Russia Tips The Grand Chess Board
Brother Nathanael Channel Videos!, BroVids

Russia Tips The Grand Chess Board
May 14, 2015 ©
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Brother Nathanael @ May 14, 2015
Text –Text– Text
Russia Tips The Grand Chess Board
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2015
Everyone likes a winner.
And Putin plays to win.
The Grand Chessboard is in and Putin’s winning that too.
Brzezinski said it: Whoever gains Eurasia rules the world.
And there’s only one country that’s truly ‘Eurasian’ and that’s Russia.
Russia covers 11 time zones in Eurasia. Russia is European on its west and Asian on its east. That’s a whole lot of ‘Eur-Asia.’
Russia spans and completes two continents. Sitting on top of Asia and joined with Europe on the west, it’s poised to play the key role in creating a Eurasian alliance.
It’s already happening. And Jewmerica’s getting scared.
Kerry and his Jewish policy-maker Wendy Sherman just got back from courting Putin. How’s that for a volte-face?
For with China and Iran uniting with Russia as a rival bloc to America, Kerry and Sherman begged Putin to stop the sale of S-300s to Iran.
Ain’t gonna happen. Putin’s smile tells it all.
Isolation and sanctions backfired. The Brzezinski Doctrine that defies any challenger capable of dominating Eurasia is Russia’s pie in Jewmerica’s face. The chessboard is being upended with a resurgent Russia tipping the board.
No one trusts America anymore and nations are lining up against it with Russia at the head.
Diplomacy is a forgotten word in America. It lives by the sword and is dying by the sword.
Putin said it. “Strong arm diplomacy doesn’t work.”
[Clip: “In the last decades, the basic principles of international cooperation have come to be increasingly ignored. These are the principles that have been hard won by mankind as a result of the ordeal of the war.
We saw attempts to establish a unipolar world. We see the strong-arm block thinking gaining momentum. All that undermines sustainable global development.”]
But what is sustainable, buttressed by the weight of history, is what happened at the start of the V-Day parade, a remarkable incident indeed.
Totally unprecedented, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, made the sign of the Cross over himself turning the ceremony into a sacred ritual.
And the world—I mean, a huge chunk of the ‘international community’— is tilting toward sacred Christian Russia.
China’s silk road will cross through Russia. India just signed a deal for Russia’s nuclear technology. And Greece will have a Russian-funded hub to transport gas to Europe.
According to Bloomberg, investors are lining up at the starting gate for Russian bonds.
It’s a Grand Chessboard where blunders bend to brilliancy.
Russia’s tipping the board and Jewmerica’s pieces are sliding off.
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May Christ Bless Us All!
+Brother Nathanael @
Dear Real Jew News Family,
Hardly anyone is donating to me any more.
I see the writing on the wall.
This site may soon be history.
I have lost SO MANY regular contributors, many of them substantial contributers, that it breaks my heart.
I have had SO MANY disappointments, SO MANY betrayals, SO MANY promises broken that it seems to me that my online ministry is a total failure.
Too many who tell me they “love my Videos” don’t give me a cent.
My heart is broken and I am in the deep doldrums of discouragement.
I’m At A CRISIS In My Ministry.
Can someone(s) please BAIL ME OUT with a GENEROUS donation(s)?
I DON’T want to borrow money from credit cards!
Please Help Me To Continue!
To Donate Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Contribution Via PayPal CLICK:
OR Donate Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Contribution Via Click & Pledge @
By Mail:
TO: The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Personal Needs: (Rent, food, utilities, necessities etc)
Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
PS – ALL cash donations by mail come in safely. Many thanks to those who send cash.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
Dear Brother Nathanael,
You have foreseen Russia’s success and you have given us hope.
There is nothing in US politics to put our hope in, but hearing how Russia is standing up against Jewmerica and winning, makes me feel good.
Thank you!
What you just posted, Br. Nathanael, is the best news I’ve heard for some time.
So, the Jew tandem of John Kerry and Wendy Sherman returned from Sochi empty-handed, eh? Vladimir Putin won’t cancel his sale of S-300s to Iran, in spite of Kerry’s pleas.
Kudos to Putin for standing his ground and giving that “No way” smile to Lurch and going ahead with the sale. He’s a true Christian, in that he follows the precepts of Jesus Christ Himself.
He restored the symmetry between Church and State that the Bolsheviks had severed decades earlier; as well as restored most of the Orthodox Churches and Cathedrals to their former glory; in particular, the Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer in Moscow.
Indeed, Putin is a statesman extraordinaire. The closest American President in the 20th Century to even come close was John F. Kennedy; but, his tenure was violently cut short by the Jews and their lackeys, who had organized and executed his assassination.
Racism Report: Africans in Israel —- 55 min
It is no secret that the murderous Bolsheviks were predominantly Jewish and bloody revolutions were financed by Jewish banks.
Countries like the US and Japan have been their tools for over 100 years.
Japan’s war against Russia in 1905 was financed by a Rothschild bank.
Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor was the best news for the Jewish banks at that time.
I’m also glad, Br. Nathanael, that you mentioned the most extraordinary event that ever happened in a military parade in Moscow in recent years; that is, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, a Buddhist in the Tuvan tradition, making the sign of the Cross in Russian Orthodox tradition, as a sacred ritual.
I have never seen any USSA official doing anything similar in any parades I had seen in my lifetime. No wonder, Jewmerica — especially in this century — is cursed. The Khazarian Mafia Jews have totally hijacked it, destroying its Christian roots.
Indeed, America and Russia have switched ideologies: America turning Bolshevik Jewish; Russia turning Orthodox Christian (again). This didn’t have to be, since the Founding Fathers had warned against Jewish immigration here. Benjamin Franklin was one of the strongest opponents of such immigration.
One thing that saddens me, Brother, is that not nearly enough people with the means to do so are contributing financially to your Foundation to keep your website running; yet, these people continue to read your articles and watch your videos.
I’m sad that I’m financially unable to make as large contribution as I want to (I’m a Senior Citizen on a fixed income). If I were earning a large salary, I’d be able to do what you’ve been asking of readers of your articles. However, my contribution will be coming to you again soon.
God bless you always,
+BN, thank you for this Video.
Made my day.
The REAL Russian “ARMATA”!
Re: Sergei Shoigu, a Buddhist in the Tuvan tradition
Let me remind you that Shoigu is baptized. He is an Orthodox Christian. His father was Mongolian (Kuzhuget), but his mother was Russian (Alexandra). He declared that he was baptized at the age of five. Both he and his siblings bear Russian names (Sergey, Larisa, Irina).
We don’t know how Buddhist his father was, but he apparently was some sort of official in URSS, therefore member of the KPUS, ostensibly atheist. But it was not uncommon for children of Party members to be baptized secretly by their mothers or grand-mothers.
He said that he was baptized in the town of Stakhanov (in Donetsk). Probably his mother was from there.
I was going to post this yesterday when i saw in Reuters Jew Kerry and his troops coming to kiss Putin feet now.
Beside those deal BN+
Here is also on Reuter fear of China-Russia “Anti-U.S. posturing” masked on what is not beneficial for both
I laugh because the Jew-USArats are feeling the pressure and the possibility of having China further moving with Russia and India further against the financial-econo-political and international arena away from USA.
Thus they try to create panic in how bad those China-Russia deals will be for both Russia first of all and China.
I’ts propaganda sold as legitimate analysis — with minor analysis and than massive “crystal ball” propaganda.
There is such a reversal from the videos of a year or more ago to what you presented today, dear Brother, that the marvel of the turn in history regarding Russia and the world, brings joy instead of latent despair that was then in many hearts.
‘Righteousness exalts a nation but sins diminish tribes’.
The tide having turned, one sees Russia exemplified by the former whereas the United States of America has piled up its national sins and those of churches lobbying for Israel to such a height that as said, ‘They who live by the sword shall die by the sword’.
Hopefully there will be a change for peace throughout the world giving respite to those places even now suffering carnage of its citizens.
Kingdoms rise and fall but the cross of Jesus ever shall remain.
Neither nation nor individual can ever endure in permanency of conflicts with the truths of Christ and His Gospel.
Brother Nathanael, your ministry has been and is of tremendous blessing and importance.
It is a fact that quite often those placed by Christ in the heavenly scheme, do suffer privations and lacks in their earthly positioning for the truth. So it is with you.
There must be many watching your videos who do know the ways of prayer.
Such could be called upon to join in spirit for a session of prayers to God through Christ for His grace of finance to be provided to you through one or two serious and able supporters.
We small fry are ill-equipped to respond in the necessary manner.
There must be some who are.
BRAVO! Brother Nathanael
Great news Brother Nathanael, great news indeed.
I still have my heart in my throat though. What the United States needs is a successful assassination of Putin. I worry that they may succeed like they did with Chavez, Gaddafi etc.
Putting another Yeltsin in power is the only way to turn this thing around for the US. They know it and I’m sure Putin knows it.
May God protect him in the coming times.
The sight of the Russian defense minister, General Shoigu, blessing himself in Christ’s Name brought tears to me eyes.
It’s an image I never thought I’d see in Russia…God’s Hand is in Russia.
Imagine an American General of our armed forces publicly making the sign of the Cross!
We will never see this Russian general on main stream Western news media, that’s for sure!
Thank you, Brother.
Dear Brother Nathanael, MARCHING TO ZION is now out, full feature, on YouTube for you to see in its entirety for free.
If you have not already seen it or been made aware of it, I am glad to bring it to your attention.
This production parallels your work of exposing the hypocrisy in our world. Thank you for your work.
Respectfully, Mike Lesyshyn
The S-300 and for that matter, all Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs) are defensive weapons.
Denying a nation the possession and use of defensive weapons should be a criminal act.
By supplying SAMs to any country willing and able to purchase such weapons — or even supplying them at no cost to the intended user — shows a desire to prevent destruction and devastation regardless of how well relations stand between Russia and the receiving nation.
SA-2’s used in the defense of North Vietnam resulted in many B-52’s being downed. The S-300 is much more advanced and effective, any airstrike into an area guarded with S-300s will be extremely challenged.
Furthermore, if we have learned anything from the Pollard affair, the Israelis have probably sold to the Russians and Chinese all American electronic countermeasures and anti-radiation missile technology which could neutralize the S-300.
American foreign policy is screwed regardless of the means. But then, our politicians have brought it upon ourselves. If you want my advice, have several shovels at hand, firstly to dig yourself a protective shelter, secondly with which to bury those who do not have a shovel.
Sign of the cross … awesome!
Who’da thought hope for America would come from Russia? The truth is, it is the hope that flows from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Life is a messy business, always the trouble, and in the context of our day to day human experience, the Jesus factor, while fundamental and critical, isn’t the only detail we need to attend to to arrive at the best result.
But when a nation opens the door and lets Jesus into their home, it’s like you feel safer, don’t have to worry so much. Sure, we’ll still screw a lot of things up, but he’ll be there, in his own mysterious way, spiritually, speaking to the conscience of each person “this is the way, take this path, and get off the road you are on”.
It is interesting to note when reading the travels of the early Christian evangelists it appears as if they had the most success in … Asia! In the day at least.
As centuries rolled on, Christianity did make its mark westward, but as BN continually points out, the Jews (imposter jews? who are these people really?), well, basically, they are just anti-Jesus satanic losers that showed up in America and turned it into a cultural cesspool, not to mention all the bloody warmongering, and every imaginable evil that flows from that root.
Yuk. What a mess. Yet here comes Putin, apparently the sincere and devout Christian. A Great Christian? Form only? Substance? Half baked faker? Well, you know what, it doesn’t matter. Just a little bit of form that at least appears somewhat sincere is surely better than the satanic immoral bloody evil decepticons and what ‘form’ they have.
It is extraordinary how totally morally bankrupt America has become. The level of awareness of what has happened to the nation is like 0.
Would that God would raise Jesus from the dead in this nation, and destroy the vessels of evil that cynically ruin the nation for a profit and the twisted enjoyment of creating a debauched States of America, once a Christian nation, now no more.
Very interesting!
This was forecast in the 1950’s.
Viva Christian Putin, my Hero!
Christian Putin v Atheist Jew World Order Communists.
Putin was voted the best President world wide by 87%.
Obama got 2%
No More Wars For The Jews!
Screw the S-300. I would give Iran S-400’s and Syria. I would then Send them to India too.
Sadly I would not count out the Fabian Society so quickly. The CFR thinks it rules the world it controls NATO and allied countries, with it’s puppets in place.
All for Jewish Zionist Agenda. The NWO.
It’s to easy to see these puppets, but if you want to know the main ones it’s France, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Australia, and Some in Italy, and Romania. The House of Saud and Israel.
Putin is creating the Tide that turns against them!!!
BRICS was truly the Check Mate!
But NATO is still circling!
@Snowy Smith South Africa
I like Putin too. And obviously, you like commenting here on my Real Jew News Comments section.
Can I ask you a question?
Did you read my Appeal asking for finances? Did you read any of them over the past many years that you have been commenting here?
Why have you never given me a dime? At least to help pay for the bandwidth it takes to run this Comments Section that you constantly use?
+Brother Nathanael
Hardly anyone is donating to me any more.
I see the writing on the wall.
This site may soon be history.
I have lost SO MANY regular contributors, many of them substantial contributers, that it breaks my heart.
I have had SO MANY disappointments, SO MANY betrayals, SO MANY promises broken that it seems to me that my online ministry is a total failure.
Too many who tell me they “love my Videos” don’t give me a cent.
My heart is broken and I am in the deep doldrums of discouragement.
I’m At A CRISIS In My Ministry.
Can someone(s) please BAIL ME OUT with a GENEROUS donation(s)?
I DON’T want to borrow money from credit cards!
Please Help Me To Continue!
To Donate Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Contribution Via PayPal CLICK:
OR Donate Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Contribution Via Click & Pledge @
By Mail:
TO: The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Personal Needs: (Rent, food, utilities, necessities etc)
Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
PS – ALL cash donations by mail come in safely. Many thanks to those who send cash.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
I need to clarify to all that I NEVER stated in my Video or anywhere that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was a “Tuvan Buddhist.”
The faker-Saker may have said it (who claims to know all things Russian) but I never said it. Why?
Because I know MUCH MORE about Russia than the Saker, than Paul Craig Roberts, or ANY of the “wanna be experts” on Russia.
I have been promoting Vladimir Putin and Christian Russian on this site since 2007. All the rest are Johnny-come-latelys who do NOT have a clue.
See my Interview with Archbiship Gabriel (who has met Vladimir Putin in his Russia-Church travels) @
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Member in Good Standing of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) @
Brother Nathanael,
I do like your videos. You have a strong presence, charisma, character, and find interesting material. I’ve even researched what I can find of you on the web.
This is the thing though, I don’t get into religion I think it’s just opiate for the masses.
I see you asking for money all over the place while blasting the Jews, who are often criticized for being greedy. It’s kind of ironic.
Dearest Kermit,
So you like my Videos do you? But I’m a “greedy Jew” you insinuate because I’m “always asking for money.”
How is it that I, with no income, no job other than my full-time 24/7, 365 online and street ministry, (of which I’m totally dependent on donations), can produce these Video and stay online unless “Im always asking for money,” ‘greedy Jew that I am?’
In fact, it is YOU who are the greedy one who watch my Videos, “likes” them, but won’t give me a dime to make them possible. “Kinda ironic.”
Oh, and by the way, are you a big fan of the JEW Karl Marx? Obviously, you are. For it was Marx who said, and you quote above in great admiration, “Religion is the opiate of the people.”
Marx is now in hell where monkey-demons are sticking prods into his Jew corpse. Betcha he’d love some “opiate” to alleviate the pain.
+Brother Nathanael
Orthodox CHRISTian
@Brother Nathanael
In reply to your question.
Whites in South Africa have NO WORK.
We are all in “SURVIVAL MODE” just like you.
Our money has been destroyed, its worth nothing.
Converting it to the $ you may be able to buy a loaf of Bread.
The ANC BLACK Government that the COMMUNIST JEW World Order helped to install in South Africa have STOLEN all the JOBS and given them to BLACKS.
The BLACKS are totally incompetent and the country is CRASHING.
Our electricity goes off every day and our inflation rate is going through the room. Petrol prices are outrageous.
Our MURDER rate is the highest in the World.
Whites and White FARMERS are getting MURDERED every day.
We are on the brink of catastrophic Failure.
Whatever spare cash I get in I make DVD Videos of your Excellent Videos and distribute them FREE throughout South Africa and the World.I have sent out more than 30 THOUSAND full DVD of Videos. Why do you think you get so many hits from South Africa.
Keep up the excellent work.
@ Snowy Smith
You guys should emigrate into east and west EU and start a business or just emigrate.
The rest of the blacks will eat their own heads because they are backwards, and finally will realize that Jews will take over and stomp them.
Then they will eat their own escarpments.
In brics SA is different from all the major players from dynamics to economics polices than the rest.
Far more different than basic economics and dynamics also.
The rest China, India, and Russia need no words since they are on top and their economies are way too dynamic and powerful to be dependent only from few commodities, and Russia constantly expands investments.
Other small newcomers beside in Asia and EU where they don’t have commodities, are getting blindly robbed by Wall Street and financial system.
Oh, and by the way, are you KERMIT a big fan of the JEW Karl Marx? Obviously, you are. For it was Marx who said, and you quote above in great admiration, “Religion is the opiate of the people.”
Kermit is a Hasbara Jew in Tell A Lie (Tel Aviv in “Israel”). Give the Jew hell.
Back off Snowy White!
“WHY ARE SO FEW DONATING TO ME? Hardly anyone is donating to me any more.”
In reply to your question there might be something other going on. I tried to donate to you using Click & Pledge but it tells my that “We were unable to complete your transaction.” and “Card Declined.”
There’s nothing wrong with my card. I know this because after this failed donation attempt I went to a online store and made a purchase using the same card and there was no problem!
Snowy, I am very familiar with South African history and understand the situation your country is in.
You are obviously trying to do something about it and I commend you for that, yet you still could support Brother Nathanael financially.
Brother Nathanael’s financial problems are real and constant. I wouldn’t ask for money unless I was absolutely desperate and neither would Brother Nathanael.
He keeps hoping and praying to get the finances to keep going, but instead gets called a greedy Jew.
His excellent journalism uncoveres the truth and is unparalleled on the Internet, yet he can barely get by.
I think people have some mental block, when it comes to calling the Jews out for what they are doing and then actively getting involved. It makes them feel uncomfortable, because they feel like they are being watched, or they may be accused of being extremists.
My take is that being a Christian, I have to ignore those concerns, because they are distractions from the Devil, to keep me from doing what is right.
In reply to your answer, “I tried to donate to you by Click and Pledge but my card was declined,” then why didn’t you try PayPal of which I post a link to constantly? Or my mailing address?
Or, are you just looking for an excuse to get a freebee at my expense? +BN
PS One of my moderators just did a test donation on Click and Pledge and the card went through fine.
@Snowy Smith of South Africa
Pretty lame of you to blame the “blacks” for your “inability” to donate to me.
Evidently, the blacks who have “impoverished” you have not stopped you from eating and paying for other living expenses AND paying for your Internet service that enables you to use my bandwidth (for the past several years) FOR WHICH you can’t even cough up a dime.
+Brother Nathanael
In regard to Snowy Smith never giving me a dime in all these years he’s used my bandwidth on this Comments Section, it’s not a matter of me being “absolutely desperate,” as you put it, that I ask for donations.
It’s because my online ministry is TOTALLY DEPENDENT on donations.
Is David Duke, who constantly sends out Appeals for donations, a “greedy Gentile” in parallel to me a “greedy Jew?”
Or, is he justifiably warranted to seek support for his online work? +BN
PS I will NOT junk up my site with advertising. Paul Craig Roberts doesn’t but he’s all set financially (honors Jews like Lendman and Cohen and ACLU constantly), while I’m broke.
Dear Snowjob, Meeish, and Kermit the Croaking Frog –
With regard to me “begging” for donations, “greedy Jew” that I am according to my detractors, here are some of the things I have to pay for:
+++ Three Sophisticated Dedicated Servers; Lite Speed Software for all of my Websites; Bandwidth for Comments Section; Webmaster; Computer Tech; A Top of the Line Internet Hosting Service that does not cave to Jew demands to take down my site (three former hosting companies I used DID just that);
Sophisticated Anti-Hacking Software; News Service Subscriptions; Multiple Domain Names to Prevent Pirating; Cutting-Edge Email Alerts;
Four Web Sites: Real Jew News; The Brother Nathanael Foundation;; The Brother Nathanael Channel, which is my own Video Platform;
Research Materials; Special Projects; Sophisticated Software for Video editing (monthly leasing fees); & Assistant for Producing My State-of-the-Art Videos; Legal Fees; Accounting Fees. +++
Whew! (AND, oh yes, I DO have to eat and keep a roof over my head.)
To Donate Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Contribution Via PayPal CLICK:
OR Donate Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Contribution Via Click & Pledge @
By Mail:
TO: The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Personal Needs: (Rent, food, utilities, necessities etc)
Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
PS – ALL cash donations by mail come in safely. Many thanks to those who send cash.
“Then why didn’t you try PayPal of which I post a link to constantly? Or my mailing address?” “Or, are you just looking for an excuse to get a freebee at my expense? +BN”
Because I don’t trust PayPal and in my country it’s illegal to send money by mail. Click & Pledge has worked previously when I’ve donated. Now it didn’t so I thought that I’d let you know about it incase there’s a technical problem.
And to your second question, No I’m not. If I was then I’d not donated at all in the first place, right?
“PS One of my moderators just did a test donation on Click and Pledge and the card went through fine.”
So, I guess I made somekind of a mistake. But I won’t bother you more with this matter. God bless you.
@meeish again
I know what country you are from, a free western-oriented country, where, as far as I know, it is NOT illegal to send money by mail to non-terrorist organizations. I have received donations by mail from ALL over the world, PayPal as well.
As for not trusting PayPal, then you should not trust ANY surfing activities on the Internet.
By the way, your continuing watching of my Videos and reading my Articles would not “bother” me at all. +BN
Call for a day of prayer..get on the offensive..why are you afraid of a real attack of the monsters?
If you do this you might not have to beg..stand up and call for a specific day to pray?
Dear missfishing,
Please don’t pollute this Comments Section with super-spirituality garbage.
I am not “casting out demons” of which “fasting and prayer” is required, I am trying to get funding for my online ministry which takes effort.
If I just sat around “praying” for donations then this site would have been history a long time ago.
Christ instructed his disciples to be “wise as serpents” when preaching the Gospel. He did not tell them “just pray” and everything will be hunky dory.
St Paul often used his “Roman citizenship” to deal with various preaching situations of which he had to use practical “wisdom.” He did not close his eyes and just “prayed.”
Obviously, you never read St Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians when trying to raise money for the saints in Jerusalem.
He didn’t just sit there and “prayed” BUT urged the Church at Corinth to raise the money for him and St Timothy and his entourage to bring to the saints at Jerusalem who were in DIRE need.
In other words, he was doing something practible.
PS Why don’t YOU ever donate to me? Too busy “praying?”
PPS I’m afraid of monsters? No. I only fear God, Who delivers me from fiends who pretend to be friends.
The back off at Snowy White was directed at YOU BN!
Snowy White is the real deal. There is No reason whatever for you BN to attack and demand Snowy white to send you cash.
I myself have send you at least 300$ in cash from EU.
All exchanged into US $, so you won’t have the trouble to exchange the cash. Sent by physical letter. But I didn’t put my name to the cash.
Please remove the last one liner in my last comment. The Back off was directed at YOU BN!
You’ve donated to me $300 in cash? “YOU!?”
Naah. Maybe $75 total some four years ago in small increments.
Snowjob Smith is full of hot air.
(I never demanded anything from him. I simply asked him why he never gave me a dime while using my bandwidth over the years. His lame excuse is to blame his inability to donate to me on the blacks. And he’s the “real thing?” Naah.)
You’ve been given MUCH bandwidth here on my Comments Section to advertise your site without which nobody would know of apart from your multiple, zillion posts here over the years.
I have stated that my ministry is in CRISIS. But Snowjob Smith and “YOU!” totally ignore that.
I don’t care if “YOU!” ever come back here.
And I don’t care if “YOU!” call me a “greedy Jew” on all the neo-nazi and white supremacist sites “YOU!” post on.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Sorry to hear so many of the correspondents here are more blow than go, +BN.
IMHO that’s a big problem with our side: more blow than go. *A lot* more…. Pissing and moaning about Jews 24/7 – but little more than that.
Well, whatever else you say about Jews they *do* put their money where their mouths are.
While our side are usually found sitting around pissing and moaning here – or at Incog’s – or 4chan… the Jews are busy builders.
Which is just one of the reasons they’re as formidible as they are.
Unfortunately, they’re formidibility is now for Satan instead of God.
Still, you have to give them their due…they put their money where their mouth is.
To be blunt there are many who question your motives, they question your style of delivery with emphasis that you are a ‘Jew’, thus there is a real element of distrust.
I just made a rather small donation not because I trust you (I don’t know you) but because I agree with most of your message.
You are in the unenviable position of being a born Jew who has accepted Christ, these conversions are extremely rare and viewed with heavy skepticism among ‘gentiles’ who have been hoodwinked by generations of cryptojew converts.
The fact that you are a little zany in your delivery of the truth crosses many of the anti-Zionist crowd the wrong way, with many thinking you are clowning around rather than really being serious. I know this because I have spoken with others about your internet presence, most even agree with the bulk of what you say, but they still remain sidelined due to the reasons stated above.
For myself, I donate to a few different internet persons, I have the means to do so, and the reason I state this is because people who do have money to give often question the cost basis underlying peoples financial woes. I encounter it daily, people crying out for help only to squander what they are given because they have no sense of how to use money wisely.
They create cost structures that are way higher than they should be, or they take on tasks that they cannot afford, or any other of many possible reasons why people spend precious resources in less than effectual ways. The problem is that we have no way of knowing whether you are simply financially inept, or truly frugal and wise but simply lacking in help.
With this being said, I would request that you share with us your monthly running costs – what is the dollar figure you need to maintain your ministry, and feed and house yourself per month.
If we understand the level of need it helps those of us who can help discern whether its money wisely spent or whether we are merely wasting our resources dumping money into a black hole of unnecessary expenses. I am willing to help, but I myself need a clearer picture of your actual situation.
One of the areas that I find I am not in agreement with you is in regards to gold and silver, you view them as tools of the Jews perhaps? Can you clarify your dislike of precious metals and the idea of ‘honest money’?
Thank you kindly.
Dear Angelo,
Thank you for being objective with regard to your financial support. You donate to me because you agree with the bulk of my message.
Indeed, the reason why people would consider donating to me should be based on the integrity of my work.
As regards my expenses, here is what I have to pay for (besides normal living expenses as I no longer live in a monastery but rent an apartment and responsible for my own upkeep):
+++ Three Sophisticated Dedicated Servers; Lite Speed Software for all of my Websites; Bandwidth for Comments Section; Webmaster; Computer Tech; A Top of the Line Internet Hosting Service that does not cave to Jew demands to take down my site (three former hosting companies I used DID just that);
Sophisticated Anti-Hacking Software; News Service Subscriptions; Multiple Domain Names to Prevent Pirating; Cutting-Edge Email Alerts;
Four Web Sites: Real Jew News; The Brother Nathanael Foundation;; The Brother Nathanael Channel, which is my own Video Platform;
Research Materials; Special Projects; Sophisticated Software for Video editing (monthly leasing fees); & Assistant for Producing My State-of-the-Art Videos; Legal Fees; Accounting Fees. +++
Regarding your question about honest money, see my Videos:
Real Money And The Jewish Dialectic @
Money For People NOT Jewish Bankers @
How To Become A Constitutional Expert On Money @
Again, many thanks for your financial support, +BN
Correct is BroN+ as usual but I view as negative Russia or anyone helping to spread the use of Nuclear uranium due to negative aspects in a grand manner likely due to lack of intelligence as we see in Fukushima spreading death all over the Pacific as far as the USA where the negative impact is yet to be revealed.
As well, should it be used more often in warfare it is easy to read the negative results on an epic scale.
Seriously, do you think Brother Nathanael is just on here for his health?
I’m being very Mr. T, haha, but seriously this is the most important web site out there now.
I have donated and I will again.
Dear All,
WORKING ON a NEW Article all day. Hope to have it up by Sunday eve.
It’s gonna BRING the Jew house DOWN. +bn
You BN are out of line in your reply to me. I have used 75 dollar on the exchange fee in the bank.
And I have not once even hinted calling you a greedy Jew. On the contrary, I have always defended you.
I’m not rich. I live on credit card.
As I said, you are out of line here.
I still like you. Peace. +BN
PS I removed the Bye, bye on my previous reply to you.
Dear All,
If just 5% of the people visiting Brother Nathanael’s website would just donate $25.00 a month, the comments section would not be consumed with requests for donations and comments to those requests.
Large donors would be nice, but we of lesser means that visiting Brother Nathanael’s website can carry the load with small donations due to our large numbers.
Brother Nathanael is one of the very rare people on the web that is not afraid to actually name names and use the word “Jew” when exposing the problems facing the world. It is imperative that his website stays on-line for the real truth to be available to those that do not know.
Brother Nathanael was born as a Jew, but he is no longer a Jew. He is a Christian and one of the few that has legitimately escaped the the trap of the tribe.
Even if you may not exactly agree with his views of Christianity because you may be of a different denomination/faith, his valuable efforts are still worth supporting with a regular monthly small donation.
You are blessed. Be thankful.
In reply to Your Suggestion.
“You guys should emigrate into east and west EU and start a business or just emigrate.”
The EU and USA are totally owned and controlled by the Synagogue of Satan Communist Jew World Order.
Migrants are flooding into EU and USA all planned by the Jew World Order to destroy the White Race.
Both EU and USA are totally bankrupt and about to crash
There is going to be massive poverty and Civil War.
South Africa has only one advantage at the moment and that is we are far away from the EU and USA Civil WAR.
I would consider relocating to Russia, the only place NOT owned and controlled by the Synagogue of SATAN Communist JEW World Order.
We are Winning!
Every decent man is ashamed of the Government he lives under.
The word is getting out of the Jew World Order War Agena.
USA Today reported that the USA Jew World Order Government has spent $26.5 million to sponsor NASCAR promoting patriotism and requesting USA Citizens to join the US Army but failed to sign up a single new recruit.
Apparently, flag waving, crowd saluting, veteran tributes and declarations of support for the troops and other nods to the military/guard that take place at the average professional sports game during half time – while crowds eat stadium dogs and drink down beers and look on gloatingly – weren’t spontaneous displays of patriotism.
Instead, they were staged managed military PR events that came with a price tag for taxpayers. Expenditures by the Pentagon and National Guard to buy sponsorship and promotional deals with numerous NFL teams, NASCAR and other sporting arenas have come under scrutiny with some members of Congress:
Requesting USA Citizens to join the USA Army but failed to sign up a single new recruit.
How far will the Jew World Order go to prop up support for its many wars and make average Americans believe we are overseas fighting for ‘freedom’?
The population has been conditioned to feast on bread and circuses.
Requesting USA Citizens to join the USA Army but failed to sign up a single new recruit.
Every decent man is ashamed of the Government he lives under.
The Middle East Desert sand is totally polluted with USA Illegal Depleted Uranium for 10000 years, thanks to convicted war criminal, George W. Bush.
No more war for the Jews.
VIVA Christian President Putin, my Hero.
Christian President Putin verses Atheist Communist Jew World Order.
My money is on Christian President Putin.
Democracy is not working and 12.7% of the population in the UK only got 0.3 of the seats that were up for grabs in the general election, the system is fixed here in the west.
Mr Putin does not need to tip the scales to win an election because his people love him and our banker puppets in the West hate Mr Putin for being so loved by Russians.
Lots of people in Europe want the US military bases removed, but you won’t hear much about that in our Hollywood ran press.
Keep it up Brother Nathanael, you could almost make a man become religious but that does not mean that i will ever be kissing the pope’s ring.
+BN I think what you do takes a lot of courage.
Trying to get other people to understand why the world has become what it has due to Zionism is tough enough. It is even tougher to make others understand when you really need help.
I know you have not met me, nor I you.
I have a real belief you are the genuine article, you appear to me to be someone who does not fear what he see’s in life and does not fear to try and do something about it. You do not have to convince me personally of it.
I pray that people reading this that think as I do will see this as well and recognize the true value you have in the Anti-Zionist movement. Remember, Paul was Jewish, and once he received the burning truth about Jesus Christ, Paul knew he could never go back to that old self. Of course I know you already know this.
I will keep praying for you +BN. If I was blessed enough to have plenty of money, I really would invest a big donation and give you a try.
For now, that is the only way I can help, hopefully that will change soon.
Screw Kerry, Putin is the man.
Where Snowy White lives, South-Africa live:
Armed Robbery in my house Girlfriend shoots 12 May 2015
She is 87, german, speak fluent English about the lying Jews holohoax b.s. on German TV.
ICH BIN URSULA – Ursula’s Message in English
Hello Brother and thank you for the reply.
I watched your videos regarding fiat money and gold and I find agreement with respect to governments minting their own money for domestic purposes.
However, the accounting of global trade exists outside the confines of a domestic money source, hence the need for gold as a balance of trade baseline.
If the domestic fiat of a nation can be used to employ and grow an economy, it must interface with the domestic currencies of various nations in trade. This currently occurs with forex trading where currencies float against one another.
However currencies are inherently unstable due to the nature of them being subject to governance by governments which are not always best suited to such aims. Gold has always been the ‘reset’ in the system, we can liken it to the actual body of a scale, its function is to provide the body upon which balance can be created.
Gold will always be important when governments are corrupt and society unjust, as an insurance against the destruction of currencies by over eager lawmakers.
If we attain an enlightened Christian world than the role of gold will be merely ornamental, it will no longer be needed as a scale since wise human leadership will properly direct development. This will indeed be a golden age, when gold will not be hoarded, but will be cast into things of beauty.
For now that time is far enough away, so the role of gold is more important than ever, as a protection mechanism against government/corporate corruption.
Try not to be too hard on those who recommend gold to people as a solution, since their message is pertinent to the times in which we live.
Thank you kindly.
My two cents.
The “silver bullet” to the hegemony of the Jew money power is SILVER in my own opinion.
@The Chosen Ones
On what basis do you form that opinion?
I think that some of the most outspoken defenders of Christian values have been Jews who have abandoned their religion of death.
Benjamin Disraeli would be another example:
IMO +BN is a very valuable resource and I am donating to him regularly (under another name).
The amount of Gold in existence (Mined since antiquity) could fill 3 Olympic sized pools.
It is limited but controlled by the few.
Silver, on the other-hand, is extremely abundant and it’s ownership is spread throughout the world making it nearly impossible for one group to “corner the market”. Thus an economy based on silver would absolutely take power from these “monsters of Babylon.
This is my op.
@The Chosen Ones
There is much more gold than that above ground, the olympic swimming pool claims for gold are purely hypothetical, an outright obfuscation.
I invest in silver because it is undervalued, and like gold is a noble metal that because of its nobility has been used as a mechanism for balance of trade. Silver is important scientifically, industrially, and as ornamentation, but it’s not a solution to corrupt governments and banks, it is however a hedge (protection) against their currency devaluations (theft of wealth).
I agree with you Angelo.
There are “many atoms of gold” in every gallon of seawater as an example. Silver (and all precious metals for that matter) is undervalued.
The ultimate solution is to abolish usury, and have our government begin once again to “coin money” as specified in our Constitution. I am being brief here.
Beware of the website “Russia Insider”. Though it purports to be pro-Russian, it is very pro-Soviet and defensive of Jews.
I posted 3 comments on different articles without any foul or derogatory language. All similar to what I do here. I quoted historical sources and cited my sources demonstrating Jewish involvement in the Bolshevist/Soviet parties. All three quotes were removed within 24 hours without notice.
The website appears to be Jewish controlled, quasi-pro-Russian.
Dear Kalin,
Russia Insider was started by an American Orthodox Christian businessman and journalist, now the volunteer editor in chief, along with about 25 other American and European ex-pat businessmen and part time citizen journalists who’ve been based in Moscow for a long time.
Their entire focus is on attempting to counter Western MSM lies about Russia and Putin, Ukraine, etc and they do post articles from other alternative news sites as well from different authors.
Just because they don’t accept comments specifically about the Jews doesn’t mean they are “quasi-pro-Russian,” particularly since their stated goal is an effort to counter Washington and the Jew-media’s propaganda.
Although I think they are on servers in the US, they still have to follow whatever journalistic guidelines and publishing laws are in effect in Russia.
Hello Brother Nathanael!
Brazilian Greetings!
I am trying to find the big picture here.
The BRICS is an attempt to escape the control IMF and World Bank? I know that in 2006 Putin he paid off Russia’s debts with the Rothschild, but Brazil has high debts with the IMF and is rulled by Wall Street (Jesuits), therefore, what is the next move here?
I know that Dilma is against the Jewmerica and financing totalitarian regimes.
Well, soon the Latin America will be the focus of geopolitical world due the social upheavals and the possibility of military intervention.
Well, in any case, it is not good for us–the people.