of planning, intelligence and coordination but that the killings of nine Turks on board were justified, according to an official summary of the findings released Monday. …
The military’s investigation, carried out by eight officers, did not deal with larger policy issues like the legality or appropriateness of Israel’s blockade against Gaza or its takeover of the six-boat flotilla in international waters on May 31.
A second investigation, led by a retired [Israhell] Supreme Court justice and including two foreign observers, has just begun its work.
Neither, however, seems likely to satisfy demands for a full international investigation by the Turkish government.
Turkey has withdrawn its ambassador from Tel Aviv and threatened further steps unless Israel issues an apology and sets up an international inquiry. …”
Israhell is shocked that the world outside of ZOG-USA doesn’t accept their findings without question.
This ought to scare the socks off of everyone about some of the violent games your kids are playing, or else make you throw up at what these Israhell sows are doing.
Just remember, during Operation Cast Lead the Joooos sat up on hills frolicking at their tailgate parties watching this ‘spectator sport.’
It was Jooooish entertainment to cheer the tank invasion, tons of bombs, bunkerbusters, and white phosphorus being dropped on the defenseless people of Gaza by the brave hyena IOF that wiped out schools, hospitals, public service and government buildings and virtually everything in the way of necessary infrastructure, including the sewage processing plant.
The more we “bless” Israhell, the more America is cursed.
Israel’s New ‘Video Game’ Executions
(“PlayStation-style” Targets: Live Palestinians and Lebanese and eventually anyone else):
By Jonathan Cook – Nazareth
It is called Spot and Shoot. Operators sit in front of a TV monitor from which they can control the action with a PlayStation-style joystick.
The aim: to kill terrorists.
Played by: young women serving in the Israeli army.
Spot and Shoot, as it is called by the Israeli military, may look like a video game but the figures on the screen are real people — Palestinians in Gaza — who can be killed with the press of a button on the joystick.
The female soldiers, located far away in an operations room, are responsible for aiming and firing remote-controlled machine-guns mounted on watch-towers every few hundred metres along an electronic fence that surrounds Gaza.
The system is one of the latest “remote killing” devices developed by Israel’s Rafael armaments company, the former weapons research division of the Israeli army and now a separate governmental firm.
The demand for such devices, the Israeli army admits, has been partly fuelled by a combination of declining recruitment levels and a population less ready to risk death in combat.
The Spot and Shoot system — officially known as Sentry Tech — has mostly attracted attention in Israel because it is operated by 19- and 20-year-old female soldiers, making it the Israeli army’s only weapons system operated exclusively by women.
Female soldiers are preferred to operate remote killing devices because of a shortage of male recruits to Israel’s combat units. Young women can carry out missions without breaking the social taboo of risking their lives, said Mr Brom.
The women are supposed to identify anyone suspicious approaching the fence around Gaza and, if authorised by an officer, execute them using their joysticks.
The Israeli army, which plans to introduce the technology along Israel’s other confrontation lines, refuses to say how many Palestinians have been killed by the remotely controlled machine-guns in Gaza. According to the Israeli media, however, it is believed to be several dozen.
The Haaretz newspaper, which was given rare access to a Sentry Tech control room, quoted one soldier, Bar Keren, 20, saying: “It’s very alluring to be the one to do this. But not everyone wants this job. It’s no simple matter to take up a joystick like that of a Sony PlayStation and kill, but ultimately it’s for defence.”
Audio sensors on the towers mean that the women hear the shot as it kills the target. No woman, Haaretz reported, had failed the task of shooting what the army calls an “incriminated” Palestinian.